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Latest revision as of 05:18, 24 December 2021

From Stark with love, or at least kind regards
Date of Scene: 23 December 2021
Location: Main Foyer: Triskelion
Synopsis: Pepper visits the Triskelion to drop off Christmas goodies for Chief Carter, and gets a chance to speak with Bobbi.
Cast of Characters: Pepper Potts, Bobbi Morse

Pepper Potts has posed:
No sign of snow. Cold, clear, and on the occasion, it's warmer (comparitively) and the grey clouds deliver rain rather than snow. It makes the countryside a little less impressive, a little less festive, but that's more than okay. The holiday is supposed to be in one's heart, right? 'Tis the season for giving, and believe it or not, those authorized to 'give' from Stark Industries actually do. Easy enough to research the ledgers; 501(c)3s are public domain, and there is a whole list of charities that receive.

Today, however, is personal.

*clickclick* goes the high heels on the marble floors of the Triskelion foyer. While not in the limelight anywhere near as often or as dramatic as her employer, she does cut a professional figure, and perhaps there are a couple 'in the know' who know who she is.

Dressed in festive reds and greens, the business suit has swatches of both, Pepper Potts' strawberry blonde hair is pulled up in a pony tail, showing off some emerald drop earrings. In one hand, there is a medium sized paper shopping bag, with handles, and in the other, a rather large green-Seran-wrapped bowl of what looks to be a mix-up of boxed cookies from far distant shores.

The PA with the mostest knows where to go; this is familiar ground, even if she hasn't been here for a little while- since before the 'disaster'. Stark Industries did what they could to support the correct SHIELD; they backed the horse, and being here feels natural.

Approaching the front desk, Pepper sets her bag down in order to dig into a pocket to take out her phone to show ID.

"I'm here for Chief Carter? No, she doesn't know I'm here."

Bobbi Morse has posed:
The coggs within Shield are always turning, as it were. There is always some crisis in need of ending, some meeting (also in need of ending), or external briefings with peer organizations or segments of the US Government. To that end, the receptionist politely but regretfully informs Ms. Potts that the Chief is not currently available. There are no details, of course.

As an alternative, the receptionist does ask, "Would one of the section commanders be acceptable instead? I believe Commander Morse is available.." she quickly flicks through the holographic interface to bring up Commander Morse's schedule as she awaits Ms. Potts decision.

Pepper Potts has posed:
Pepper is nothing if not polite; she's not the kind to barge into a highly sensitive meeting, or push past people standing around to enter a room. No, she relies more upon courtesy, the power of SI behind her, and at times, she's not above subterfuge. This is neither the time nor the place for the third, so she retakes her phone/ID, and waits for the Visitor tag to be made as she acquiesces. 'Virginia Potts' is emblazoned upon the badge, requiring escort.

"That's fine." No sense talking specifics with the receptionist beyond that. "If she's available."

Bobbi Morse has posed:
A nod and the receptionist replies, "Alright. I will page her now. If you would please have a seat, she should be here in the next five minutes." Always set an expectation.

In less than the delcared timeframe, Commander Morse emerges from behind the checkpoint. The blonde's hair is also pulled up into a ponytail. She wears a Shield regulation pantsuit, though with flats rather than heels. Her ID badge hang from a retractable lanyard at her right hip though always visible. A small SHIELD enambled pin is secured to the left lapel. She wears custom glasses that look more more like custom blade styled lenses, though tinted faintly yellow.

A smile is offered as she approaches the visitor and she offers a greeting, "Ms. Potts? Commander Morse. Welcome." She holds her hand out to offer a handshake.

Pepper Potts has posed:
Pepper takes the visitor badge, emblazoned with 'Stark Industries' and 'VIP' and sets it upon the lapel of her jacket. There's really no time to sit; even as she sets the packages down, here comes the person that must be 'Commander Morse'. The other woman wears not only the badge, but a sense of purpose and ability easily recognized.

Turning to face the newly arrived, Pepper has a warm smile on her face, the naturalistic makeup not hiding the freckles that sit high on her cheekbones. Green eyes echo the smile, and she puts her hand out for the greeting. "Pepper, please. It's a name that I think I'm stuck with for the rest of my life." It's a fond bemusement; a private joke undoubtedly shared by the person who gave her the nickname, and herself.

"Thank you for taking time out of what is undoubtedly a busy schedule to come out to escort me. I do appreciate it." Her words are soft, lilting, though certainly this side of professional. "This was something of a last minute trip. We were hoping Chief Carter was in because, well, you probably don't need to be told that this is the most reliable place she can be found."

Bobbi Morse has posed:
Bobbi Morse listens and nods. "Pepper, then" she acknowledges. "Yes, you'd generally be right. I'm not certain what Chief Carter is a part of at the moment" not that she would likely tell someone without clearance either way. "As for myself, you've got me in a surprisingly un-obligated moment of my day. Though I'd better be careful how loud I say it or that will change" she says with a smile.

"Well, there is a meeting room just past security? Would that be more appropriate to discuss your visit?" She's uncertain to the subject matter and sensitivity as yet, after all.

Pepper Potts has posed:
Pepper laughs and nods her acknowledgment of the tempting of fates. "I understand that there are several things one simply doesn't say. The 'q' word is one of them. 'Un-obligated' may not show up on their radar quite as easily. I do know that JARVIS seems to be quite good at being a thesaurus, however, and anything relating to those words do set him off. There were times when I thought he was doing it all out of spite." There's the smile, and she continues, "I still think so."

