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Hello, Michael
Date of Scene: 21 July 2021
Location: Carter-Sousa Home - Long Island
Synopsis: In 1956, Peggy and Daniel bring little Michael home for the first time, where they're greeted by Lily, who is anxious to meet the newest member of the family.
Cast of Characters: Peggy Carter, Daniel Sousa, Melinda May

Peggy Carter has posed:
Nearly a month early and late into the night a few days ago, Daniel was making scattered phone calls from the hospital waiting room that Peggy was in labor. Despite a bit of a surprise, things went smoothly. The little boy, weighing in at 6 lbs 9 oz, was strong and crying from the moment he arrived in the world. Of course, they kept Peggy a few days. Just the way things were. And the house had been left a mess. Neither of them expected to be gone quite that early. Fortunately, someone else had a key.

Peggy felt awfully embarrassed about it, but the phonecall to Lily asking if she'd just go over and check on things, maybe toss any food or things in the kitchen getting mold, was a necessary one. It had tumbled into the quiet ask, or was it offer, that if Lily was up for it, they could probably use some help in that first week. A new baby is a lot. A new baby when one still thought they had a few weeks to prepare, even more? But tonight is the night Peggy and Michael are coming home. So the house will be what it is, and their little family has finally grown.

Daniel Sousa has posed:
Daniel had been in and out of the hospital since the birth visiting his wife and son until the doctors gave the go ahead to take them home. It could not be a moment too soon, so he was more than happy to drive to the hospital and to drive both home, even if he wasn't the safest driver on the road looking over to his wife and son frequently on the drive, thankfully traffic was light and so his inattentiveness didn't come with any serious consequences. Good thing.

Melinda May has posed:
The house, in fact, will be far less cluttered than it was when they left. No, Lily didn't do a deep clean, but she did tidy up and do a basic wipe down of surfaces. She also spent a little bit of time arranging the nursery. It wasn't hard to see where they expected to put things. But the crib needs blankets and maybe a little crocheted puppy for company. Not, mind, that she expects it to see a lot of use until after the infant outgrows the bassinet.

She even brought in a bit of dim sum for his parents, in case they're tired of hospital food.

Regardless, she's more than willing to give Peggy what help she can. There's something in the back of her mind, something that finds her strangely anticipating the child, rather than being afraid of it as so many 'spinters' seem to be.

Thus, when they pair come in, there's a kettle on the stove, a neat throw over the back of the sofa, and a general sense of calm and order about their usually chaotic space. Hell, she even took the work files and put them away in that little rolltop desk off in the corner.

Peggy Carter has posed:
"Daniel, the *road*, darling!" Peggy's had to remind him more than once, while driving, as she remains cozily in the passenger seat, little Michael in her arms. This is far before car seats were part of laws and her over protective self absolutely thinks the safest place for her son is her arms. Fortunately, they do make it home without little fuss otherwise. She lets Daniel open the door for her, gingerly handing him Michael so she can get her sore frame a bit more easily out of the car, then she takes the swaddled infant back. He is luckily, still asleep. "Home sweet home..." She murmurs to Daniel, a little overwhelmed and excited at the same moment. She smiles to see lights on through the windows, "Lily must be in..."

Then, as she's walking through the front door, her smile turns to shock. She really can't remember the last time her place was this clean. "...Is this our house?" She asks with a little laugh, her high heels clicking gently on the hall floor as she comes through to the kitchen, smiling wider to see Lily, "You... goodness, you didn't have to do all this, you know?" Peggy looks much herself. Still soft, if not as soft as she looked a week ago, and somewhat exhausted, but in good spirits. She's got a little bundle with a swath of dark hair wrapped up in her arms.

Daniel Sousa has posed:
There are plenty of 'sorry, sorry' in response to those reminders as he turns his eyes back to the road, only to inevitably sneak a look at his wife and child again a few minutes later.

When they finally arrive home and the car is safely off he happily takes Michael in one arm while his other holds his cane. "Hey there kiddo," he greets his son, smiling before following Peggy inside.

"Wow," he says checking out the state of their house and then whispering conspiratorially to Michael. "Don't get used to this place looking like this, your mum's a bit of a slob," he teases winking at Peggy.

