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Latest revision as of 05:16, 5 July 2021

Welcome Wagon!
Date of Scene: 01 July 2021
Location: Jennifer Walters' Condo
Synopsis: Donuts and feels are shared. Not that kind!
Cast of Characters: Jennifer Walters, Hank Pym

Jennifer Walters has posed:
Jennifer is taking a break from work, and is hanging out in her condo just... decompressing. She hasn't bothered dressing beyond throwing on a bathrobe and fuzzy bunny slippers, and is lounging on her couch playing a video game. It's a new release, not something she does very often, and has been playing it for most of the day.

On the coffee table is, in fact, a mug of coffee. It's been sitting there for a while, so it's no longer hot, but more of a lukewarm. Still, it's caffeine. Not that caffeine actually affects her. Like most substances, her metabolism just processes it too efficiently for it to have any effect.

Hank Pym has posed:
Hank Pym knocks on the door. After standing in front of it for a minute. He's used to smart doors like his. Knockknockknockknockknock.

In one hand he holds a large potted fern, in his other a box of donuts according to long established protocols. Wonder of wonder, he's wearing a polo shirt, slacks and deck shoes. No ants or gadgetry visible. Then again you never know with Hankster

Jennifer Walters has posed:
Jenn looks up from her game in surprise, not expecting anybody. The security monitor flickers on, showing Hank at the door with his various gifts, so she calls out, "Just a second!" She puts the game on pause, gets up and quickly closes her bathrobe, tying it at the waist so she appears at least somewhat decent.

She moves to the door, and presses a button on a security pad next to it and the door unlocks with a small electronic *click*. Pulling the door open she greets Hank with a grin. "Hank! What a surprise! I wasn't expecting a visitor today." She takes a step back to let her friend into her condo. "Come in, come in!"

Once Hank is fully into the condo, the door closes with another click and a hiss. She gives him a quick peck on the cheek, and meanders to the kitchen. "Can I interest you in some coffee? Maybe some soda?"

Hank Pym has posed:
Hank Pym returns the peck with one of his own. "Oh club soda or cold water is fine thank you." His eyes rove about before settling on his somewhat underdressed hostess and he asks,"I'm not interrupting you at work am I?" Then he notes the paused game and facepalms unseen. He goes to sit down putting the plant and the donuts on the coffee table. "Well you certainly got the place... cozy fast." He smiles. "I bought you a plant and donuts."

Jennifer Walters has posed:
Jennifer laughs and shakes her head, opening the fridge to pull out some club soda that she sometimes uses for cocktails. "No, no. I'm taking a day off. I had spoken to Diana and she convinced me to make sure that I take care of myself and take a break every once in a while." She pulls out a glass, and starts pouring the club soda in it. "Have I told you? I'm training with the Amazons."

She wanders back into the living room and hands Hank his soda. "Here you go. I was just playing <insert video game here>, if you're interested in having a go at it. And you brought donuts! And a fern!" She takes the fern and brings it over to the large window overlooking the city and places it down on the floor where it'll get a lot of sunlight. She then turns and opens up the box of donuts. "Oh!" she says delighted, "Crullers! My favorite!"

Hank Pym has posed:
Hank Pym gestures expansively. "Of course. Genius and I can't forget things unless I really try. If I could figure out what makes people tick... I'd be unstoppable... possibly still married. Oh you're playing the plumber game. Precious. So Jen... when did I tell you about Emma? A week ago? I realized today I didn't call her since and in fact had no desire to. I think I was mentally ghosted. There's an upside to hallucinations, they make you very careful about odd influences on the mind and monitoring your own activities. overlooked several reminders to call her. And heard nothing in turn, I never got ghosted before. Janet had the grace to throw me out quite obviously." Hank grabs a donut and seems fine though, like he solved some puzzle that was bothering him.

Jennifer Walters has posed:
"That's a shame," Jennifer says, plopping down on her couch and grabbing a cruller. "Still, it /was/ a bit odd that she asked you out of the blue. I wonder what that was all about." She tears off a bit of the donut and pops it into her mouth. "Other than that, how're you doing?"

Hank Pym has posed:
Hank Pym bounces up when Jennifer plops He settles back down and says, "Eh you know. Spent the day after Nadia's party recovering. Went home, had this revelation. Built a robot girlfriend. She dumped me ran off. I'm /kidding/. Just knocking around. I'm between freelance jobs and the school is closed for the summer. I'm going to straighten out some guys who scared Nadia. The usual."

He takes a deep breath and asks, "How are you Jen? You know your body may not get tired but your mind can, and it can be stressed. I'm glad to see you doing something for yourself and relaxing." He gives her an impromptu hug. "I worry about you too you know?"

Jennifer Walters has posed:
Jennifer opens her mouth to say something about Hank's robot girlfriend, because honestly that is totally something Hank would do on one of his off days. Hank's assurance that he's kidding quickly closes her mouth. "If you need some help straightening some guys out, you know who to call," she says instead.

