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The Shadow of a Bird
Date of Scene: 20 November 2021
Location: New York Public Library
Synopsis: Babs approaches the Shadow to join the Birds of Prey. It seems an agreement was made.
Cast of Characters: Barbara Gordon, Natasha Cranston

Barbara Gordon has posed:
    It's not the first time Oracle has sent Natasha Cranston a special message. It likely won't be the last. Not if tonight goes well. She's wearing her dark armor and watching the roof top of the New York Public Library, the place she requested to meet Natasha's shadow. She's not on the roof top herself - she's on an adjacent one with good visuals.

    Babs was impressed with her work during the internet attack crisis of Gotham and also the more she's dug in to this person the more she's recognised she seems to be on the side of good. Her methods are quite unique though - how that 'shadow' thing works, she's not sure. Better to stop her worrying about what Oracle knows and just talk to her though.

Natasha Cranston has posed:
    Natasha has spent quite some time and effort to maintain her secret identity. Discovering that someone appears to have uncovered it is both sobering and mildly concerning.

    She'd made her own inquiries about the Oracle after she'd previously been contacted, but her own Network turned out to have preciously little. The best information she'd gotten was from a... mostly reformed hacker she'd acquired after his attempts at winning a lottery interrupted a money laundering operation and the local mafia branch tried to express their displeasure. According to him, the Oracle is a legend of their own in digital circles - a master or mistress of information, unstoppable in the Digital realm, no secrets safe from their scrutiny, no security capable of holding them at bay.

    Still, the only options she has are to respond to the invitation and see what the Oracle has to say, or discard it and pretend she doesn't know what they're talking about -- and both alienate a potential ally and learn absolutely nothing in the process.

    The choice is clear, really...

    There aren't exactly many light sources on rooftops where people aren't expected to go at night, but neither are there many things obstructing the moonlight, so to someone who is already watching for shadows it's fairly obvious when there's suddenly one more than the shapes account for, moving to the center of the roof and pausing...

Barbara Gordon has posed:
    The shadow has arrived. Still a mystery, one she'd love to get to the bottom of - but she respects the secrecy of all the birds and potential birds. How they do things - she waits for them to open up to her. The wings of the bat spread and she glides down off of the building top and across the moon lit sky to land on the public library.

    This sort of looks like Batgirl. Here in New York. Was she also invited by Oracle? and since when did Batgirl wear so much armor? and wasn't Batgirl blonde now? Oracle smiles a moment and holds her hands out, "Please don't feel threatened. I asked you here to talk as friends."

    Not Batgirl, an emissary of Oracle.. or Oracle herself? but it's clear there's a connection here between the bats of Gotham and Oracle. There were rumours of course, but how seriously can you take them since it seems so far fetched.

Natasha Cranston has posed:
    It's hard to interpolate body language from a two-dimensional projection on an irregular surface unless your name happens to be Cassandra Cain, but the sudden twitch as Batgirl begins her descent is fairly obvious, especially as she herself is the only likely cause of the reaction in the first place.

    Shadows shift and flow and solidify like a bad special effect from the days before CGI, and after an eyeball-spraining moment where it's hard to tell whether that shape has two dimensions or three, the Shadow stands revealed - or as revealed as they ever get; the greatcoat and cape do an excellent job of concealing their general body shape, and between the hat and the scarf there's not enough visible of the face to make any kind of judgement - especially not when those eyes seem to pierce straight into your soul and read your sins like an open book.

    "You already passed up several excellent opportunities to threaten me if that were your intention," comes the reply after a moment, distorted past what a human voice should be capable of. "And your earlier warning was appreciated. What is it you wished to discuss?"

Barbara Gordon has posed:
    Whatever the shadow is, technology does not reveal it to Barb's eyes. She folds her arms across her chest and watches the awkward reconstitution of two dimensions to three. She nods her head, "I'm sorry to have approached you the way that I did, but it's not as if I could look 'Peter Pan's shadow' up in the phone book."

    "I don't know exactly how you are connected to.." A name, dare she speak it? no, she stops short, "but I'd like to know. However, I don't -need- to know. You've made your intentions clear. I want to offer you a place in my team."

    "They're known as the Birds of Prey. You may have heard of them, they have been in operation primarily in Gotham, but we're not limited to Gotham. We're a group of vigilantes who help each other out fighting crime. Knowing others in the field that can be trusted is invaluable."

Natasha Cranston has posed:
    The Shadow inclines their head, acknowledging the point. "I suppose I did make myself difficult to contact in more conventional fashion," they reply, then listens to Oracle's pitch with a tilted head.

    "I've heard the name mentioned - generally with a great deal of vehemence and some comments not suitable for polite company. You've proven quite an inconvenience to organized crime in the Gotham area." The subsequent noise was probably a chuckle before whatever voice mask the Shadow uses mangled it.

    "I tend to work alone, but you're right in that having backup that can be relied on is invaluable -- and, just as clearly, my information network isn't nearly as extensive as I'd like it to be."

    A brief pause before the Shadow continues. "I take it you have a better communication method with your other Birds than infiltrating their computer networks when you need to speak to them?"

Barbara Gordon has posed:
    From the yellow utility belt she opens up one of the pouches and takes out a modern looking phone. "This is hardened to attacks and connected to my Bird network. It will allow you to talk to any other birds and coordinate with them, as well as maintain your secret identity."

    She smiles a little more, "And you needn't worry. I'm very good with secrets, I won't be sharing what I know about you - that's for you to do in your own time if you so desire. If not, that's fine too."

    "There's also an assortment of hacking tools built in to the Bird application that you might find useful. And if you do run in to some computing ..walls.. then you can contact me. You will know some of the names in our network - Batgirl, for instance, who is my right hand woman. But I trust everybody in the Birds of Prey. I vet everyone personally."

    She places the phone down on the ground steps back away to give the shadow room. She isn't sure just how the shadow works after all.

Natasha Cranston has posed:
    Another silent nod as the Shadow acknowledges the show of good faith, then the figure steps forward to take the phone. "You make a good case. Very well."

    With that, the phone slides into a pocket.

    "For now, however, there are other matters that require my attention. I'm sure we'll speak again soon," A half-bow, a touch of gloved fingers to that hat, and the figure all but seems to dissolve into mist and shadow, flickering away along the rooftop toward the fire escape, which rattles briefly in the "wind"... And Oracle finds herself standing alone on the library roof.

Barbara Gordon has posed:
    Babs stands there along for a moment now that the shadow has left. Her eyes toward the fire escape. "Amazing," she murmurs to herself. She taps open her Birds application and watches with curiosity. Whether she explores the phone and its capabilities or not will ultimately determine if the shadow has joined them or not. She can only hope.