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Latest revision as of 05:32, 14 July 2021

Now You See Me...
Date of Scene: 14 May 2021
Location: Bank -- Manhatten
Synopsis: No description
Cast of Characters: Jaina Hudson, Pietro Maximoff

Jaina Hudson has posed:
Bank robberies are certainly not as popular as they tend to be in popular media. And they rarely share a resemblance really, tending to be quiet, discrete things. Low-key affairs seeking some simply cash on hand and a quick escape by people more desperate then criminal mastermind.

Not today however. Not in this bank. This is anything but low key or discrete as five men wearing rabbit masks and armed with assault rifles pour into the lobby of the bank. Several shots are fired off, a pair of women scream and most customers present cower back a little. A security guard takes the butt of one of those rifles across the face, crashing to the floor, a little trickle of blood leaking from the corner of his mouth, a pair of teeth loosened. The older of the pair of guards surrenders his weapon, trembling as he sinks to the floor, letting his hands be bound behind his back. He only has ten days to retirement afterall...

As the guards fan out, gesturing with their weapons, motioning for the customers to get down, for the tellers to back away from their wickets in theatric fashion an even more unlikely figure enters. While masked like the others, she is far more eye-catching in most respects. The purple mask covers the upper portion of her face and the two velvet bunny ears that rise up out of a mass of wavy white hair certainly keep with the theme. But that's where the similarities end though. Instead of big and hulking, she is tall and curvaceous. The white collar that circles her slender neck is attached by a purple strape to the white and purple corset that laces up over her torsom leaving her navel bared. She is certainly not dressed for bad weather, given otherwise she wears a pair of purple panties with a fuzzy bunny tail, a pair of white latex gloves that climb up her arms to past her elbows and a pair of white latex boots that climb up to mid thigh. And while she might not be armed, the five masked men who are seem to defer to her at once. "Very nicely done," she says sweetly, passing the man guarding the door, patting his cheek.

"Now, lets finish making our withdrawl."

Pietro Maximoff has posed:
While the weather might be improving, that doesn't necessarily make Pietro Maximoff any more fond of Manhatten then at any other point in time. He is here, and he stays, largely because of his sister. He is an Avenger largely because of his sister. There are times that he questions his place here. He does not question his sister however, so here he remains.

As is so often the case, the white-haired speedster finds himself bored, a pile of paperbooks books sitting on the table beside him in... less than ideal condition. They rather look like they have been tossed about in a tornado, the spines of them bent and cracked, some pages ragged as if flipped through too carelessly. So while he might not be the most altruistic of the Avengers, when the report of an ongoing bank robbery comes in it draws his attention.

"Who robs banks anymore?" he mutters to him, just a moment before he seems to blur, disappearing from the view of any but those with the most capable senses, vanishing out onto the streets of New York inbetween the beats of a steady heart.

Jaina Hudson has posed:
The armed gunmen do a lot to keep very many of the crowd from gawking at her, those high heeled boots clicking as she walks up along the service wickets, a self-satisfied smile curving over those lips. "Take it all boys," she urges with a playful note as one of the bunny-masked thugs starts gathering up what cash they can claim from behind that counter. It really doesn't seem to be all that much but if she is the mastermind behind this particular crime, the fact that the haul is not going to be huge doesn't seem to phase her in the least. "Time's a' wastin'," he urges, clapping those hands together loudly.

The White Rabbit strolls past the line of kneeling hostages that sit on the floor, nodding her head as they all remain in place, keeping their heads down under the watchful eyes of a pair of her seeming henchmen. "Behave yourself and you will all get out of here just fine. Start peering around, start causing any trouble and well... I can't promise what my boys will do," she says with a light laugh, the masked men joining in.

As she passes one woman in the huddled crowd she pauses for a moment, gaze trailing over the Indian beauty before giving a low, rich laugh. She certainly seems to be enjoying herself.

Pietro Maximoff has posed:
The world just does not move at the proper speed.

It is an endless source of frustration for Pietro Maximoff. So many find him off-putting and impatient. They can't possibly realize just how patient he is. How much effort it takes to try and slow down. To move deliverately enough to even be seen by others, instead of being little more then a constant blur.

Of course it has it's perks too. It means there are moments like this. Where he can race through the city, zipping along streets and sidewalks, weaving in and out of traffic, both pedestrian and vehicular without anyone being aware. There's no such thing as traffic for him. Not really. And when he wants to get somewhere there are few places that he can't be in moments.

