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Latest revision as of 21:51, 25 August 2021

So, About Last Night...
Date of Scene: 24 August 2021
Location: Clarice Ferguson's Quarters
Synopsis: The morning after, an understanding is reached. For the most part.
Cast of Characters: Clarice Ferguson, Rahne Sinclair

Clarice Ferguson has posed:
    Clarice is slow to wake in the morning - though the lights slowly brighten in the room to simulate a dawning day, and periodically sounds can be heard outside the bedroom as Cynthia gets on with her day, which started much earlier than Rahne and Clarice's. But wake she does, stirring in place, and arching her back slightly in a stretch.
    Rahne is there - and that earns a slow, sleepy smile of contentment. Sure - the nightmare hadn't been fun, but honestly? The night had gone easier than she'd ever dared to hope.
    And maybe Rahne would stay more frequently? Could she be that lucky?

Rahne Sinclair has posed:
Rahne, too spent the night without much in the way of horrible dreams. She spent it without much of anything, actually. The movement in the other room cracks her left eye open, and she seems to stiffen slightly under Clarice's touch.

Without a single word, she slows herself. She takes a slow, calming breath, letting it out with Buddha-like patience, and only afterward does she move a finger. "Sooooo..." she says, well aware that Clarice is awake. "Ah'm naked," she finishes.

Clarice Ferguson has posed:
    "Well... yeah," Clarice agrees. "Me too." The 'Dino Snore' night shirt was tossed off to the side, and was hanging precariously off the arm of the stuffed chair in the room. She can feel that tension in Rahne's form - hear a hint of it lingering the other woman's voice. She wants to pull her in close, and kiss her again, but she hesitates.
    "That's alright, isn't it?" she asks, her gaze studying what she can see if Rahne's features.

Rahne Sinclair has posed:
They are thoughtful, if anything. Her features. She turns to look more directly at Clarice, giving a half-smile of courage. "Little late tae wonder tha' now," she says. Though she does pull a little bit of sheet up over her chest, she doesn't pull away. It's an odd conflict of actions.

She pauses, then leans in and touches her lips to Clarice's cheek. It's oddly innocent, considering. "Guess ah be nae a good girl anymore." The passion that took her is missing. The eyes are a gentle green.

Clarice Ferguson has posed:
    "...sure you are," Clarice answers quietly and uncertainly - though the kiss to her cheek earns Rahne a smile in reponse. She reaches out to gently brush at Rahne's short hair, the gesture tender and feather-soft. "I thought- I mean... I thought you wanted this. That we both //needed// this. Right?" she asks for confirmation, her tone hopeful and a little vulnerable.
    She doesn't know what she'll do if that isn't the case, after all.

Rahne Sinclair has posed:
Still clutching the sheet, Rahne lays her head softly onto Clarice's shoulder. She doesn't answer so quickly, long enough to make Clarice fear the worst. Though in her mind she's thinking the things which must be thought.

It's too bad that they are hidden away in her mind, but her lips open to breathe. And eventually, to speak. "Guess ah needed a nudge," she says cryptically. "From a friend?" She says it like a question, but she finally slips her arm around Clarice's waist.

Though the way that she says it suggests that someone else was involved.

Clarice Ferguson has posed:
    The longer the silence goes on, the more Clarice's anxiety increases, little by little. Had she misunderstood things, somehow? Had she made a mistake? What if Rahne ran away from her again? She wouldn't - right? The only thing keeping her from panicking was that comforting presence of Rahne's head on her shoulder. If there was a problem - a real problem - she'd pull away. Wouldn't she?
    "As long as we're okay. As long as you're alright. Because... I'm alright. I would never want to do anything to hurt you, you know," she confides, with both arms around Rahne now, holding her close. "Never. So- so we can do things your way. At your pace. I just thought..." She trails off into silence, tucking her head down to her forehead presses against the top of Rahne's head. If she's being completely honest, she hadn't thought. She'd just... acted. She'd //needed//. Otherwise, she might have stopped to ask if it was alright, last night.
    And she hadn't.

Rahne Sinclair has posed:
And that, is so very Clarice.

"Clary, yer worse nor I am." She says it as she hugs, knowing that the girl is having an internal meltdown. So, she sits up a moment, her arms slipping away, and turns to look at Clarice directly.