Melinda May has posed:
Lily chuckles softly, dark eyes sparkling as both Peggy and Daniel react to the house. "Mm," she says with a wry smile. "No, don't get used to it." Because she's not coming to play maid or au pair *that* regularly. 'Aunt', however... that she can sign up for.

"You're really going to have to call Edwin," she notes. "Ana has been entirely unsuccessful at controlling his curiousity. I think I've turned down at least a dozen offers of various goods and services." A beat. "Or, at least, I've put him off until you're home." And yes, she looks just a little smug about that.

Of course, she's coming across the room to greet them both. And to see the little bundle in momma's arms...

Peggy Carter has posed:
"Oh, they both are caring for Howard Stark, they've got their hands full enough with *that* boy." Not to say Howard is as troublesome as an infant but, some days... Also, they had both had a chance to visit at the hospital. And Peggy didn't expect anyone to be their maid or butler, which she knows Edwin would end up doing. Still, she seems quite relieved just to have Lily here and a quiet, clean house. It's a little oasis of peace compared to the chaos of the hospital.

"Do you want to meet your Aunt Lily, little one? Come now, I know you'll be up any moment, now that the car isn't going." She'd been warned. Cars are for sleep. Stillness is waking times. Like walking him up and down the hallway of the hospital trying to get him back to sleep. Sure enough, little still-blue eyes very drowsily start to open, a cranky, tiny fist struggling up and out of the swaddle in the direction of a new face. He's not old enough to quite focus, but any stimulus is interesting. "Lily, meet Michael Daniel Carter Sousa. He screams louder than he looks, just a warning."

Daniel Sousa has posed:
"I'm sure hurricane Jarvis will hit soon enough, but thanks for holding them off, and yeah, Lily, come say hi to your nephew with the really long name," he says with a grin. He liked the name to be honest but he was in a good mood and in a good mood he joked.

Standing to the side he watches his son with a proud expression, wondering at his every movement.

"I love his eyes, trying to drink in the whole world."

Melinda May has posed:
"Really long name, huh?" Melinda says, peeling back just a small corner of blanket to watch as he stretches out that little fist. "Well. Welcome home, Michael Daniel." She strokes the back of his fist and then draws a finger over the black tuft of hair.

She glances between them and then down back down at the baby. "Mmhmm. He belongs to both of you." Just wait until they see what he turns into...

"Alright, you two. Come in. Sit down. The kettle's on and I brought food, if you feel like eating." If not, it's no big deal. Leftovers are always good. "What do you want?"

Peggy Carter has posed:
That fat little fist slightly twitches, tiny fingers unfurling at the brush against the back of his hand. He's not crying yet, but it's probably only a matter of time now that he's awake. Still, the intriguing new colors and things around him are distracting in compare to the very white hospital. Peggy gives a little chuckle as Lily confirms he's theirs.

"Goodness, yes. All that hair and three weeks ahead of schedule. Eager little package, it seems. And he does like to stare at everything." She echoes Daniel, smiling wider at her husband. She leans over, kissing his cheek before she moves for the couch. She manages to get down into sitting with just one hand supporting, but most of her is still sore in ways she didn't dream possible. "Tea... tea and something that isn't hospital food sounds *lovely*. They say you are eating for two and then feed you gruel."

Daniel Sousa has posed:
Chuckling as well Daniel nods, "Definitely ours," he agrees. "For all those reasons and likely more we'll discover as he grows. Still hoping he didn't get our stubbornness until he's grown, that'll make life easier," he jokes smiling fondly at his boy then up to Peggy before kissing her cheek in turn

"Ana did sneak in that one tart for you, but yeah, the hospital food lived up to its reputation," he agrees glad to have only witnessed it not taste it.

"Food would be great Lily, whatever you brought."

Melinda May has posed:
"Hospital food always does," Lily notes. "We should fix that at our own facilities, you know. You could. You're the boss." Nevertheless, she's bustling back into the kitchen just as that kettle starts to whistle.

It's a few moments before she returns, carrying a tray of tea that she sets on the coffee table. Then, she's stepping back to fetch the collection of dim sum baskets and some utensils and plates. By the time she's done, though, there's a small spread that should satisfy them well enough.

