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Latest revision as of 10:06, 4 October 2021

Just chatting in the kitchen over a beer
Date of Scene: 04 October 2021
Location: Avengers Mansion - Kitchen
Synopsis: Jennifer and Cael catch up in the kitchen and have a talk about Cael's superhero secret identity. What do you mean she doesn't have one? That's what they're talking about!
Cast of Characters: Cael Becker, Jennifer Walters

Cael Becker has posed:
    The lingering affects of Cael head-trauma finally seemed to be gone - much to the young agent's relief - which meant getting back to work.
    Which meant catching up with work.
    That was what had brought her to the Mansion - going over what the Avengers had been up to, and what ops if any were lingering on the the horizon. She sat at the kitchen counter now, with a stack of paperwork, flipping through it slowly as she sips from a beer. Sure, some people would frown on working and drinking - but let's be honest here. It's just a //beer//. Also in front of her is a few containers of Thai take out, including a particularly spicy Pad Thai that she eats with great relish.

Jennifer Walters has posed:
It's late at night and Jen just spent way too much time in the office going over a court case that's due Monday afternoon, so she needed to relax some and have some company. What better place for that than the Avengers mansion? Probably a bar with actual people in it, but this would be a close second.

She arrives and calls out, "Hello? Anybody up?" It doesn't look like it but there /is/ a light on in the kitchen, so she makes her way there.

"Oh, Hello, Cael. Burning the midnight oil I take it." She wanders over to the fridge and pulls out a beer for herself and takes a seat. "What're you working on?"

Cael Becker has posed:
    "Just making sure I'm up to date on what folks around here have been up to," Cael remarks in a slightly distracted tone that implies she's in the middle of a sentence. She falls silent for a few moments, as she finishes the paragraph, then looks back up to Jen with a smile. "Hard to liaise if I'm not up to date. How've you been? Doesn't look like you've seen smashing any tanks lately - more's the pity." She flashes Jen a wry smile. "But maybe it's good that Ultron hasn't been making more trouble?"
    She pushes container towards Jen as she asks, "Fan of red curry? I over ordered. ... again."

Jennifer Walters has posed:
"Ooh!" Jen says, her eyes lighting up. "Curry! Can't say no to curry." She wanders over to the cabinet to pull out a bowl and a fork. Wandering back over to the table she sits down. "Mostly I'm working on legal stuff," she says. "I've got a couple of court hearings this week that need to be taken care of." She starts scooping steamed rice into the bowl, and then adds a healthy helping of the curry. "One of them is even paying me! That's a bonus."

Cael Becker has posed:
    "For buying curry," Cael agrees - amusement tugging at her lips. She opts to ignore the paperwork for now, as she digs out more of the noodles, letting out a satisfied sound. "My friend Ashley used to joke that I was a 'noodlevore,'" she remarks with some amusement. "As opposed to a carnevore or herbevore. If only one could really subsist only on noodles." She helps herself to a second bite, before washing it down with beer.
    "Oh. I hope you like spicy, by the way," she adds a bit wryly. Though somehow it'd be a little amusing if She-Hulk couldn't stand the heat...

Jennifer Walters has posed:
"Spicy is fine," Jen says with a grin. "The spicier the better. I can usually start feeling it at around five spice. If I switch to Jen form I'm a total lightweight." She starts digging into the curry and closes her eyes in delight. "God. I love a good curry. Where did you pick this up from?"

Cael Becker has posed:
    "Place called Tommy Thai," Cael supplies. "They're actually a Cambodian family - but who orders out for Cambodian? So they sell mostly Thai food. They make this crispy Cambodian beef, though, and crispy Cambodian eggplant that's just- wow. Doesn't work work as take out, though. It's not crispy anymore by the time you get it." She takes another bite of noodles then says with her mouthful, "You shou' ea' fere some'ime," she invites shameless.

Jennifer Walters has posed:
Jen nods enthusiastically. "I should!" She reaches over to he messenger back and pulls out a pen and a notepad. "Tommy.... Thai..." she says as she jots down the place. Going back to the food, she considers her companion for a few moments as they eat. "We need to get you a codename, if you don't have one already," she says conversationally. "And a costume."

Cael Becker has posed:
    "A costume?" Cael repeats - letting out a laugh. "I'm not a superhero. I'm an FBI agent. And a SHIELD agent," she points out with an amused grin. "What do I need code names and costumes for?" she asks, and shakes her head. "I use an alias sometimes - when I go undercover. That's as close as I get."

