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  The Willow  
Killian Quinn (Scenesys ID: 3200)
Name: Killian Rowan Quinn
Superalias: The Willow
Gender: Male
Species: Fae Druid
Occupation: Bartender
Citizenship: Ireland/US
Residence: Gotham
Education: Complicated
Theme: Original (OC)
Groups: Gothamites, Mystic Arts
Apparent Age: 56 Actual Age: 56
Date of Birth 21 Jun 1965 Played By Colin Farrell (20-something)
Height: 5'10" Weight: 160 lbs
Hair Color: Brown Eye Color: Brown
Twitter: @TheWillow
Theme Song: Tir na Nog ~ Celtic Woman https://youtu.be/zcLYpw8adtA

Black-Eyed Gypsy ~ The Prodigals https://youtu.be/rZNBW6kk-4E

Character Info


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Child of a Druid and a Dryad, Killian's chosen an odd lot in life on the surface of things. What's one with such power and potential doing tending bar as a career? Making bank, curating contacts, trading in information and just plain having a good old time, that's what.


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*1965 - Killian is born on the outskirts of Belfast to a Dryad mother trying to get to his father before the birth. He does make it to his father's care once he's born and never sees his mother again.

*1970 - Killian loses his father to The Troubles at the peak of the unrest in Northern Ireland. The only part of his druid heritage and power he's been taught is how to communicate with animals.

*1975 - Killian runs from the orphange he was placed in along with a group of older kids. They form a family unit all on their own on the streets of war torn Belfast. Most of them Catholic, life isn't easy. Their survival is made a little less trying due to Killian's abilities with plants, at least food isn't terribly difficult to come by.

*1984 - Killian lands his first job in a bar as a barback. It isn't long before his poplularity amid the patrons and his skills behind the bar have him tending rather than running barback. He loves the job and it becomes his career. It doesn't take him long to figure out that there's more to be had from the scene than just minimal tips and hourly pay. If one's good enough, the odd collection of people that can walk through the doors of the same bar can provide a wealth of backdoor opportunity and cash.

*1985 - 2000 During the continued unrest in his country, Killian aids the Catholic fight and even helps the IRA during the battle, but not as directly as picking up a gun on the daily himself. Information is his weapon and he wields it with deadly precision. Even during wartime, good pubs are up and running, alcohol loosens lips and Killian had a way with knowing when to shut up and just listen and when to pry secrets from those loose lips. Secrets were spilled to the charsimatic bartender both in backrooms and across the bar. What he couldn't find out that way, he curated a large network of Catholic sympathizers with ears to the ground as back up.

*2000 - 2021 - In late 2000, with Northern Ireland finally settling into an uneasy peace, Killian decides to wander. He lands in Gotham, NJ and plants a branch from his Willow Tree back home in Robinson Park; a little piece of home that's grown big and strong thanks to his attention and care. He wiles away his nights as a bartender where ever he can find work and spends his days doing mostly nothing but sleeping and hanging out in a park or other places of greenry. It's rare that he involves himself with the goings on in the city, but for the right cause or the right price, he can be arsed to do so.

IC Journal

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Bend Me, Don't Break Me:
Much like his choice of favored trees, Killian will bend far before breaking. If his opinion is strong enough, it's difficult to sway him from it. If he sets his mind to doing something, chances are he'll get it done. When faced with odds that seem insurmountable, he's likely to push through to the bitter end without snapping in two. Torture, mental or physical is likely to have far less an effect on him as it would others. His stubbornness can be both infuriating and refreshing depending on the situation.

The is the core of everything Killian is. He's a creature of nature and nature is wild and unpredictable. He can be gentle and kind like a sunny spring day or he can be cruel and violent like a raging summer storm, leaving all sorts of destruction in his path without much regret. Nature feels no remorse. He'll dance and sing as if no one's watching, because he hasn't a care in the world that they might be. He has a difficult time not giving in to base emotions and impulses, something that causes him grief more often than it doesn't.

Character Sheet


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Druid Magic:
While Killian's Dryad nature is much more inherent than his Druid side, his father was able to teach him one thing before he was killed. The potential for more is there, inside him, but untapped. It's not dormant, it's just unused. It's this innate magic that's allowed him to develop his faerie magic as far as he has being only half-blooded. Under the right mentor, Killian could be a powerful druid on day.

*Animal Communication - As a young child, Killian's father began his teachings with the ability to communicate with nature; specifically animals. This isn't control, it doesn't mean that the animal in question will do his bidding or even react favorably to him. It just means that he's able to speak to them mentally as if speaking to a person. Some may be inclined to help him, other's may just desire to eat his face.

*Passive Empathy - Not a learned thing, Killian's empath powers stem from his innate connection to nature and things living. This extends to people. He has no control over this. The things he feels from others are hit and miss and his own moods can sometimes be changed according to another's if he's not careful and concentrating on separating theirs from his own. Animals are not excluded from this and a hungry cat in the room may have him suddenly wanting a tuna sandwich.

