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An Unquiet Night in Gotham
Date of Scene: 12 March 2020
Location: Robbinsville - Bleake Island
Synopsis: Rose picks a fight with some thugs and gets some unwanted help from Ben and Heather.
Cast of Characters: Ben Reilly, Rose Wilson, Heather Danielson

Ben Reilly has posed:
A face off on the street amidst the run down old mansions that were once the glory of Gotham. The old glitz and glam of that bygone era can be seen here and there in little glimpses. The excellent work of a stained glass window that even Gotham hasn't managed to shatter yet. The stone carving work in the pillars out front of one mansion. The layout and architecture. The beauty is there to see if you want to look. To take the time to exmaine it and take it all in. But then this -is- Gotham. Standing around long enough to observe the faded beauty of the run down buildings is likely to catch some bad attention. And right now anyone nearby not involved in the scuffle in the street has done just that.

A certain masked fighter has run afoul of one of the many gangs of Gotham city. Though it might be more accurate to say they've run afoul of her. A territory dispute? Money? An operation gone bad? Or maybe they just pissed her off. Either way there is a gun fight in the middle of the street, with some of the gangers hiding behind rusted out hulks of old cars, and some standing in the street blazing away at the young woman. The relative quiet of the night has been banished thoroughly as the night rings to the sound of the gunshots. But this isn't really the sort of area anyone calls the cops to, so it's a wonder if they'll ever even come by to check out the sounds. Odds are they have better things to do tonight. Bigger villains to get beat up by. Getting shot over some abandoned run down old mansions is definitely not in Gotham PD's plans tonight. "You think you're tough shit Ravager? We'll see how tough you are when you're fulla holes and bleeding out on the street!" Yeah, someone has been watching too many old gangster movies. Heck he even has an old style Tommy gun in his hands that he's firing off, sending bullets skipping off the cracked and crumbling pavement of the street near Rose.

Rose Wilson has posed:
The cops probably know better then to bother until after the bullets stop, and someone needs to come in and clean up the mess that is left behind. Rose is certainly not worried about the possibility of flashing lights and sirens to interrupt what is going on.

And for someone that is outnumbered, and seems to be cornered, the masked figure known as Ravager is showing no signs of being concerned. Tucked behind one of the cars she's got her gun in her hand, and is busy reloading with no hurry to things.

Most people would be moving faster, but instead she's moving at a sedate pace, counting off each ping and crunch she hears as the bullets hit things.

Heather Danielson has posed:
    Gotham gangs. What a revoltin' development. Heather was traveling here for a charity get-together with some of the rich elites of the city. But she arrived a day early because she believes in getting to know the lay of the land.
    So, she decided to go out. She was walking along the sidewalks in her Underarmor jacket because.. the cold doesn't really bother her as much as it bothers some other people. She -was- enjoying the view of the architecture and all that. But a pretty teen blonde bikini model isn't exactly... the least vulnerable type. Especially not on the streets of Gotham, at night.
    Okay, so in retrospect, it may not have been the smartest decision Heather ever made. But she hears the sound of gunshots and turns to start power-walking in the direction they came from. I mean hey, what's the point of her powers if she can't help out. But, she comes around the corner and sees a masked figure, she turns her walk into a jog.. and she reaches a different parked car. One like two down from Ravager... her approach is a bit different. She lifts one foot... places it on the rear of the car.. and gives it a shove which snaps the parking break and sends the thing skidding towards the group of attackers. "Hey!" she calls, "Pick on someone... else!" yeah. Really eloquent this one.

Ben Reilly has posed:
The wannabe gangsters move up the street a little, still firing away at the rusted shell of the car, flakes of rust going everywhere, but the bullets don't actually punch clean through the skin of the car, and definitely not all the way through to hit Rose on the other side. Bullets pang off of the wreck amidst the shuffle of feet on broken concrete as the thugs move up and towards the car Rose is hiding behind.

It's about then that they notice the advancing blonde and a few of them stop firing to stare at her in confusion as she not only walks towards them, but then picks up her pace and jogs towards them. "Ey boys. We've got company." One of the smarter of the brutes points out, gesturing at the woman now settled behind the vehicle. He turns to start talking to the other gang members when the car goes skidding down the street. The wheels don't exactly turn anymore, and it's shaking rust off itself like confetti. But it slams through where the thugs were just standing. They scattered just in time diving for cover behind other cars. "Who's your friend Ravager? Couldn't handle us on your own huh?" The original talker speaks up from where he's reloading his weapon behind the vehicle that Heather kicked, having used it for cover once it stopped moving.

