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Latest revision as of 00:43, 7 June 2021

An Extended Date
Date of Scene: 15 April 2021
Location: Dick's Room - Wayne Manor
Synopsis: No description
Cast of Characters: Dick Grayson, Stephanie Brown

Dick Grayson has posed:
Dick gave Stephanie a little warning this time rather than just showing up at her dorm. The phone call went, "Hey Steph, pack an overnight bag for a couple days, warm weather. We've got things to do. I'll be by to collect you in an hour. You don't have plans for the next couple days, do you?"

Roughly an hour later, his '69 Camaro roars up into the parking lot, probably attracting the envy of most of the guys in the dorm, and possibly a number of the girls as well. He makes his way up to her room and knocks, "Comon Steph, time to go. No time to waste, we've got to get going."

Stephanie Brown has posed:
Definitely the girls. When Stephanie opens the door, she's got a bag over one shoulder. It's probably smaller than any girl has ever packed for a trip with him. Though she does grab a second bag, which Dick would recognize as being one of the bags that allows them to conceal their Bat gear while having normal contents for someone to find if they checked it. "Do I need, you know... my -alternate- clothing?" she asks. And if not she stows that quickly and then steps out into the hall with Dick, otherwise it comes with her too.

Stephanie is wearing shorts and some flats with a white t-shirt with the name of a Bristol restaurant on it. A chicken place that has good tenders and sauce. She slips some sunglasses onto her face as she walks along with Dick to the elevator. "So, where are we off to?" she asks curiously.

Dick Grayson has posed:
Dick is actually in shorts as well, with a linen button front shirt and sandals. He shrugs, "It can't hurt to have it along, I always do. I'm hoping we won't need it, but being prepared is always a good idea. Oh, grab your passport also." He takes her alternate bag and leads her down to the car, stowing her stuff in the trunk next to a couple fairly similar bags of his own. Once they're in the car, he spins it around and heads down the road taking the turns towards the airport.

With a smile, he shakes his head, "Now, what fun would it be if I told you ahead of time? Suffice it to say this is the advantage of dating a jetsetting playboy like myself." He grins at her, given that flaunting his wealth is something he actually doesn't do, except for at society functions where expensive clothes and such are expected.

They get to the airport quickly (gotta love ignoring speed limits as a cop) and he drives over and parks in a Wayne Enterprises hangar. There's a black Gulfstream G500 parked in the hangar that he carries his bags over to and stows, letting Steph carry her own since his hands are full. Once they are both in, he hits the intercom and says, "Ok, we're good." The jet rolls out of the hangar, and withing ten minutes they are airborne and headed south.

Stephanie Brown has posed:
Stephanie turns in her seat to mostly face Dick on the drive over. "You are so going to spoil me, aren't you?" she teases him, reaching over to rest her hand on his leg while he drives. "I have a few days, though I might need to find some time to do an assignment and upload it before we get back," she tells him. "Chemistry. My favorite. Thankfully I don't need to be in the lab for it."

She peers around as they pull into the airport and head for the private hangar. She climbs out, moving around to sling the two bags over her shoulders, then follow Dick to the plane.

Once they are settled she gets a bottle of water and sits next to Dick, looking out the window as they take off. "You know I hadn't been out of the country before. Not until I had to go for... work," she says. She was in Russia recently, trying to stop the Joker from creating an international incident. And as it turned out, capturing Mr. Freeze.

Dick Grayson has posed:
With a smile, he shrugs, "You could call it that, I just call it using the resources I have available. As for your assignment, we've got laptops, so no problem there."

Once the jet is in the air, he stands up and gets a bottle of water as well, sitting back down beside her and saying, "Well, now you get to go out of the country for fun. But yeah, this is a date, not work. I just had you bring your costume because the truth is, we seem to run into trouble when we least expect it, so why not be ready?"

He reclines his chair a little and relaxes, "It'll just be a couple hours, so if you want to knock that Chemistry thing out before we arrive, then you won't need to worry about it while we're there." He waves at the portion of the cabin that contains a desk and computer setup.

