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  Alanna of Rann  
Alanna of Rann (Scenesys ID: 3449)
Name: Alanna of Rann
Superalias: Alanna of Rann
Gender: Female
Species: Rannian
Occupation: Science Explorer
Citizenship: Ranagar
Residence: Ranagar
Education: Sardath of Rann
Theme: DC (FC)
Groups: GIRL
Apparent Age: 17 Actual Age: 17
Date of Birth 23 Sep 2004 Played By
Height: 5'9" Weight: 132 lbs
Hair Color: Black Eye Color: Blue
Theme Song: "Mockingbird Girl" - The Magnificent Bastards

Character Info


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Alanna of Rann hails from the planet Rann in Alpha Centauri. The daughter of Sardath, the planet's most brilliant scientist, she has an incredible mind of her own and an insatiable curiosity. Brought to believe she and the few other children like her are the future of Rann, she has become an accomplished scientist in her own right and fully-fledged member of the Ranagar Explorer Corps. However hers is also a lonely existence with few others her own age as the Rannian population continues to shrink. So, she had left her world and come to Earth in search of new friends and new adventures!


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2004 - Alanna is born in the city of Ranagar on the planet of Rann.

2007 - Sardath begins teaching Science to a young Alanna.

2012 - Alanna manages to restore her first piece of lost Rannian technology.

2014 - Alanna builds her sky skiff.

2018 - Alanna begins explorer corps training over her father's objections. Though young she quickly becomes a standout student in both the operation of Rannian jetpacks, as well as raygun marksmanship.

2020 - At 16, Alanna becomes the youngest member of the Explorer Corps passing all of the trials with ease.

2020 - Sardath invents Zeta Beams and through an interstellar communications mishap accidentally brings the Pym family to Rann. Alanna and Nadia become friends.

2021 - Alanna and Nadia are reunited when the latter returns to Rann with the members of G.I.R.L., having constructed a spaceship.

IC Journal

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Alanna is a very brave young woman, willing to face great danger if it means helping those who she cares about or protecting others from harm.

While her father forbade her from joining the Ranagar Defense Forces, she regularly faces all manner of threats as a member of the Explorer Corps out in the frontier regions of Rann with a cool head and great cunning.

Alanna is a very curious young woman, ever eager to learn new things. Both as an explorer and as a scientist, she seeks to solve the mysteries of her home world and unlock the secrets of the rest of the universe as well.

While Rann is far from uninhabited, the ancient nuclear wars have left much of the population infertile and children are rare. As a result there are not many others Alanna's own age for her to socialize with.

While she is very good at putting on a smile for those around her, at heart Alanna is a lonely young woman. As such she will jump at the chance to meet others her own age and is fiercely protective of any friends she manages to make.

Character Sheet


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Alanna is a certifiable genius. The daughter of Sardath, Rann's greatest scientist, hers is a brilliant mind that one day she might surpass even his.

Much of Alanna's childhood was spent at her father's knee playing with elements of recovered Rannian technology taking them apart to see how they worked and eventually managing to fix them herself.

Above and beyond her genius intellect, she has a natural knack for mechanical engineering and an intuitive understanding of how various mechanisms work.


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Alanna is a genius engineer with skills far in advance of the Earth mainstream. She has an intuitive knack for disassembling things and creating new things from what otherwise might be considered scrap. This stems from her childhood help her father Sardath study lost Rannian technology and restore it to a functional state.

It is well within Alanna's wheelhouse to build robots, aerial vehicles like sky skiffs and jetpacks, various forms of energy weapons, communications gear and many more devices. If it exists in Pulp Sci-Fi, chances are Alanna can probably build it and even innovate on it.

She is also an expert in the engineering of devices that utilize her father's Zeta beams.

Explorer Training:
The training of the Ranagar Explorer Corps is meant to prepare them for anything they might encounter in the yet to be reclaimed areas of their post-apocalyptic world.

Alanna's training has included survival in the Rannian wilds, stealth techniques for concealing one's presence and unseen movement, as well as tracking and other skills useful for scouting.

It also includes Rannian jetpack training, hand to hand combat, and proficiency in a variety of Rannian weaponry useful on the frontiers, including rayguns.

Alanna is an accomplished pilot, highly adept at controlling Rannian jet packs and other aerial vehicles, such as her sky skiff. Alanna's jet pack skills in particular are among the best in the Explorer Corps, allowing her to perform all manner of avdanced and daring maneuvers.

Alanna is the daughter of Rann's greatest scientist Sardath, and may one day succeed her father to that title. Having been immersed in the sciences since she was a small child, Alanna is highly knowledgable in a variety of fields, Alanna is a regular Rennaissance Girl.

