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Mornings, Just Like They Used to Be
Date of Scene: 24 November 2021
Location: Carter-Sousa Home - Long Island
Synopsis: Daniel and Peggy have a cozy Saturday morning together at home. Decisions are made about the wedding and general romance is shared.
Cast of Characters: Daniel Sousa, Peggy Carter

Daniel Sousa has posed:
As things turned out, they'd skipped dinner the night before for more pleasant pursuits, though as the sun creeps through the blinds the morning finds Daniel awake if drowsy hand behind his head as he stares up dreamily at the ceiling. It was more than spending the evening in his wife's arms, but knowing the stick had been right, they were going to have another kid, and they'd have a chance to do it right. As he ponders the possibilities the sunlight begins to creep from his pillow stretching out bright fingers of light until it's reached Peggy's. They really need to look into those blackout curtains.

Peggy Carter has posed:
They desperately need to get those curtains. Peggy's precious weekends are few and far between to sleep in, but this is one of them, and she'd likely have stayed contently asleep for another hour if the light wasn't creeping over her side of the bed. As it hits her eyelids, a little groan escapes her mouth. She rolls over almost immediately, instinctively escaping that brightness and trying to burrow in against his shoulder. She pulls the blankets up a bit higher, half covering her face and head. If she's lucky, she can adjust enough to go back to sleep.

Daniel Sousa has posed:
Peggy's groan of protest brings Daniel out of his morning daydreams and he smiles. "I'll get the curtains figured out this week," he assures her, before sticking his head in her cocoon to kiss her cheek. "Good morning," he greets with only a bit of sleep in his voice. "Sleep okay?"

Peggy Carter has posed:
Another little groan through her nose comes as he sticks his head into her cocoon, clearly more awake than she is. She cracks one eye open, mock glaring at him as she considers pretending to go back to sleep. "...you're chipper already." She mutters drowsily. Then she leans slightly over, stretching to press a kiss against the corner of his mouth before simply burying her nose and eyes into his neck. He smelled good and she was still tired enough not to be fully aware of that vague nausea whichw ould come when she finally dared sit up. "...slept well. Want more." She mutters into his throat.

Daniel Sousa has posed:
Daniel smiles "Been up for a bit, not sure I qualify as chipper until I've had my morning coffee though," he says with a wry smile as he accepts that kiss good morning on the corner of his mouth. Lifting his head a little as she buries her face in his neck, laughs as her hair tickles his chin. "Well it's your weekend, so, not going to roll you out of bed. You want to sleep, you can sleep, just let me know if you're feeling up to breakfast of some sort, I'll drag myself up to make it after enjoying a bit more of your company," he says putting his arms around Peggy to hold her a little bit closer.

Peggy Carter has posed:
"Mm. Yes. In... a little bit. Pancakes. Maybe... biscuits..." Peggy is rambling in the half muttered, half asleep way that she does when she's letting herself slide back unconscious, having successfully hidden enough from the light that she can actually get back to sleep. It means he's being trapped by her, since she's half buried against him, but she doesn't seem to think he'll mind. Within a few minutes, she's fully breathing slow and deep against the side of his neck again. Her limbs are heavy with slumber against him, especially the arm that she's draped over his stomach, half bent, fingertips draped againsts his sternum, palm half closed over his heart. She'll sleep that way for almost another hour before faintly stirring on her own this time, no sunlight to blame.

Daniel Sousa has posed:
"Which sort of buscuits the bread kind or do you mean cookies?" Daniel teases gently assuming that she'd meant the former. If he gets the answer or not doesn't really matter when she slips back into slumber he kisses her gently on the lips happy to linger with her for that hour lost in his thoughts enjoying the sound of her breath until it's nearly lulled him to sleep.

Peggy Carter has posed:
Finally, body as well rested as she's been in AGES and the sun quite bright in their bedroom, Peggy's head vaguely stirs. She doesn't fully wake up yet, but she turns her head to press a very slow line of kisses along his adam's apple and the side of his jaw, enjoying the morning scruff. She so rarely gets him scruffy, the man meticulous about shaving. She grins a bit more, running her nose along that bristle of his morning lacking shave, clearly enjoying. "Mm... bread sort..." See? A part of her heard his question. Even if she's not quite letting him out of bed yet.

Daniel Sousa has posed:
The first touch of lips against his throat jars Daniel from his dozing, eyes opening and lips curling into a smile. There's no argument about the kisses and the nose rubbed against his morning scruff only makes him squirm a little and laugh. "So you were awake," he says when she answers that question. "I think it's doable, at least if we can get ourselves out of bed." Though he doesn't seem to be in any sort of hurry about that.

