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Academic Excellence or Something like it
Date of Scene: 04 November 2021
Location: Historic Clocktower - Penthouse
Synopsis: Babs fills Charlies brain with questions.. like, who does she want to be? does she want to go to university? what will Jim Gordon chief of Police think of his new grand daughter? and what name does she want to be known by after adoption?
Cast of Characters: Barbara Gordon, Charlotte Gage-Radcliffe

Barbara Gordon has posed:
It's not that common to see Barb staring at papers in her hands with a look of confusion. Concern. Doubt. Surprise. Are they adoption papers? nope, they are not. There's a letter head on them - Gotham University. Are they admission papers? nope, they are not.

"Charlie," she calls out. "Do you have a minute to chat about some things." She looks up folds the papers away, resting them on her lap. "What do you think about going to Gotham University for a higher education?" It's that time in Charlie's life where suddenly the prospect of a slightly more normal life looms.

Charlotte Gage-Radcliffe has posed:
    A sudden normal life is not really something that Charlie has really considered. She is honestly playing catchup in her senior year at the Academy Babs insisted she enroll in, having missed a year when she ended up orphaned and homeless.

    Should she be considering college since the clock is rapidly ticking to get in next fall enrollment. Absolutely. Should she be considering what specialty or career to focus on. Also absolutely. Has she done either of these things. Not in the least. She has been pretty laser focused on graduating and plotting out a life of crime fighting and getting into trouble helping people, not higher education.

    The redhead pops her head out of her room when she is called though and then meanders closer, wearing leggings that actually work well under the armor and a wonder woman tank top. ""Gotham University?" she inquires unsure. "I mean.. dunno... I hadn't really thougth about .. like getting a degree like Steph."

Barbara Gordon has posed:
Babs smiles at that head popping around the corner. A casual little wave is given to Charlie's top too, "Hey Diana. I didn't know you were trapped in a t-shirt, I'll let Zee know right away." Because weirder things have happened. She's joking of course.

"Yes. Like Steph. I went to Gotham U.. and you don't have to figure out majors and minors just yet. But we do need to consider putting in an enrolment application. It's just.." she pauses a moment. She holds out the papers to Charlie. "I just wasn't expecting _this_ of all things."

Addressed to Barbara Gordon the letter is from the dean of the university. Blah blah it mentions her work in green technologies, prior experience in information technology, her stellar grades at university itself. Eventually, the letter gets to the point - they want her to come teach at Gotham University in Computer Sciences.

"If you get in to Gotham U, we'll both be there together..." she says as her lips twitch in to a smile. More time to hang out with Charlie. Sort of. But at least she can keep a good eye on her ward legitimately and not hover too much.

Charlotte Gage-Radcliffe has posed:
    There is a laugh at the corny joke. "Do you know Wonder Woman... I know Bruce does but... wow." then Charlie is lured in closer with the offered papers, reaching out to take them and look them over. It isn't like she was avoiding Babs, she adores her, but the talk of big important life college stuff had her a bit of her footing.

    Clearly still does as here eyes scan it. "Oh that is totes cool... that they want you to teach, is it like guest lecturer or like professor ... actually I realize I have no idea how college teachers even work... I mean you have a big company and..." she sort of rambles.

    That is until she offers the papers back and pushes her fingers back through hewr hair. "I .. do you think my grades are good enough ... I mean.. I want to fight crime... I don't even know what would help do that or provide a good cover.." her grades tread water, she has managed to keep that B average so she can train and patrol and has never pushed her GPA higher.

Barbara Gordon has posed:
Babs smiles and nods her head, "Part time professor. They think I have a perspective the university needs ...and one of their old timers passed away a few months ago leaving a space free in the faculty. And yes your grades are fine. Not for a medical degree but somehow I doubt that was ever on your mind."

She pauses and says, "You might want to talk to Steph and the others about what their experience has been like. May be it'll spark an interest. You could consider psychology - but - may be that's a bit dry for you. Perhaps something that'll help with your more mystic adventures. History?"

