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Latest revision as of 09:16, 3 September 2021

And Then..
Date of Scene: 03 September 2021
Location: Rahne's Apt. - College House
Synopsis: Rahne Sinclair arrives at her new home! Ororo arrives with housewarming gifts and thoughts of the future.
Cast of Characters: Rahne Sinclair, Ororo Munroe

Rahne Sinclair has posed:
Rahne opens the door to her new apartment for the first time ever. She looks in, and pauses. Something in her says, this is a momentous moment. This is a place that's mine.

Rogue told her about it, but she couldn't just rush over. She's silent as she steps through the doorway, the echo of an empty place waiting to become a home greeting her.

"Well, welcome home," she says to herself. It's a little sparse, with the minimum of furniture and a lack of food in the refrigerator as she checks inside. "Mm. Milk, maybe."

It feels so...big.

Ororo Munroe has posed:
    Nearly as soon as she shuts the door to her own brand new refrigerator, does a light rasping happens at her front door. It's not a thick, or meaty, or heavy rasping, so many of the men are quickly rulled out, and the footfalls weren't something that registered for Rahne. Must be one of the light footed ladies.

    "May I come in?" Asks a familiar voice as Ororo stands in the hall with a large smile showing a glimpse of her teeth, the white haired teacher extends her hands out towards Rahne. A basket of fruits in one hand, and a small house warming plant in the other. A fern, something anyone can take care of with minimal care. Or worst case, she'll come and do it herself.

Rahne Sinclair has posed:
Rahne looks up from behind the counter. The kitchen being part of the entryway is fun, and it gives her a view of the entertainment area. And the entry, of course.

She comes out, then offers Ororo her hands. "Thank ye, ye be my first visitor!" she says, happily welcoming even though it's been her home for less than five minutes. "I heard Sam was possibly comin' too."

She heard no such thing, but she really hopes that Sam will join her at college. It'd be nice to have the old team together again.

Ororo Munroe has posed:
    "Oh, he may be, but I haven't heard word of that myself." Ororo say, as she steps in, passing over the fruits basket and the plant. She steps in and mindfully shuts the door behind her while watching Rahne move about in her new space.

    "I can talk to him for you if you want me to, but I think it might have more meaning coming from you." Ororo says kindly trying to nudge the youth into making her own moves and being her own person and more proactive in her own life. "But if you're not comfortable with it, I'll understand."

Rahne Sinclair has posed:
She places the plant in the window, getting it some of the lovely sunlight that's pouring in. She pauses, then figures out how to open the window so there's also a breeze, and says, "Aah, tha' be fair. Best tae come from th' one who wants et most."

She puts her hands onto her hips, watching the tree seem to sway in the gentle breeze, then turns back to Ororo. "Well, all decorated. Now what do ah do with th' place?" It's basically an empty shell; only Rahne would consider this to be 'done'.

She's probably planning to sleep as a wolf or something.

Ororo Munroe has posed:
    Ororo smiles at Rahne's motions, being more than content to stay back and cross her arms beneath her chest and leans against the counter with a hip. The white haired woman's smile fades into a curious smirk before she blinks softly, those long lashes almost being heard flowing through the wind. "Whatever you want Rahne. It's all yours." Ororo says, knowing exactly how overwhelming that can be, but also expecting Rahne to be bursting with ideas and energy for those ideas.

Rahne Sinclair has posed:
She sits on the floor, where she can feel the breeze, and then pats the space beside her. Funny girl, rarely ever used chairs anyway. "Es good ye came, an wanted tae ask for your help." She says this openly, like she's not super worried about the outcome. Whatever it is, Rahne expects it to go over well.

Ororo Munroe has posed:
    She doesn't need to be asked twice, Ororo is uncrossing her arms and sashays her way to stand next to Rahne and without much huffing or complaining like another might, she sits down, and crosses her legs, despite her leggings looking like they're already too tight, Ororo, easily and wordlessly sits down next to Rahne, "You can ask me anything." And she is one of the few people that truly means that. She will not pass judgement on any of her friends or students.

