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Work/Life Balance is a Thing You Know...
Date of Scene: 13 December 2021
Location: Carter-Sousa Home - Long Island
Synopsis: Peggy and Daniel talk about their future and how to move forward without wearing themselves out entirely in the process.
Cast of Characters: Peggy Carter, Daniel Sousa

Peggy Carter has posed:
It's Saturday. It's supposed to be their day off, but Peggy ended up bringing a fair bit of work home with her. Reports to review and sign off on, another series of lists from the 084 vaults she needs to review to figure out of there is anything else missing. New personnel possibilities. The SHIELD academy end of semester evaluations. Just a whole lot of work on her plate.

So, while she likes to sleep in, she forced herself to get up fairly early with him a few hours ago. Breakfast was shared, but then she tucked herself away in the home office to crack down on work. That was a while ago now and, while she SHOULD be working she is, instead, head down face planted on her desk. First trimester exhaustion has set in fairly deep, not to mention still struggling with that nausea, and her body has made the choice that more rest is needed, even if it's at her desk.

Daniel Sousa has posed:
Daniel returns from his morning run, one of the many new training regimens he's undertaken since they got the news of their second child. Coming back through the door he calls out for Peggy as he makes his way to the fridge for some orange juice before the lack of reply has him peeking into the bedroom, then the office where he finds her asleep amidst her paperwork. He takes a long pull of his drink and sets down the glass on the desk asking, "Looks like some rivetting reading," he quips dryly. "Careful the drool doesn't smudge the documents."

Peggy Carter has posed:
It's not really until his second sentence that she jerks awake, head snapping up and half her face with a little indent across her cheek from where she fell asleep on the tablet she was using. "Huuh? Ah... they don't really use ink on... Paper documents any more. And I was just resting my eyes. Just a moment." She's a horrible liar to him, especially when she was down long enough to get that mark on her cheek and she's still blinking owlishly, half asleep and wincing against the light of her own office.

Daniel Sousa has posed:
"Whatever you say Peg," Daniel replies lightly. They'd promised never to lie to each other but he figured sleep deprivation fell under the 'except about injuries' caveat. In short he's more amused than anything but there's no hiding his concern in his voice either. "This has been happening a lot," he observes.

Peggy Carter has posed:
"Oh, psh. A lot. Twice in two weeks... That is not so much. And it's simply a part of matters. Let me finish up these reports, and I'll come out. I promise." Peggy offers him gently, trying to give him a reassuring smile even if she still looks tired and mussed. It's true, he's only found her sleep on her work twice (well, now three times) in the last few weeks. But she's also fallen asleep on the couch more than once in the evenings over these weeks.

Daniel Sousa has posed:
Daniel lets out a sigh, and nods, "Sure thing Peg, I'll put some tea on for you, but we need to chat about your schedule you're not doing the kid, yourself or SHIELD any favours running yourself ragged." His concern rising more fully to the surface as it shows in his dark eyes as he seeks out her own.

Peggy Carter has posed:
The first instinct she has here is to argue. No one tells Peggy she can't handle her job or schedule, not even her husband. But then she really looks at his eyes, the concern behind them as he's looking for her own. She goes silent for several heartbeats, her jaw setting stubbornly as she stares at him. Finally, she lets a slow breath out through her nose, "I promise it's not so bad. These are the hours I've *always* kept. But put on some tea, I'll be out by the time the pot is brewed. I promise."

Daniel Sousa has posed:
Daniel keeps his eyes on Peg's. "I know, but you weren't always pregnant when you kept those hours. Anyhow I'll get the tea on for you, and when you're done we should probably talk about starting up those working dinners of ours again, I know better than to try and stop you bringing work home, but I can certainly be on hand and help you with it, just like we did back at the penthouse."

Peggy Carter has posed:
Of course, it's been less than two years for him since he remembers the last time she was pregnant. Peggy was this tired then, even more so, especially at the end. She was miserable and cranky and while she tried not to take it out on him, those first few months were rough. But for her? That was 60 years ago. She only vaguely remembers it better because of the Framework, and even that wasn't the same. She drags one tired hand across her eyes, trying to focus a bit more. "We'll... talk when I'm done with this. I promise. I'll come right out. I love you." She affirms. She knows she's being partly impossible about it. Taking a few minutes to finish the work she fell asleep in the middle of will help her to better organize her thoughts and not just respond with her pride and emotions.

Daniel Sousa has posed:
Daniel's eyes remain on Peggy's a moment longer, his concern and wry frustration sofening. "Okay," he says. "I'll see you out there in a few," he says before adding with a smile. "And I love you too Peg."

