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Selling Flowers For Yourself
Date of Scene: 10 March 2020
Location: Sherwood Florist
Synopsis: Dick comes to buy flowers for Black Canary, and he and Dinah flirt around their mutual secret identities.
Cast of Characters: Dinah Lance, Dick Grayson

Dinah Lance has posed:
Sherwood Florist, Gotham City, USA. Thursday. It's the day of the week when the mystery customer buys flowers from Dinah for his girlfriend. Black Canary. From her. Dinah, a.k.a. Black Canary. It's been a fun little game so far, at least for Dinah.

She never knows what time he'll stop by, but already she's picked out a few arrangements from her latest shipment. Just in case he needs suggestions.

Dick Grayson has posed:
It's the slight variations. Dick knows what nights that Canary will pass by the spot that they first met. And he always comes to Sherwood Florist the morning before to buy her flowers. He couldn't help but to notice that the striking blonde behind the counter was very similar to his girlfriend, but that's just a coincidence, right? It's the Clark Kent glasses defense.

The soft chime of a bell announces his arrival through the door. Sunglasses, sweater, blue jeans. Noticing Dinah behind the counter, he smiles warmly. "Good morning!" he offers with a lift of his hand. "...I think I want to try something different." he admits as he moves to the counter. "It's been a week or so since we've had any time together." he admits.

"Maybe something that tells her I'm missing her and I'm hopeful to see her again?"

Dinah Lance has posed:
Dinah Lance is also dressed casually, even for a florist. Black midriff t-shirt with a Superman logo, bell bottom jeans over boots. Blonde hair is pulled back into a ponytail, mostly because it's NOT the way Canary wears it.

Sunglasses, sweater, jeans. Yep, that's her guy alright. Dinah pulls off rubber gloves one at a time and turns when she hears the voice. "A week or so? Honey, that's FOR-EVER in relationship-speak." she quips back.

Dinah taps her chin thoughtfully, or at least faux-thoughtfully. "Well if a guy is missing a girl, the only thing for it is carnations. I'd recommend pink and red. Pink means she's unforgettable, and red means you're missing her."

The blonde steps towards the coolers with smooth, efficient movements.

Dick Grayson has posed:
"Pink and red carnations? Sounds like a plan. Last time we talked, you said red suggests romance." Dick admits as he slips his hands into his pockets to watch Dinah at work. She's nice on the eyes... but the Canary has caged his heart. "It's only been a month, thereabouts. Too soon to suggest I'm having those thoughts about her?" he asks.

"I do think about her alot though." there's a laugh at that, and a shake of his head. "We'll go with your suggestion. Anyway, I appreciate the tips. I'd probably be lost without them." he admits as he turns around to face the door, and she can definetly tell it's him by that backside.

Dinah Lance has posed:
Dinah Lance opens a door and starts collecting flowers while they talk. She shakes her head at his question, then shrugs. "I suppose that really all depends on you, whether or not it's too soon. But colors mean different things depending on the flower. Trust me on this."

She's watching him peripherally already, and the blonde does take the opportunity when he turns his back towards her. After a moment, she asks. "So tell me about your girlfriend, then. I mean, I -know- her, but I want to hear your version."

Dick Grayson has posed:
"I'm hoping to learn more about her, really. Her name..." he realizes that he can't say //that// name, so he improvises. "Her name's Carrie. We both work in law enforcement together. She was here in Gotham just before I moved to Bludhaven, and I sort of admired her." Perhaps a crush, he won't admit to that.

"She's daring, willing to take risks. And she's drop dead gorgeous. But that's not what drew me to her. There was just something about her. Something that demands attention. She could probably have any guy she wanted, really. So she's worth holding onto -- which is why I'm spending a small fortune on flowers to hold her attention."

Dinah Lance has posed:
Dinah Lance pauses, tilting her head and giving him a sidelong look when he starts improvising. "Carrie?" she echoes, pausing before going along with it. Yeah, she looks amused alright. "She never talks much about work, but I didn't know she was in law enforcement. That'll open up a whole new line of conversation."

Yeah, 'Carrie' has a key to the apartment above the flower shop. Or at least that's her cover story.

Dinah starts assembling the bouquet now, adding some greenery. "So you're drawn to her because she demands attention and she's worth holding onto, is that it?"

Dick Grayson has posed:
It's not like Canary asked /his/ name. That's a mutual fair. "There's more to it than that." Dick admits. "But it's the tip of the iceberg." Sorry, he's not going to tell the roommate that she's great in bed too. "Like you said, still a new relationship. Would like to get to know her better though."

Then he turns the conversation around. "...has she said anything about me?" he asks her. "If it's bad, I doubt you'd tell me, it'd ruin your flower business." he teases.

Dinah Lance has posed:
Lay down the paper first, then a nice bed of greenery. Red and pink carnations, alternating the heights and colors. Dinah laughs softly at the impact of her commentary on the business. "Then keep sending her flowers." she begins. "Girls like flowers, and she feels less guilty about me sleeping at a friend's once a week."

