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The Daughters of Thanos v Proxima Midnight
Date of Scene: 22 June 2021
Location: The Q Ship
Synopsis: The heist was almost perfect! Almost. The two young daughters of thanks, in this flashback, try to steal from a member of the black order. Unfortunately, they get caught.
Cast of Characters: Nebula, Gamora

Nebula has posed:
    The young proteges of Thanos had a life of training and discipline. Gamora and Nebula. Plucked from their lives by Thanos simply because he liked their particular flavour of spunkiness. He loves them each in his own way. But for the two daughters of Thanos there is no one else to turn to but each other.

    Especially not to the Black Order. The elite warriors that Thanos surrounds himself with. He does not send them on errands, no, they are reserved for the real work of conquering and decimating.

    On in particular is most unliked by Gamora and Nebula - Proxima Midnight. A powerful sorceress, super fast, super strong, super durable and wields a spear. What she prizes most of all? a broad Thanos had made for her indicating her membership to the Black Order.

    Which is why the two daughters of Thanos were fixing on stealing that broach. A stupid idea, one that will no doubt get them in a lot of trouble if they're caught. But they are meant to test themselves, to train, to get better.. to be the _best_.

Gamora has posed:
    Father would most certainly disapprove, for a variety of reasons. But - irritatingly to some - Gamora has not yet truly learned that Thanos wrath is something to fear... and a certain labrynthine trail of logic led her to the conclusion that the only loyalty that really matters around here, is loyalty to Father.

    Gamora's inconveniently vibrant skin color is mostly covered in a black bodysuit - enduring the heat for stealth's sake, her kind seem to run a bit warm - crouching low against the wall in a shadowed nook as Proxima passes. "Blue, she's on route." She says softly into a com device they... acquired. "Are we ready?"

Nebula has posed:
    Nebula pulls her hair up in to a quick makeshift bun. Long black locks, beautiful and shiny. She loves her hair. She smirks a touch and whispers back on the comms, "Confirmed Green." They have the best code names for each other. Slithering through the air duct, she reaches Proxima's quarters. The small plasma cutter is lifted up and she says back to Gamora, "We're a go."

    She begins to cut through the vent covering and then pulls out the make shift cross bow. Aiming, she lets it fly over to the security panel. An ultraviolet light sweeps over the keypad and she whispers in to the comms, "7-3-3-6-1." While the security is armed there's no chance of them searching the room for the broach.

Gamora has posed:
    Gamora smiles at the confirmation, carrying herself with a self-assuredness that hasn't been tainted (or justified) by experience; a drive born of a cult like environment of devotion; and a lack of fear borne of blissful ignorance of just how bad things can actually be.

    And a precocious kind of energy.

    With her very-subtly dark green hair thrown into a rough ponytail, Gamora darts to the relevant panel, and begins to punch the number provided. "Seven, three, three, six..." Gamora tilts her head. Wait, is that right? Sometimes the lower numbers are at the top, and sometimes they're not. She gets thrownn by that every time. Uhhh... okay! "... one!" she says after a long moment of hesitation, and presses enter.

Nebula has posed:
    The door snaps open and Nebula climbs out of the vent, replacing the grill behind her. She smirks at her 'sister' and hangs the plasma cutter from her belt. "We don't have long. She'll be back soon," she reminds Gamora and then starts digging through dresser draws to see if she can find the thing.

    The quarters are spartan and utilitarian, though there's weird things to do with magic and books too on the work table. They do know she only wears it when going on missions.. so the odds are good it's still somewhere in this room.

Gamora has posed:
    Gamora slips through the door before it's even finished opening, peering back and forth in a paranoid, conspiratorial manner asthough she hadn't just watched the object of her caution walk away from this room. "Hmph!" Gamora 'hmphs' confidently, closes her eyes, and crosses her arms. "She'll never know we were here! And when next she faces the Black Order, she'll do so as a humiliated outsider!"

    She literally wasn't talking like this three weeks ago.

    Gamora opens her eyes, and realizes Nebula is no longer in front of her. She peers left, then right, then far enough right to spin around and find her sister, before following after her. "Where would she keep it?" she asks aloud, while searching.

Nebula has posed:
    Nebula turns around to see Gamora staring at her intently, "Obviously I don't know that." The bitterness and anger within Nebula is tempered right now. She is still angry at life for taking away her family and her world and forcing her to live in this cult spaceship with horrible people.

    But unlike future Nebula, she has not yet been mutilated on her fathers orders to make her 'better'. She has, however, tasted defeat against Gamora several times in training and it's starting to get tiresome. So she pushes a hand up in to her face to push her away, "Search somewhere else."

