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Latest revision as of 18:53, 12 March 2020

Playing in the Garden
Date of Scene: 12 March 2020
Location: Student Gardens
Synopsis: Logan and Gabby talk. Logan swears. There will be food.
Cast of Characters: Gabby Kinney, Logan Howlett

Gabby Kinney has posed:
Gabby Kinney was in the gardens. Or really what was the gardens. It was just beginning to get away from the Winter snow, and the ground was barely thawed. It was mostly mud, slush, and the gravel path that runs through it. It's this path that Gabby wanders through occasionally pausing to bend down and glance over some item or another she finds. A shiny rock. A bit of broken glass. The remnant of one of last years vegetable picks declaring that 'carrots' had been grown there.

Finally finding a spot she crouches down to lay out the little stack of items she's found. One rock is placed atop the other, and she tries to carefully balance a third on top. The bit of glass is just left to the side for now as she makes a little stack like some miniature gravestone.

Logan Howlett has posed:
The gardens might not be ready to grow this year, but Logan still has work. The stout Mutant makes his way through the garden, a rake over one shoulder. He's dressed in a pair of battered, worn overalls over a sweater, with a hat keeping the winter sun out of his eyes. The man pauses as he spots Gabby, and there is a brief moment of hesitation before he starts to cross towards her.

"What're you up to, squirt?"

Gabby Kinney has posed:
Gabby Kinney glances up with a blink of surprise hearing Logan's voice. Unlike Laura she was apparently easy to sneak up on. She hadn't heard him approaching even with that big shambling gait of his. "Oh, just exploring." A grin is flashed his way, and she hops to her feet clapping her hands over her thighs to dust herself off. Not that she'd really gotten dirty at all. "Not much else to do right now with Bellona healing up. I haven't even had time to train lately. But, maybe that's a good thing."

Logan Howlett has posed:
"You been meetin' the others? They treating you well? Nobodies giving you any shit, right?" He leans the rake against the stone wall surrounding the garden and leans back against it. He reaches into a pocket on his clothing and withdraws a stubby cigar. He lights it and takes a long draw.

Gabby Kinney has posed:
Gabby Kinney hesitates at that question. There's a little guilty sidelong glance as if she wasn't sure how to answer it after all. "Met a few. Lorna, and Jean and Rachel and Hope..." All far older than her. Not the kids at all. Had she even been trying to meet them? It's here she shrugs, all smiles again. "No biggie. Everyone's been nice."

Logan Howlett has posed:
He nods to that, taking a few slow puffs on his cigar. He plucks his hat from his head and runs his fingers back through his dark hair, before he settles it back on. "You should meet some of the other kids. Those're good people, sure, but...you gotta know kids your own age. It's important to be...uh..."He tries to think of something someone who's good at this might say. Oh, Scott! "...Socialized."

Gabby Kinney has posed:
"But they're not like me. Not even close," Gabby responds with another shrug though her expression grows a bit more serious. "It's easier for me to talk to people older. They kind of get it. People that've fought before, seen a lot before. I know I'm their age but I shouldn't be ruining them with my weirdness." Of course, her weirdness was totally childlike... but that was partially because she knew that's what was expected of her. "I'm sure I'll get to know some eventually. Right now I've got things I need to finish first. Soon as Bellona's good we want to go after Alchemax."

Logan Howlett has posed:
"Everyone here is an outcast," he says after a long moment. "Everyone here is someone the government would lock up or kill if they could get away with it. Everyone here knows that. They might not have been raised in labs, but...nobody here is anything but weird. Nobody will understand you -like- these kids." Logan takes another draw on his cigar. "But I get it. Shit like that takes time. Like this. You can't open up right away. Nobody knows -that- like me. But don't make the mistake of letting it take a damn decade like I did..."

Gabby Kinney has posed:
Gabby Kinney glances over Logan a moment at mention of not following his lead. She just looks with an amused grin that crinkles the scars that crease her cheeks. "A decade? I'd be so OLD by then!" Ah, from the mouths of babes. Of course she may just be teasing. "I'm doing stuff though. I'm helping Lorna with Genosha, kind of. Not even having to use my guns either!" Wait she has guns? "But yeah. I'll keep it in mind."