"I'm doing pretty good," she says, returning Hank's hug. "Thank you for your concern, but I'm fine. Sounds like you're doing pretty good, too."

Hank Pym has posed:
Hank Pym shrugs again. "Well I'm not swearing revenge at the drop of a hat anymore. I'm not letting a thing like being ghosted result in 24-7 lab work and complete collapse. I'm not flipping out over Nadia going to run her own life. I guess I'm doing better. I guess I'm doing better than the last three years. It's still hard Jen. BPD doesn't go away. But, you seem to understand it. I mean even Dr. MacIntyre... who is practically a Buddha got mad at me one night. You don't. I think you're one of the things helping me get better." And like that he takes her hand in his and lets out a quiet sigh.

Jennifer Walters has posed:
Jen grasps Hank's hand and gives it a little pat. "I get upset sometimes, and worried, but never mad. I know you're struggling and everybody needs somebody in their corner." She gives Hank a smile, "I'm glad that I'm able to help in some way."

Hank Pym has posed:
Hank Pym nods. "Yes well good thing a Hulk getting angry, everyone loses. I wish you felt different about me at times. I mean, I understand why you remained a friend but..." He gets up on his knees to look her in the eyes better. "I think I've changed a lot lately. More evidence has come to light. Yu should think it over again. Regardless, I'd like to take you to a Nick Drago show. I can probably get a ticket for your Punk Princess friend. Or just us. Whatever. I could probably get Alison Blair for that matter. I never went to a rock concert before. I was busy Sciencing."

Jennifer Walters has posed:
Jennifer nods, and promises, "I'll think about it, okay?" Her eyes light up at the mention of a concert. "That would be delightful! I haven't been to a concert in /ages/." She chucks him on the shoulder, "Good for you for getting out there and not sciencing for a bit. I'll gladly go with you. I'm surprised you haven't been to one of his concerts before."

Hank Pym has posed:
Hank Pym nods. "Weeeeell not sure if you realize it but Nck Drago's your next door neighbor now. I walked the hall a few times wondering did I have the address right? He's a good guy. He rooms with his manager Wade Shaw. He calls himself Mike offstage. I'm always there. So don't think I'm sneaking around and throw a car at me. I went to their studio and rewired their sound board one day. Wade had a conniption till he began using it." Yes Hank takes some pride in being a stirrer. "I got Nick and Dazzler to sing at Nadia's party. I... I got wrecked. I think I kissed Janet. Then I really started drinking!" He sits back down and gives her shoulder a nudge.

Jennifer Walters has posed:
Jennifer grins, "Is he? I didn't know Mike lived in these condos. I'll have to drop by and give him a visit one of these days." She scowls when Hank admits that he got drunk. "Oh Hank. See this? This is my disappointed face. You know what happens when you get drunk."

Hank Pym has posed:
Hank Pym folds his arms. "Yeah next door! Oh drinking well... Daughter's first birthday... and frankly I MADE HER NIGHT for a change. Surely I have been punished enough with even the possibility of having kissed my ex?!" He announces the last in a very serious academic or legislative tone, hand on his heart.

Jennifer Walters has posed:
"Really?" Jennifer asks, mood brightening? "What did you do for her?" She rolls her eyes at him, saying, "Yes, I suppose kissing Janet is a suitable enough punishment for you."

Hank Pym has posed:
Hank Pym jumps to his feet. He begins with a fairly decent imitation of Janet, every other word 'me' or 'I', then describes his appearance as a gag super villain (pretty sure at least one person said 'That's supposed to be a disguise?) continues with the surprise debut of Dazzler and Nick and an a capella rendition of opening lyrics. Then mimes a lot of drinking before falling in Jennifer's lap. Mic drop.

"I actually fell down in my office but this looked more comfy."

Jennifer Walters has posed:
Jennifer laughs along with the story, looking at Hank as he falls into her lap. She strokes his hair tenderly. "You did good. I wish I was there." She, then, pats his head and sets him back properly on the couch. "I'm glad things are going well for you."

Hank Pym has posed:
Hank Pym takes a look at his watch and says, "Crap. I have to get ready and drive to Happy Harbor. The Science Fair is tonight. I have bet against J'Onn. He said there's going to be a flood. Whoever heard of a lab flood? Can't be done. Easy money!" He brushes her hair back to give her a peck on the cheek. "Thank you for considering."

Jennifer Walters has posed:
Jennifer counters Hank's peck on the cheek with a hug. "Never underestimate the power of a teenaged scientist," she warns. "It was good seeing you, Hank. Don't be a stranger."

Hank Pym has posed:
Hank Pym turns to leave. "I will certainly come back until you're sick of me." He gives a stage wink. Hmmm car or ant?