With that he heads to the kitchen and gets the kettle on for tea taking a moment to gather his own thoughts.

Peggy Carter has posed:
It's not exactly a few minutes, but about 20 by the time she's stepping out and into the hallway. She knew that once she left her paperwork, especially now that Daniel was in a mood about how much she was working, she wouldn't be going back. Therefore, she made certain that all her reports were finished and she could truly put the tablet down for the day.

She now steps down the hall and into the front area, dark eyes searching for where he's holed up, either still in the kitchen or waiting for her in the living room. There's an apologetic, gentle smile on her tired features, already slightly braced for the look he's going to give her for being slow.

Daniel Sousa has posed:
Daniel's in the living room with the tea set laid out the air smelling of honey and ginger. There's no look for her tardiness though just a hint of concern on his features as he holds up a cup to wordlessly ask if she wanted it filled. When he has his answer he attends to the tea. "So, figure we need to work some things out," he begins.

Peggy Carter has posed:
"Ginger, please... and thank you. I know I said a few minutes, but finishing it all up for the day means I'm *done*. I won't even drag out the computer or tablet for the rest of the weekend. I promise." Peggy admits to him, dark eyes a little wider than usual, as if that promise could distract him from their other discussions.

She comes over to his side, sinking down into the couch next to him as she lets him pour her a mug of the ginger. She then tucks herself back into the couch, hip to hip with him, tucking one leg beneath her. "But. Alright. Working things out. Lay it on me."

Daniel Sousa has posed:
The tea is poured and Daniel hands the cup and saucer to her once she sits, "It's nothing that needs bracing for, trust me, it's that we feel like we need to barace and walk on eggshells about this is the problem. That's not us. So, I was hoping to talk things out and figure out how we can be both on the same side of all of this and keep ourselves from driving ourselves nuts over the next few months."

Peggy Carter has posed:
That drives her quiet for a few moments, mainly because she knows he's right. Peggy shifts a bit, so more of her leg is pressing against him and she's got both of her hands wrapped around the mug that rests in her lap. "I'm not being entirely... sane about this, am I?" She finally asks him, dark eyes meeting his own, her expression a touch more apologetic than before.

Daniel Sousa has posed:
Daniel chuckles warmly as some of the tension between the two of them evaporates. "Well it's possible I might be a bit insane too, I really don't want to be the work cop, but I worry sometimes, and maybe I do that a bit too much. But I figure somewhere out there there's a balance for the both of us, to let us be us and still have this baby safely," he says meeting her eyes and smiling faintly. It's clear beyond all the concern and possible crazy going on he just as in love with her as always.

Peggy Carter has posed:
"I just..." Peggy lets out a long breath, sinking down in the couch and finally giving up with just leaning against him. Instead, she drapes her legs fully over his lap, stretching out there and leaning back against the big pillow on the arm of the davenport. Now fully inclined and relaxed, she watches his face as more that tension clears. "You aren't. I mean... you are. You married me and are contently here, stuck in the future, and have taken all of this far too calmly for any sane person, but... You're reasonable about *this*, at least." Peggy confesses.

She then takes a sip of her still slightly too hot tea before settling it aside, "And I might be trying to do a... bit too much, while I can. I just... I'm nervous to go INTO the field, but I miss it already, and I'm worried I won't be able to do it all later on, so I'm trying to stay on top of everything and then some. I... don't know. It's been a long while since I've done this. I just don't want to let SHIELD down, or you."

Daniel Sousa has posed:
"Who says I'm sane?" Daniel says in an attempt at lightening things a little. "I'm taking it well out here," he says, gesturing over his face and body, "But inside I'm a little, what's that term McLaren used the other day, wigged out?" he asks head tilted. "I'm a little bit terrified the other shoe is going to drop, that this run of good luck is going to end in disaster. It's not some premonition or memory from the time thing we did that's come back, just a feeling like things are going too good and I'm going a little nuts trying to make sure nothing happens to you, the baby or me this time around."

Peggy Carter has posed:
As he opens up about that, achingly honest but putting it in plain words that Peggy hadn't quite thought about yet, she reaches one hand over to the back of his neck. She starts rubbing gently, small, strong hands getting into the knots she should have known were there and simply didn't realize. She's spent so much time taking care of other things, thinking everything is fixed here, she hasn't looked at home. "Oh my darling... Don't you think we've been through enough? I was alone for sixty years. You *died*. Michael is still... well, he's still mad. SHIELD was the world's most wanted enemy for months. Don't we get a little bit to be simply...Happy?"