Peggy Carter has posed:
"Oh, I'm working on it. Something about too many spices upsetting delicate stomachs and the medical process. Goodness, I'm not a doctor, but I'm doing my best to make certain people have *options* in our facilities, at least. Why didn't I just have the baby *there*?" Probably because her doctor wasn't there. And having everything on display for her staff was not something she cared to do. Peggy blinks a moment, "Never mind. I just thought that through and very much answered my own question." She's actually blushing just a little.

As the food is set down, Peggy groans hungrily, looking between the little bundle in her arm and the spread she's dying for right now. Then Lily's given a little gaze, "Don't suppose you'd feel like managing the little one while we eat? Until he starts properly fussing, at least... I understand if you're not comfortable. Babies are not for everyone..." Peggy's trying not to be pushy, but the offer is there. She and Daniel have both ahd plenty of time with him.

Daniel Sousa has posed:
"Definitely a good idea," Daniel says, "Especially with the amount of time we spend in medical, some decent food would be nice." Though he can't help but grimace at the idea of Peg giving birth at SHIELD. "With our luck the medical team would all be out sick and Samberly would have to deliver the baby," he says with a shake of his head. "Bad food aside the hospital was the right choice."

Melinda May has posed:
Lily's eyes dance as Peggy internally answers her own question. She feels the sense of query switch to a sense of 'oops'. It's echoed by Daniel's distaste of the idea, which causes her to laugh outright.

When the baby is offered to her, she smiles and reaches out her arms. "Yes. Let me see the boy." Carefully, she takes him from his mother, along with a nappy she can put over her shoulder. She settles him down in her arms and spends a moment or two preoccupied with his tiny features and fingers. Infants are cute, all on their own. But newborns are a class unto themselves. It's always hard to believe something so very tiny could grow into an adult of such stature.

"Hello, Michael," she murmurs softly, fingers walking over his chest to stroke his cheek. "It's very nice to meet you..." There's something in the way she holds him, just a brief wistfulness that flickers through her eyes, veiled in that half-memory look she often gets when a sense of Melinda pushes into her consciousness. Melinda, who always wanted to be a mother and never would... no more than Lily ever will be.

But she can be an aunt, at least for a few years. It's enough.

Peggy Carter has posed:
While there is a single moment of reluctance to hand the baby over, it's just natural mom worry and the moment Peggy sees that look on Lily's face, she happily slips the little bundle into her arms. Wide blue eyes, slightly unfocused but tiredly curious, stare up at Lily as a pudgy fist brushes against her finger. Michael's more curious than fussy right now, the new setting and people enough to hold his short attention. His hair and skin are all literally baby soft, like he's made of silk and warmth.

Peggy smiles a bit wider at seeing them, something releasing in her chest. It felt good to see Lily like that. To know how protected and loved Michael would be. "Michael, that's your Aunt Lily.... Yes. She's going to take very good care of you. We love her very much. Just like we love you." Peggy murmurs gently. Then she's diving into the food. She really was starving, but those were important words to say.

Daniel Sousa has posed:
Daniel smiles watching Lily take Michael into her arms, "Welcome to the family, kiddo," he tells his son warmly. "You're going to have some really great people watching over you, like your aunt Lily" he says nodding to Lily before he smiles to Peggy, feeling a warmth and satisfaction and the family they'd knitted together with friends and now Michael.

Taking a seat, he lets himself relax a little and like Peggy tuck into some food the last day and a half had been exhausting but memorable.

Melinda May has posed:
Lily glances to the new parents, her smile small but full. "You did good," she tells them, those dark eyes warm with a hint of mischief as she teases. Her thumb brushes the back of the infant's powder soft hand, her finger firmly in his strong grip. "He's strong, he's healthy, and mother looks to make a full recovery. Well done." Like they really had any say in how it all turned out. Though, to be fair, the fact Peggy didn't stop until the very last moment would probably cause some people to wonder in this day and age.

She watches them eat briefly, perfectly happy to entertain the baby while they do. She can grab a small plate after, willing to do wait if it means she can greet Michael this way. "How's the food?" she asks, amusement still in her tone. She's glad she brought extras.

Peggy Carter has posed:
"Delicious. Amazing. I forgot what real food tasted like. Next time I'm in hospital, I'm going to demand you smuggle some of this in or I might just go mad." Peggy doesn't say if. She knows there will be a next time, she knows her life. But now she's savouring every last bite and trying not to just swallow it whole with how ravenous for real food she realizes she is.