So it is less than a minute from when Quicksilver originally heard the alert to the moment that he arrives just inside the doors of the bank, that haughty gaze sweeping over the gunmen and hostages, giving a little snort of near disbelief when he spots the woman in an almost fetish rabbit costume. "This country..." he says. "I would tell you to drop your weapons, to do things the easy way but unfortunately for you, I prefer to make things difficult," he says.

Jaina Hudson has posed:
While the sound of a voice in the doorway is unexpected, it doesn't seem to unduly phase her. Even when she turns to see just who it is. Perhaps she doesn't recognize him? Perhaps she is just that certain about herself and her abilities? Or maybe she's just crazy. The costume raises that possibility.

The White Rabbit does shoot a reproachful glance at the bunny-masked man who is guarding the door. She doesn't chide him, at least not out loud, but she is very, very disappointed and her look makes that abundantly clear. He appears to be a little too distracted to notice that the moment, trying to bring that rifle to bear on the speedster. So instead she shakes her head in feigned sadness and pouts at Quicksilver. "You're ruining my day and that is really quite rude of you. And while I certainly appreciate a little speed in my life, I think you might be just a little more then I'm looking for right now. But if you want to look me up another time..." she suggests, winking Pietro's way before blowing him a mocking kiss.

Then she's turning, motioning to the man behind the counter, beckoning him with a single upraised finger and flashing him a beautifully self-assured smile. "Do be a dear and toss me the bag, cutie," she says. "And then take care of that mean ol' superhero for me," she urges.

The leather satchel full of low denomination bills does fly over the counter and the white-haired thief snatches it out of the air as five assault rifles are brought to bear on the intruding Avenger.

Pietro Maximoff has posed:
He is not amused. To say the least.

The look that Pietro shoots first her, and then the gun-wielding, bunny mask-wearing lackeys is one of pure and utter derision. Really? The big plan is to shoot him? This hardly feels like it was worth getting out of his chair for. "I suppose I did say that I preferred the difficult way. I was hoping that it would be a little more difficult then this though," he says coldly.

Guns are levelled his way, drawing about to fire on him. And then Quicksilver starts to move. To the rest of those in the bank, they might not even notice, their eyes not yet managing to convey what they are seeing through the nervous systems to their brains. But the white-haired mutant is simply no longer standing by the door. The closest of the would-be robbers probably never even knows what hit him, the rifle jerked from his hands, dropped in the far corner of the lobby befre Pietro is back beside him, giving him a healthy shove that is augmented by all the momentum that a speedster can bring.

And then Pietro is off again. For him the man at his back is just starting to leave his feet, his body bending at the mid-section as all that force brought to bear lifts him from his feet, makes him airborn, headed inevitably into crashing into the nearest desk. That will be another second or two though. Plenty of time for Pietro to deal with the rest. And first up? The bunny-eared woman. He zips across the room, an out-stretched hand reaching for and then falling upon her shoulder, fingers starting to flex, to clench and grab hold of the apparent instigator of all of this...

Jaina Hudson has posed:
And so ends the burgeoning career of the White Rabbit, right? She's fast. She is well aware of that fact. But this is freaking Quicksilver. An Avenger. It's all over, except for the crying.

Or is it? That hand comes down on her shoulder, those fingers begin to grab at her. Maybe as he gets close enough the speedster might notice that her eyes do actually seem to track him, do seem to follow him. The smile never leaves her features, those lips curved enticingly. And as he grabs hold, the White Rabbit just seems to twist. A fluke? An accident? Does it matter? Either way, his hold on her seems to slide. Fingers that had such a sure grip just an instant before suddenly slide and can't seem to maintain their grasp.

She, meanwhile, spins ever so gracefully, twirling away with the sort of agility that would seem thoroughly impossible on such clearly impractical heels. The sound of the man guarding the door crashing into the desk echoes through the bank lobby and the four remaining gunmen gape openly, heads darting around wildly trying to find just where their target has gone. And finding that he has covered dozens of feet in a blink of an eye to stand right by their boss.

Her cheeks dimple adorably as she smiles at Quicksilver, such a sweet expression. And while the words out of her mouth might be just as honey-sweet, their intent is anything but.

"Boys. The hostages."

And where the guns were starting to swing about to try and track down the speedster, they abruptly swing back towards the mass of people that huddle on the ground in front of the counter.