Stephanie Brown has posed:
Stephanie Brown leans over towards Dick once he's settled back down, and gently kisses him. "Gotta be all responsible and do the work first," she says in a voice of mock exasperation. "Alright," she agrees, and leans back in for another gentle kiss before rising and heading over to the desk.

She takes a seat and gets the laptop out, bringing up the exercises on it. She glances at the window. Down. Left. Right. Even up. Then she sits for a moment looking like she's thinking about things before finally settling back down into her chair. "Figure Bruce would already have a list of destinations based on using the sun to figure out our direction," she says. "I'll have to see if I was right without checking WayneMaps."

She flashes a blue-eyed wink over to Dick and then starts in on her exercises.

Dick Grayson has posed:
Dick actually takes the opportunity to nap. Steph's working, plane is flying, he's actually got nothing important to do at the moment, so why not? The jet keeps cruising southeast at altitude, the internet is suprisingly stable and high-speed for Steph's schoolwork, and time passes.

Several hours later, the jet starts to descend, the change in engine pitch waking Dick up to look around and put on his seatbelt, "Get your work all done, Steph? And did you figure out where we are yet?"

Looking out the window at this point will make things a little easier to answer that, as they are descending over a brilliant blue ocean towards a small group of islands linked by road bridges. It's only a short while before the jet touches down and taxis over to an arrival terminal.

Stephanie Brown has posed:
Stephanie works away, focusing on her chemistry. Though there are a few moments that she spends looking over at the sleeping man. Her heart does quicken in this moments. She'd never believed they might end up together. She'd fought against what she knew she was feeling, thinking it would only lead to heartache if she let herself go that way.

And here they are, flying somewhere warm and beautiful together. It's tough to go back to her schoolwork, but she eventually does. Calculating molarities and valence... valence stuff. She was going to have to reread that chapter.

When he wakes and asks if she knows where they are, she leans out to look out the window. Well I figured we were likely heading down the coast, though I'm not really sure how fast these planes fly and didn't have any reference points I could use to estimate it. The Florida Keys maybe?" she asks him, an eyebrow going up. "I'm just about done, I can finish up what I have left in an hour or so at some point when you need another nap," she says, closing the laptop and moving back over to join Dick.

Dick Grayson has posed:
He shakes his head, leaning over to give her a kiss, "Nope, but welcome to Bermuda. I thought we could spend a couple days on the beach, maybe some scuba diving, that kind of thing. It's nice here, though a bit touristy. There's even some historic stuff to see, if you get tired of the beach. It's been a British possession for a long time, got goverment houses and forts and the like.

He takes his bags and heads for the door, "Comon, there's a car waiting for us to take us to the hotel." Which there is, a large SUV with a driver who stows their bags in the back, and once they are settled in, heads out of the airport onto the streets. After about 20 minutes, he pulls into a large complex labeled as the Pompano Beach Club. A porter comes out and collects the bags while Dick leads Steph to the desk and checks in. Leading her up to the room.. well, penthouse suite, honestly, he gestures at the view, "Well, here we are."

Stephanie Brown has posed:
Stephanie looks excited as Dick reveals Bermuda to be the island below. "So we made it through the Triangle, even," she says with a laugh. She leans over to look out the window as the plane comes down for its landing. She stands up and moves back over to Dick, putting her arms about his shoulders. "Thank you. You're wonderful, Dick Grayson," she tells him, and leans in to give him another soft kiss while they wait for the plane's door to open.

She relaxes in the car with Dick as they are driven to their hotel. Sunglasses on, the windows down to let the warm air with that ocean scent in. It's the same ocean as in Gotham, yet the smell is so much nicer there!

She walks into the room with Dick after they are shown up to it. "Wow," she says, looking around. "I'm just... wow," she tells him. She moves over to look out the window, past the balcony there and out over the tremendous view of the ocean. She pulls her eyes away to look back at Dick, smiling to him and reaching out a hand for him even as she looks back to the view.