Daniel Sousa has posed:
Peggy's touch eases the tension as it always done, not fully but enough she can feel a noticeable difference, "We have been through a lot but that's no guarantee any more won't happen, we've both seen enough to know the world isn't always fair with who gets the short end of the stick. I want everything to be fine, I hope it's fine, but still in the back of my head there's this little voice that keeps adding 'for now' at the end of everything. It's probably just being used to it from when i still had my death looming over me, but in the meantime I've been trying to make sure I'm at my best right now, y'know, so what happened before, won't happen again." Which would all the time on the range and the gym. It was insurance that he didn't leave her alone again.

"I get where you're coming from too though, what you're worried about from your end of things, I want to help there too if I can, make sure you will be able to get back into the field again this kid is born."

Peggy Carter has posed:
Fingertips start to knead deeper into the back of his neck, feeling some of the tension there easing, but not all of it. She then pauses and leans over, pressing a kiss against the side of his throat. "Alright. That's it. Turn around. Give me that back of yours. I might not be fully field ready but I can certainly fight those muscles of yours." Peg insists, that mock commanding tone in her voice. She releases his neck for just a moment to lean over and take a deeper gulp of her tea before rubbing her hands together to ensure they are warmed up and then reaching for his shoulders. She pushes fabric aside, trying to get directly to muscle as she puts some pressure into it.

"I don't know how to promise you it will be better. I'm... scared, too. I want to enjoy it. To just relax. But... now we know how fast it goes. I wish I had better answers."

Daniel Sousa has posed:
Daniel happily turns himself around and goes a step further taking his shirt off entirely before folding it and hanging it over the arm of the sofa. "Yes ma'am," he replies with a smile to that commanding tone.

The teasing quickly turns into a groan as Peggy applies pressure. "Mmm, if this turns me to jelly, just slide me into the wheelbarrow in the garage to get me to bed."

He doesn't miss her words, and after a bit more enjoyment of the massage his thoughts surface and he responds. "I wish we both had better answers," he admits, he was all out of them himself. "Though I don't know there are any, we were sort of lucky the first time around, you and I, it wan't good news about the future but we had some, and at least in that there was a feeling like we knew about something was coming, but now when we look ahead it's all just? possibility." He glances back to her. "Guess that's the cost, huh? We have the whole world open to us, and all the possibilities we wished we had before, but we'll never know what's coming until it comes."

Peggy Carter has posed:
Fingertips continue slow, massaging circles into the knots at the back of his neck and on his shoulders. Peggy still has enough strength to kill a man with her hands, so it's not too hard to get into the depths of the tightness in his muscles. Especially on the man she knows better than anyone else in the world. She leans over to press a kiss to the back of his neck just behind his ear, before her fingertips return to those pressure filled motions.

"So, I will try to take things a... *bit* slower. But trust me when I say I can handle it. Yes, I'm tired, I feel like I'm tired whether I sleep ten hours or ten minutes nowadays. I... I think it was like this before, too. I just forgot. But I have a job to do and if I don't do it I'm just going to lay there in bed feeling guilty. But I won't go LOOKING for extra work. Fair enough?"

Daniel Sousa has posed:
Daniel's eyes slip closed as Peggy works on his muscles, though they open at the kiss as he smiles. "Huh? Sorry I was distracted," he teases if she asks if her offer is fair enough.

"It is, and believe me I know how you feel about not wanting to let anyone down because you're tired and sore," he says his hand resting idly on his left leg. "But as a wise woman once told me, I'm no good to anyone if I put myself out of the game, so pacing yourself that's good, but if I can suggest something else that wise woman told me, it's that we have partners for a reason, we can't do it all ourselves," he smiles at the irony of that. "Which is my way of saying I'm happy do whatever you need to make things go smoothly and you don't have to disappoint anyone, and I'm sure I'm not speaking out of turn when I say, May, Jemma and so many of the others would be happy to do the same. You're our chief, Peg, use us, we can take some of the load for you the way you'd do for any of us."

Peggy Carter has posed:
The words from him drive her quiet for a good few minutes. Peggy just focuses on her hands instead, first the slow, pinching pressure at his shoulders, then she uses the base of her palms to work up and down the sides of his spine and beneath his shoulder blades. She's working through every muscle she can get to as she contemplates what he's said.

Finally, quiet words escape her lips, her body leaned close enough he can feel her breath on the back of his shoulders and throat. "You're not... wrong. And I know everyone would. But I don't want them to *have* to. I know they're all busy too. And people are enjoying this time to catch our breath where they can. I just don't want my... selfish choice to put more work on other people. Even though I know it will, eventually... And having this baby isn't... exactly selfish. But we didn't quite plan it either."

