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Latest revision as of 06:09, 16 August 2021

Park Meetings
Date of Scene: 23 May 2021
Location: Central Park
Synopsis: No description
Cast of Characters: Heather Danielson, Gabby Kinney, Irie West

Heather Danielson has posed:
    ~~Saaaturday... in the park.. I think it was the fourth of July!~~

The music from the classic band Chicago flows into Heather's ears from her earbuds. The pulse of the beat matches the pace of her jogging footsteps. Her skintight spandex shorts of bright blue color contrast against the tanktop with a hem cut off just above her belly button. The hemline sways as she runs.. halfways singing along while she works out. Her running shoes make a chuffing sound with every step she takes.

    She runs fast enough to make it difficult for paparazzi to keep up on foot in the park where vehicles aren't really allowed.

Gabby Kinney has posed:
Gabby Kinney usually enjoyed a good run, or jog, herself. It's the very same reason she's also in the park today. Unlike Heather she doesn't have headphones on unfortunately so her musical inspiration is brought on by the song stuck in her head for the past several hours. Her hair was pulled back high in a ponytail, and her attire was a bit more modest: Leggings, and an oversized t-shirt with a cat shooting laser beams from it's eyes. If anything, the only item of any real importance about her outfit were her rather garish high top sneakers that had been heavily modified with paint and different neon laces to 'customize' them in some attempt at fashion. She's surprisingly fast for someone as short as she is. It's not too long before she finds herself keeping pace with Heather.

Heather Danielson has posed:
    Sensing the presence of someone beside her, more a notice of shadows and the like, Heather turns her head to her left and opens her mouth to speak. She blinks a bit and then drops her gaze lower. She actually misses a step, but recovers quickly as she laughs and reaches a hand up.

    She taps her earbud to turn it off and says, "Well hello there!" like she is not the least bit out of breath. Which in and of itself should mark her as unusual.

Gabby Kinney has posed:
Gabby Kinney catches the movement of the other woman from the corner of her own eye. The apparent surprise from her earns a grin at least. Turning her head toward her she offers up a rather bright grin that crinkles the corners of her eyes causing the scars on her face to wrinkle, too. It's a genuine smile though. "Hi! Sorry to bug ya, but we were heading the same way. I'm Gabby," she offers by way of greeting. Amazingly she's speaking rather clearly herself and doesn't seem to be puffing and panting as she ought to be given she was going double-time to keep up.

Irie West has posed:
There's a streak of yellow that flashes by in the blink of an eye, little arcs of electricity left in it's wake, the unmistakable mark of a Speed Force user speeding them on their way. There's a brief moment of silence, no more than a heart beat before the streak comes back as Irie comes speeding their way.

She stops right in front of them, holding out three ice cream cones. "Hi Heather!" she says to Heather. "Hi Heather's friend!" she says to Gabby, but speaks too fast to be corrected. "I saw you were out running and I was out running and it's kind of warm outside and I thought that you all might be a little bit tired and wanted to take a bit of a break so I bought ice cream cones for everybody but I don't know what all flavors you like, so I got chocolate, strawberry and vanilla." She actually takes a moment to breathe in and turns to Gabby. "Hi! I'm Irie!"

Heather Danielson has posed:
    Okay, at first, the suddenly appearing speedster makes Heather stumble. She has a flexible mind however, and she reacts in a way that would be laudable, if not laughably slow in the eyes of a speedster. She's in the middle of sweeping an arm, and her torso... between the speedster and Gabby. I mean seriously, the young girl may be normal. Or just a bit more than normal. But Heather's instinct is to protect others, especially young others.
    But once the speedy speech reaches her ears, she laughs in relief and relaxes her stance. And she turns her head towards Gabby, "Well, want some Ice Cream?" she asks as she gestures to it. "And I'm.. as you likely heard, Heather. Nice t'meetcha Gabby."

    And then she turns back to regard Irie, "Thanks! I need some calories!" with a broad smile on her face.

Gabby Kinney has posed:
Blue streak speeds by... No wait, wrong cartoon. Gabby finds her attention drawn to the spark of speedster electric whatsis a bit startled but also curious. So far nothing bad had happened at least. She manages to come to a halt just as Heather swings her arm out protectively in front of her causing her to blink in surprise at the gesture. It was a nice gesture though! She's already smiling by the time Irie has explained and introduced herself. "I'm Gabby, nice to meet you!" She offers back to Irie, only to nod toward Heather at the official introduction as well. "You too, Heather. And of *course* I want icecream. I can always eat! Thanks!" There's a moment of indecision on which cone to reach for but she opts to just reach for the one nearest her. The flavor didn't matter. It was icecream. How could it be bad?

