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Warlock (Scenesys ID: 972)
Name: Warlock
Superalias: Warlock
Gender: None
Species: Mutant Technarch
Occupation: Adventurer & Friend
Citizenship: Technarch, Alien Refugee
Residence: Xavier's
Education: Always Learning
Theme: Marvel (FC)
Groups: Mutants, New Mutants, Xaviers
Apparent Age: 209 Actual Age: 209
Date of Birth 23 May 1815 Played By Fionn O'Shea (when human-appearing)
Height: Variable Weight: Variable
Hair Color: Variable Eye Color: Variable
Theme Song: Lateralus (Tool cover by Vitamin String Quartet)

Character Info


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Self is a mostly pacifist technarch and alien refugee from Kvch who landed at Xavier's and ended up becoming an addition to the school. After several years of travel, Self is back to reconnect with soulfriend designation DouglasAaronRamseyCypher and other xfriends.


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* 1815 (Human Years): Born on Kvch to the creche's ruler, Magus.
* 1984: Warlock is challenged to combat against his father in the way of their people, and realizes Self doesn't have the urge to kill and consume that is typical of the Technarchy. Self exits, pursued by bear. (Father. Magus. Self has complex feelings about Patriarch.)
* 2016: Self lands at Xavier's School and meets soulfriend Douglas Ramsey.
* 2019-2020: Genosha. Doug (and Warlock - who is visiting Doug) seemingly die. Once Warlock is able to reform, his awareness of who Doug is has become so deep that he believes he has subsumed soulfriend in his efforts to stay alive. Devastated, he turns away from Westchester and the ruins of Genosha, deciding to travel the near corners of the universe and experience it for both of them.
*2020-2023: Initially, Warlock has a distinctly Doug-like appearance on his travels because of how sharp his awareness of Doug is. With time and distance, that starts to fade, and by 2023 Warlock is mostly back to Self, but with a few more Doug-esque quirks.
* 2023-2024: Self determines soulfriend is still alive (!!!) and zooms back to Westchester to reunite.

IC Journal

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Warlock's compassion is an outlier among his species. Self does not enjoy taking Lifeglow from other sentient beings, and prefers peace to bloodshed. In the past, Warlock has relied on others to help determine what level of sentience should be avoided, but on their solo travels Self has come to see the compassion in assisting ill beings to a peaceful end. Self enjoys brightening the days of others in cheerful ways, whether it's transforming Self into companion size and playing games such as "fetch" or "catch", becoming a bouquet of bright flowers, or simply making increasingly ridiculous faces and formations until otherfriends are smiling or laughing.

Despite the "war" in "Warlock", Self despises actual war and large-scale conflict. Self will fight, in protection of self, soulfriend, otherfriends, and against entities and things that try and deliver mass destruction, but Self would really rather not. It is a waste of perfectly good, beautiful, brilliant Lifeglow, and is also a threat to the health and safety of Self's soulfriend, designation DouglasAaronRamseyCypher.

That said, Warlock does engage in verbal conflict, and in physical conflict seen as "training" or "fun" - sparring, water balloons, and the like. When Warlock cannot participate in these, they will often become a rather odd formation of Self-cheers.

Warlock is the definition of curious. Query: What is that? Why does it exist? Can I lick it? How does it thrive? These are all things one might hear from Warlock on a regular basis. Sometimes the questions get uncomfortably personal. If you tell Warlock that (especially if you're willing to explain WHY), then Self will either find the answer elsewhere or drop the subject.

Unless you're Doug. Soulfriend gets all of the queries that others can't handle and the internet is a confusing resource for.

Character Sheet


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Warlock has no true form, and is theoretically capable of transforming into anything. However, shifting does require the consumption of Lifeglow, and as an immature part of his species, Warlock consumes Lifeglow for large, exceptional shifts (spacecraft, giant boats, larger aircraft, trains, etc) at a rate that makes maintaining them in a functional form effectively useless. That said, Warlock could shift into what LOOKS like a NASA rocket, and even imitate some of the panels and interior, but the parts that make it move would be missing, and the form wouldn't be able to hold for more than a few hours. It's a fun party trick.