All of these fields, however, have a Rannian slant. In some cases like Physics and Chemistry this can put her knowledge ahead of Earth. While other times it makes her knowledge much more specialized, such as in the case of Biology. She knows a lot about the living beings of Rann, but nothing of Earth's organisms. Other fields like Chemistry are more universally applicable and she is quite knowledgable about inorganic chemistry in particular. She is also, even at her young age, considered to be one of Rann's leading experts in High Energy physics.

Tactical Analysis:
Alanna's keen mind isn't only useful for science and engineering, she is also a brilliant tactician. Alanna is capable of coming up with a variety of cunning strategies and tactics for just about any situation she might find herself in. Like a skilled chess player she is adept at thinking several moves ahead and applying this to any given predicament. She is also quite skilled at analyzing the plans of her adversaries in order find weaknesses and come up with a counter-strategem.

Zeta Beams:
When it comes to Zeta Beams and Zeta Tech you will not find anyone more knowlegable than Alanna, except perhaps her father Sardath. Alanna was present at the advent of Zeta Beam technology and has been working with their various applications and to refine their usage ever since.


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Explorer Corps Uniform:
Alanna possesses a Ranagar Explorer Corps uniform. This full body jumpsuit fits snugly to the body for more aerodynamic flight when using their trademark jetpacks. It is extremely lightweight and extremely durable, capable of resisting most blades and puncture by ballistic weapons such as arrows and bullet. The suits are also highly efficient at thermal regulation, retaining heat in cold environments and releasing it in hot ones, as well as being waterproof.

Jet Pack:
The jetpacks of the Ranagar Explorer Corps are marvels of technology and engineering. While the basic design survived the Great War that blasted much of the planet back to the 'Dark Ages', several lost tech discoveries have since restored much of their pre-war potential.

The Explorer Corps' advanced jetpacks allow them to fly at speeds in excess of 100mph while still being able to make tight maneuvers and accomplish feats of daring acrobatics. They can stop nearly on a time and even hover in place for extended periods of time.

The Menticizer is a marvel of recovered Rannian technology that takes the form of a circlet worn atop one's head and allows the wearer to understand and communicate in the languages of anyone around them.

It accomplishes this in a manner not dissimilar from the insect communication technology of Hank Pym, but on a far more advanced level geared towards humans. The device detects the linguistic structure of both the wearer's thoughts and those of nearby individuals to create a framework for instantaneous mental translation within the wearer's mind.

Should the wearer be separated from the Menticizer, all acquired linguistic ability is instantly lost. Though any linguistic knowledge that did not come from the Menticizer is still retained.

Ray Guns:
Alanna possesses a pair of Rannian Ray Guns. These sleek energy pistols are essentially extraordinarily powerful lasers for their size, using advanced Rannian power sources and output amplifiers.

The weapons have multiple settings ranging from a low grade stun to beams powerful enough to punch through steel, titanium, and other incredibly durable substances.

Sardath is Alanna's father, the Chief Scientist of Ranagar, and part of the City State's governing council.

The inventor of Zeta Beam technology, there is no one more knowledgeable about its workings and uses. He is also an expert in the lost technologies of the height of Rannian civilization before the Great War, and a generally brilliant scientist. While his activities are largely confined to Ranagar, home is just a Zeta Beam away for Alanna.

Sky Skiff:
One of the first pieces of Rannian lost tech that Alanna managed to restore by herself. The Sky skiff is a puzzling marvel.

The device is composed of a large flat rectangular base perhaps five or six inches thick, composed of an unknown metal, with curved corners and a cross-bar steering system adorned with various sensors and controls.

The vehicle can comfortably accommodate up to six standing individuals and by manipulating local gravity, it can transport them through the air at incredibly high speeds. How they do not suffer from the impact of the wind and other environmental factors at that speed is a mystery of the gravitation field that the Sky Skiff generates.


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Alanna is from the planet Rann in Alpha Centauri. The ways of Rann are not the ways of Earth and while there are some basic similarities between Rannians and Humans, misunderstandings are inevitable.

In particular Alanna is ignorant of how Earth laws and society function and as an alien has no legal identity or standing on Earth.

Language Barrier:
While Alanna knows several Rannian languages and some Interlac, she currently speaks no Earth languages and relies on her Menticizer for communication. Should she be seperated from her Menticizer, she would have no shared language with anyone around her.

Overprotective Father:
Children are a rare and precious thing on Rann and Rannian parents tend to be quite overprotective. Sardath is no exception to this and checks in on Alanna frequently. He is also not above meddling in her affairs if he thinks it is in her best interests. Were anything to happen to her, who knows what he might do.



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