Dick Grayson has posed:
Dick moves over and takes her hand, then slips up behind her and wraps his arms around her as they look out the window. "I think you'll like it. Sun, surf, beach, it's all nice. And if you need, we can hit a shop and get you a few bathing suits. I didn't warn you you'd be spending days on the beach, so I don't know how you packed."

He kisses her cheek, then lets her go and moves over to the bar area where he collects a bottle of champagne and pops it, pouring a bit into two glasses. He comes back over, hands her one and says, "To us. And we're out of the US, so I can give you that without breaking the law."

Stephanie Brown has posed:
Stephanie leans her back against Dick's chest as his arms go around her. Her head rests back against his shoulder and she sighs happily, her arms wrapping atop his own. Her fingers gently brush back and forth along his arm. "I did bring one just in case. But if you'd like to pick out something you'd like to see me in, I wouldn't be adverse to it," she tells him, turning her head to smile at him and brush a kiss back to his.

She turns with him as he gets the champagne. The blond teen lets out a happy laugh about not breaking the law. "I wouldn't want to get you in any trouble at work," she agrees as she takes the glass. She touches it against his and takes a sip. "Mmm. That's nice," she says with a smile. "So, Cassandra was in my room trying on clothing. And of course she picked up on us at the party. She seemed happy about it. Also she loved Randy," Stephanie tells Dick.

Dick Grayson has posed:
Dick sips from his glass as well, then grins, "I like seeing you in just about everything, but I could enjoy watching you model skimpy bikinis for an hour or two. We'll have to take a little time before we hit the beach."

He chuckles, "Then of course, there's the fun of peeling it back off of you afterwards. But that's for later.So, what's your pleasure? Shopping, sightseeing or straight for the beach?"

Stephanie Brown has posed:
Stephanie can't really suppress the big grin that she gets at Dick wanting to see her modeling swimwear. Even if it adds little spots of color to her cheeks. She takes a sip and then gently nuzzles a tiny kiss to his cheek. "Well," she says thoughtfully as he mentions what she might like to do.

She glances over towards the tremendous view again. "I think we probably need to hit that water," she tells him. "Your choice if we just lay out on the beach, or find something to do there. Even if just walking down the beach. My first time on a tropical paradise, and with the most handsome man I've ever known no less. As long as we're doing it together," she tells him, smiling and brushing a hand over his chest atop his shirt.

Dick Grayson has posed:
He smiles, "Beach it is then. Bags should be in the bedroom, let's go get bathing suits on and head down." He leads her into the large bedroom where their bags have been place carefully on luggage racks and goes to his, rummaging around until he comes up with a bathing suit. Without a thought for modesty (which, let's face it, is laughable at this point) he strips his current clothes off and pulls the suit on.

Putting his clothes aside, he goes into his bag again and comes up with a bottle of sunscreen, saying, "Very important, don't want to get burned on our first day here and be all miserable for the rest of the trip."

Stephanie Brown has posed:
Stephanie Brown gets in her own bag, just a small tote bag really, pulling out mostly shorts and a few tank tops and t-shirts, before getting to a bikini. She looks up and finds that Dick is already changing into his. And there's a long pause as the college coed just stands and watches. Biting her bottom lip. Grinning the biggest, warmest, goofiest of smiles as she watches him.

It isn't until he's got his suit on that she removes her clothing and slips her own suit on. "And I do burn, at least until I've got a good tan going," she agrees with him. "Want me to do you first?" she asks, holding out a hand for the bottle.

Dick Grayson has posed:
Dick smirks, "Oh baby, do I ever." He hands her the bottle and stands there relaxed while she makes sure he is completely protected from the sun, actually enjoying her touch as she rubs the lotion on him. Once she's done, he recovers the bottle from her and returns the action, covering every exposed inch of skin with the lotion. If he spends an extra moment or two on her chest and butt, that can perhaps be excused as simply making sure.