Irie West has posed:
As Gabby takes the vanilla cone, Irie hands Heather the chocolate one, saving the strawberry for herself. "I can always eat, too!" she declares, finding common ground with the young mutant. "Being fast means that I have to eat all the time or else I run out of energy." She takes a long lick around the rim of her ice cream, to try to keep the frozen treat from dripping over the edge of the cone.

She grins broadly at the other girls. "So now we know each other's names, and have shared ice cream this means we have to be friends now. "

Heather Danielson has posed:
    "Works for me!" exclaims Heather as she digs into the ice cream cone. "See..." She says between laps. "I also need calories all the time. My whole power consumes an insane amount of energy. I mean, I always felt like I could have a chance at out-eating the other Kid Flash. But... the problem is I just couldn't do it fast enough."

    But she shrugs and steps off to one side as she gestures for the others to follow. "So Gabby, this is Kid Flash of the Titans, and I'm Knockout of the Titans." *lick the ice cream once more*. "Hope that doesn't make it weird." she adds.

Gabby Kinney has posed:
Gabby Kinney has already taken a mouthful of icecrem in such a way that there is no doubt going to be an impending icecream headache. Even so it doesn't seem to phase Gabby at all. The mouthful is gulped down leaving her to actually lick the cone like a normal person otherwise. Just with a half-decapitated scoop on top. The exchange of codenames and position earns a grin from her. "Oh, cool! I never met any Titans before. ... Or really much of anyone other than Superman and Spiderman and Hyperion and..." Here she pauses considering. "Okay maybe I've met a lot of people. I go by Dropbear sometimes myself." Of course she wasn't on a team. Darn age requirements at the school. Mention of calories though earns a knowing nod. "Oh man yeah I have to eat a ton or else... Actually I don't know the or else. I don't usually wait to find out."

Irie West has posed:
"Oh, man," Irie says with a grin. "We should go get my cousin Bart and terrorize New York with our appetites." She shakes her head in wonder at Gabby. "See, I haven't met any of them, yet. It's probably a matter of time, though." She takes another lick of her ice cream, savoring the flavor. "So what's a dropbear?"

Heather Danielson has posed:
    "Dropbear?" asks Heather. She smirks and shrugs, "I read somewhere that they were animals in Australia. I could be totally wrong about it. But that's what I heard."

    "So, you've met a bunch of heroes huh?" she asks with a grin. She sits down on a bench and leans back while crossing her ankles, "And I am totally up to eating New York out of food." she says with an evil little grin on her face.

Gabby Kinney has posed:
Gabby Kinney holds her hands up to hook her fingers near her mouth like some kind of bizarre fangs. "They're like vampiric koalas that drop down on people when they pass under trees! Very dangerous," she intones super-serious even if they were just a myth. "Anyway I thought it was funny since I get the drop on people sometimes being small and all." Which was true. She was very small for her age. Darn genetics. "Oh yeah, a fair amount. And some not-so-heroes depending on who you talk to. Dr. McCoy from the Avengers is a friend of mine, too. Others I've met by chance, like today," she points out with another broad beaming grin as she gestures between the two Titans.

Irie West has posed:
"Yeah. I've met a bunch of people back in the.." she catches herself before she says something about being from the future. "Back when I was adventuring with my dad. He's a Flash, and a member of the Justice League so I've met most of them." She shrugs as if this is no big deal. "They're all pretty cool."

Heather Danielson has posed:
    "Man, I feel like there's Flashes coming out of the woodwork. Can't turn a city over without a Flash falling out, eh?" asks Heather with a chuckle. She bites into her cone and shrugs, "But yeah. So you're a dangerous predatory ambusher then?" she asks Gabby.

    "Me, I just heal super fast and have about the bare minimum strength that can be called kinda super."