"Clary. Who am I?" She takes the woman's hands in her own, her eyes shining gently green. "Ah hae ta ask. Cuz ye be freakin' out an' es dangerous."

Clarice Ferguson has posed:
    Eyes up, Clarice. She keeps her gaze locked onto Rahne's green eyes.
    Well, mostly. Look, she tries.
    "I- you're Rahne. One of the kindest people I know." Kinder than she deserves. "I just- I don't want to mess things up. You're too important to me," she confides. Because, yes, even she can admit she was freaking out - a little.

Rahne Sinclair has posed:
Rahne leans in, kissing Clarice on the lips then. She doesn't kiss hard, this is more like the kisses she usually gives. A brush, a touch, but felt very deeply. "Shh," she whispers. But then she leans back a little.
"Okay. I be Rahne. But who am I..." she pauses, and her eyes glow golden in the dark. "..now?"

There is something different. This person wants a different kind of kiss. This person wants Clarice, and her fingers tighten slightly more.

This is important.

Clarice Ferguson has posed:
    "I- it's still you. It's still Rahne," Clarice answers. She can sense the difference, and feels herself responding to it, as her hand finds Rahne's and squeezes it tightly. What she //wants// to do is pull her in towards herself, however. "It's still you, it's just- I mean, it's like with Mister Creed." Okay, akward - comparing her lover to the man she considers to be her father, but she carries on regardless. "He's always Mister Creed, but sometimes his... his instincts, his animalistic side is stronger, but it's him.
    "This is just... it's another you. Another part of you. This is Rahne, too."

Rahne Sinclair has posed:
Again, Rahne is silent. She lets the gold fade away, she lowers her eyes. The fact that lowering them lends to some interesting views makes her blush, but she still isn't sure how to say some things. So, another breath and she tries.

"Ah ne'er thought so." It's an admission of guilt. A gasp for breath. "Tha' be th' wolf. She does things, an ah'd ...ah mean, when ah wake up wi' bone marrow in m' hair, 'twas her. When ah hae t' kill...she takes over." She thinks about waking up with a dead chicken in her mouth and instinctively makes a bit of a face at the thought.

"But..but ah wanted tae be wi' ye, too! Was nae jus' her!"

"She...she takes care o' me. I guess she is me, inna way." Halfway there. Not quite.

Clarice Ferguson has posed:
    Clarice looks about to speak, then she lets it out in a sigh. The wolf //is// Rahne. A different side of Rahne, but Rahne. It's as simple as that, to her.
    But if she lets the 'wolf' do her killing - is it right to force her view of things on Rahne? To make Rahne into a killer, as well?
    "Come here. Please," she asks, trying to draw Rahne back into her arms. "I... I think I see what' you're saying. That's your not quite yourself when you're like that?" she asks.
    "So, I- I guess what I need to know is- ummm... Is it okay? Letting that side of you have what- what we both need? What - what we both wanted?" Please tell her Rahne //wanted// to be there with her - like that. Please.
    "Or should I be waiting until //this// Rahne is ready, too?"

Rahne Sinclair has posed:
She lets herself be pulled in. No resistance, in fact a willingness to touch and be held that's almost wolflike. "Not quite m'self," she agrees as she snuggles in. Then she listens to the rest.

"Well, like ah said," she says softly, almost reverently, "bit late tae worry about tha' now. Ah remember ALL th' details." Details? Oh. Those details.

"She's m' friend, the wolf, Clarice. She saw what ah really wanted, an...pushed." A nudge, when it was needed.

Clarice Ferguson has posed:
    "Okay," Clarice answers, and she can feel the relief flush through her, erasing tension, anxiety, and fear from her form. "Okay... good. 'cuz... I want you. I need you. And I would never hurt you, not if I would help it. Never."
    She finds Rahne's lips, kissing them deeply, and whispering quietly when they part, "And you know... you're welcome here. Whenever you like. Right?"

Rahne Sinclair has posed:
She only pulls away when Clarice does, though she is clearly thinking about something. Slightly distracted, perhaps a little bit embarrased still, she smiles her lips and whispers, "Well...ah might wear pants, when ah visit. Most times."

She's intimately aware that they're both naked, and that this isn't ...normal. Besides, isn't she supposed to like boys? A thought, and she realizes, I do. Just not right now.

So she leans in and kisses one more time.

Shut up, it's cute.