    She gets down in to the socks draw and feels around in them.

Gamora has posed:
    Gamora, for her part, doesn't know what the big deal is. She wouldn't, the little princesss. Her greatest humiliation was to be scolded for interruption; her deepest trauma the distant witnissing of an execution. Everything she knows tells her that what happened to her people was for the best; and that what happened to her, particularly, a blessing. She was, she supposes, too young to actually remember the day her home world fell.

    She is profoundly, terribly incorrect, but the mind does what it can to protect itself.

    Frowning at the extended hand, Gamora huffs and clenches her fists. "Fine!" She whines in a hushed voice, "I'll find it, then! You just stay here and... *braid* or something!"

    Glaring, Gamora stomps off into the other room.

    On the bright side, that sounded more like her.

Nebula has posed:
    "Braid? What does that even mean?!," she says with annoyance, hissing because raising her voice would be a bad idea. Proxima could wipe the floor with both of them easily. And then there'd be dad's anger that they did this to begin with.

    Nebula leaves the draws and starts shimmying her hands underneath the bed wondering if may be it's been stashed there. "Hurry up," she says in urgent tones. The duo must succeed! this is their first solo mission. Granted, no one gave them this mission but themselves, but it's the thought that counts.

Gamora has posed:
    Distractedly, Gamora speaks while rummaging, "It's a... *hair* thing. Deforma had one." Gamora smiles, "It's like a ponytail, but it's tied up and twisted like a million times." Gamora frowns. "She hissed at me what I asked what it was." Gamora considers this for a beat. "But someone else told me it's a braid." Gamora stands up on a desk to search a higher shelf. "Uhhh... Gremalt, maybe. I think he might be dead now."

    "I am hurrying! You hurry!" She rambles quickly, rushing, fiddling, fumbling, knocking things over, and then putting them back. Rushing to the bedside table, Gamora gasps loudly as, all at once, Thanos stands before her, in all his terrible regality and power. Her eyes go wide. Her mouth goes dry. Her heart skips more beats than it hits!

    And then she realizes she'd activated a hologram device on the table.

    Why does she even HAVE that?! Gamora deactivates it, only to find the emblem loosely looped around the device in question. She picks it up. "... Huh. I guess that makes sense?" Gamora squints at the device, then suddenly winces as her train of thought returns to a more useful track. "I got it! I got it! I got it! Go go go go go hurry!"

Nebula has posed:
    Nebula half jumps when Thanos appears before her too. She narrows her eyes when he doesn't move or talk.. "Hologram, idiot." She scoffs at her sister and then peers over at what Gamora has found. Her eyes widen and she smiles, "Glorious Victory!" She half stumbles and runs after Gamora as they both leave the room.

    Proxima Midnight looms in front of them both in the hallway. She can see the broach in Gamora's hands and she lifts up her hand. Her eyes flash darkly and the pair find themselves absent of control of their own bodies.

    Marched like puppets in to the throne room where Thanos sits, she has Gamora and Nebula kneel down before releasing them from her control. "Your daughters," she says with distaste in her mouth, "Have stolen from me."

Gamora has posed:
    Gamora skids to a halt, her eyes going wide as she's confronted by Proxima outside. In retrospect, they should have taken the vent back out. "Hoo." Gamora huffs out a sharp breath through pursed lips, and straightens up. "Okay. I've got this."

    Gamora did not have this.

    Her grunting, squirming protests against the actions of her own body gradually quiet as they gradually grow closer to her Father. The suffocating pressure of his mere presence - usually a matter of admiration for Gamora - instead makes her feel... not *panicked*. It's a different feeling than that. A colder feeling. As if even the instinctive fight-or-flight reflex knows there's nothing to be done before Thanos.

    Putting both of her palms on the floor, and grunting softly as she's released, Gamora raises her head slightly to look upon Thanos... and then lowers it. "... Father."

Nebula has posed:
    Nebula drops to her hands and stares down at the ground, seething with anger at the way Proxima just treated them.

    Thanos steps off of his throne and walks to them, towering over the two young girls. He kneels down and takes Gamora's hand, turning it over gently and opening it up to take the broach. Standing up he looks to Promixa, then strikes her across the face.

    "You earned this, I expect better of you than letting my daughters sneak in to your room and steal it from you," Thanos says. Proxima staggers back and gasps hauntily. She looks and feels betrayed and very angry. Her glare lands on the two young ones. Thanos tosses the broach back to her and says, "See to it this doesn't happen again."

    A modicum of respect restored. She nods her head and wipes the blood from her mouth. Then looks at the two daughters, "As you command." A wicked and unpleasant smile spreads across her features as she is given leave to teach the girls a lesson they won't soon forget.