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Two Students in a POD
Date of Scene: 23 August 2021
Location: Danger Room
Synopsis: Gabby and Noriko get put into the danger room to deal with an unusual but mundane interaction that Ororo thinks they will need to know how to react to.
Cast of Characters: Ororo Munroe, Noriko Ashida, Gabby Kinney

Ororo Munroe has posed:
    The lights went down while the holographic programs set to work, preparing the hardlight materials the young women will be facing in today's trials. The door shut behind Ororo leaving Gabby and Noriko in pitch black for a few seconds before the sidewalk below their feet forms, and a world is grown outwards from there. A large sky scraper walls off their left, but to their right and ahead and behind the street forms like normal.

    Midtown, were Ororo was the other day picking up some treats. The woman's voice clicks on in their in ear comms. "I want to see how you two are working together." Ororo chimes, that motherly smile somehow audible even over the very basic comm channels.

    In front of the girls the blue calm day before them errupts into something quite mundane. A car wreck occurs. The red hatchback not more than twenty feet away from them locks up the brakes and slides forwards in a screech of tires before the crunching and banging of metal as it slides into the back of a large fuel truck.

    The woman in the driver seat doesn't move, but the horn is blaring its awful piercing droning sound.

Noriko Ashida has posed:
Noriko is dressed in a pair of cargo pants and a sleeveless shirt, plus the kicks made with unstable molecules that Dr. McCoy made for her.  With her arms folded, she squints as the scene grows out around them.  She automatically scans her surroundings for threats, but it's not because she's in the Danger Room.  It's because she feels right back in the city again.

"I'll get the truck driver!" Noriko calls out or calls dibs to Gabby before taking off for the driver's door.  With these teens it is hard to tell the difference.  The truck driver is further away and Noriko knows that sometimes every moment counts.

Gabby Kinney has posed:
Gabby Kinney glances around thoughtfully getting a lay of the land even as Ororo remarks in the ear peice exactly what she was doing. It could be an attack. It could be demonstrators rioting. It could be... Oh. A car crash. It was rather mundane all things considered, but that didn't mean there wasn't a need to help out. So she moves without really thinking to run toward the car that had impacted with the tanker. "Get the truck shut off, I'll get the car off!" She calls out. Getting the woman out was important, too, but shutting off potential sources of ignition were first and foremost. Trying the door first she prepares to knock out the glass if need be to get to her goal.

Ororo Munroe has posed:
    The driver of the tanker twists towards Noriko as soon as his door opens and he gives the girl a nasty look. He goes on a tyrade in spanish to the young mutant as he climbs down and waving an angry arm at her, and another arm at the woman who crashed into him.

    Seems as if he was more than willing to drive off after the woman had hit him.

    The woman's more than dazed, she's looking nasty with blood beginning to run down her face as she lifts her head off the airbag and looks up into the top of her car. Lulling her head towards the window she slaps on it as Gabby approaches and she moans something, spitting blood on the inside of her car.

Gabby Kinney has posed:
"It's okay it'll be okay," Gabby assures as she pauses opening the door when the women leans against it. "You were in a crash but we're going to help you," she assures. Even as she does she glances up and over looking for some bystander or another who might be available. Instead she hears the truck driver swearing and waving his arms around. "Call the paramedics!" She barks, teeth baring in a snarl toward the aggitated man. To show she's quite serious her fist comes up as if about to flip him off...By sending a bone claw out toward him. "Or you'll need one too!" With that done her attention returns to the woman, voice going quieter and soothing again. "I know you're in a lot of pain but I'm going to open the door and get you out, okay? Just lean on me if you need to." All the while she works to open the door carefully so as to not dump the woman out completely, and quickly slips her arm inside to try and help prop the woman up.

Noriko Ashida has posed:
The man may be willing, but he's not in the driver's seat anymore, so he isn't /prepared./  And who really can be for a speedster?  Noriko simply says, "No comprende."  She points to the fuel tanker, "KABOOM!"  Hopefully he knows kaboom.  "Be right back!"