Properly protected from the sun, he takes her hand and leads her over to the elevator and down to the ground level. They head down to the water, collecting a couple beach towels along the way from an attendant. "It's a private beach, so they've got all the amenities for the guests, towels, chairs of we want them, whatever."

Leading her down the beach near the water, he spreads the towels out and gestures at the water, ""Let's swim, I think you'll be pleasantly surprised." Taking her hand, he heads for the water at an easy jog.

Stephanie Brown has posed:
Stephanie Brown laughs and gives Dick a playful swat when his hands seem to be doing things other than applying suntan lotion. "Too much of that and we won't make it to the beach," she tells him, sliding her hand into his as he leads her through the hotel and outside.

They walk out on the beach, the pure white sand squeaking slightly beneath their bare feet. The fences closing off the beach on both sides from the rest of the island do give it a private feeling. Chairs set out for the use of the VIP guests, even small cabanas, and showers for cleaning the sand or salt away.

"wow, that blue is just... amazing," she says of the water. "Really, that's just so unreal that a color can be that beautiful," Stephanie tells Dick. She heads down to the water's edge with him, waves lapping up on their feet as they move out into the water. "Hope there's no sharks. I left the... repellant in my other belt," she says with a laugh, leaving a gap where 'Bat' could have gone.

Dick Grayson has posed:
Dick laughs, "I'm pretty sure they have shark nets up, these resorts aren't big on letting guests get eaten. And wait until you get into the water. It's not like our water, it's like crystal under there. You can see an amazing distance and see all the fish and such. We'll be doing some scuba tomorrow to take advantage of the view."

He keeps jogging into the water until it's deep enough on him to dive forward and start swimming. It's also wonderfully warm and clear, giving good reason the phrase 'tropical paradise' is sometimes applied to the islands.

Stephanie Brown has posed:
Stephanie Brown runs alongside Dick, splashing through the water as it gets deeper until she too dives forward, gracefully entering the water and disappearing beneath it. She opens her eyes underwater, amazed at how clear it is. Even compared to a pool, she thingsk, though maybe it's just because of how far can see that makes it seem even clearer.

She looks over to find Dick underwater and swims over brushing a hand over his back and grinning at him, before continuing on underwater. Fluttering her feet and also undulating the rest of her body with her arms out ahead of her. She swims for a long way before finally coming for air, a huge grin on her face.

Dick Grayson has posed:
Dick comes to the surface near her and smiles back, "So is this perfect or what? If it wasn't for our.. other responsibilities, I might just move to someplace like this and just enjoy life for a few years. I could see buying a house here, or in the Carribbean."

He splashes a little water playfully in her direction and asks, "How about you? Think you could stand living in paradise? Maybe someday we'll retire here or something, if we both manage to live that long." He lays back to float on the gentle waves, "I am so glad I can share this with you."

Stephanie Brown has posed:
Stephanie turns over onto her back, floating easily, the salt water making it easier to float than in the pool at Wayne Manor. "It would be pretty hard to resist," she says, looking over to flash a beautiful smile at Dick. "It would be hard to give up what we do. The people we help," she says with a sigh, as if maybe part of her wished that she didn't feel that drive to see justice done.

The splash of water disrupts Stephanie's thoughts, splashing over her face. She ends up spluttering far more than the splash could have caused, definitely milking the moment for sympathy. "Barely in the water with you and already you drown me!" she complains, but reaches over to rest her hand on his shoulder as she resumes floating beside him. "I wouldn't object to that. Though I'd be happy in the Narrows too. I mean, you know. With the right guy," she says, looking over to him to give Dick a warm smile. "This, would be the life though. Thank you for bringing me here. I'm really just... blown away, Dick. This is like something from a movie. Or a dream," she tells him.

Dick Grayson has posed:
He chuckles a little, "Yes, I'm an absolute beast, trying to drown the poor helpless little girl. Not like you can take care of yourself at all or anything." He sighs a little, "It's kind of a bitch having a conscience and drive to help people sometimes. I could just take us somewhere amazing for months if it wasn't for that."