Jennifer Walters has posed:
"Oh c'mon!" Jen says with a grin. "Even Clint and Natasha have costumes! Don't you want to feel like a superhero...? Just a little bit?" She chuckles and leans back in her chair. "Think of it as fancy dress shopping. Sure you'll hardly ever wear it, but you'll get to feel pretty and special when you do!" She snerks, "Well, not pretty, really, but you know what I mean."

Cael Becker has posed:
    "I'm not a //member// of the Avengers, Jen!" Cael protests. "I'm just the FBI Liaison." She shakes her head before she adds, "A fact that means I may not do very much undercover work going forward. It's too high-profile." She lets out a huff of frustration as she admits that. So much for her illegal street racing...
    "Besides. What kind of costume would I wear? I'd look ridiculous."

Jennifer Walters has posed:
Jen studies Cael for a moment considering the question. "Well, let's go over function first. It would have to be a full body suit with armored plates for protection, yet be light enough for you to be able to move in it." She rubs her chin thoughtfully, "I don't think a helmet would suit you. Most of us don't wear them even though we probably should. We'd need to get you some utility gadgets so you have more to rely on than just your pistols."

Her emerald eyes light up, "Oh! We could get you some Starktech weaponry! That'll make you /really/ stand out. All that leaves is a theme and a color scheme." She considers Cael again. "Hm. What's the story behind that gear you always wear around your neck?"

Cael Becker has posed:
    "I already wear some pretty nice armor whenever I go out into the field," Cael points out. "Though I won't say no to Starktech. I do like gadgets."
    She's taking a sip of her beer when Jennifer asks about the gear - and she lowers the bottle, her expression abruptly less jovial, and more guarded. "Not that," she says a bit flatly. "It's- it's from my friend who died. I'm not parading her memory around like a- not that."

Jennifer Walters has posed:
Jennifer nods in agreement. "Not that." She's heard a bit about that friend and wouldn't want to dishonor her memory by turning her into a costume. She shovels a few more mouthfuls of curry into her as she thinks. "Well, what other kinds of things do you like? What kind of hobbies are you into?"

Cael Becker has posed:
    "Honestly? Illegal street racing, motorcycles, and retro video games. Q-Bert is underrated. As is Frogger. But I am not putting Frogger on my costume. It invites people to flatten me, and I'd get sued by Atari," Cael remarks. With the topic veering away from 'Ashley' and into safer territory once more, she begins to relax, taking another drink from her beer which was approaching empty.

Jennifer Walters has posed:
Jennifer steeples her fingers as ideas start to form. "Motorcycles, hunh," she says. "Get a reinforced motorcycle helmet with some heads up displays... get Tony to build you a motorcycle that has all sorts of gadgets.... yeah. I think we've got something here."

She looks thoughtful for a while. "Need to figure out a name for you. Ghost Rider's already been taken...." She reaches down and pulls out her laptop, setting it on the table and pushing her curry aside. "Let's see if we can find some other kind of mythological horseman you could be."

Cael Becker has posed:
    "Thank goodness for that. I wouldn't use that anyways," Cael says firmly, tension creeping back into her form for a moment. That was a sore subject at the moment - though Jen couldn't possibly know that.
    "I'm not going to be a Horseman of the Apocalypse," she points out. "'Famine' is not a good look. Or 'Pestilence.' Or 'Pollution' if you're a Good Omen's fan." She spears more of the noodles as she watches Jen at work, a dubious look on her features. "A bike's not always practical, you know." Then again - neither are Sam's wings.
    But God the wings are cool.

Jennifer Walters has posed:
"A bow isn't always practical either, yet Hawkeye makes it work," counters Jennifer. She shakes her head. "I wasn't thinking of the Horsemen of the Apocalypse. That's an X-Men thing anyway." She spends a few moments on the computer, "The only thing that's coming up is the horsemen, or famous horses. The only other thing I can think of is The Wild Hunt, but in order for that to work you'd need a host, which means building you mechanical dogs or drones and stuff and I think that's going a bit too much for this."

She leans back and taps her fingers on the table. "How about just Huntsman? I don't think that's been taken."

Cael Becker has posed:
    "Huntsman?" Cael repeats - her tone dubious and uncertain. "...I'd say keep workshopping it. I mean, the name's... fine. But has nothing to do with motorcycles, really. Honestly, I feel like that would make more sense for Clint than //Hawkeye.// But whatever makes him happy." With a last stab of her form, she claims the last bit of noodles, looking at the empty container with a momentarily forlorn expression. Another day she shall have more noodles. Wait and see. She shovels them into her mouth, and looks thoughtful as she waits for inspiration to strike her.
    Not that she really cares about this costume-and-name stuff. Right?

