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The Framework: Sweet Talkin' Daddy
Date of Scene: 04 June 2021
Location: Penthouse, The Triskelion
Synopsis: Daisy pumps Holden for information and learns a little more about his plans for the world... the real world.
Cast of Characters: Melinda May, Daisy Johnson

Melinda May has posed:
If Holden noticed that Skye's sleep was heavier than usual, over night, he made no mention of it. Blessedly, he also didn't try getting too handsy, either. How it is that he can be a Head of HYDRA not be a total bastard with his girlfriend is probably a mystery. But one, no doubt, Daisy is probably grateful for.

Of course, the man was up and out of bed before she returned from her last update outside the Framework. He's not lazy, that much is certain. Rail thin and wired, it seems, for activity, he's been busy away from the apartment most of the morning -- likely connecting with Leopold and working on their current plans for world domination.

After all, America is only one part of one continent. The world is so much bigger.

Still, the day must have gone well, given he enters the penthouse suite with a bounce in his step. "AIDA?" he calls out. "Have lunch brought in, would you? There's a luv." He moves to stand in front of one of the large panoramic windows, hands clasped behind his back, looking out over his domain.

Daisy Johnson has posed:
What is it with this headache? Daisy certainly isn't used to this, hangovers, drugs. Never really been her style. Skye Starr though? Well, one has to wonder what she's been up to since Daisy turned off to go sleep. Did she wake up and indulged? Daisy is betting on that. Maybe some of those no-no drugs that Ginny was talking about...


She has been sitting on her bed for a few moments, looking at her hands, rubbing her face, a little look around after checking on her phone. And of course that on her drawer she finds a mountain-load of pills. Many of them painkillers. Figures. She pops a couple, just to be functional and eventually gets on with her day. Morning shower and all that and she is ready to face the world!

On in this case her sugar daddy.

Hearing Holden come in Daisy moves to receive him, bright smile on her expression, eyes wide. "Holden, welcome back darling. You are home early, didn't think you might come over to lunch." a grin, "Things are going well then?" she makes her way over to join him, one hand on his shoulder and she also looking out at the man's domain.

"It feels almost as if the whole world is in your hands." she says of the man's attitude with a teasing little grin to her expression.

Melinda May has posed:
Holden smiles broadly as Skye comes to join him. "Oh, you're awake," he smiles. His hand slides behind her, over the small of her back, and he turns to indulge himself in a kiss -- or, at least, to attempt so. "Yes," he says, pulling back, his broad smile on his face. "With the Inhuman threat virtually eliminated, it's only a matter of time, now, before the rest of the metas fall in line. And then, whatever remnants of SHIELD are left will find themselves entirely without allies. It won't be long, now." Figures he'd be pleased by something like that.

His arm still around her waist, he turns back to the vista before them, much of New York visible on the horizon. "And what of you, darling? Have you quite recovered from that rough concert? I expect Ginny has been beside herself with worry."

Daisy Johnson has posed:
It wouldn't go well for Skye to stop refusing kisses, specially with the man being in such a good mood. So she indulges. A little chaste kiss just to let him yearning for more and just the slight wiggle of her hip to let it brush against Holden's. All tricks she has learned through her training with spy luminaries like May and Bobbi. And ..., Ward. Or was he the target of her practice? Irrelevant!

What's important is that she certainly seems to enjoy the close contact, remaining near the man. It's perhaps a good thing that her eyes are on the outside though when Holden speaks about the Inhuman 'threat'. Yes, she saw how they were eliminated. Smile falters and she is quiet for a couple of seconds..

"Oh, those fleas are still out there?" She says of SHIELD as if they were a nuisance. "I thought they were all but eradicated too.." give it to a popstar to not be fully aware of the state of the world.

"I am back and ready to rock this world as they say." Oh, he has no idea, does he? Her smile returning shortly after, "And I am still waiting for that promised walk about the Hydra premises. I should figure out a good place for a concert, you know? For morale, after the win."

Melinda May has posed:
Fleas, indeed. Holden lets out an aborted chuckle. "Oh, they're still out there. But hardly more than a nuisance, really." His Scottish lilt is warm and easy as he dismisses HYDRA's former nemesis.