In the near distance there's a flash of crimson against the night sky and the dim lights from the rest of the city as Ben Reilly settles on the apex of a mostly collapsed roof, crouched in classic spider person pose as he assesses the situation. He's on the other side of the gun wielding crooks from the two women, and even waves at them both if they happen to look in his direction, but doesn't jump into the fray, instead waiting to see what exactly is going on first.

Rose Wilson has posed:
"Fuck...you just gave them more cover." Rose hisses in Heather's direction, glaring at the blonde that has arrived, "I had them exactly where I wanted them, I'll have you know."

Did she? Rose seems to believe that she had them exactly where she wanted them, at least. When the talkative one starts to reload his gun she pops up from where she's been hunched down, spinning around to take a shot at the source of the talking. The arrival of the figure in the roof that is WAVING, almost causes her shot to go wild. But she keeps on target. Mostly.

Heather Danielson has posed:
    "So.. you are saying that you didn't want a distraction to let you finish reloading then. Noted." offers Heather as she stalks forward. She's not evading. She just walks right at them. "I suppose you don't want -this- diversion either." she says as she starts to jog forward once more.
    She raises her voice then and calls out, "When misogynistic asswipes like you guys all start picking on one girl, they're picking on all us girls. So come on. I'll make you a deal. Take -your- best shot, and then I'll take mine!" She calls out as she jogs right towards them. Right in the line of fire.
Is she stupid? Crazy? Fuckin' nuts?

Ben Reilly has posed:
Surrounded and outnumbered is exaclty where Rose wanted the bad guys. Right? Well she's still outnumbered if no longer close to being surrounded. The thugs are more dug in now though, with more cover, and that cover being in the middle of the street it gives them a bit more of a foundation to have a shootout from. And a shootout they seem intent on having. There are clicks and clacks as they reload, fishing magazines out of pockets to smack home in the handles of pistols or in the case of a couple full banana magazines are changed out.

When Rose rises over the car to start firing one of the guys has just risen up, and goes down with a cry of pain as a bullet tears into his shoulder. Not Mister Talkative but it was close. He's standing right next to where that guy is reloading.

The red figure darts across the sky to another rooftop, this one closer, much closer, really it's just to the side of the whole fiasco. "Sooo what's going on everyone? You guys need help?" The scarlet figure gestures in the direction of Rose and Heather with the question. "Or you got this?" He glances over as the talkative one starts up again. "She shot Barney! Get her boys!" They burst from behind cover rushing towards the two women's positions firing away as they go. Charging right towards Heather as well and more than a few bullets whiz her way, the crack of gunfire loud on the night air. That and the shouts of the men. "We didn't pick on her! She messed with us lady! You got it twisted!" One of the guys does stop shooting. "Hey. I've seen you before. You look familiar." He and a couple others have stopped to stare at Heather, trying to place the blonde model. The rest are still rushing Rose's position. There's a solid baker's dozen of the miscreants to deal with.

With their position now abandoned Ben zips over there with a quick thwip and a jump, landing on the roof of the car that Heather shoved down the street to watch what's going on. "I'm trying to figure out who did what here. Like do I jump in and help Ravager and a super model? Is that sexist to assume you ladies need help? I just don't know in this day and age. Is it sexist not to help? Do I get yelled at either way?"

Rose Wilson has posed:
"I'm saying I didn't NEED a distraction to reload my gun, I was taking my time because I was counting bullets." Rose is super calm, first about the guy that goes down, then the others that burst from cover to come rushing at them.

The helpful addition of them pointing out that she messed with them is met with a casual shrug, and not an ounce of denial on her part. She really did. As they rush she lifts her gun up, aims at the incoming ones, and starts to take shot, "I also don't fucking...need....rescuing."

It's a particular irritation that keeps cropping up from a certain set of old people she knows. Nothing personal to the two that are just being nice.

Heather Danielson has posed:
    "I get that a lo.." begins Heather before two bullets strike her. One in the stomach, and one in the neck.
    Blood gushes and she gurgles, "...p... uck.." her voice is apparently ruined. For the moment. But the wound in her neck closes almost immediately, the stomach shot having exited her back the size of a dinner plate. But that is also healing.
    "Alright." she says. Her voice almost back to normal, "I've had it. You guys are having a gunfight in the middle of the streets, many on one."
    One hand lashes out and she grabs one of the guys by the shirt. Then she twists and performs a textbook hip throw, sending the guy flailing at his buddy with enough force to break bones in both of their bodies. "Seriously. Stop this ganging up bullshit." she adds, her voice fully restored now.
    But she turns towards Rose and lifts a brow, "You don't want my help?" She asks as a bullet strikes her in the side ribcage and punches out the other side. She grunts and shakes her head, "If you guys would kindly stop trying to make me -stay- here, I might just let her handle you." she says as she turns and does a two step textbook sidekick to break the shoulder of the guy who just shot her.

