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Latest revision as of 21:16, 17 August 2021

Ragdoll (Scenesys ID: 3079)
Name: Peter Merkel Jr.
Superalias: Ragdoll
Gender: Nonbinary
Species: Metahuman
Occupation: Freak
Citizenship: American
Residence: Gotham
Education: Homeschool (Cult)
Theme: DC (VFC)
Groups: Rogues Gallery
Apparent Age: 27 Actual Age: 27
Date of Birth 06 Feb 1994 Played By Bill Skarsgard
Height: 6'1" Weight: 134 lbs
Hair Color: Yarn (Red) Eye Color: Heterochrome
Twitter: @threadlyweapon
Theme Song: "Doll Parts" by Hole

Character Info


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The only son of a notorious father, Peter Merkel Jr. has taken up his father's mantle as The Ragdoll. Impossibly flexible, utterly insane, depraved and unnerving, Ragdoll is sometimes a thief and sometimes a killer, with frequent stints in various asylums and prisons under his belt.


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* 1994: Peter Merkel Jr. is born, the second child of the criminal mastermind and cult leader known as The Ragdoll. Named for his father and the only male child, he is, at first, seen as a natural heir by his father's followers.
* 2004: By age ten, Peter Jr. is falling behind in his attempts to follow in his father's footsteps. He does not have the same gifts of flexibility and contortion, nor the same magnetic, authoritative persona. His father, mad and enraged, inflicts severe emotional and physical abuse on Peter.
* 2009: Desperate to please his father, Peter goes to illegal, underground surgeons to begin the first of many operations to alter his physiology in order to better conform to his father's visions. The elder Ragdoll is in and out of prisons and asylums for most of Peter's teenage years.
* 2014: Peter tries to take up a life of crime, using some of the alterations to his body to mimic his father's abilities. He is swiftly caught and spends a few years in prison ,where he is further abused. His father does not visit and disowns him as a disgrace to his name.
* 2017: Just before Peter is released from prison, his father dies on the outside, apparently of natural causes. Peter becomes even further determined to become the new Ragdoll and goes back under the knife. Over and over again.
* 2020: While never satisfied, Peter feels close enough that he once again dons the garb of the Ragdoll to inflict terror and horror on the world around him.

IC Journal

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To call Peter Merkel Jr. insane is almost an understatement. His understanding of morality, of the nature of the world, his values, his behavior, his pleasures, all of these things are warped beyond belief by his upbringing and by the abuse he has endured. His mind is a thin plastic bag loaded down with jagged shards of broken glass. Nothing could ever put him together again right.

Low Self-Esteem:
Ragdoll hates himself. He thinks he's a failure and has internalized all of his father's hateful words and abuse into his own psyche. He has dark bouts of depression and self-harm. He lashes out in anger at others as a displacement of this self-hatred and can become frenzied or almost psychotic in such a state.

Ragdoll enjoys the discomfort of others. He likes to freak people out. He likes to make them afraid. He is sadistic and cruel, even to those who are vulnerable. He has no real line he's afraid to cross and personally revels in doing perverse and atrocious things to make people's blood run cold or their stomachs heave. And if he doesn't get the reaction he wants, it only means he's going to do something worse.

Ragdoll is a natural toadie and henchman. He tends to defer to stronger personalities and is often perched on the shoulder or curled up at the feet of a more fearsome or horrible individual.

Character Sheet


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While not a naturally gifted contortionist like his father, Peter's determination to win approval led him to undergo extensive illegal black market surgies to simulate and even surprass his father's capabilities. His tendons and muscles have been reinforced with elastic materials. His joints have universally been turned into ball sockets, giving him complete mobility and universal motion. He can turn his hands, wrists or head around completely, swivel his waist in a corkscrew. He can hook a leg over the back of his neck or tie his arms into a knot behind his back. The (majority) of these actions can be done without pain and with full articulation and control. While his bones remain normal, breaking them isn't as common because his joints do not offer stiff resistance to impact and his body will fold around impacts rather than snap, giving him a better than average durability to physical attacks or falls.

Impervious To Pain:
Peter's entire life has been painful. He suffered a childhood of abuse, beatings and torments. As an adult, he has subjected himself to countless unnecessary surgeries and routinely mutilated his own body in a variety of transformative ways. His nervous system is, in some ways, a wreck, but it means that he is both in constant pain and has an almost endless tolerance for it. Injury will not debilitate him. Torture will not persuade him. In fact, very often, he enjoys pain, as an alternative to the numbness he normally experiences.

Ragdoll's muscles and sinews have been horrifyingly altered and improved with synthetic fiber and metal reinforcement of his bones and joints. As a result, he possesses a mild level of superhuman strength, despite his spindly physique, enabling him to lift almost a full ton of weight. Most notably, he has almost unbreakable grip strength and, if he wraps himself around someone to crush them, anyone without superhuman strength or durability is not likely to be able to escape his grasp.