*Sense Undead - Another innate aspect of his connection with nature, Killian is able to sense the undead such as vampires and their ilk. Being around them is actually uncomfortable for him and a little nauseating.

Faerie Magic (Dryad):
Faeire Magic (Dryad) -

*Chlorokinesis - Killian's Dryad blood allows him control over plantlife. He can make make small plants and grasses grow from seeds in a matter of seconds, trees in a matter of minutes. He can also control such that are already mature, grow them, manipulate them and control them - although he can't do so if they're pulled from the ground. Within the nearby area he can make tree branches flail or grasp, or roots tear at a building or enfold a person. A plant might be made to move a short distance, but this is more suitable for arranging a garden than reenacting the attack on Isengard.

*Plant Communication - Killian has a telepathic link to plant life. He's able to communicate with them, gain information regarding events that have taken place around them in their lifetime. Of course this information is given from the perspective of a plant so might not always make a huge amount of sense.

*Wood Manipulation - Killian can call on the energy within wood, even that of dead wood. He can make it float or fly or conjure a fire that will only burn the wood, make scratches, gouges and gaps in wood to heal. He can make a birch twist and curl as if its trunk is made of clay. Useful for slinging about things like wooden pallets, loose boards, smaller chucks of a paneled wall, perhaps even for splintering the support beams in a building one at a time, but Killian isn't going to be moving around a whole tree or a house made of wood.

*Healing - While not bound to any one tree as a full or non-Celtic dryad might be, Killian still has a favored tree and a strong connection to it. It's a lone weeping willow that stands near Finger Castle in Robinson Park in Gotham. If taken to this tree, Killian can heal himself of graver injuries. While he can't regrow limbs or come back from the dead, he is able to heal internal injuries that might otherwise prove fatal. He can also channel the magic of his tree to heal another, but only when at the tree and touching it.

*Faerie Lights - While they do no damage, they certainly can add style and flair to just about anything and can serve as a distraction. Killian can produce little sparks and small balls of light from his hands. He's able to control the direction of them and make the dance about like little glowing faeries in the air.

*Mesmerizing Performance - Like many of his more full-blooded Faerie brethren, Killian is fond of a good show; especially one he puts on himself. If he channels his magic into it, his song and dance can be mesmerizing. It's a minor effect, one that just makes people want to stop what they're doing and watch him, because damn he's good. Not much good in a fight, but decent at stopping a bar fight should he decide to Coyote Ugly it on the bar.

*Immortality - Killian will not age past his apparent twenty something. This doesn't mean he can't be killed.

*Faerie Travel - Killian can travel to the faerie lands, but only from his chosen tree. He can take others with him, but it involves asking and gaining permission and a whole lot of other crap like explaining the rules and whatnot. All in all, something he'd rather not be bothered with, so he generally makes his trips alone. Of course if a person wants to pay him to travel there, that's a different story.


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Bartender's Ear:
Killian has the ability to make anyone that's yacking at him seem as if they're the center of his universe in the moment. He can spew generic advice and make it sound as if it's tailored specifically to the person it's given. He also knows how to shut up and listen to conversations around him to pick up bits and pieces of information that could prove useful

He's been tending bar, at one dive or another, since he was old enough to do so. Killian can mix a drink to die for and do it with style and flair.

Killian's learned a thing or three over his years about the stuff outside the mortal realm of understanding. Most of his knowledge is if the Faeries, but he has a smattering of bits and pieces learned about other things through the years.

A mix of song, dance, juggling, sleight of hand and acrobatics, Killian is an expertly skilled showman. He could easily be a star on just about any stage, but has never chosen that path. Instead he chooses to take all this talent and put it to use to get bigger tips behind the bar via dancing, singing, flashy drink mixing and magic tricks to wow and enterain his customers. The lot of it earns him regulars wherever he goes.

Wartime Survival:
Encompassing many things, but none of them to absolute expert levels - An orphan boy doesn't grow up on the war torn streets of Northern Ireland without learning a few things. How to shoot a gun well enough to at least hit the target somewhere, how to sneak around and hide, how to handle themselves in a hand to hand situation, how to fight dirty during such, how to use just about anything in their environment as a weapon.


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Through advice given, free drinks, favors given and owed and just plain friendship, Killian has cultivated numerous contacts throughout the states and his native Ireland through the years. Both mundane and supernatural, it's not unlikely for him to find someone that knows someone that knows someone else that knows about the location of an item, the current happenings and what's to be done about them, etc. Sometimes he'll offer this information freely, other times there's a price to be paid.

In the right circles, Killian Quinn is pretty famous. His expertise in regards to things such as mixing the PERFECT martini down to the perfect sex on the beach or leaving the perfect head on a beer is legendary. He also delivers drinks with style and flair; he's a showman of a tender, oft times nights lead to him dancing and singing on the bar before they end and the crowds love it. But even more than that, he has the reputation of being the man to go to in Tri-State area if a person needs information regarding the latest happenings, both mundane and mystic.

