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1956: The Sleepless Nights
Date of Scene: 26 August 2021
Location: The Carter-Sousa Home, Long Island
Synopsis: 1956: Baby Michael keep Daniel and Peggy up late one night, and they consider just how lucky they are to have each other.
Cast of Characters: Daniel Sousa, Peggy Carter

Daniel Sousa has posed:
There was a time when waking up in the middle of the night meant some sort of security crisis that needed attention. Now though more often than not it was Michael's cries that stirred them from their sleep.

Tonight was one of those nights.

Daniel wakes first, eyes opening at the sound before groggily sitting up and murmuring to Peggy. "I got him."

Since they switched to formula he was more than happy to take his share of the midnight duties, feeding, changing, burping, whatever was needed.

Getting out of bed, he makes his way to the basinet to the side of the room, peering down at his son. "What's the matter, Mikey," he says with a tired smile, "You wet or hungry," he checks the diaper. "Hungry it is," he says. "Hold on, we'll go get you something to eat." He scoops Michael into his arms, shushing him gently, before slipping out to go get a bottle, coming back with it to feed Michael on the window seat of their bedroom. "That better, little guy?" he asks his son, dipping his head to rest against Michael while the baby sucks eagerly from his bottle.

Peggy Carter has posed:
While she waited to switch as long as possible, Peggy had to go back to the office. Besides, the doctors said formula was even better, full of extra nutrients! She misses the time. She does not miss the lost sleep. Peg barely stirs this time, rolling over onto her side and muttering something that will be lost to the shadows of sleep and books of time. He definitely is getting this one.

It's not until about five minutes later that her mind registers something is wrong. There isn't the heavy warmth of his body next to her. She gives a little groan, rolling over onto her side and reaching for him. He's *definitely* no there. That's when her eyes snap open and she sees the shadow in the window. For one second her mind goes to panic -- someone crawling in -- but then she realizes she knows that nose. Those ears. He's just pulled Michael over fully to watch the big moon out the window sill. She collapses back, letting out a momentary breath of relief, before slowly shifting her legs out of the bed and beginning to creep in their direction.

By now, Michael has settled. He clearly was hungry and the contentment of the bottle along with one tiny fist wrapped around his father's finger, it's enough to almost soothe him back to sleep. He turned his head just slightly when Daniel leaned down there. His father was safety, he's aware enough to know that. "Mm... I didn't even hear you get up. I'm sorry, loves... He's not been too much of a fuss?"

Daniel Sousa has posed:
Daniel looks up when Peggy creeps over and he's smiling that same smile he always has when dealing with their son, one that says, 'look what we did, Peg' so pround of the little bundle in his arms.

"It's fine, you need your sleep," Daniel says letting Michael keep his finger in that chubby little hand of his. "Not too bad tonight, just hungry, not wet, got off easy," he says with a grin as he shifts over to give Peggy room to sit beside them. "Want to say hello to mum?" he asks Michael, he doesn't even get a look, Michael's whole world is that bottle right now.

Peggy Carter has posed:
A little laugh escapes her nose as he asks that. "He has the bottle and his father, mum does not come into this picture right now." She's teasing, though. She loves watching them together, like this. That proud look in Daniel's features and just how comfortable he is with Michael in his arms. Peggy comes to settle down next to him, wrapping an arm around the back of his waist as her head sinks to rest on the crest of his shoulder. She's still half asleep, after the concerning jerk awake. Nothing to be worried about, so the fingers of exhaustion work their way back in.

"Mm... means if you get this entire bottle, it's my turn next. I see your plan, Daniel Sousa. Leave me with the diapers and fuss." She teases him softly. That had been his job the first two months. "God, you're good with him..."

Daniel Sousa has posed:
"It's mostly the bottle," Daniel assures her with a grin shifting a little as her arm slips around him and she leans her head against his shoulder. This were the moments he cherished, the whole of their little family together like this, even if it was in the dead of night. "Busted," he says, still grinning. "You saw through my evil plan, Director Carter, you must be a spy or something," he gives her a gentle nudge with that tease then returns his attention back to Michael. "Mike and I have an understanding," he says. "Don't we?" he asks his son before planting a soft kiss to the top of his silky dark hair. "Plus I had practice growing up with my cousin Agnes," he admits.

Peggy Carter has posed:
A husky laugh bubbles from her throat as he accuses her of being a spy. Peggy turns her head, pressing a few kisses to the skin of his shoulder before resting her nose there and drawing in a deep breath. She knows these moments won't last long. A year, Michael will be walking and sleeping through the night, no more bottles. She'll savor the sleep warm scent of her husband and milk from the baby. It's a unique combination. "I see. Bribing you already. I'm outnumbered by the men in this house. I need to get Lily back here, even the odds." Peggy teases softly, her voice still half asleep.

"I'm glad you had the practice. If... I haven't said it before, I was bloody well terrified of this whole mess, you know? I love him, but... god, he's... Fragile. Fussy. Loud. Emotional. Not someone I can just handle as a spy. If you didn't know what to do here, we'd be in *far* more trouble, you know?"

Daniel Sousa has posed:
Daniel chuckles softly, making no effort to avoid those soft kisses to his shoulder. "I think even with us outnumbering you two to one I think you're more than a match for the both of us, Peg," Daniel replies.

"I can understand that, but he's not different than dealing with grown ups, it's just a matter of figuring out what he wants and helping him get it. Fortunately he mostly wants, food, sleep, attention and to feel safe, give him that and some clean diapers he's golden," he assures her. "And I'm sure you'd manage fine even without me around.