Ben Reilly has posed:
Rose's shots bring guys down, not all of the guys she hits go down, but enough of them do that it things the ranks of those charging at her and Heather, firing away, bullets ricocheting off of the concrete near Rose, and zipping past Heather. Attention shifts away from the model when she takes those two hits, the guys that had stopped instead moving in Rose's direction as well.

"I didn't say rescuing. I said help." Ben calls over, only to shout in alarm when Heather takes those hits. His inaction is settled at that point and he leaps over the intervening ground, kicking a guy aside with a light brush of a foot and stops in front of the... healing Heather. "Oh. Well... that's cool. And also more than slightly unsettling." He's watching her throat stitch itself back together after all. He steps back and gives her some space as she starts to throw in on the guys. He just flicks his wrist a couple of times, webbing a couple of guys feet to the concrete, causing them to promptly fall over and hit the pavement with a firm smack. "I mean, they said she was the one that started it, and she didn't deny it... so I'm not sure the ganging up on thing still works. Just saying." This to Heather as Ben's head turns, eyes moving to Rose and her position, but mostly he's staying out of the conflict. As bad guys go down, whether shot or thrown they catch a bit of web to secure them to the street for the cops to clean up later.

Between Heather's kung fu and Rose's bullets the crowd has thinned. A lot. There's only about four left standing now, and they seem to realize it all at the same time, looking at eachother, then around at two costumed folks and a super model in bloody clothes. "Hey uhhh we... we're just gonna go yeah?" And they do just that, turn tail and try to book it back down the street the way they came from. Leaving them quite open to getting gunned or chased down by any of the three powered individuals.

Rose Wilson has posed:
"Don't want. Don't need. Never asked for it. You goodie-two-shoes hero as..." Rose starts, then stops when the bullet connects with the concrete near her, her head turning to protect her one remaining eye from the chips that go flying in the air.

The hand not holding her gun lifts upwards, and she casually brushes off her shoulder before she tucks the gun back into the holster that is empty. Clearly the home for that particular gun.

Heroes and good guys don't go out of their way to kill, right? That's the rules. Look at Ben there, webbing them up for the cops later. Not Rose. She glances at the two, sniffing slightly with her upper lip curling upwards before she turns and launches herself after the group that is starting to flee. She doesn't run straight for them, instead she veers to the left to come up on the side of them before she launches herself at one of them to tackle him to the ground.

Heather Danielson has posed:
    "Here I was trying to be a nice person. Silly me for tryin'." mutters Heather. "Wrong town, wrong victim, wrong night I guess." she adds under her breath as she turns to regard the guys who want to flee, "I'd run as fast as you can! She might not catch -all- of you! Maybe you just need to outrun your friends!" she calls out to the gangers who.. okay, she is having a -little- fun watching them be terrified.
    Then she turns to face Ben, "So, I'm starving. Healin' takes a lot of energy and calories. I was thinking pizza. Join me?" she asks as she smiles her winningest smile. I mean she just met Spider-Man the other day and she thinks this may be him in a different outfit. After all... she changes clothing a LOT.

Ben Reilly has posed:
"I mean, yeah that's one way to do it. Tackle them. But what about the rest that are getting away now?" Ben asks as he finishes webbing guys to the ground. "You okay?" Checking in on the woman who has healed three grevious wounds up. "That has got to hurt. I mean even with healing you still feel it yeah?" The Scarlet Spider tilts his head to the side a little bit, then turns and leaps into the air, his wrists flicking, but in a different motion than he used for the webs, this time sending pellets flying out of the web casters on his wrists, those pellets smack into the backs of the fleeing guys and explode outwards into webbing that sticks them securely to the street. A fact they find out a moment later when inertia fights web and web wins, bouncing them down off of the concrete and then sticking them there.

There are some grunts and some groans from the downed men, moans of pain from those shot or with broken bones. Off in the distance the sound of sirens can finally be heard. Maybe because the gun shots stopped or maybe because it's actually been awhile since they started. Either way the sound of the sirens draws closer, but they're still a few minutes or more out.

"Well. This -is- Gotham." Ben remarks to Heather with a smirk audible in his voice even if it's not visible behind his mask. "Well this has been an interesting moment in Gotham. Met Ravager, met a super model. Got involved in some sort of turf war. That's what this was right? Turf war?" This question directed at Rose, who is still beating a man to a pulp on the ground. "Gonna kindly request that you don't kill that guy or I'll have to web you up ma'am." Ben will watch a moment to make sure that she isn't actually going to kill the guy before swinging his attention back to Heather. "God pizza sounds good. I haven't eaten all day. But I also have like... no money so..." Scarlet shoulders lift in a slight shrug as he turns to look back towards Rose. "Pizza? Or do ruthless mercenaries not eat pizza? Maybe we could try this whole meet and greet thing again? I swear, as many people as I meet over beating up thugs and goons you'd think there'd be some established etiquette by now. Hi I'm such and such it's nice to meet you and all that."