Noriko ramps up her speed, trying to save as much time as possible to help the others if needed.  The driver's gestures appear to slow and Noriko ducks right under his arm, pivoting and lifting her gauntleted hand to give him two finger pumps, "Seeya-soon," though he won't hear it.  She quickly shuts down the truck and puts the keys in one of her cargo pants pockets.  Then she proceeds to grab the driver's wrist and slow down to where his arm won't fall off and he has no choice but to dance along on the ride to a safe spot.

Noriko decides a bench would be a good place for him to be, so she gives him some help in stopping and sitting on the bench with a hand on his back.  Then she tucks the keys in his shirt pocket.  "Sayonara!"  She gives him a peace sign he will see a split second of before she races back to see if Gabby needs help.

"I'm here," Noriko says simply, but Gabby should have been able to feel the brief gust Noriko brought with her.

Ororo Munroe has posed:
    The woman flails softly at her airbag as Gabby helps by opening the door. "I - I only..." She says, fighting against the tears in her eyes as Gabby helps her out. The woman is lost, she's confused, she's bleeding, and her whole body hurts. "Is- is- are the- are the chickens okay?" Chickens? There's no chickens in her car...

    Suddenly the man is being ushered away by a girl who says he doesn't understand... "Mucho Comprendo!" He shouts back before his arm is being tugged by the speedster and the man is finding that he's quite a way from his truck. "POR QUE?" He shouts with a hand up in the air at the girl as he's sitting down on a bench with his shirt tugging at his neck from the keys in the pocket.

    The truck and car are just sitting in the street now, not really doing anything, not really posing a threat.

Gabby Kinney has posed:
"Chickens?" Gabby does a quick glance. No chickens, alive or dead to be found. She supports the woman's head with one arm as she feels the wind of Noriko's return cool her back. A little nod is goven toward the woman indicating Noriko to help as she reaches through carefully to turn the car off. "I don't know. Where were the chickens?" She asks hoping to get more information. It was quite possibly head trauma, but it could also be a sign of a stroke if the woman were getting her words wrong. Maybe there really was someone, or thing, in danger but it wasn't being conveyed properly. She tries to get what information she can. At least there's little chance of there being an explosion now that the vehicles were both off. Hopefully. "Gonna unbuckle her now," she informs Noriko. "Help me get her to the curb--carefully. She took a big whammy."

Noriko Ashida has posed:
"Porque es peligroso," Noriko says, appearing right in front of the man again.  "KABOOM!"  She's back with Gabby in enough time for the assist.  "I can find your chickens, but first we help you.  Don't worry.  I'm way faster than chickens and super gentle."

Noriko nods to Gabby and she moves at 'normal' speed so as to not hopefully scare the woman.  She puts her arms where they are likely to end up so as to let the woman know what's going to happen in a tactile way.  "Okay.  Ready.  You are my eyes on a lot of these angles," Noriko shoots to Gabby with a knowing look.

Ororo Munroe has posed:
    "I- I don't... I don't know." The woman responds, she's shaken up and is having trouble holding onto Gabby for support and holding her own head up. She wants to lull around and look generally unhealthy after a massive crash. "I-..." She says, and her eye lids begin to get heavy as she is making her way towards the sidewalk. "Please." She whispers.

    The truck driver raises his fist to shake it towards Noriko, but she appears and disappears so quickly he doesn't get much shaking for his effort before she's gone again. He lowers his head shaking it instead and motions towards the truck. "Nina loca rapida azul, no esta peligroso. No explosion." He chuckles and sighs out a heavy sigh from beneath his thick black and silver mustache.

Gabby Kinney has posed:
"Okay, it's okay," Gabby assures as she work wiith Noriko. She's careful and clear on helping get the woman out, and then helping walk with her to the crosswalk where she gestures for the woman to sit on a bench. Thank goodness there was one. Once she's settled she suggests, "Noriko check the car out for anything in there? Get her purse too and we'll call for help," she suggests with a look of concern. At least... well the driver of the tanker way over there didn't seem very upset anymore so maybe that was a good thing.

Noriko Ashida has posed:
"Seguro?  Tu informacion?  La policia debe venir porque ella resulto herida.  Es normal."  Insurance?  Your information?  The police must come because she was injured.  It's normal.  "Call them Gabby.  I can't."  Noriko tells the girl.  It's true.  Noriko doesn't carry a cell phone.  She gave up on that awhile ago.  And she actually smirks when she accidentally talks over Gabby.  "Yep.  On it."

