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Latest revision as of 03:08, 10 October 2021

So My Brother Wants to be a Murderer
Date of Scene: 09 October 2021
Location: Clarice Ferguson's Quarters
Synopsis: Clarice turns to Rahne for comfort.
Cast of Characters: Rahne Sinclair, Clarice Ferguson

Rahne Sinclair has posed:
The fact that both Theo and Pete seemed to have almost forgotten that she was there left Rahne feeling uncomfortable. Almost like she was peeping on something personal, private. So she doesn't speak until they've got some privacy. But when she does, it's explosive.

"Oh LAIRD! He's so....so young!" She looks like she's fourteen herself; sometimes it just leaps out that Rahne is an adult, with years of combat experience under her belt. "Ah was ne'er that obsessive. No chance he could be wrong, until his boyfriend pokes at 'im." She flails, she moves around.

Not normal Rahne.

Clarice Ferguson has posed:
    Not normal Clarice, either. She's silent and teary-eyed as she retreats to her bedroom, curling up atop her bed fully clothed, with her usually clunky boots still on her feet. At Rahne's outburst, she pulls her arms tightly across her stomach. The only words she has in response is a quietly whispered, "Is it my fault?" She set this example. Is that why Theo was this way now? Or was there something else at the root of it?

Rahne Sinclair has posed:
How do you say yes, when that answer will hurt? That is IS your example, that this is what Rahne had feared would happen? You do NOT.

"Clary, come here," she says, ruining it by coming to her instead. She knows that Clarice needs something, isn't sure what. "Hon, wot did y' think would happen? He's so powerful." Then she pauses, giving a bit of touch. She grasps Clarice's shoulders, then looks at her.

"Et's not jus' you, dinnae take more'n ye deserve, hon. He's YOUNG. An...honestly, look a' what he's had tae deal with. You be tryin, ah saw ye. Did y' see me findin th' rihgt words? Ah flailed too, an' ah be supposed tae be th' pacifist one here. Am supposed tae have better answers."

Clarice Ferguson has posed:
    Clarice lets herself be drawn in - one arm going around Rahne, the other clinging to the woman's clothes. "Maybe it won't matter. Maybe we won't find the people reponsible. Maybe they'll be dead already. He doesn't have to be like me - he doesn't have to." But how can she stop him? How can she forbid him - when he knows what //she// is?
    "How do you stand me?" she asks quietly.

Rahne Sinclair has posed:
"Ah love lost causes," Rahne says instantly. Then she pulls Clarice in, and whispers, "Th' secret is, never give up oan anybody. Not ever." She touches her cheek to Clarice's shoulder, then whispers, "Ah even think Toad be worth savin. An honestly, hon, he be way more trouble nor you be."

Okay, maybe just the one joke.

Clarice Ferguson has posed:
    "He is," Clarice agrees softly - a brief smile ghosting across her own features.
    "Maybe..." she murmurs quietly. "Maybe if I foreswear my own right to vengeance? To- ...to hurting the people who did this to me? I'm a hypocrit - aren't I? If it's wrong for Theo, it's wrong for me, too..." She shakes her head helplessly. "I don't know what else to do."

Rahne Sinclair has posed:
"Oh, hell no," Rahne says. Which likely gets shock and awe, given that she's been against it this whole conversation.

After Clarice has had her moment, Rahne smiles at her. "Didnae expect that did ye? No, ye need yer vengeance, closure, ...wotever ye want tae call et. Seriously. Ye jus' be thinkin too small, both o' ye."

She seems...relaxed now. Like things just made sense. "Honest hon. Killin be way too good for them. Also it hurts th' killer more, an they don't deserve that kind'a win. Find ways tae make them have t' live, impotent an' unable tae hurt anyone, ever again. Then live better and watch them SEETHE. Don't tell them that ye won't kill them, but don't do it for YOU, not for them. Then make them lose...everythin'."

No killing. But still win. "Like ah said, ah been tryin' tae finds ways t' win wi'out killing for years. Thaur be much worse fates."

Clarice Ferguson has posed:
    No, she hadn't been expecting that answer - and the surprise she feels is conveyed through a subtle jerk, almost a flinch, Rahne feels in response. Rahne wants her to kill?
    Of course, as Rahne continues to speak, she makes more sense of the woman's words. "I meant more... letting Mister Creed or Raven take the vengeance for me," Clarice admits. But is it really any different?
    "I have the same fear Theo has. What if they get free? What if they find a way to power again? That Reverend Sinclair escaped Genosha - and went right back to hurting mutants again."

Rahne Sinclair has posed:
Rahne tilts her head. "Well, if y' want perfect, ye got tae talk to God, hon," she says as a response. "LIke everythin' else in life, y' do your best, and take your chances. Sendin' a soul tae god be pretty permanent, true, but it stains ye. Ye know tha. An...ah know that."

Clarice Ferguson has posed:
    "I'm already stained, Rahne. I am what I am." And she doubts there's any changing that. "But Theo doesn't have to be. He doesn't have to be." And neither does Pete.
    "Maybe... maybe Lydia can talk sense to them?" she asks uncertainly. "They see her as a sister. And- and she isn't- she doesn't set the same bad example I do." Maybe Lydia can help.

Rahne Sinclair has posed:
"Maybe, sure," Rahne says. It's not much of an answer, but she doesn't have the answers anymore. Maybe she never did. And honestly, if she'd ever she'd have confused the topic somehow anyway.

Clarice Ferguson has posed:
    "Maybe," Clarice repeats once more.
    Her mind is racing too much for sleep - but she needs Rahne too much to go anywhere else. So she stays where she is, curled up against her lover, one hand still clinging to the other girl's shirt as she tries to puzzle her way out of her turmoil.
    And tries not to wallow too deeply in her own self-loathing.