Jennifer Walters has posed:
Jennifer nods in agreement. "Yeah. You're right." She lets out a disappointed breath and leans back in her chair, scooting the curry back over so she could continue eating it. Not coming up with anything else she just shakes her head. "Another option is to go all wild west and give you some sort of gimmicky name, but I gotta tell you, if I'm being honest I'm just not coming up with anything."

She sighs dejectedly. "Probably for the best."

Cael Becker has posed:
    "Spaghetti-Leg Sal?" Cael quips dryly. "Deadeye?" She smirks as she adds, "I know! The 'Ramblin' Rider.'" After finishing off her beer she adds a bit speculatively, "I mean - could just be Rider. Could spell it with a y just to be stupid. I dunno. Doesn't really matter though - because like I said. I don't really need a 'costume' - or a superhero name."

Jennifer Walters has posed:
Jennifer can't help but snicker at Cael's names that she's coming up with, when sudden inspiration strikes! "Red Rider! Get everything done in blood red leathers with black pinstriping and there you go! Bam! Superhero name!"

"I mean, sure, you don't /need/ one. But you've got to admit that it'd be pretty cool to do it every once in a while."

Cael Becker has posed:
    "Eh. Maybe. I'm used to just answer to 'Becker' though. Some starts calling out 'Rider' I'm going to wonder where Flynn Rider and Rapunzel are at." Did Cael just admit to watching a Disney film?
    Nope. No she did not, and you won't get her to ever say that she did.
    "But I definitely wouldn't say no to a tricked-out Starktech bike. You think..." she muses in a curious voice, "We could make it so it homes in on me? You know - so it can be self driving? That would be bloody useful."

Jennifer Walters has posed:
"If Stark can building him twelve different suits to Sunday that can home in on him, I think a self driving motorcycle would be a piece of cake," Jennifer says with a snort. "But I think the whole superhero and bike thing is part and parcel." She finishes off the last of the curry and sets the bowl aside, letting out a satiated sigh. "That was damn good curry."

"Give it a thought, though," Jennifer says with all seriousness. "Think about the things you could accomplish if you set your mind to it. You could be more than just a liaison with the FBI."

Cael Becker has posed:
    "I already accomplish a lot of good," Cael points out. "And I was accomplishing a lot of good before. Taking down those criminal organizations - I saved innocent victims. I saved kids from getting suckered into that life, looking for community. You should know - there's a lot of different ways to do good in this world." She shakes her head slightly, adding wryly, "I still can't believe I'm //here//. Sparring with Cap, sharing drinks with Sam - it's madness."

Jennifer Walters has posed:
Jennifer just laughs good naturedly. "That's nothing. Madness is when Mole Man captures you and tries to force you into being his bride." She grins and shakes her head. "Poor guy. I'd feel sorry for him if it wasn't for the fact that his schemes regularly hurt innocent people." She sighs, "I tried talking to him when he 'kidnapped' me, but he just wouldn't see the light of day. So to speak. Still, I was able to come to an arrangement with him that would solve his problems without violence and didn't end with me being Missus Mole Man."

Cael Becker has posed:
    "...alright. I'll admit, I've never been kidnapped under the hopes I'd become a subterranian bride," Cael admits. "Though - what the hell is even thinking, aiming for the She-Hulk, when- I mean, I'm glad he did go after someone who could defend themself but it's not the best //plan//. Did he have a thing for green?" she asks in puzzlement.
    "They say there's a fetish for just about everything," she adds in a teasing voice.

Jennifer Walters has posed:
"You know what the real kicker is?" Jennifer says with a smirk. "I was his /second choice/. He originally wanted Sue Storm but had to settle for me." She throws her hands up in the air in indignation. "Can you /imagine/ that? /Settle for me!/"

Cael Becker has posed:
    "So. Not a green-thing, then," Cael mutters. "Huh. He's just... not too bright." She shakes her head. "I'll be sure to avoid any Mole-Men going forward. Seeing as I'm not a particular fan of forced marriages, especially when they involve me." She gives a shrug of her shoulders before she adds, "I suspect that no matter what, though, the more I hang around here - the more bizarre stories I'll have to tell. Which in many cases will be too classified to tell."

Jennifer Walters has posed:
Jennifer nods, and drains the rest of her beer. "Yeah. Things can get wild around here, but there comes a point to where you get used to it." She stands and starts cleaning up the table, "Listen. I really should get going back home, and I'm sure you've got more reports that you should go through. It was good talking to you again."

Cael Becker has posed:
    "I don't know if I'll ever get used to all the madness," Cael answers with a shake of her head. "And I'm not entirely convinced that getting used to it is a //good// thing, either." She gives Jennifer a wry smile. "But yeah. I should get back to these. I'll see you around again - hopefully without the world going to shit, ya know?"