He can approximate organic forms at will, including taking a realistic human form.

Warlock can survive in the vacuum of space without extra assistance, and is also capable of entering hyperspace and traveling through it. Naturally, this means Self is perfectly capable of flight on Earth and generally prefers it for travel.

Superhuman Durability:
Warlock is not vulnerable to harm in the same way as humans, although he can be knocked out of his transformation or even killed with enough power. A lack of lifeglow consumption will also cause Self to revert to a shapeless being.

Superhuman Senses:
The sensors that a technarch possess allow them to interact with the world in ways that standard human senses do not. The spectrum of colors visible increase, the lowest tones and highest pitches become more accessible. (Self does not suggest blowing a dog whistle in the near vicinity.)

Superhuman Strength:
Warlock is stronger than a regular human. The upper limits of Warlock's strength have not been proven, but in a grapple with Colossus or similarly enhanced beings they'd likely come to some sort of stalemate rather than a clear victory.


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Warlock is young by Technarchy standards - just barely old enough to have been challenged when Self fled. However, Self picks up new things fairly quickly, particularly when merged with soulfriend. A topic's nuances affect how fast Warlock picks something up, and making an effort to learn - via books, lectures, hands-on, etc. speeds the process up. Your memes do not just belong to soulfriend, they also belong to Self.

Warlock's shifting is limited by Lifeglow consumption and imagination... and Warlock's imagination is vast. Being exposed to humans has only increased Self's ability to picture new and exciting things, and Self loves to apply those mental images to the form and function of being.


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There are three ways Self can obtain Lifeglow.
* 1: (preferred) Pure energy (usu. electricity). Self is the strangest bike at the EV charger!
* 2: Infect a mechanical object with the Techno-Organic virus to convert it into usable energy, then consume it.
* 3: (least preferred) Infect a sentient, organic object with the TO Virus, convert it into usable energy, and consume it. Self prefers to only use this in compassionate ways, and rarely even then.

Self's Soulfriend:
AKA Doug "Cypher" Ramsey, Warlock's best friend and platonic soulfriend. Doug helps Warlock understand the world around them from a human perspective, and in return Warlock is fiercely protective of the man.

Once communication was established thanks to soulfriend, the mutants of Xavier's have largely been very welcoming to Warlock. Self is able to learn and grow with xfriends, and access some of the school's resources and accommodations as a student/all/friend/sheltered refugee.


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Gestalt Being:
Merging with soulfriend is... complex. Too long or too often, and the two risk permanent integration. Warlock likes Self and selfsoulfriend. Self does not want to permanently be DouglasWarlockAaronCypherRamsey codename Douglock!

It's a useful tool, but a dangerous one. Warlock and Doug have to be very aware of how close the tugs of permanence feel and adjust accordingly.

Lifeglow Dependence:
As much as Lifeglow is a fairly plentiful resource, it's also a weakness. When Warlock is denied access, Self reverts to the amorphous form and grows sluggish and prone to glitching - similar to a battery powered flashlight nearing depletion. If Warlock is fully depleted but quick to receive more Lifeglow, then there's no long-term harm. However, should Warlock stay depleted for an extended period (think days turning to weeks, not hours), then Self will effectively corrode - Survival instinct will overcome Self's compassion and distaste for snacking on healthy sentient beings, and should there be none in the area Self will die.

Young Technarch:
In terms of human years, Warlock is ancient, but in Technarchy terms Warlock is just barely an adult. This means Self is only just tapping into powers, and would have difficulty trying to overcome another technarch alone. This also affects Self's speech patterns to a point - Warlock always has a bit of a tell in speaking, but when stressed can devolve to the point that only Doug can decipher what Self is trying to say.



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