He looks at her speculatively, his blue eyes sparkling a little. "We could wander," he agrees. "It will take a wee bit before AIDA has lunch for us. I'll have it brought to the terrace. Though, if it's a concert venue you're wanting, I think I have the perfect spot." He takes her head. "Come on..." And he starts heading for the lift.

Daisy Johnson has posed:
Wander. That's music to her ears. Literally! Because nothing safer than exploring Hydra territory at the arm of the Director. Skye claps her hands together in support of the idea, "Excellent! I can barely wait to see what place you would have picked." this she says while making her way alongside Holden.

Her dark eyes briefly turn aside to look at where she expects AIDA to be at. Maybe closer to the kitchen? But considering she is the mastermind.., does she even need to cook? Or who does it? "AIDA works so much.." she comments. "I hope you are letting her out from time to time and not be here all the time to tend to our needs, Holden.." perhaps she looking for some confirmation that he isn't overworking poor AIDA!

Of course that it's all mostly a ruse to see if she can figure out more about AIDA's own schedules. Might make it easier to follow her later on. But she makes her way to the lift shortly after, wandering in and ready to go.

Melinda May has posed:
"Ach," Holden says dismissively, tone still warm. "AIDA's fine. I couldn't ask for a more efficient personal assistant." He maintains the fiction that she's human -- it's not as if he's ever told Skye differently. Nor has the popstar ever cared, beyond being assured the assistant does *not* come near the bedroom.

The lift takes them down... down... all the way down to the main floor, by passing all the truly sensitive areas of the main tower. The doors open and the pair find themselves at the back of the large Atrium that has always been the foyer to the Triskelion -- though instead of the great eagle logo, there is a HYDRA logo standing proudly in the middle of its expanse. The wall honouring fallen SHIELD agents is gone, replaced with banks of monitors that show various propaganda clips of the 'see something, say something' variety.

Holden's long legs mean his leisurely stroll is still a good clip, strides eating up the distance as he heads for the wide, sweeping staircase that descends into the Atrium proper. He's heading for the front entrance, obviously.

Daisy Johnson has posed:
All the way down... Skye takes her time adjusting her dress. And why the heck does Skye only has skimpy dresses in her wardrobe? Clearly she needs to improve this. But for now .., it will have to work. Of course that she lets out an inner sigh though. So unfair being a spoiled pop star diva...

She follows Holden out of the lift when the doors open, instantly recognizing the place. She has crossed it almost daily since she began working with SHIELD, a bit over three years ago. To see it like this is .., certainly a different view. Eyes rest on that wall where the fallen agents names used to be. How ironic they would sub them with .., this.

She shakes her head to herself a touch and makes sure to hasten her pace to keep up with Holden. "Oh, you are in such a hurry.." she tells him, a faint smile.

But she moves along to the front entrance, "Mmmm, this looks so grand..." she murmurs.

Melinda May has posed:
Holden gives Skye an indulgeant smile and slows his pace slighly so she, in her skimpy dress and heels, doesn't have to struggle to keep up. He links her arm through his, covering one of her hands with his own. "I'm sorry, love," he says fondly. "I didn't mean to rush you."

His eyes sweep over her appreciatively and he smiles, before folowing her eyes throughout the atrium. "Mm. It's a statement piece, wouldn't you say?" he admits. "It's hard to believe it's been just under 8 years since SHIELD fell."

2013. In the real world, that's the year Melinda May shot Katya Belyakov in Bahrain. Here? It's the year Melinda May shot Katya Belyakov in Cambridge, MA, some three months after rescuing her from Bahrain.

He walks with her to the broad front doors, not even noticing the wake that flows before and after him as people move automatically out of the couple's way. Out on the concrete promenade leading from the water's edge along the stretch of river piers to the front of the building, Holden gives Skye's hand a light squeeze.

"What do you think?" he says conspiratorially. "The crowds could fill this place." He points to the water. "We can set you up on a barge stage, pyrotechics, full lighting, fireworks. You name it. There, out on the river, where you won't need to worry about being mobbed by the unwashed."

Daisy Johnson has posed:
There's a look of thanks from Skye when Holden slows down. An actually honest one! Because walking in heels in that dress? Not an easy task at all. And she doesn't have the practice! Good thing the heels are sturdy at least. Might be the actual Skye invested in stronger ones so she doesn't stumble as much when under the influence... Which she expects is all the time.