He rolls over in the water and swims a lazy circle around Steph, stopping near her head to give her a quick kiss before going back to his slow swimming, "The pity is, it's Bruce who could actually use the vacation, but he wouldn't even be able to comprehend that."

Stephanie Brown has posed:
Stephanie leans her head back to kiss Dick, her head upside down, eyes underwater during it. After she rights herself, wiping the water from her eyes. "He could definitely use something like this. But he'd never do it. Not unless he were investigating something," she says. "Or, well. You know him better than I. I just can't imagine it," she says.

Stephanie lets her legs sink into the ocean, treading water. "I was kind of hoping maybe he might find someone. He was dating that DJ, the one that played at your birthday party. Though I think she was just maintaining his public persona," she says with a sigh. Stephanie gently guides herself nearer to Dick as she treads water. "But there's a lot of him in you. The best parts," she tells Dick, smiling to him. "So is this your first time to Bermuda? Or have you been here very much?" she asks.

Dick Grayson has posed:
Dick moves to treading water as well, "No, he wouldn't. That's the problem, he can't really even understand why people relax like this." He waves around at the beach, "It doesn't advance the mission, so it doesn't even register for him." He shrugs, "I love the man, but he could use some counseling. Though he has been making an effort to at least be a little more social around us, as you may have noticed."

He shrugs a little, "Enough about that, we're here to have fun. No, it's not my first trip, that's why I chose it, I know how nice it is here. There's tons to do, this probably won't be our only weekend getaway to Bermuda. I intend to drag you all over this place over the next couple months."

Stephanie Brown has posed:
Stephanie gives a slightly sad nod. "Not many that would be qualified that he'd trust," she comments on the idea of counseling. Though she's willing to put the topic behind them as well.

"I know we had that one conversation, about, paying for things at Hot Dumpling," she says, and then can't help a laugh. Given that she had a reluctance there, yet here they are in Bermuda on Dick's dime. "I know you know my feelings for you don't have to do with being able to do trips like this," she tells him. "Which, is me saying, I know bringing me here makes you happy. And, yes, it made me happy too," she says. "So, I just want you to know I'm ok with this, I just... well, I'm going to make sure you never have any reason to doubt what it is I like about you, Dick Grayson," she tells him. She swims near enough to brush a gentle kiss to his lips. And then takes hold of him and steps treading water after a little kick up in the air, so both of them sink beneath the waves as gravity pulls them back down. But still kissing.

Dick Grayson has posed:
He has no problem letting the warm water surround them as the extended kiss drops them down to the sandy bottom of the cove. Shortly before air runs out, he kicks off with his arms still around Steph and carries them both back to the surface. "It's romantic here too, which is another huge bonus. Nighttime, bonfire on the beach, the sound of the waves and stars bright overhead, it'll be perfect."

He grins as she brings up the paying conversation, "Yeah, but that was before we were in love and dating. See, now it's all covered by the 'taking my girlfriend on a date' clause. My dates just happen to be a little more complex than others. If I doubted why you were with me, we wouldn't be in Bermuda, and we wouldn't be dating. So you don't need to do anything but be yourself."

Stephanie Brown has posed:
"Mmm," Stephanie murmurs at the description of the bonfire down on the beach. "That does sound perfect," she agrees as she treads water beside Dick. The girl's eyes are nearly the color of the aqua waters, though maybe a little more of the blue from the sky is invested in them.

She lets out a warm laugh and nods. "The girlfriend on a date clause. Nice," she tells Dick. "Well. Just know that I appreciate you giving me moments like this. And I'll do my best to give you as many wonderful moments as you give me," she tells him.

Stephanie opens her mouth to say more and then gives a sudden squeal, splashing about. She ducks her head underwater to see a fish that is nibbling on her toes. Not a big one, not something with teeth to worry about. She starts laughing still with her head underwater, getting back above water and just managing to not choke on seawater as she keeps laughing. "Oh that scared the crap out of me at first!" she says with a laugh.