Killian lives in a greenhouse modified with a sleeping area, kitchen, bathroom and living room. To the outside world, it just looks like he's a nature lover taking the whole thing to the extreme. To those that know what he can he can do, what he is? The house is a fortress and a safe haven. Attacking a man that can control his environment to the degree that Killian can control the plants in his home isn't a wise move.

Killian has a few different fake identies fleshed out with passports and all. Most of them do bear the first name of Killian or Cillian. He was named after his father and he's loathe to change the first name permanently, but he does have a few with alternate first names and a whole lot with alternate last.

Moderate Wealth:
Killian doesn't really hurt for anything, he owns a vehicle that's paid off, he can dine out at the fanciest of places a few nights per week, he lives in a modified green house that's so very out of place in Gotham. His ability to live comfortably stems from money he earns. Mostly tips from his bartending gigs - of which he gets many, but the bartering of information also lends a portion to his income along with investments over the years.

At any given time, Killian has a pocket or two full of seeds of verious types, from grasses to ivies to trees. From seed to sapling in 2.2. He uses these both in combat situations and simply to flee should he decide the fight isn't worth his effort. No better way to hold an opponent up long enough to get away than some wildly growing vines to wrap them all up in.

Slink is a two year old stoat that Killian rescued as an orphaned pup during a trip home to Ireland. Little guy imprinted on Killian early on, especially given the half-fae's ability to communicate with the tiny animal. While it may be a little like trying to get a three year old amped up on too much sugar to do something, Slink will generally do what Killian asks him to do. He's handy for fitting into tight spots. He also has a penchant for rummaging through purses and pockets and backpacks and the like for bits and baubles to take back to his hidey hole in Killian's green house. If the man's keys are ever missing, he knows where to look.

Willow Tree:
A lone willow in Robinson Park near the Finger Castle, Killian shares a connection with this tree. It allows him to heal himself if he's touching it and allows him to 'recharge' spent magic. It also allows him to travel to the faerie realms.


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Back To Nature:
Killian needs to spend time in a natural wooded area regularly. Natural can be a park that's wooded, but his green house does not count in this regard as the plants are all potted. Natural means that foliage is in the ground, connected to the earth directly.

Cannot Tell a Lie:
True of most faeblooded, true of him as well. Killian cannot tell a lie in regards to a direct question. This doesn't, however, mean he can't dance around some version of the truth that better fits his needs.

Dark Magic:
Killian is particularly susceptible to magics that are counter to life and nature, Death magic, cold, darkness. No matter how much he winds up learning about his Druid side and how to wield that side of his heritage, these types of magic will never be accessbile to him.

Like all his brethern, iron hurts. Damage done with iron is healed much more slowly, at a raight of one fourth of other damage, if he gets to his tree. Being bound in iron chains or shackles renders his magic useless. Iron if left in contact with his skin too long burns. Prolonged exposure - shackled for days as an example - can even kill him.

Oath Bound:
Killian is bound to all the rules and regulations, penaties and punishments if a magical oath is sworn. Swearing such, in either direction, is something he avoids in all but the most extreme circumstances.

Willow Tree:
While Killian won't die if the tree is destroyed, he will suffer physical and mental damage that will take him months to recover from. He also loses access to his healing and his ability to travel to the faerie lands until he's well enough to start a new tree.



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Killian Quinn has 7 finished logs.

Title Date Scene Summary
A Dip in the Water September 18th, 2021 Killian's a-swimming while the stoat is on the shore, while Nettie Crowe considers she may be lonely nevermore. Of all the nights in Gotham that in Robinson Park be found -- this one would be less squeaky if Kil're on solid ground!
In for a Penny. September 12th, 2021 Random circumstances or an act of fate? An encounter with Killian's extended family throws Nettie and Mike into a mess.
Merry Meetings September 2nd, 2021 Nettie Crow and Killian Quinn meet each other again. Their merry meeting includes a little song, a little dance, and a little stoat. Killian gets to thank the lady who saved his life, and Nettie gets to know the boy she dropped at a tree, and hoped for the best.
Gotham Knights vs Starling City Stags September 1st, 2021 The football season begins in Gotham, and a microcosm of the city's night-dwelling citizens comes out to either cheer for the Knights or consume fried goods while pretending to cheer for the Knights. A suspicious transaction involving a stoat and a gold coin happens under the cover of SPORTSBALL. Alternatively: people gather around a television for the first game of the Gotham Knights. It's a football team, people! Read a book.
Three traditions walk into a bar. Ouch. August 31st, 2021 Intriguing meeting of three traditions causes consternation and intrigue in equal measures.
Touched August 30th, 2021 Gangbangers go down, lives are saved, but at what cost? Might be best not to borrow trouble before it's here. But that advice came from someone that's already a tad 'Touched'.
No Man's Land: Severed May 25th, 2011 Gotham is declared a No Man's Land. The Penguin makes his move. Gotham's heroes rise up.


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