Retaking the packages in hand, Pepper shakes her head, the pony tail gently swaying with the gesture. "This needs to be delivered first. Then, perhaps we can talk? It's more of a 'how can we help you'," and Pepper begins to walk, assuming Bobbi's started in that direction. She smiles, and inclines her head, "I assure you, I do have the authority."

Bobbi Morse has posed:
Bobbi Morse turns to lead the way, though she falls in beside Pepper. "I'd say I can imagine, but.. no, I don't think I can. JARVIS is an amazing platform - more than I know, no doubt - but I don't think I could easily work with a system that aware of where I was at all times." As if work at SHIELD is really any different. It's all a matter of perspective probably.

Once through the checkpoint, Bobbi leads Pepper down a side corridor to an empty conference room. The lights come on as soon as they enter. It is furnished with the the standard boilerplate conference table with a myriad of reasonbly comfortable chairs and a multimedia set up for presentations.

Closing the door behind them, Bobbi looks over, "You said you had something to deliver?" She moves toward the table and chairs.

Pepper Potts has posed:
"The hardest thing that I had to get used to was to not actually look UP when talking to him. He's everywhere, so it became a little more natural to include him in conversations as if he was standing right there." There's definitely a warm place in her heart for JARVIS, and she will be forever a little upset that he was given over to the Avengers' Mansion, with another, less established AI in the tower. HOMER. "You should meet him one day."


"As for knowing where I am at all times?" Pepper looks at Bobbi for a long moment, waiting for her to take that leap. "Security. We have targets on our backs, Ms Morse. Moreso, I think, than most of your agents. If something should happen to me, or to Mr Stark, at least we can rely that either JARVIS or HOMER will have our last known position." She smiles tightly at a less than happy memory, "JARVIS was hating it when he couldn't fully locate Mr Stark when he was in the caves."

Pepper is led/walked to the empty conference table, and once within, she can set her packages down. "First," with her hands thus freed, she is able to remove her warm winter coat and hang it over the back of a chair. "Presents for Chief Carter. As you know, she was acquainted with Mr Stark's father, so she's something of a 'friend to the family'." 'Acquainted' is an understatement.

Bobbi Morse has posed:
Bobbi Morse listens to the clarifications and nods. "I can see your perspective. It makes sense. And it would be, well, interesting to meet him." She adapts on the fly, because she wasn't trying to insult JARvIS to begin with.

She looks to the packages and ahh's. It's that sort of delivery. She does ask, because she has to, "It's going to have to go through another screening point before I can deliver it to the Chief's office. Is there anything that... isn't going to scan well?" she asks, she hopes, delicately but without trying to pry.

Pepper Potts has posed:
"I do warn you, he has a dry sense of humor. He's been known to prank Thor in the past, having the cleaning drones move his shoes or something." Pepper pauses, and adds dryly, "No drones or robots have moved his hammer, however." Not. Worthy? "I've had to speak to him about that."

It's certainly that sort of delivery, absolutely, and she gestures towards the wrapped packages in the bag, and the boxes of cookies in the festively decorated bowl. "There's nothing in there that wouldn't scan well. Even our tech," 'our', "scans easily." In fact, there is some R&D to be able to fool scanners, but that's still high security stuff. Only a handful of people know about that. Like, 5. In the world.

"It's things we've picked up around the world. A few things from Dubai," they have a residence there, "France, England. England, mostly." A taste of home for the Chief, perhaps?

"As for the other reason I'm here, I understand if there's something you can't immediately discuss, but I do want to repeat that if there is anything you need from us, all you have to do is ask. Come by the tower, but call ahead so HOMER can escort you up." Yes, AIs can do that too! "When you all were having those difficulties," HYDRA is the definition of difficulty, absolutely, "we made sure that some of the agents were taken care of." They did a lot of file searches and erasures...

Bobbi Morse has posed:
Bobbi Morse nods. "I'll see that they get to their intended destinations" she assures. She finds the fact Stark Industries has security bypassing tech both amusing and ironic. Perhaps a little unsettling, given their location.

"I'm sure they'll be appreciated, then."

She tilts her head at the second half, "That is very generous. Do you mean any of the agents, then?" She looks to clarify because there could certainly be an awkward event in the near future if the wrong offer gets relayed about.

Pepper Potts has posed:
"Thank you," Pepper returns. "And, with that, I should get back to the City. I still have a full day ahead of me." Read: Tony has a full day. Schedules to keep!

"Thank you for your time, Commander Morse, and think about how you think we can be of some help, even if it's in communications. I know we did help Commander Coulson with his prosthesis, and when he'd gone out to the west to help with the fires." Stark Industries had dontated a handful of fire-fighting/seek and rescue drones, and they're probably still around the Triskelion somewhere.

Retaking her coat, the PA shrugs her coat back on, settling her visitor's badge so it's visible once more. "I hope the holidays have been kind so far, and continue to be so."

With that, and an escort back to the foyer where Pepper can surrender her pass, she's back on her way to New York City. Just beyond, a dark colored, luxury sedan is parked (license plate 'STARK2'), and as she approaches, a man in dark suit exits the driver's side and opens the door for the red-head, helps her in, and closes it behind before returning to the driver's side. Seconds later, they pull out.