Noriko starts to search the car and also the scene of the accident.  It's very common for animals or people to get thrown in all sorts of directions.  "I don't know what else to do to help her.  Maybe, don't let her go to sleep?-This is stupid.  There's no time.  I'm just going to take her to them," she interrupts herself and Noriko tears a still fairly flat panel off of the car after getting on the ground and using her legs against the wheel for leverage.  Then suddenly there is a big scoop of leaves on it, then another, then Noriko is there with gloves, loads the woman up, and stops by Gabby.

"Hop on and keep her stabilized."  Noriko could have just as easily said...keep her from sliding or wandering off.  "Just hold on."  To Nori's arm, to the edge of the panel, anything would probably be Nori's advice.

Gabby Kinney has posed:
Gabby Kinney fishes her phone out with a nod to do just that. Thankfully her phone screen has that helpful 'emergency call' button on the front so its' the first number dialed. She's in the middle of telling 911 where they're located by the time Noriko comes over to load the woman up on the makeshift stretcher. "Ah, look his lady is really badly injured and we're going to have her at--" she looks up at the street name a moment. Ah, yes. Thank goodness she was actually pretty good at directions. She'd already had most of the area mapped out in her mind after most of her 'recon' visits to the city. She supplies them with the hospital name, and nods as she heads up onto hang onto the woman per Noriko's urging. "We've got a speedster so we'll be there asap but the scene still needs looked over..." And she nods to Noriko.

Ororo Munroe has posed:
    The foreigner lifts his hand and waves towards Noriko as she zips by once more, trying to shoo the fly more than anything else. He's not going any where and he knows it. Just, let him sit peacefully before he has to deal with the legal hoops he's about to have to jump through.

    The woman isn't fighting any more, but she is trying to close her eyes. The woman wants to rest, wants to sleep, close her eyes.

    <<Keep her awake Gabby.>> Ororo's voice is soft, calm, and while disconnected from the events, she saying it nudgingly, like she's trying to help Gabby with a test.

    Noriko looking in the hatchback will notice a bunch of broken glass, a phone left upside down in the footwell of the driver side and a white shirt crumpled up in the back seat except there's a ... weird red stain on the shirt.

Noriko Ashida has posed:
Passengers are different and Noriko knows this.  Having a passenger attached to something you are towing is also different, and although Noriko hasn't been practicing with makeshift sleds, she has spent way too much time towing Jubilation around in her heelies and skates.  She knows how to accelerate and decelerate without making people throw up, something she over adjusts to account for the woman's condition.

The last thing Noriko wants to do on this journey is more damage.  Noriko was sure to grab the phone and immediately stick it in Gabby's pocket.  "What is this shirt?  What's this stain?"  Noriko slows down enough to say and then lets the shirt drop to the bed of leaves near Gabby.

Gabby Kinney has posed:
Gabby Kinney nods to the suggestion at keeping the woman awake. "Hey, keep your eyes open," she urges with a light pat to the woman's cheek. And if she has to... She doesn't want to, but if that doesn't work, she digs her fingers into one of the woman's injuries. Not enough to cause further damage but to put pressure and hopefully a sting of pain to help keep her awake. When Noriko drops the phone and shirt she glances at it with a shake of her head, pausing to check the size of it versus the woman. "I don't know, some ... thing?" Something what? She lifts the shirt to sniff a little. Maybe it was ketchup or strawberry? Or... she didn't know.

Ororo Munroe has posed:
    The woman is fighting the sleep, with help from Gabby grabbing and squeezing at broken bones, and a finger rubbing at the gash in her head where she was split from the impact. "OW!" The woman cries out, even as they move through the streets with a speed that causes her stomach to twist and turn within her.

    The woman's shirt smells... fresh to Gabby. It's iron-y copper-y and not old. Blood. There's fresh blood on the shirt, but it's not as fresh as the wound on her forehead. Not from the accident. Then, from where? When?

Noriko Ashida has posed:
"That was in the back seat," Noriko slows enough to say. She has to look back so her voice will carry which allows her to notice what she thinks is queasiness but just gets lucky because the woman's expression is probably mostly pain. "Why...is that someone else's shirt? Shit."