"It's a statement, alright." she says, perhaps a bit more serious than she wanted before she clears her throat. "I mean, there's something about taking out your old enemies' base and make it yours. Sort of a raw, primal thing." she closes her free hand in a fist. Yes, she at least is learning on how to stroke the man's ego.

Of course that she takes that date and relates it to the events of the time. One of them would be that, the killing of that girl, the Inhuman Katya. There was a connection there. "I am sure it must have been a masterstroke the way you took over SHIELD.." again stroking his ego, and perhaps seeing if he will open up more on what happened.

Attention then goes to promenade, then the front of the building.

"Oh, it's perfect." she almost purrs, jumping up excitedly. And it was. So close to the actual place, and where many of their friends would be gathered.

Melinda May has posed:
Holden smiles at Skye's apparent delight. He walks a little further out and turns back so that the building is fully visible. His hand sweeps up in a broad, visionary gesture. "We can light up the facade. Green. Orange. Any colour you want, really. Make it part of the show." Not that he has any timeline on when all this will happen. It's really nothing more than an imaginative exercise to entertain his girl.

"I think we've got a few holographic projectors we could commandeer. What do you think of that? We could take a tour through some of the open areas of R&D. See if there's anything nifty there to repurpose..."

Daisy Johnson has posed:
"Mmmm, how about a nice blue...?" Skye then suggests, making a broad gesture as if mimic'ing Holden to encompass the whole building. "Just like my name. Sky." incidentally it's also a major color of the old SHIELD. Ah well! But would the dive Skye really be suggesting that on purpose. Good heavens!

"We can put people up there on those windows too, maybe a facade with my name as well. Imagine the whole Hydra looking on the show. And knowing it was all your idea of morale uplifting." some more ego stroking... She's getting good at this.

The trip through R&D does make those beautiful brown eyes to swirl! Oh, now she's excited! And for real too! "I would love that...! You never take me to visit your workplace!" she is already holding on to his arm as if to pull him inside to go look at this R&D.

"Lead the way, my charming King." She goads. Not as if she doesn't know the way there by heart considering how much time she spent up there, bringing takeout to FitzSimmons!

Melinda May has posed:
Holden looks completely chuffed by the young thing's attention. The ego stroking works, it's sadly true. He is, after all, a man of a certain age, which means he appreciates a certain level of attention. That said, he is also a man well accustomed to both holding and wielding power. So, while her display is entirely appreciated, he's not entirely unaware of what he's doing.

"Now, I don't want you to be disappointed, love," he says to her, making sure her arm is tucked in his in that old fashioned, courtly manner. He even pats her hand lightly. "We'll not be seeing anything restricted. I love you dearly, but there are some things that are best left alone." He gives her a reassuring smile. "Nevertheless, I think you'll be impressed."

And as they make their way back into the building, again, the people just seem to part before him. He doesn't look at them or even acknowledge they exist. He simply shows his date the way back to the lift.

Daisy Johnson has posed:
Skye puts in her best pout. Nothing restricted? But where's the danger in it? The ..., spice? She lets him know just that with a little hip bump but holds on against his arm, not pushing her luck too much. "If you think it's for the best..." she smiling wistfully. But nonetheless even getting there is a win. And it will let her have a glimpse of whats going on inside.

She walks alongside the man now, all proud at being on his arm, smiling brightly at the man. So much spoiling that he gives her!

No wonder all the no-no drugs...

She walks back along Holden to the lift, even if she does pay a bit more attention to the surroundings than him. Might be she sees a familiar face. But with none present she goes in. "I am always impressed by what you do, and what you have done to achieve this power." she may also punch him in the throat one day. But that's how things go!

Melinda May has posed:
"Ach," Holden says in that dissimissive way again. "Please. My goal is to advance humanity to it ultimate potential." He looks out over the city as the elevator rises, its class walls providing a spectacular view. "All flesh and blood has limits. But, one day... One day, love, we'll transcend all of this. You and me, together. We'll not only rule the world, we'll shape it with our thoughts and dreams."

There's avid gleam in his eyes as he speaks. The fervor of a true believer. "So many are so limited in their thinking. But, not us, love. We are working on systems that will let you stay young and beautiful forever. Strong. Immortal." He gives her a dark smile. "But only a select few -- the worthy. Those who truly understand the scope of all that HYDRA can become."