Rahne Sinclair has posed:
Well, Rahne doesn't mince words. She'd like to, but this is important. So out it comes and she's not even hiding the accent, this is exciting!

"Ah got someone en th' Brotherhood who's a mutant who can help trees to adapt to a changin' environment tae offer t' help wi' Scotland's marshlands! Isnae thet amazin?!" She breathes, then goes on, smiling broadly. "We're gonnae work t' help fix th' dyin forests! They already put resources toward growin' saplings, o' th' proper species, that'll live en th' poorer places tha' humans willnae kill so easily, an' Scotland be green again!"

Breathe. Beat.

"Say you'll help?"

Ororo Munroe has posed:
    "It's a noble cause Rahne, and one that I'd be glad to help you with, but I have to ask you one question before I can say yes."

    Ororo turns and levels her blue eyes directly on Rahne and then allows a soft sigh. Her breath smells minty, like she's been brushing carefully.

    "Will anyone be displaced by these new trees of yours?"

Rahne Sinclair has posed:
She pauses, worrying about the question that Ororo might ask. She didn't expect resistance. She expected delight, happiness for this chosen goal. More!

Then when it's out, she has to force herself to agree. It's a fair question.

"Well. Lady Moira be on board, she said she knows th' lands an' has ecologists tha' she can help to guide us in plantin. So, ah hope not." Rahne, Rahne. She's never lied to a teacher, even though she's lied to herself enough times to shatter a soul.

"Ah can only say, ah do pray it nae be so. Will try tae avoid it?"

Ororo Munroe has posed:
    "Then I will help you." Ororo says, calm, casual, and cooly. "I will gladly help you." Ororo smiles to Rahne and then takes a deep breath, rocking slightly as she fights to combat the sleepy leg syndrome that she doesn't much want to deal with at the moment. "Was that all you wanted to ask me?" Ororo inquires, looking back to Rahne.

Rahne Sinclair has posed:
"Oh, Ororo!" Rahne reaches out, to hug the woman who's going to help her with her dream. She leans in, she holds. She seems happy. She's not.

It takes her a moment or two to realize it, but this should be one of the greatest times of her life. And she's missing something. So, she looks up to Storm, then sighs.

"Ah want t' do more?" Well, that was vague. She seems to realize that, then shakes her head. "Ah cannee explain tha' yet. Maybe, help out here somehow. A'm a big girl now! Rahne, th' little sister. Pfegh."

Well. That was as close to a swear as she gets!

Ororo Munroe has posed:
    About as close to a swear as either of them gets to. Ororo smiles as Rahne hugs her and with her arms trapped, she does lift her elbows and then works her arms a bit to wrap around Rahne and holds her back, sharing in the moment of happiness for her student and now friend. "How do you think you could help out around here?" Ororo asks, wondering what Rahne sees herself doing to help around the mansion and school. She didn't say no, but she also didn't say yes, not yet.

Rahne Sinclair has posed:
Rahne looks thoughtful, if concerned. "Probably nothing," she admits. "But maybe. Ah be a pretty good listener, at least. Th' new students might need someone tae go to, once in a while." She hasn't suggested being a teacher, which is good. Though she could probably help any feral students quite well!

Ororo Munroe has posed:
    "Sounds to me like you want to be a counselor. That is very admirable." Ororo says kindly, and hugs Rahne tightly once more before she lets the hug go and then rises back to her feet. No wind or flying, just rolls onto the pads of her feet and up to her full height. "I'll go and see if I can get the paperwork started for you honey. It's going to be wonderful!"

Rahne Sinclair has posed:
Rahne stays on the floor, her legs akimbo and her body relaxed. She's such a little mink, and the new mutation has just made it worse. If Henry told the staff, Rahne has become agile as a human, a new aspect of her mutation. Which means she could potentially learn a few other skills.

"Counselor Sinclair," she says, testing it out. She makes a face. "They can call me Rahne," she decides. Then she leans back against HER wall, closing her eyes. "Mm. Counselor."

Seems like she likes it.