Yeah. That.

"She thinks your very sweet, of course. Easy on the eyes, too. But she never mentioned law enforcement. And she's still waiting for the other shoe to drop." Pause. "You see, my friend 'Carrie' has had a lot of bad luck with guys."

Dick Grayson has posed:
"What did she tell you I do?" Dick asks curiously. "And if it's a stripper at Roosters, I'm going to be disappointed." he points out with a laugh, warm and playful as he folds his arms over his chest, turning around to face Dinah again.

"Bad luck?" he asks, a lift of a brow beneath his glasses. "...and she thinks I'm going to continue the trend?" comes the curious thought.

Dinah Lance has posed:
Dinah Lance continues arranging the flowers on the paper, then she starts to roll it up. Carefully. "She didn't say. Then again, I don't think she knows as much about you as she'd like to either." The blonde looks up, then, offering a small smile as she secures the wrapping with tape.

"Our mutual friend has a long string of short relationships that ended badly, and we'll leave it at that. She sees a cute guy, he turns out to be a jerk, and she never realizes it until it's all over and he's dumped her."

Pause. "And yes, they DO end up dumping her in the end. Don't ask me why, either. But I'll be the one there with the fudge ripple ice cream and old movies later on."

Dick Grayson has posed:
"You can tell your friend that I enjoy fudge ripple -- but I like mint chocolate chip better. And my father used to have me watch old films with him, so I love the noir classics." Dick responds, and turns his attention to the blonde. "And I would like to get to know her better, as well." he admits quietly.

Then he lifts a brow in curious playfulness. "Did she tell you what my name was?" comes the question.

Dinah Lance has posed:
Dinah Lance puts the finishing touches on the bouquet before lifting it up and offering it to him. "Oh, if she had any guesses she wouldn't say." she replies. "Not that she won't grill me about you later tonight, of course. For all the good it'll do."

Moving back to the counter again, there's a spring in her step that wasn't there at first. "Perhaps one day you'll pay by check or credit card, then I'll have something to go on." And with that, Dinah rings up the total.

Dick Grayson has posed:
"I thought you'd perfer cash." Dick responds as he takes out his wallet and opens it. And if Dinah's looking up in her security mirror, she might notice the badge of the Bludhaven Police Department within as he takes out the cash. "So was I close on her name?" he asks. "I admit... when we're together, it's so hot that I don't think I ever asked her name. And she never asked me mine." he admits.

"But, you can tell her this, for me?" as he sets down the cash to collect the flowers. "When she wants to trade names.. that means we remove the masks. And if she wants to do that... I'd like to know her more." he lifts his gaze up to hers, and smiles. "She'll kmow what it means.

Dinah Lance has posed:
Bludhaven PD. Interesting. Dinah lifts a brow at that, then she chuckles and shakes her head. "Actually you're pretty close on the name. Alphabetically, at least." Why not? Two can play this game, after all.

Scooping up the cash, she opens the register and makes change. "Masks? I thought you two were in Law Enforcement or something." she quips back. "But I'll pass along the message."

She puts the change on the counter. She's dusted the bills for fingerprints in the past, but they're always clean. Or at least too dirty to pick up anything distinct. Not that she'd expected anything to show in a trace.

But if he's really a cop...

Dick Grayson has posed:
That's something for Dinah to figure out. And decide if it's still worth pursuing. "I'm going to leave these in the usual place. And I'll hope I see her tonight." Dick smiles slightly, though there's a twinge of something there. "I was worried we had moved too fast, because she never shows up until after I left to take the flowers..."

So maybe he thought he was already dumped.

Dinah Lance has posed:
Dinah Lance chuckles softly at that, shaking her head. "Oh come now. How do you think she knows when you've picked up the flowers, hmm?" Shaking her head playfully, the blonde leans on the counter in a very familiar manner. "I'll talk with her, and *then* she'll meet you to get the flowers. You're not the only one who wants this to work."

Dick Grayson has posed:
He's noticed that look and the way it presents Dinah's curves just so. But he doesn't want to guess and be wrong. "Only if she wants to. I'd like to see it work." Dick smiles slightly. "I've had bad luck too, but mainly because I'm a workaholic. But maybe, she can help me feel a little more grounded." he says as he takes the change and puts it in the little jar to the side to restore Gotham's botanical gardens after the earthquake. "I'll wait for her tonight, then. Thank you." with that, he takes up the flowers to prepare to leave.

Dinah Lance has posed:
Dinah Lance watches him leave, gaze roaming once he's turned towards the door. "I'll be sure to let her know." she calls back after him. And only once the door closes and the shop is quiet does she speak. Several long, slow breaths later.

"I'll see you tonight." she murmurs. Then she blinks and starts on another order that needs to be filled before closing tonight.