Peggy Carter has posed:
"Awake is a... stretch. But I heard you." Peggy mutters against his scruff, giving his jaw one more kiss before gently rubbing her nose up the edge of his cheek. "Maybe I can even talk you out of shaving today, hmm?" She's half teasing, knowing just how fastidious he is. But then, she's often the 'bad influence' in their relationship. She lets her fingertips trail over the side of his chest, still slowly, physically waking up, but mentally she's far more aware than before. "But yes, something... bready. Right now, I'm almost hungry and not impossibly nauseated. I'd like to keep it that way." Especially after they missed dinner.

Daniel Sousa has posed:
Daniel grins as she rubs at his scruff. "I dunno, going to make it worth my`while?" he asks in a teasing tone. He did shave like clockwork after waking each morning, using the old fashioned sandlewood scented shaving soap and a straight razor, but he might be willing to indulge her, since it was a weekend.

"Bready works, and let's see what we can do to keep back the nausea, taking it you'll be having ginger tea with your biscuits?" he asks.

Peggy Carter has posed:
"*Please*." Peggy breathes out at the thought of tea. She knows if she moves too much or thinks too hard on it, she's going to jinx waking up feeling half decent this morning. But he's also there, unclothed, quite so warm, and she's ever so tempted to risk their chances. She leans up and over, pressing a deeper, more thoughtful kiss to his mouth. But it only lasts a few moments, that a bit too much movement for this time of morning. "... Alright. Yes. Maybe tea first, before *anything*. Though I am curious where you were before. That look in your eyes was a thousand miles away."

Daniel Sousa has posed:
"Consider it done," Daniel says about the tea though he doesn't sit up not when that kiss is pressed against his lips, one he returns happily before it breaks and he smiles. "Thought it might be, but figured it was worth a shot," he says of what had been on their minds being too much movemeng before tea. As to her question? "Visting the future," he answers, "Or trying to imagine it. Trying to figure out what our kid will be like, what we'll call them... we used up all the names I had in mind from before we got married," he says with a fond smile at the memory of that admission while they dried off after the wedding.

Peggy Carter has posed:
A husky, morning-thickened voice of a laugh comes when he says it was worth a shot. Peggy's smile is half apologetic, she would have enjoyed it as well. Instead, she just shakes her head at both of them, "Hell, we really are randy teenagers sometimes, aren't we?" She grins, not complaining. It was one way to keep young. She tilts her head over to kiss the corner of his mouth one last time and then sinks back to rest partly propped up against her pillow, but mainly settled beneath covers again, her hair a muss from sleep and the night earlier.

His answer to her second question gets a softer smile and a longer look. She lets her toes idly brush against his ankle beneath the covers. "I think we have a *bit* of time to come up with a new list. And another wedding to plan if we need motivation to do it. Tradition at this point."

Daniel Sousa has posed:
"We are, actually I think we put teenage me to shame when we get down to it," Daniel says with a smile. "No complaints here though." He turns to face her, head still cradled by his pillow his dark hair a sleepy tangle and not at all like how he wore it in the day. "True," he admit smiling at the touch of her toes against his ankle. "And you're right about the wedding. What do you think? Something a little smaller this time, with fewer frogmen?"

Peggy Carter has posed:
As he turns towards her on that pillow, Peggy smiles a little wider. She sinks down, stretching out on her side to face him, one hand reaching up and over so she can slowly comb her fingertips through his darkly waving hair. Not so much to smooth it down as it is to give simple affection, but the amusement behind her smile does say that his hair is probably a little wild this morning. "Oh... Fewer frogmen, yes. Smaller? With SHIELD? I somehow doubt it. Is there anyone you would care to *not* invite? Other than HYDRA, of course."

Daniel Sousa has posed:
Chuckling Daniel leans into that affectionate touch, "Huh, when you put it that way, small does seem out of the question, I can't think of anyone at work I'd want to cut out of this, you?" he asks. "And so, should we look at renting the pier again?" he asks only half joking with that last suggestion. "And no idea who I'd get as my best man, most of the people I know in this century are women."

Peggy Carter has posed:
"You know, you *can* ask a woman. Though I have dibs on Melinda." Peggy offers him with a wink. "Nowadays is entirely different. Men and women standing on each side. Hell, did you know that some people have just said sod off to gender entirely? I... can't really blame them, the whole mess is so caught up in things. But you needn't stick with quite so strict traditions this time. We won't be giving either of our parents coronaries for breaking every bit of polite society." Peggy mutters with a grin, remembering some of their familial reactions to many things surrounding SHIELD. And their wedding. And their relationship. "But the pier... Gosh. It's still open? Would we want to? Is that... boring of us, to go back there?" She sounds quite tempted.

Daniel Sousa has posed:
"Really?" Daniel says about gender being blown off entirely, a moment of thought later he nods, "I can't really blame them either, especially coming from our time..." he shakes his head and chuckles. "Yes, no parental flack for living in sin, or not having a proper Catholic church wedding or you know marrying one of those horrible Anglicans," he teases before saying. "Really glad the world calmed down about a lot of things in the last sixty-five years."