Daisy Johnson has posed:
Oh yes, Skye certainly likes the stay young forever. So she beams a nice little smile. The rest would go over her head but Daisy appears to understand what the man is talking about. As if he was aware of where he was in. Which is quite curious.. "I can't wait to see those dreams come true." she says quietly.

That last part has her grin. "Oh, I hope there's a place for me toooo." she asks, her teeth in a nervous little smile. But of course there is! Isn't there ...?

"I am sure I can do more than just sing for you.." She adds softly.

Melinda May has posed:
"Of course, there's room for you, love," Holden says, giving her hand a little squeeze as the doors open. They step up into the R&D complex. It's been completely reconfigured to what it was at the Triskelion in the real world. It's gleaming white, like an Apple store. There are labs behind partially frosted glass and people in lab coats moving around with very serious expressions on their faces.

Holden leads her down the left hand corridor, towards one of the larger, more open labs. There are a variety of apparatuses on the tables, some of which are clearly displaying radiation warnings -- well, 'laser hazzard' warnings, reallly. It's not like they've got plutonium or uranium here. But Xenon lasers are just as scary, in their own way. "You'll like this," Holden says, leading her between the tables. "We have a whole holographic suite just back through here."

Daisy Johnson has posed:
"Mmmm, it's all so white and clean.." Skye says with clear appreciation, smiling toothily, a fake a smile as she ever mustered. Her cheeks will hurt when this is all over for sure. She looks at the various lab rats running around. And so serious. Very different from the SHIELD she knows. But that's the be expected. "They take their job very seriously." she comments about them.

"An holographic suite?" She then asks, blinking. "What does it do..?" another innocent smile. Daisy would know! But Skye..?

Oh, what nice red warnings. She loves red....

Melinda May has posed:
"I don't suppose you watch too many sci-fi movies, do you, love?" Holden says with a warm chuckle. "Come on." He takes her hand. "I'll show you."

As always, people move out of his way as he approaches. One is brave enough to come forward. "Dr. Radcliffe," the man says, absolutely bleeding obsequiousness. "We didn't expect to see you here, today."

The scotsman straightens. The look he gives the man is arrogant, far different than how he has been dealing with Skye. "Is that a problem, Kenneth?"

"N-no, sir. Not at all. Though, we were going to test a new set of parameters, today."

"Has the test started?"


"Then it's fine. Excuse us, Kenneth." Holden clearly dismisses the man, who steps back nervously, reluctantly. Without a second glance at him, Holden passes his hand over the swipe card sensor -- rather than a card. As if by magic, the door opens and he ushers Skye into the large suite.

It's a dark room, with very small projectors nestled strategically into walls. Cameras and feedback sensors as well. "AIDA," Holden says clearly. "Activate Ogygia simulation, please."

Around them, the walls shimmer and disappear. Before long, they're standing in a very believable replica of a Mediterranean island.

Daisy Johnson has posed:
Daisy Johnson? Oh yes she does! Skye Starr? She prefers the Kardashian shows. So instead she giggles instead of being tempted to nerd out with some random sci-fi quote. And ugh, giggling. She hasn't done that in a while too.

"Mmm, I do love me some show, not tell." a promising wink as they walk. And look at that. A challenger! For a moment she hopes it will be Fitz. She could use seeing him again. But no. Just a sycophant. She does offer Kenneth a nice, little smile though. Not too much though, just in case Holden takes it for something else. But she does note that change in attitude, the way he deals with his subaltern. How she hates those people...

Breathe in, breathe out.

"Oh, new tests? What are they about?" She asks in that clueless manner of hers. "Or is it the restricted stuff?" she places a finger over her lips in a shushing gesture as if it was all very secretive.

Hmmm, hand print. Interesting tech. It wasn't a fingerprint though. Perhaps a chip inside his hand. But getting something like this could help her get in here. Something to look into..

She looks around when Holden says Aida's name. "Did she come with us? I thought she was getting lunch ready.." but then they are on an island. Impressive tech indeed, even for their standards at SHIELD. Her eyes widen for real this time..

"Woah .., it feels so real.." she steps forward, taking out her shoes to feel the ground.

Melinda May has posed:
It's an impressive sim, to be sure. Whether it's because HYDRA actually has the technology or because the matrix makes it possible, of course, is impossible to tell. The grass under foot feels cool and damp. The sun is warm and bright. There are palm trees and strategically planted tall rows of yew and box shrubs allowed to grow impressively tall to provide both shade and shelter. There's a gazebo not so far away.