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Ragdoll has trained extensively in acrobatics and tumbling, enhanced by his inhuman flexibility and muscle control. He learned from circus freaks and performers, giving him remarkable balance and agility. He can perform complex tumbling in the air, walk narrow tightropes and knows how to fall as safely as he can. He can be quite a whirling dervish in action, hard to track and constantly moving.

Utilizing his rotating joints and flexible sinews, Ragdoll can contort his body in extreme ways, enabling him to fit through small space, box himself up into constricting containers, hide in places you wouldn't expect a person to be. His internal organs will shift along with his body to accomodate his contortions, although he is limited by, say, his ribcage or his pelvis.

For all his madness, Peter possesses incredible self-discipline and physical control. He can hold a posed position for hours at a time, ignoring cramping or fatigue. He can cut off a blow millimeters away from impact or pause in the midst of a wild tumble, his legs akimbo. His muscles move and react precisely on his conscious command - provided nothing goes wrong, which it sometimes does.

Ragdoll is a disturbing individual. Even his allies often find him deeply unsettling. His infinite flexibility and strange appearance make him like something out of a horror movie. This can be quite a weapon, in its own right, as some opponents will recoil from him in sheer terror without even engaging the flexible freak in combat. He's quite intimidating in his own distinct way.

Ragdoll is insidious and sneaky. He's been creeping around where he didn't belong since he was knee-high. He clings to shadows, stays out of sight and can move in silence and darkness with an assured step.

The Clinch:
Ragdoll's method of combat is largely based in close quarters combat and grappling. Like an anaconda, he wraps himself around his prey, binding them with his strong limbs and his flexible joints. He knows how to squeeze people, how to break their bones, how to choke them unconscious and inflict pain. While he's about average as a hand-to-hand combatant in terms of striking, he's extremely dangerous in the clinch.


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Ragdoll's costume is a tatterdemalion bodysuit, a creepy featureless mask and a moptop wig made of blood-red yarn. He carries a few gadgets in pockets - lockpicks, glasscutter, a bit of cord, that sort of thing. He doesn't wear kevlar as it might inhibit his flexibility with the padding.

Peter's father served as the leader and central figure of a radical cult. Anti-establishment and anti-authoritarian, they have scattered in the wake of the original Ragdoll's death. Nonetheless, they remain out there, hidden in the world, occasionally sympathetic to the son who has inherited his father's mantle. They will regard Peter with a mingling of awe, fear and resentment. Some might even hate him. Others will love him fanatically. All will fear him. Occasionally one comes across his path and proves useful.

Peter grew up the son of a supervillain, part of the criminal underground. He has connections, old friends and familiar faces. He knows fences, crime bosses, smugglers, assassins. That isn't always the same as trusting them - or them trusting him in return. Still, he has plenty of contacts at the very least who would hear him out and, possibly, help under the right circumstances.


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Broken Doll:
Ragdoll's body is full of all kinds of metal and plastics and artificial implants. Any X-ray or metal detector will immediately recognize him as an anomaly. While he's generally good at stealth, his joints will occasionally clatter or click, giving him away. Sometimes he'll cut off a nerve and an arm will go entirely numb. Sometimes he'll twist the wrong way and be paralyzed by pain through his spinal column. Sometimes his arm gets stuck out of joint and it takes him a long while to work it back into place. That sort of thing.

Even beyond his physicality, Ragdoll makes people uncomfortable. He has a strange cadence to his voice. He stands too close. He interrupts or giggles as strange times. He is, to put it frankly, out of his damn mind and he doesn't do a very good job of hiding it. Not that he's trying to do so. He's rather proud of his difference, flaunting it even. He likes making people squirm.

Peter is bad at blending. He toys with his joints, often putting them off kilter or sitting in strange ways. When he goes without his mask, which isn't that often, his face is disfigured, odd, scarred, sometimes partially paralyzed if he's pinched a nerve during a contortion. His eyes bulge. He's gangly and off-putting and generally won't pass for normal outside of a crowd.

Nobody hates Peter more than he hates himself. Maybe his father did, but Peter just internalized all that. He's constantly tried to rebuild himself into something better, something special, but he's never satisfied with the result. He's mutilated his own body in pursuit of a twisted ideal planted in his head by the madman who gave him life. Sometimes he hurts himself. Sometimes badly.

Surgery Addict:
Peter cannot stop altering himself. He is never satisfied with his self image and routinely goes for more extreme procedures, usually with blackballed, incompetent or outright evil so-called physicians. These operations all have risks of fatality and the more of them he gets, the more he puts his body through, the more in danger he becomes.

The Medicine:
Due to the unstable nature of some of his enhancements, Ragdoll has to take a patented black market medicine concocted specially for him. He takes it about once a day. Without it, his joints will begin to tear through his skin and fall apart inside of his skin. So he tries to avoid that.



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Title Date Scene Summary
Dollhouse August 12th, 2021 The Ragdoll shows up! And off!


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Entertainment Credits

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Ragdoll has been credited in 0 shows.

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Ragdoll has been credited in 0 albums.

Title Release Date Artist
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Ragdoll has authored 0 books.

Title Release Date Synopsis
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