Charlotte Gage-Radcliffe has posed:
    She fingers the amulet she has been wearing for about a week as she thinks about what Babs is saying. "I wonder if history would help with that..." thoughtful. "Constantine is teaching what some people are joking is a defense against the dark arts thing... but that wouldn't be a Gotham U." a smile "To bad there isn't a wizard school." devlish look. "I'd want an weasel not an owl sidekick. No snakes tho." It isn't surprising she mentions John. She has been sucked into mystic shennigans every now and then since the Demon's Three Incident.

    On a more serious note. "The professoring sounds good for you... and yeah I can talk to Dick and Steph... Tim... see how they balanced it." she is mulling on the whole what even degree would she like. She is so ADHD about school stuff, so yeah Babs isn't wrong about psychology maybe being too dry for her. "Would probably stop Bruce giving me any disapproving looks about not doing the school thing next fall.." okay so not totally serious. Can she be totally serious.

Barbara Gordon has posed:
Babs chuckles a moment and says, "Uh huh. Well, in this household we don't give that author any more money than she already has until she stops using it to spread hate." A firm nod and a smile. "But it would be wicked cool if there was a wizarding school you could go to. For all we know there's a secret wizarding course at Gotham U. It wouldn't surprise me..."

"Your biggest concern is Bruce giving you looks?," she says with a snrk and a chuckle. "That means he cares." She taps a finger to her chin and says, "Hey.. may be this is an inappropriate question and I'm already filling your head up with too many things - but.. when I adopt you. Do you want to change your name? Charlie Gordon? or.. if it's important you keep your roots that's a-okay."

Charlotte Gage-Radcliffe has posed:
    "I mean.. I didn't say that school for a reason... just like yeah it would be totes super cool if there was a secret wizarding school or courses. I mean I trust John more than most of you all do at this point, but even I see some irony in him teaching a defense against the dark arts course." she grins. "Maybe Zee would know..."

    "Head full no more think thoughts." she notes seriously, then you drop the other thing on her and then tilts her head. Maybe it is very full now. She nips her lower lip and chews on it. "I... " she knew this might be a thing but she hasn't really confronted it head on. "I mean.. I .. yes." she nods after a befuddled sort of series of starts and stops. "I... won't ever forget my mom but I never even knew the Radcliffe part from my dad.... there isn't anyone else in my life.. I have no family but you." pause "and like.. the rest of the family here..."

Barbara Gordon has posed:
Did Babs just breath a sigh of relief that Charlie has perspective on Constantine? Yes, yes she did. It's not like she has terribly many options to present Charlie in that respect. Zatanna is a traveling magician performer - that's no life for Charlie. And John... is no life for anyone.

Babs wrinkles her nose and walks over to Charlie and wraps her arms about her giving her a warm hug. She gently strokes her hair and says, "Big magic brain full." And then the hug turns more comfortingly as she talks about her mother and father.

"Yeah you have a big family here now. You know my dad is going to be over the moon when the papers are signed. He'll have a grand daughter. He's always wanted a grand daughter. The Gordons and the Waynes have you now, there's NooOOoo esscaaape," she says with playful fingers massaging the back of Charlie's head.

Charlotte Gage-Radcliffe has posed:
    It probably helps that Charlie literally had to talk John out of being a sad sack piece of shift in his bar after he came back from hell and dying and what not. She has seen him in the gutter basically.

    The hug is very welcome during the hard talk. "Well. Magic brain, not sure how big." she mutters self depreciating. "I still haven't figured out how to do magic except teleport." you know that unnering magical bounce she does whose limits seem hard to even test.

    Still she wraps an arm around Babs and leans into the comforting hug. "I haven't talked to your dad a lot.. I hoipe he likes me." she isn't sure and all. Anxiety. The next bit though gets a lauigh. "Well... I guess it is good I am not planning on trying to escape... I'm happy here." she means it too, she is happy here. She has a home.