"What do you think, love?" Holden smiles, taking her by the hand and leading her to the gazebo. "Shall we have lunch here? AIDA always hears me when I need her to. It's part of her charm."

Yeah. Charm. That's it...

Daisy Johnson has posed:
"I have never seen anything like this..." Because really. Daisy hasn't. Unless we count this whole simulation they are in right now. But then wouldn't this start to be some kind of inception thing? She doesn't want to think on that juuuust yet. But she will damn well appreciate it.

She walks with Holden to the gazebo and smiles, settling down at the gazebo. "Sounds lovely.." then laughing at the part about AIDA.

"You really need to give her a raise then."

Yet it was now time to enjoy some time out in the sun. And ponder next steps.

Melinda May has posed:
Holden chuckles softly. "I suppose I do, at that," he agrees. Though, really... since she doesn't actually get paid, what would that mean to an AI? Probably not a question to ask aloud.

He brings Skye to the edge of the gazebo and then up into its confines, settling beside her on a bench. "I do have some bad news though, love," he tells her. "I'm going to have to be away for a bit. Leopold and I have some business we really must attend. It's become quite urgent. I know you'll understand. And I'll do everything I can to make it up to you, but you'll have to let AIDA take care of you for a few days."

Daisy Johnson has posed:
Be alone with a murderous AI that may just as well start to suspect her? Or well, not yet for sure. Or Daisy would be dead meat by now. Or in this case virtual meat... But it's not a great prospect at all. It may also give her a lot more freedom to move around but ..., she needs to know more about this. "You are going away?" her eyes go wide. Alarmed. All those abandonment issues coming to the fore. She doesn't even have to fake those too much...

"Where will you be going? Is it serious?" She asks quietly, leaning in closer to Holden, "Couldn't I just go with you instead?"

Melinda May has posed:
Holden manages to look both mournful and hangdog all at once, while keeping part of himself closed off. It's quite the trick, really. "I have to," he laments, rubbing his fingers across the back of her knuckles. His expression grows serious. "We're nearly finished building a very important construct." His lips press thinly together, betraying a trace of his irritation. "Despite Leopold's... preoccupation with his work on metahuman genomics, we're very close to creating the transcendental bridge I told you about. I've *got* to be there to oversee the final installation and activation of the project. And without Leopold, well... I don't trust anyone else to get it right."

He looks up at the sky through a gap in the gazebo frame and then around at this constructed world around him. "Just as this world is constructed within ours, our world is constructed within an even larger one. I intend to cross over." He smiles at her. "I'll come back for you, of course, but... this is the culmination of everything I've been working for. True transhuman ascendence. If it works, it won't just change the playing field, it'll change the whole game. And HYDRA... well, it will be far too small to matter, really. Not with the whole universe at our fingertips."

Daisy Johnson has posed:
Transcendental bridge? Wait.... What the heck is he talking about exactly. She isn't liking this at all. "Ooo, the one where we will be able to become immortal. To ascend?" she beams, again that smile way too forceful. Those cheeks are hurting like hell already. And she feels like things are moving very fast. She will have to find a way to get Fitz to meet Jemma ..., and soon. A small part of her brain does wonder if the man is still susceptible to food bribes...

"I really wish I could see it when it gets finished building..." her best doe eyes in place. Her voice with just the right amount of whiny to sound endearing. Someone give this girl an oscar! Or a razzie ....

"Mmmm, the universe... I like how you talk. Not even the world is enough?" A faint grin, another ego stroke. "When will you be leaving?" maybe she can get someone on his tail. Like Sharon.

Melinda May has posed:
"The world is never enough," Holden says, a sparkle in his blue eyes. On some level, he's quoting a cheesy movie. On another, though... he's probably entirely serious. He wraps his arms around her and gives her a tight hug. "I'll think about it," he promises her. "It's just that it's very risky, and I don't want you getting hurt."

He pulls back, then, and grins at her. "Besides. Ginny's going to be absolutely frothing if you don't complete your tour. Don't tell me you intend to cancel over just a few misplaced lights..."

He doesn't seem inclined to elaborate on the experiment itself however. He does lean in, though, and kiss her forehead. "But, yes. We'll be immortal, Skye. We'll see things you've never dreamed. Just you wait."