Daniel Sousa has posed:
"I get it, I do," Daniel says after a few beats of silence just enjoying the feel of that soothing touch on his muscles as he thinks. "I wouldn't want to give people more work either, and it may come to that, but let's start off slow and bring back our old working dinners, that way you can work later and I can help keep you awake through it all, we can even use our quarters at the Trisk on those nights and save the drive time. And who knows you play your cards right, I could be convinced to rub your shoulders while you work, only fair after this massage."

Peggy Carter has posed:
That gets a more throaty, warm laugh from her, "Oh, you have many foot massages in store for the future. This is just prepayment." Peggy is clearly joking, they never really 'keep track' that way, but she does remember being pregnant after a long day in heels and the magic his hands could work. She kisses the nape of his neck again before going back to focusing her thumbs on the muscles at his lower back. She's more gentle to start, those muscles often the most sore, before drawing deeper circles into his flesh.

"But that sounds like a good plan to start. Working dinners, maybe spending a bit more time at the Triskelion just... not on duty. Hell, there's at least one or two of Howard's old apartments in Manhattan. I'm sure I can get Tony to let us dust one off, if we want to stay closer to the city."

Daniel Sousa has posed:
Daniel chuckles, "Careful or I may try to hold you to that promise," he jokes back before 'mmming' at the kiss to the nape of his neck. "That would work, we could switch things up a bit do the Trisk or one of Howard's places during the week then come back to the house for the weekend. Enjoy the flexibility while we've got it."

Peggy Carter has posed:
"...I hate saying this, and I love this house and it's been long ago paid off but... We might want to look at a house in Westchester. Somewhere closer to here. This house could be for... vacations? Long weekends? But when this baby comes along, we aren't going to want to do that run, not even on weekends. And neither of us is ready to retire. So... we might want to start looking for another place." Peggy's had the thoughts before, she's just never really had the courage to voice them yet. But, as they are having a reality check talk, she finally brings it up. In good traffic, it's at least an hour and a half from the Triskelion. In usual traffic? It's over two. She knows they'll need something closer with the baby.

Her hands continue working at his back, finishing up at the base of his spine. She adds quietly, after a moment, "Nothing to worry about tonight. But... a thought."

Daniel Sousa has posed:
"Wanna know a secret Peg? I thought of that too but hadn't brought it up yet," Daniel confesses about getting a place closer to the Trisk. "As long as we keep this place too I'm good with it. Plus Salem's going to be pretty darn safe with all the SHIELD agents that have moved back there since we got back to the Trisk. So, if you're game for it so am I, I think we'll both enjoy less driving." Especially four hours less when the traffic got bad.

Smiling as the massage stops at the base of his spine. "A good thought," he says before reaching for her hand. "I love you, Peg," he tells her squeezing that hand. "And however the details shake out, I'm still glad we have this second chance to live our life. Just wanted you to know that."

Peggy Carter has posed:
Now having finished with most of his back, Peggy reaches up to gently turn her husband back around to face her. Peggy's smiling to him, still tired looking and it's just deeper with how relaxed she's allowed herself to get. But she's genuinely happy, no more nerves or walking on eggshells behind her eyes. "Well, then, when we have the energy, we start looking at houses in Salem. I love you too. And we do have a *good* life ahead of us. We can't let ourselves lose it in being worried about what might happen."

But then she's stifling a bit of a yawn. It's still just light enough out that if they nap they might not entirely ruin their sleep schedules. "But... I'm very tempted to lose a little bit of it in a proper nap. Though I know you made all this tea. Curling up together on the couch... well, we can heat up the tea later."

Daniel Sousa has posed:
Daniel turns to face her and is smiling as well, none of the tentativeness that had been there at the start of the conversation in evidence. "Agreed," Daniel says meeting her eyes, "About not letting our worries get the best of us and finding the time and energy to house shop."

"True and there's always more tea if not," he says leaning in to brush a warm kiss across Peggy's lips before turning around to recline on the couch pulling one of the blankets off the back for them. "But a bit of stolen nap time sounds perfect right now."

Peggy Carter has posed:
"Now you are truly spoiling me." Peggy teases him softly. But she shoves her slippers off of her feet, letting them fall to the floor as she draws her entire body up onto the couch to stretch out against him. She tugs him down to lounge fully horizontal, her body half draped over his chest and her knee between his legs. "Sweet dreams, my love. I'm... glad we talked." She turns her head up to kiss him full on the lips for just a moment. Then her head is tucking beneath his jaw again, using his shoulder as a pillow, and she'll be asleep within minutes.

Daniel Sousa has posed:
"It's one of the perks of being your husband," Daniel grins, before kissing her. "Like that, annd that," he says the last as she drapes herself over him. "Love you Peg, and I'm glad we talked too," he says even as his own eyes drift closed.