She pulls a basket into her lap with a few selections of things and then, rude or not, kicks her feet up gingerly onto the coffee table, sore body still moving slowly but she's happy to stretch out. She smirks a bit at the thoughts that come in response to Lily's first words, "I...don't know that we planned or did much of anything. I mean, I did a lot but it all just sort of... Happens. I didn't even think I was in labor for quite some time, ask Daniel."

Daniel Sousa has posed:
"Amazing," Daniel confirms to Lily about the food before smiling faintly, "The credit is all Peg's my end of this ended a while ago," he says before putting his mind to how long she was in labour. "Too long by my count, I'm not even sure how long it was but it felt like forever, practically jumping to my feet every time a nurse came in, watching the clock I could have sworn had to be broken because it moved so slow. If it wasn't for Edwin, Ana and Howard I think I'd have gone mad or wore a trench in the waiting room floor with my pacing."

Melinda May has posed:
Lily chuckles. "They say the first is always the hardest." Not that she knows. It's just what she's heard. "I'll be sure to tell Soo-Yin you liked the food." That always goes over well. It's one of the reason their portions are so generous -- especially with the 'more authentic' dishes.

She begins to rock Michael slowly, still stroking him softly. "So. How long will you follow doctor's orders and stay off your feet?" she asks, fully expecting a rebelious answer. Indeed, she'll be surprised if she doesn't. Some things are predictable. Peggy's inability to stay still for more than a day at the most is among them.

Peggy Carter has posed:
"Eeh... as long as I feel sore enough that it *feels* like I should. I have no wish to run a marathon right now, I promise you that. The whole matter was rather... agonizing." Peggy states matter of factly, like she's describing the weather or a particularly annoying report at work. "But the initial labor...I don't know. It... Hurt, but it didn't hurt *that* much. I thought surely it'd be worse. How was I supposed to know it was the time? Especially when the little one decided to come three weeks ahead of schedule!" Peggy admits with a perfectly innocent laugh.

Daniel Sousa has posed:
"Well if the whole business of giving birth doesn't keep you off your feet for a bit I'm sure Michael will help by keeping us up all night," Daniel chimes in helpfully. "Actually I should see about getting files brought out here regularly for the next little bit to keep you sane," he remarks to Peggy. "Or both of us really, I think I'm going to cash in a few sick days and be around for as long as I can manage."

There's a little frown of concern for what labour was like before he chuckles at the last bit, "Well I only said it a was time a few times before we finally called the doctor," he teases.

Melinda May has posed:
Lily shakes her head, not particularly surprised. "Well, I'll stick around as long as you need me," she tells them, that smile still on her face as she continues to attend to the baby, splitting her attention between him and his parents. "I've got enough furlough banked." And, despite being led by a woman, and dealing with so many more women on duty than they once did, the men of SHIELD still carry certain attitudes about the 'fairer sex' that will take several more decades to truly change. Women, even in SHIELD, are still a small minority.

"The important thing, really, is that you're all home, safe and sound. While I don't put it past Howard to blow something up, I think we can be cautiously optimistic even he'll be on his best behaviour for a few days." No, she didn't just jinx them. Certainly not.

Peggy Carter has posed:
The comment about Howard gets a little groan and a roll of her eyes to the ceiling, "Oh no, Lily, now you have certainly jinxed us. But... we can hope. Howard was mostly behaved in the hospital, from what I could tell. But.. I'm glad you're here. I'm sure we'll need the help."

And, just like that, Michael is awake enough to realize he's hungry. It's a few light squirms in Lily's arms and then an outright cry as he goes from calm to fussy hungry in less than a minute. Peggy pops one last bite of food past her lips and then gently sits forward once more. "...a good point about us never sleeping. I was wondering when he would decide it was dinner time. Sorry, Lily, unless you can perform another miracle, I think I need to steal him back."

Peggy gingernly pushes herself up and off the couch, reaching forward to take the fussing, crying bundle gently. She gives Lily a gentle kiss on the cheek before unfolding, then pausing at Daniel's side to kiss him as well. "I think I'm going to take him back to the bedroom to eat. You two enjoy your dinner in peace." And with that, Peggy moves off downt he hall where she can feed in privacy.