Peggy Carter has posed:
"Oh, I would not. I'd go out of my mind without you here. See? You say it's that simple, but he has no *words* to tell me what he wants. If someone can talk, I can get what they want out of them in 12 different languages! But if they don't speak, how do I know? Crying is not...exactly detailed! And you just seem to *know*. I'd be utterly lost without you, my dear. Fortunately... not a worry we have." Peggy states with a smile that she will find far too confident two months from now but, in this moment, she has no doubts in him being at her side. She kisses his shoulder again.

"I might be more than a match for both of you, but you are the best father in the world and I'm damned lucky to *have* both of you."

Daniel Sousa has posed:
Daniel chuckles softly again, "Well he only wants a limited number of things, so just keep trying until the crying stops, it's worked for me so far," he says. "No talking or profiling required."

"And true, like I promised, I'm not going to leave you with all this to handle on your own, I'll always be there for you Peg, you know that."

Leaning over to press a kiss to Peggy's cheek Daniel says, "We're both damned lucky to have you Peg. You might be still learning the ropes of motherhood, but Michael and I both know you love us, and that's the important thing."

Peggy Carter has posed:
"Mmph. You make it sound so easy. And you always seem to find the right one first or, at least, second. You've got a nack for this, truly. I'm the luckiest woman in the world." Peggy whispers, leaning up and over to properly kiss the corner of his mouth instead of cheeks and shoulders. Her motions are exhausted but earnest, not the kisses that helped create Michael, but more tender motions of a love that is going to last far beyond children and marriage beds.

Michael finally gives up on the bottle, it nearly empty as is, and gives a little bit of a fuss. He'll probably want burping and then to end up in bed between them if either of them expect to go back to sleep. And, from the look in Peggy's eyes, she'd very much like to go back to sleep.

Daniel Sousa has posed:
"Well I'm not going to argue that one," Daniel says of Peggy being the luckiest woman in the world. He's happy to return that kiss when it comes and the feelings that comes with it. He loves Peggy deeply and it shows.

The bottle is put aside when Michael has all but drained it, and Daniel reaches for the towel to get the burping started. "Sit up with me a while longer?" he asks Peg. "Then we can stick him between us and pray he sleeps the rest of the night."

Peggy Carter has posed:
A little whimper of displeasure comes when he asks her to sit up with him, Peggy turning her head to bury in his shoulder. He's got a baby against one and a wife against the other. It might be annoying if it wasn't quite so charming. "I suppose. Since you asked so nice. And smell so good. We'll all stay up until he burps and then to bed with the trio and no one awake until dawn at least. You hear that, Michael Sousa? Sleep until dawn. This is your mother and I'm giving you an order." She's muttering all of this half asleep into her husband's shoulder, but surely the baby will get the idea.

Daniel Sousa has posed:
Daniel bites down on a laugh that threatens to escape as Peggy orders Michael to actually sleep. "He's our kid Peg," he smiles. "I don't think he does orders."

He leans over and kisses Peggy's brow before he sets about burping Michael enjoying the closeness of his wife and child not knowing how few of these moments he'll get.

Peggy Carter has posed:
A groan comes in response to the fact their child doesn't do orders. "Oh hell, you're probably right. We're doomed." But he can feel her smiling against his shoulder. Doomed in the best of ways. She then goes quiet, tucking her other arm around his front so he can slightly rest that diapered bottom against her forearm as he keeps that gently rubbing and bouncing of the baby's back.

It doesn't take too long, a few minutes, before some very productive burps come. Enough that Peggy pulls her head up while Daniel's being thoroughly spit up on. "Oh. I... heard and smelled that one. I'll get the towel. Then to bed." She leans over, stretching for the changing table. Towels are an unlimited resource always to be on hand in this house. For all her insistence on sleeping. she's happy to save him from this mess.

Daniel Sousa has posed:
"Definitely doomed," Daniel agrees smiling. "Whose idea was this again?" he teases.

As for the spit? Daniel chuckles "Taken worse hits," he says before happily accepting Peggy's help with the mess doing what he can to help with Michael still in his arms. "I love you, Peg," he says before shaking his head at the situation. "Only person in the world who could make being up at 3am and covered with baby spit feel like a great evening." Even if sleep did beckon.

Peggy Carter has posed:
"You say the *most* romantic things, you know that?" Peggy asks him as she finishes cleaning up what she can. Michael is already nearly out, his little baby mouth half open and just one fist faintly fussing up as she wipes off his chin. She then examines her work, Daniel's shoulder and Michael's face, a wider smile on her lips. "Both my handsome boys, all shined up. I love you so much." She leans over to kiss Michael's forehead, and then Daniel's lips, before she tosses the cloth into the half overflowing laundry basket and then tugs him up. "Come on. Bed. Before he wakes."

Daniel Sousa has posed:
Daniel chuckles wryly. "What can I say, parenthood just brings out the romance," he replies.

Daniel returns the kiss and lets himself be helped to his feet and ultimately over to the bed, where he climbs in carefully laying Michael down beside the both of them with a couple of pillows tucked in the space to keep him safe and comfortable.

Reaching across their son, he lets his fingers mesh with Peggy's "Night," he tells her. "Really wouldn't want to be anywhere else right now."

Peggy Carter has posed:
It's become comfortable routine now, laying out the pillows in a little bassinette shape so he can be tucked between both of them but remain sleeping comfortably on his back. It means she doesn't quite get to curl up against Daniel, but the sound of the baby breathing between them is worth it. The first few nights, Peggy couldn't sleep any other way.

She wraps her fingertips through Daniel's and settles with one arm up above the pillows, the other tucked beneath her head. "Sweet dreams, my love. Get sleep. We get to do this all again tomorrow night." She grins at him, then lets her eyes sink shut. She'll be deeply asleep within minutes, her hand going slack in his.