Rose Wilson has posed:
Why tackling and letting others flee? Rose answers it, easily enough, "To. Take. Word." Rose swings a fist at the guy, the sick, wet crunch of a broken nose following, "Back to their boss."

Then she stops, glancing towards Ben when he tells her to not kill the one, there is a flicker of a smirk that crosses her face before she slowly gets to her feet. "No pizza." The distance between her, Ben, Heather, and the others that have already gotten hit by webs and things is measured, and she begins to move slowly out of what she calculates as both range and clear target direction. It's casual enough that she might not be actually putting herself into a covered position to kill the guy anyways and NOT get webbed.

Heather Danielson has posed:
    Well, Heather has dismissed Rose's violence by the time Rose is up and talking and moving. It's like the girl has too much heart-of-gold mentality to think in those terms. She chuckles and shrugs her shoulders, "Yeah. It still hurts. But.. these days pain just means I'm still alive. It's pretty much my norm." But her slight smirk turns into a full blown grin that lights up her face. Not the model smile where she is faking it. She is -truly- happy, and it shows. Her eyes crinkling as she smiles. "Oh don't worry about paying the pizza. If I can get paid a buttload to stand in front of a camera in a bikini, I can buy Friendly Neighborhood pizza." Yep. Implying she thinks it's Peter. I mean it kinda is, right? RIGHT?!
    Either way, she looks towards Rose and by that time, the wounds she took are not only healed, but not even scars anymore. Just some blood leftover. "Okay, no pizza. Garlic Cheese Bread?" she asks.

Ben Reilly has posed:
Ben Reilly notices Rose trying to figure out the range and accuracy on his webs and at least finds some amusement in it because he lets out a quick laugh. "Oh you'll have to go much farther to get out of my effective range. Cuz you also gotta account for how far I can jump, which is pretty far, and how fast I can pull myself along with webs, which is reeeeeally fast. Not as fast as you could stab someone in something vital or shoot them in something vital. But waaaay before you could beat someone to death." Ben's grin can be heard in his voice even if it can't be seen behind his mask. "And no I don't feel like trying to prove it either. And actually he's the only unwebbed guy now, so you'll probably wanna let him run back to his boss. The others won't be unstuck before the cops get here unless you're gonna cut them loose with that sword you got there. Also what do you mean no pizza? Who says no to pizza? I mean unless you're allergic to dairy, or lactose intolerant, or gluten intolerant, or allergic to tomatoes. But that's all kind of a whole different thing. Who says no to pizza?" Hands spread palms up in a confused gesture at the very idea of it.

"Friendly neighborhood... Oh. Nope. Not Spider-Man. I mean... I can see why you'd think that. Because the suit and the powers and what not. But no not spider man. Scarlet Spider. I guess. That's what I've been calling myself." Though he certainly acts like Spider-man in a lot of ways. And if someone is good with voices he sounds a fair bit like him too. And well it really more or less is Peter. Only not. But mostly. "But pizza is good. Yeah garlic bread? Come on. Even mercs gotta eat. Do they still say that? Mercs? Or is it just mercenaries? It's like helicopters. They're choppers and copters and hueys and whatever else people want to call them. Police are almost here though." He bounces from foot to foot quickly, a bit antsy to be off before Gotham PD gets here.

Rose Wilson has posed:
The gun that she'd tucked away before is pulled out quickly and Rose fires it without looking at the man she was beating up. She doesn't hit him, but it's obviously very purposeful that she shoots the concrete next to his face, causing pieces to fly up into his face.

It's all a point. She's made it. "Do you ever just...SHUT UP?" Ugh!

Rose has been around some that never shut up, it happens. It can be amusing, it might be amusing. But she isn't sticking around for it to be amusing this time. Instead she turns and flees the scene before the cops get there.

Heather Danielson has posed:
    "Huh. I happen to like guys who actually -like- to talk. So many of them try so hard to be the strong silent type. It's a bit off-putting. Scarlet?" asks Heather as she inclines her head, "I suppose pizza -out- would be awkward in that costume. I don't mean this to sound weird but... I could get delivery to my hotel room. It'd be a bit more private and nobody would have to ask why I'm sitting with one of the spandex crowd. You could just pop in through the window and all. I mean it's Gotham, I swear batman must own a skylight company and make every building REQUIRE one. It's weird." she mutters as she turns and gestures in the direction of her hotel. "Give me maybe thirty minutes to get back and shower off the gunk and blood and such?" she adds.