Dick Grayson has posed:
Dick nods at her, "You already have been, and I don't just mean _that_ stuff. Just spending time with you brightens my day, so no worries about that. And I really love putting that smile in your face, so bonus points there too."

He laughs once he realizes what's going on, "Oh, by the way, the wildlife tends to be a little on the friendly side, they're kind of spoiled by all the tourists feeding them. So don't be surprised by that kind of thing."

Stephanie Brown has posed:
Stephanie keeps grinning even after the laughter ends. "I mean you'd think he might have bought me dinner first before going right to the toe nibbling," she says with a warm laugh. "He was kind of cute. I'm looking forward to going diving with you and seeing more," she says. "So far my only diving experience was practice. In the pool or the river or out in the harbor. Which, granted, since Cass and I ended up going to the bottom of the ocean with Aquaman and Wonder Woman, was great training to have. Even if we were in a sub at the time."

Stephanie glances towards shore and looks thoughtful. "So, what kind of food are you thinking tonight? Restaurant, or do you want to get things to cook at the bonfire?" she asks him.

Dick Grayson has posed:
Dick chuckles, "He was actually hopinh you'd buy him dinner, I think. And yeah, there's some great diving locations to see a ton of different critters. And they're easy dives, meant for tourists, so not having experience won't be a problem."

"As for dinner, we'll be going to a resteraunt. The bonfire is more for relaxing around than cooking on. They do some awesome food here, not surprisingly a lot of it being seafood. I know a couple of the best places on the island, we'll be going to one of them tonight."

Stephanie Brown has posed:
Stephanie grins back to Dick. "Oh I have experience. Just not anywhere -fun-," she tells him. "Getting to look at... getaway cars dumped in the river, or... you don't even want to know what Barbara and I - mostly I - had to do to find Ratcatcher," she tells Dick, and wrinkles her nose of the mention of the sewer-dwelling criminal.

"Looking forward to seeing some tropical fish for a change. And good, I love seafood," she tells him. "Though, well, you know me. You could probably much just stop at 'I like food' and it would be a pretty accurate description. After all, you had to eat my cooking for a night," she says. "And yet you still date me. I must have done something right."

Dick Grayson has posed:
He nods and goes back to floating on his back, "Yeah, that's not at all the kind of diving you want to be doing, that's the kind you have to do. This is diving for fun, it's a lot different. I've got an underwater camera in my luggage, you can take it when we go to take pictures of whatever you want to."

He laughs, "I know, it's kind of amazing you keep that figure with the stuff you eat, but I guess you do get a lot of exercise. And I still say you did great on that meal, given what you had to work with. I doubt I would have been able to manage on your budget, I'm spoiled by cooking with a kitchen full of ingredients." He looks over at he and smiles, "And I'd say you're doing everything right."

Stephanie Brown has posed:
Stephanie chuckles and lets out a sigh. "So much exercise," she says. "And still a college student. I'm told we can eat nearly anything for a few more years," Stephanie comments. "Not that I actually eat a lot when I do eat. For a normal person. It's just... food is so delicious and I'm almost always a little hungry with how many calories we burn."

A smile is earned by Dick as he compliments the meal that she made for him. "You know I was kind of glad that I lost the bet. I was still, at that point, I was still, not really thinking of you quite like this," she says, motioning to him as if to indicate how they are now. "That was part of what got me here though. You were so charming. And just, every time I was around you after that, I just kept noticing you more and more," she tells him, giving a shy smile.

"Ok before I make myself blush, now that we're talking about food I have a bit of an appetite built up. Want to head in and get some food?"

Dick Grayson has posed:
Dick grins, "Yeah, we tend to burn a lot of calories with all that we do on an average day. Which is good, because I like to eat too. And I don't think fat Nightwing would work for me." He looks at her, "Yeah, that worked out really well. I was impressed by how hard you worked with what you had, and it was really cute that you were so worried it wouldn't be good enough for me."