Gabby Kinney has posed:
"Kinda," Gabby admits. "I mean I've been dropped out of a plane or two in my time." Says the totally ancient kid younger than these two. Her attention returns temporarily to the icecream cone to catch a few dribbles before it ends up all over her hand. Since Heather is sitting, she flops down to sit cross legged on the grass so as to face them better while talking. At least until she mentions her abilities. Then she squints at Heather, looking reeeeeeally close. "You don't have claws too, do you? I keep running into relatives lately it seems like. I mean it's cool and all but geeze Logan needs to keep his pants on more." The very thought has her shudder. "Forget I said that ew. I heal too. And I've got claws. Also can't feel pain but that's because the lab that created me did stuff to my head." A fist knocks the side of her head a time or two. Then she grins at Irie. "Yeah? I've not met any of them really, other than Superman anyway. That's cool."

Irie West has posed:
Irie just blinks as Gabby just casually mentions that she was home grown. "You were created in a lab?" she asks, eyes wide. "I want to ask what that was like, but I can't ever imagine anybody growing up in a lab to have any kind of real happy memories of it, I mean, it's not something you typically do in a healthy parent child relationship."

She licks the rim of her ice cream again, making sure that everything is nice and round. "I mean, I'm not one to talk. I'm only five years old, and I spent most of that running around with my dad on adventures, so I don't know what a healthy childhood would look like, really."

Heather Danielson has posed:
    Coughspluttering, Heather shakes her head, "Lab grown? Five years old? Shit, I just got some random shit stuck in my veins and ended up with powers. But no, no claws." she adds as she shrugs and finishes off her cone.

    "I guess I'm the only one here who grew up normal. I had the.. event about a year ago."

Gabby Kinney has posed:
Gabby Kinney glances to Irie a bit curiously. "Yeah. It wasn't a great time, really. My sisters looked out for me though." There's a hesitation as she could say more, but it did tend to be awkward. Plus this wasn't really the time to be doling out such details to mostly strangers. Even if they were with a team of hero types. "Five? But not a clone? That's kinda impressive, got to admit. I mean, I was aged normally but I know of some that weren't." That one that Superman spoke to her about mostly. Not her story to tell. Heather's reaction earns a grin along with a shrug. "Hey, there's nothing wrong with that, either! My genetic donor just has a skillset that a lot of people want to duplicate. But it's cool! I'm still going to enjoy my life, and I've met even more family. It's nice in a way."

Irie West has posed:
"Yeah," Irie says. "When you're born as a Speed Force conduit, things can get wonky like that." She shrugs, "I don't think I'm missing anything though. My dad in this tim... er... has decided that he wanted me to slow down and try to be a 'normal teenager'" she says, air quoting with her fingers, "whatever that means." She shrugs, taking a bite out of her ice cream and savors it before using her tongue to smooth out the bite. "I dunno. I don't really mind not being normal."

Heather Danielson has posed:
    Chuckling, Heather leans back, her arms spreading out to lie them along the back of the bench, "Normal. Normal isn't normal anyway." she states. "I mean, I was fourteen when I started modeling. So I guess I missed out on a lot of what most folks call normal. But... as a bonified teenage girl, I could help you with that Irie. We could go out dancing, shopping.."
    That said, she turns to regard Gabby, "You too!"

Gabby Kinney has posed:
Gabby Kinney raises her hands in the air along with a suitable, "Yisss!" Of excitement. "I'm in! I know a club owner that would be cool with us going to dance there. She keeps inviting me but I haven't had a chance to go to Sion yet," she explains with a grin. "And I'm always up for shopping! Or eating or whatever." There's a little beep from her pocket that steals her attention away. "Ah, though right now I'm house sitting for someone and probably should get back. We should totally exchange numbers!"

Irie West has posed:
Irie's eyes sparkle in delight. "Yes! Shopping! Dancing!" She starts bopping about, moving to some internal rhythm. Gabby mentions that she has an in, and Irie fistpumps into a butt wiggle, "Yes! Dancing! Eating! SHOPPING! GIRLS NIGHT OUT!"

She nods enthusiastically, pulling out her phone to exchange personal numbers with the other two girls. "This is totally going to be so cool."

Heather Danielson has posed:
    Whipping her own phone out, Heather gives out her own personal information easily and she grins, "I promise that I will make sure you -each- get a whole new outfit of your choices. Plus I will dance the night away. Yes indeed." she offers with a grin.

Gabby Kinney has posed:
Gabby Kinney hops to her feet, icecream finished in one last bite. With the deets passed on and her phone newly loaded up with numbers she waves to the pair. "Sweet! See you both soon!" And off she goes again.