There's a long, long pause before she tips her head to the side. "So... What should I call you anyway? I mean I can stay with Logan I guess. You're not like my dad. More like my granddad I guess? Since I'm Laura's clone."

Logan Howlett has posed:
He chuckles a bit at that. "Right. So old. He ashes his cigar and takes another puff on it. Logan glances out over the barren garden before he returns his gaze to her and nods. "Good to stay busy, especially when you're going through a lot. I'm glad you're helpin' out. Finding something to do, you know?" He's really bad at this, but damn it, he's trying!

He furrows his brow and clears his throat. "Huh. I really don't know..."

Gabby Kinney has posed:
Gabby Kinney nods solemnly at that. "Logan's good then. Guess it doesn't matter. We're family, doesn't matter how." Again she beams a smile, far more genuine this time than when this conversation started. It got a bit too introspective from when she was lost in thought. "So! What're you doing with that anyway?" She asks pointing toward the rake... Hoe? That he had.

Logan Howlett has posed:
Logan nods a bit to that. "Right." If this had happened a few years back he would have resisted a lot harder, but these days he's found himself a bit more relaxed. He turns towards the rake and takes another puff of his cigarette. "Oh, snow'd thawed enough on the other side of the estate to be raked up to prep for the full thaw. Just finished that. What're you doing there?"

Gabby Kinney has posed:
Gabby Kinney glances back at the little stack of stones she'd made regarding it thoughtfully. "Dunno what to call it. I remember they used to make us do meditation things to help focus our minds, memory, things like that. One time we had to just balance objects on each other. Zelda always liked that. Said it was relaxing. I was just thinking of her a bit."

Logan Howlett has posed:
"Ah. Chuck tried to teach me how to meditate a bunch. I couldn't just sit still and shut it all off like he wanted. Eventually I found that by reading, or fishing at the lake, or working on the landscaping or garden? That worked for me. Shut all the bullshit off." Logan pauses. "I shouldn't be swearing in front of you...fuck."

Gabby Kinney has posed:
Gabby Kinney manages to keep a straight face for all of two seconds. Her cheeks puff out with a held breath that breaks free a split second later with a bark of laughter at his apparently slip up in regards to language. Her hands clap over her mouth after though she keeps grinning broadly the whole while. "Think I know most of those words already. Laura might be upset, I dunno. I think you're okay this time." She reaches out to pat Logan's shoulder consolingly with a simple, "You're trying."

Logan Howlett has posed:
Logan chuckles a bit at that and puts his cigar out before he carefully disposes of the remainder of it. "Yeah, yeah. You eaten yet?," he asks. "And heard anythin' from Laura? I've been busy with School stuff and haven't really been keeping in touch like I should.."

Gabby Kinney has posed:
Gabby Kinney bounces lightly on the balls of her feet at the mention of food. Does that really have to be asked? "Not in awhile!" Of course for a kid her age that could just be an hour before she'd be hungry again. Darn growth spurts. Too bad she won't get many of them at all given her lineage. "Yeah, of course! She's fine. We've been getting the brickstone set up and she's shaking down some gangs for more..." Here she pauses blinking a single time. "Uh, I'm not supposed to tell you that. Food?"

Logan Howlett has posed:
He frowns a bit at that and files it away to bring up to Laura later. He simply grunts and then nods, turning to lead the way towards the school. "Fridge is usually pretty stocked, kiddo. Come on. What do you like to eat?, he asks curiously, glancing down at her.

Gabby Kinney has posed:
"I don't know. Everything? Pizza's what we usually do. Just not oatmeal. UGH. I've had so much oatmeal and amino shakes and blech." The face she pulls is complete with tongue sticking out, and looking thoroughly disgusted. "Oh! Icecream. I do like icecream too. And Chinese is pretty good." Oh boy.