He swims slowly back towards the shore, "Sure, we can grab something, let's go." He heads over to the towels and picks them up, tossing one to Steph as she comes out of the water, then dries himself off and hangs the towel around his neck.

Once Steph dries off, he takes her hand and leads her back to the hotel, up to the suite and changes into casual but nice clothes, nothing too fancy. "I know just the place."

Stephanie Brown has posed:
Stephanie Brown follows Dick out of the water, her red bikini coming into view as she wades out through the small waves. She catches the towel, drying her hair and then working on the rest of herself. "So hard to believe it's the same ocean," she says with a chuckle. "Some of that water has probably passed below Gotham's bridges. Sure looks different here," she says of the azure and turquoise paradise.

She walks hand in hand with Dick up to their room, rinsing the salt out of her hair and then drying it quickly and getting dressed in a pair of nice shorts and a nice black tube top with white flowers. She looks down at her shoulder, moving it forward a bit to see it better. "Looks like I got a little sun already," she comments. "Easy to do when you're nearly as pasty as Carrie," she says with a grin that indicates she wishes Carrie had been there to hear it.

She digs in her bag, finding a tiny bottle of perfume which she spritzes on herself, then moves to Dick. "Ready," she tells him with a smile.

Dick Grayson has posed:
Dick kisses her gently, "Yeah, it's pretty amazing how it works out. You have to wonder what filters the pollution out between there and here. Guess it's just a matter of it dispersing across the entire ocean. Would be nice if all the water could be this clear though rather than as nasty as the water is around Gotham. Wonder if I could persuade Bruce that cleaning the water up could help the mission. Easier to find things underwater or something."

He leads her down to the parking lot and to a car, pulls the keys from his pocket and gets in. Once she enters the car as well, he pulls out and heads down the road. After some driving, he pulls up to a place right on the ocean and parks, leading her inside. They are shortly seated on the outdoor patio overlooking the ocean and brought menus.

Stephanie Brown has posed:
"It would probably take a lot. Too many places that pollute. Because it's cheaper to dump stuff into the storm drains our out into the ocean than it is to dispose of it legally," she says with a sigh. "Well, we can enjoy it here at least," she says, sliding her arm around Dick's waist as she walks with him.

She seems to wonder where they are going when Dick has a car waiting there for them. "Ok, I suppose, rental car, delivered to the hotel isn't -that- big a deal. Yet... ah, for me it is," she says, laughing at her lack of worldliness. Not like she's ever rented a car before or even thought about having the ability to do so.

Stephanie climbs out of the car, moving to Dick to slip her hand into his. She enjoys the view as they approach, and then again as they are shown to their table on the patio. She takes a moment to stand at the railing and look out at the ocean, appreciating it all fully before moving to join Dick at the table. She lets out a sigh. A small, happy sigh, her eyes just shining over at him.

Dick Grayson has posed:
Dick nods, "It's unfortunate, but yeah, unless there's a major change, pollution is going to keep getting worse and worse. I just hope we figure something out before even places like this are gone." He shakes his head, "But enough of that... I do keep managing to bring up depressing subjects in the middle of our vacation. Let's just enjoy a nice dinner.'

He takes a look at the menu, then orders the Bermuda style Rockfish. "Everything they make is really good, so just grab whatever sounds good to you." He orders a sparkling water to drink with his meal and sits back with a smile, looking out over the ocean.

Stephanie Brown has posed:
Stephanie gives a soft, warm laugh. "Oh I think Bermuda can handle a depressing subject now and then," she teases. She reaches across the table, resting her fingers on Dick's hand as she looks at the menu.

She takes her time going through it, and at one point commenting, "Oh, red snapper. That's a very tasty fish!" It's said with a bit of an accent that probably means she's quoting someone if he's not familiar with the line.