As to the pier. "Given what happened last time I'd call it daring to chance it again" he jokes before answering more seriously. "Don't know if it's open or not, but if it is I'm game, I dunno, it feels sort of right, a new beginning at the sight of our old one, with new friends and new family to be there with us."

Peggy Carter has posed:
Peg thinks about it for a few more moments, giving it some genuine consideration and not an automatic agreement. But, after that handful of heartbeats, she gives him a slow nod and leans over to kiss him once more. This one is longer. Slower. Not something meant to toss him on his back, but something meant to be more of a quiet, firm promise for the future. When she finally pulls back, her voice is softer. "The pier it is. Even if it's not open, I bet I could pull some strings. I know people. It does feel right. Even if we're horribly old fashioned... I like that about us, sometimes."

Daniel Sousa has posed:
Daniel's brow raises quizzically during those few heartbeats but lowers as he returns that kiss reading the message in it loud and clear. His eyes seek hers when the kiss breaks and Peggy confirms she wants the pier, same as he does. "I like that about us too, I love the future but sometimes we all could use a bit old fashioned in our lives, and not just the drink," he adds that last bit with a smile, before he settles on her eyes again and takes her hand. "However the celebration works out, I'm Happy to be marrying you again Peg," he tells her softly.

Peggy Carter has posed:
"Well, good, considering you are now incredibly stuck with me, Daniel Sousa. Firmly in this timeline and having proper knocked me up again? You're not going anywhere." Peggy grins to him, mostly teasing. One more, quick kiss is given and then she sinks back into the warmth of the pillows and her bed. "But, now... about that tea and those biscuits, hm?"

Daniel Sousa has posed:
Daniel's grin is warm "Guess I am," he admits returning the kiss. "Can think of worse fates though." Indeed they avoided several of them in the last few months. He sits up looking over at Peggy and her nest of pillows. "Sounds good, I'll shout when things are ready, and who knows maybe if you play your cards right, Carter, you'll get breakfast in bed."

Peggy Carter has posed:
"Oh goodness. I was considering the misery of getting out of this bed on a cold morning, but since you're clearly already thinking about, I think playing my cards right is telling you I would like breakfast in bed, my dear husband." Peggy adds a sweet, teasing smile to the end of it, but she's fairly certain she's already won the day. Her dark eyes glimmer as she watches him and just sinks back deeper into her pillow, nesting as comfortably deep in the bed as she can get.

Daniel Sousa has posed:
"Y'know I hate it when you're right like that," he says while grining, bending he gives her one more kiss before he rises from bed to look for some clothes. "Want some tea first or want me to bring it all at once?" he asks pulling on some sweat pants he'd found in one of his dresser drawers.

Peggy Carter has posed:
"Tea, first, please. I'd like my stomach to remain as calm as possible if you are cooking a proper breakfast. Especially after we missed dinner last evening. I forgot how utterly annoying it is to be both hungry and vaguely nauseated. Charming, these first few months. It really, truly makes a lady want to go through this all again." Peggy is mostly teasing, trying to use humor to get through the discomfort. At least they've learned all the tricks to helping ease the symptoms, after so many times through this particular dance. Even if several of them were in a fake world.

Daniel Sousa has posed:
Daniel makes a sympathetic face, "Ooof," he says "It's probably why it takes nine months for a kid to get born, it's vital to the survival of the species the first months are long forgotten by the time people are ready for a second child."

Pants on he heads back to the bed to collect another kiss. "I'll get that tea for you right away, anything else I can get you while I'm up?"

Peggy Carter has posed:
As he hovers over her for that last kiss, Peggy stares up at him with drowsy eyes. Now that she's nested back in the warm blankets, the temptation to go back to sleep for a little bit is all too present. Instead, however, she reaches one hand up to cup his cheek gently as he lingers there. "You really are far too good to me, you know that? And just the tea is... lovely."

Daniel Sousa has posed:
Daniel smiles even as he shakes his head. "No such thing when it comes to you Peg, besides you're going through all of this again for the both of us, the least I can do is pull my own weight." Just like always, Daniel is ready to help, whenever, whatever. "Rest up and try not to fall asleep before I'm back with your tea," he teases with a grin. He can just imagine how tempting it is.

Peggy Carter has posed:
"I don't take orders from you, Agent." Peggy teases him softly, her smile turning to a grin, "But...I will try not to." She tugs him down for one more kiss before fully letting him go. She then curls up onto her side, tucking her pillow beneath her head and grabbing his one pillow against her to hug. If that was any indication, she wasn't going to try TOO hard to stay awake.

Daniel Sousa has posed:
Daniel shares that grin as he salutes. "Yes Chief," he says before pausing in the doorway to look at her clutch that pillow against her. "Sweet dreams" he calls from the doorway before he vanishes down the hall to make breakfast.