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Latest revision as of 05:14, 16 October 2021

Costume Ideas
Date of Scene: 15 October 2021
Location: Warren's Penthouse
Synopsis: Halloween costume talk takes a darker turn as the conversation turns to persecution of mutants.
Cast of Characters: Kitty Pryde, Warren Worthington

Kitty Pryde has posed:
Kitty returns from the school. She had been talking about Halloween costumes lately, but wasn't sure if Warren was going to be in town for it that they should come up with something connected as a costume idea, or whether she'd need to go it alone.

The elevator door dings to indicate its arrival, and Kitty walks out, wearing a pair of slacks and heels which she removes, with a white blouse, and her hair pulled up into a pony tail. Lockheed flaps ahead of her, moving into the penthouse to look for Warren.

"I'm home!" Kitty calls ahead of her, to add to the flying dragon as notice of her return. "Have a couple of costume ideas, but nothing particularly earth shaking."

Warren Worthington has posed:
"You know, I am not so sure what the big deal is with Halloween," Warren calls from the kitchen as he fixes a drink for himself. Judging by the limes and gin it looks to be some sort of gimlet. "We wear costumes all the time, and there are enough mutants that look like they are wearing Halloween costumes one would think they wouldn't want to celebrate anything like this. Sure, they can wander around and be themselves without much fear of repercussion, but damnit that shouldn't be something to be celebrated. That should be every day!" Warren lifts his glass to his lips and takes a sip, maybe this hasn't been his first.

Kitty Pryde has posed:
"It's just fun. To get to be someone else for awhile. Or, hey, if someone wants to use it to be themselves and get accepted, I'm not going to tell them otherwise," Kitty tells Warren as she joins him in the kitchen.

She walks over to him, sliding her arms up around his shoulders and gives him the kind of deep kiss full of emotion that says all that needs to be said about how she feels about him. After she lets him go and moves over to pour herself a glass of raspberry iced tea.

"I was thinking maybe something Star Wars. Or just your standard Halloween characters. Maybe a witch and you could be a vampire or zombie or something. If you would prefer to do something to make use of your wings we can do that too," she suggests.

She turns back and looks Warren over. "Or is this you telling me you don't feel like doing Halloween this year. Which it's ok if you don't," she tells him. Though really it's not ok, she's not going to let on. I mean... Halloween!

Warren Worthington has posed:
Taking another sip, Warren shrugs a shoulder. "Nah, it's fine, Kit. I just...it shouldn't be acceptable just one day of the year to be able to go out and be yourself. Or to have others dress up in something 'like' you might look and be called a monster, or horrible, or..." His voice fades off as he lifts the alcoholic drink to his lips once again to sip. "We can do whatever you want, what did you have in mind?"

Kitty Pryde has posed:
Kitty Pryde sets her drink down and moves back over to Warren. Her hands go about his waist this time as she stands close, looking up at the taller man. "Anyone who ever thought or called you anything like that was a big idiot," she tells him quietly. Kitty goes up on her toes to brush another kiss to his cheek. Then one hand moves to caress the white wings gently in places she knows he can feel it best.

"I can't imagine a more handsome, incredible man than you, Warren Worthington. If you don't want to dress up we don't have to," she tells him. "I was trying to avoid sci-fi ideas, but I mentioned Leia and someone of course took that to Slave Leia. Which I wouldn't wear out in public. But I'd be happy to get a costume for later that night," she says, wiggling her eyebrows at him.

"You been having a rough day?" she asks, reading the other signs of his mood tonight.

Warren Worthington has posed:
Warren shakes his head, "No, I never really got that. I mean, sure, sometimes because of the wings but I am more talking about others. Like Kurt for instance, or Hank. I'm one of the luckier ones."

He sighs, letting the air escape out his nose as he drinks again, "It just pisses me off that here we are so many years later and without much to show for it. I don't know, maybe Erik was right after all."

Kitty Pryde has posed:
Kitty Pryde shakes her head, and though she does it slowly, that doesn't make it any less emphatic of a statement. "No. No Erik is not right," she says. "There are a lot of people out there who are ignorant, racist, and bigoted. But forcing them to accept us at the end of a gun barrel, or a mass of floating metal... things, isn't the right way," she says. "I know, sometimes it's easy to lose faith."

She reaches up, a hand gently cupping Warren's cheek. "It's easy to see the bad out there. But there's so much good too. People that stand up for each other, for people who aren't like them. And you're a leader in that, Warren. You show people a better way. No, Erik's way is not the right way. And it'll never be. It's just the other side of the coin of what's being done to us. The answer is we get rid of that coin entirely, and show people a better way."

Warren Worthington has posed:
Warren reaches up and rubs at the bridge of his nose, letting his eyes shut as if that will help. "Yeah, yeah. I know you're right. I just...I hoped we would be at a better place than we are by now. After everything this city, or this country, or hell even this whole fucking planet has seen people still treat us like shit to be scraped off of a shoe while the likes of Stark or Cap or hell even Ben Grimm to a degree get celebrated as saviors where Kurt or Hank can't even walk down the street...and he has probably saved the planet just as often. It's bullshit."

Kitty Pryde has posed:
Kitty Pryde's heart aches to see Warren feeling the pain he is. "Yeah. None of it is fair, or just. It is bullshit. But we'll keep fighting it and make this a better place," she tells Warren quietly.

Kitty takes Warren's glass if he lets her, and set sit aside. "Come on. I know a hot tub can't actually cure the world's problems. But it can make them feel a little better at least for a night. Rejuvenate for taking them on," she says, and starts moving towards the living room and the door out to the balcony, one hand taking Warren's to tow him in her wake.

Warren Worthington has posed:
Warren sighs as Kitty takes the glass, and after a hesitant start begrudgingly allows himself to be lead towards the balcony, "Yeah. Sure. At least I don't have to worry about Hank clogging the filters like I did at the mansion..." he manages to jest as he follows her out