When the waiter comes over, she smiles to him and says, "I'll have the blackened red snapper with the rice, and the mango and avocado salad for the side," she tells him. "And a... white wine?" she says, looking over to Dick to see if he thinks that would go well with what she ordered. "White wine," she confirms to the waiter before looking back to Dick. "This is so perfect. It's like you even ordered up a warm ocean breeze for us," she tells him with a smile.

Dick Grayson has posed:
Dick chuckles, "Good choice, and white goes well with seafood. I just didn't want to order for you since I know you're not a drinker. Besides, I'm fairly sure I don't have to ply you with alcohol to get you to come home with me." He winks across the table at her.

He looks out over the ocean, then back to Steph, "I can't claim responsibility for the breezes, other than knowing they have them at this time of year. Well, for most of the summer, really. So I may not have conjured the breeze, but I at least brought you to it." He takes a drink of his water, smiling happily as he takes in Steph against the backdrop of the ocean and surrounding greenery.

Stephanie Brown has posed:
Stephanie Brown returns her hand back to Dick's side of the table, curling her fingers into the crook of his own. "I'm pretty sure tonight's a sure thing for you," she agrees. Her smiles are so often continuous when Dick is around. Certainly whenever she's noting him there. Like now as she looks across the table into his eyes.

A small girl comes across the restaurant carrying an old polaroid camera. The kind that you wave the photo in the air to help it develop. And also a little basket of roses. She stops at the table and smiles to Dick. "Are you interested in a flower for the woman? Or to have your picture taken together?" she asks him.

Dick Grayson has posed:
He nods, "Sure, on both counts." He takes a rose from the basket and hands it to Steph, then he stands up and moves around behind her, slipping his arms around her and putting his chin on her shoulder. The girl takes the photo of them and then hands it to Dick, who hands her several bills. She skips off with a smile as he kisses Steph's cheek and goes back to his seat.

Shortly after that the food arrives, looking and smelling quite wonderful. Dick digs into his dinner, saying, "They have a well deserved reputation here. I think you'll enjoy it."

Stephanie Brown has posed:
As Dick gets the flower for her, Stephanie takes it and holds it for the photo, while leaning her cheek over to rest against Dick's. After the little girl has taken the photo, Stephanie tells her, "Thank you very much. A memory I'll cherish." It garners a pretty smile from the girl and that kiss to Steph's cheek.

She beams a smile over to Dick. "I don't think I could not enjoy it," she says, resting her chin on her hand as she looks over at Dick. There's a gleam of white teeth in her smile and she finally laughs and says, "At this rate my cheeks are going to start hurting from how much I'm smiling," she says. "If Damian was here I think he'd probably lose his lunch just seeing me," she adds, an then breaks out hardier laughter.

Their food arrives then, plates set down before each of them. "Oh. That smells so wonderful," she says with a happy sigh.

Dick Grayson has posed:
Dick has a smile on his face as well, "You're not the only one, and yeah, Damian would be vomiting up things he ate a week ago if he could see us together. We are just disgustingly happy as a pair." He eats a bit more of his meal, enjoying it. "So, should we make it a point to hang out around him when we get back and see if we can actually make him sick?"

He grins and continues, "Which reminds me, we should probably start letting our friends know what's going on when we get back. I mean, Cass knows, but I don't think anyone else does yet." He smiles at her, "And I want the whole world to know how lucky I am."

Stephanie Brown has posed:
Stephanie tries her fish, giving a happy sigh at the flavor. "Mm, this is delicious. Have to make sure Damian doesn't eat here first. Would be a shame to waste this food," she says with a soft chuckle.

The girl's blue eyes shine across the table towards Dick. The ocean breeze stirs her hair, sending wisps of light golden hair stirring. Stephanie nods and smiles shyly. "Ok, we can start telling them," she agrees. "And I'll borrow one of his swords so if anyone wants to make anything out of it," she says, and then pokes her fish with her knife to demonstrate. Though gently. The fish didn't disapprove, after all.