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Artistic endeavors
Date of Scene: 21 August 2021
Location: Art Classroom - Happy Harbor High School
Synopsis: Vivian Vision stops by the Happy Harbor Art class in search of materials and gets some advice from Nick Lytton the schools newest Art Teacher.
Cast of Characters: Nick Lytton, Vivian Vision

Nick Lytton has posed:
    Usually on a Saturday, Nick is to be found at Empire Glassworx, or at home, or out and about hitting the galleries, looking for a potential new place to display.  This Saturday, he's at the school, catching up on paperwork.  Why?  Because while he's a very good artist, he's not terribly organized, and he needs to get some paperwork done before he gets into trouble.
    Nobody ever said teaching would be easy.
    Given his druthers, yes, he *would* rather be at the studio.  His conscience -- read, the studio's admin Ginny -- pointed out to him that he had a responsibility to fulfill and if he didn't do so, she would unplug his furnace and then throw a bucked of cold water in it.
    He was pretty sure she wouldn't, but he knew the price of crossing Ginny.  Also, he heard what she did to his doppel with that mess with the evil twins from another Earth earlier this year.  She is Ginny, and she is Not To Be Crossed.
    So, a lovely Saturday afternoon is being spent in the art studio at Happy Harbor, going over this week's projects.  In his right hand, his chin as he contemplates.  In his left, a glob of molten glass that he kneads absently.

Vivian Vision has posed:
People often say that without art there is no meaning to life. Usually those people are artists or very wealthy people who want to justify the amount of money they spend on art, but it's used often enough that the point has some merit for those non-humans who wish to understand humanity.

Such as Vivian Vision the schools only synthezoid student.

Which is how she finds herself at the school art room on a Saturday looking for art supplies. Could she have visited an art store or ordered online? Sure. But both of those options require spending money and waiting. While borrowing a few things from the school just requires a short walk.

She pokes her head in through the door "Excuse me Mister Lytton I was wondering if I might borrow some art supplies?"

Nick Lytton has posed:
    "Wha-?"  Nick is clearly surprised by the unexpected voice, and turns awkwardly towards the door.  "Art -- yes, well, they're in here, yeah... I don't think I know you from my classes, Miss...?"
    He looks again, blinks, and stops fiddling with the glob of molten glass in his left hand.  For a teacher, he's awfully casually dressed -- jeans, sneakers, and a tie-dye T-shirt.  Well, artist.  You get what you get.
    "You do look familiar from somewhere, but I really don't think you're in one of my classes.  Did you, uh, have a particular project in mind?"  He fumbles for his MP3 player, which was blaring out what may or may not be recognized as a Grateful Dead concert from the 1970s, 'Wall of Sound' era, and there is suddenly less background noise.

Vivian Vision has posed:
"My father is an Avenger," Viv points out. Stepping through the door. Quite literally. It's easier to phase through than open and close it. "We do look quite alike. I have also been on television while assisting Doctor Pym during the restoration of Genosha." Although by assisting she largely means 'making coffee for' rather than anything exciting. "My name is Vivian Vision, people call me Viv for short."

"Currently I have been forfilling my artist curiosity by learning the flute. However I am also curious about other forms of self expression." She glances around the room and then shrugs. "I started with the traditional bad teenage love poems. But now I think I would like to either sketch or paint..."

She frowns, then adds "I just can't decide if I should initially focus on people or landscapes."

Nick Lytton has posed:
    "I... don't watch a lot of TV," Nick replies, "but of course I've heard of the Avengers, Miss Vision.  And I did a little fundraiser for Genoshan relief last year.  I was hoping to do it again this year, but... circumstances intervened."
    He hops up onto a seat on the edge of the desk as the subject veers towards something he does know.  "Graphic arts?  Well, the medium you choose is arguably less important than the /subject/ you choose.  And people and landscapes aren't the only choices, unless you've already dispensed with abstracts and still lifes.  Lemme ask you this: which do you find more interesting?"

Vivian Vision has posed:
"I can't say that I blame you. I watch almost everything on television but only because it's useful in understanding American culture," Vivian notes earnestly. "I would not say that I enjoy the experience in most cases."

She walks a little further into the classroom. Looking around as if this was the first time she's been inside.

"I don't have any strong preferences. Neither abstract or modern art really appeal to me. I thought I would start with something more basic before I move onto anything experimental." She blinks a few times. "I suppose I could try still life drawings too. In my head I had largely grouped them in with landscapes."

Nick Lytton has posed:
    Nick nods.  "I suppose.  The still life has the advantage of being something you can put together yourself, and doesn't depend on being at the same place at the same time every day.  You can just select any old things you find visually appealing and arrange them in an interesting way, and that's a very good way to first discover your style, and then master it."
    He starts kneading the glob of glass in his hands again, although he doesn't appear to be aware that he's doing it.  More of an automatic thing.
    "And even still lifes can lead in some unexpected directions.  Look up Arcimboldo some time.  He kind of invented surrealism about 350 years before surrealism was invented," he continues abstractedly -- no pun intended.  "Although I do recommend starting with sketching before moving to paints, so you can understand basic composition."

Vivian Vision has posed:
"I have perfect recollection of everything I see and hear," Viv points out casually. As if it's no big deal. "So that would be true of any scene I encounter. Ah Giuseppe Arcimboldo, born in Milan in fifteen twenty seven and died in fifteen ninety three. He painted portraits by arranging objects into patterns."

It seems a subpersona of her mind has looked up everything about the artist already.

"I will begin with sketches then. As you recommend. I was tentatively thinking I would start by drawing people. As then I could draw friends and family to create thoughtful homemade gifts."

Nick Lytton has posed:
    "Well, then."  Nick smiles for no obvious reason and hops off the desk, heading for one of the supply cabinets.  He stops, and stares at the glob of glass he's been playing with.  He holds it between both hands for a moment, then sets it on a table.  Should anyone be sensitive to infrared, it's hot, but not dangerously so.
    From the first cabinet comes a pad of 11x17 sketch paper.  And from the second comes hesitation.  "Hm.  Pencils or charcoals..." he muses, then turns around.  "Well, that should really be your decision.  What do you think?"

Vivian Vision has posed:
Vivian can indeed see in infrared. But she's also very used to people having strange abilities. So someone handling glass like that doesn't really alarm her. It /does/ merit recording in detail for future study though. Who knows what her fellow scientists at GIRL can discover from reviewing the footage?

"I think pencils will be better. Charcoal has more potential to be messy.. Also I can make far better use of the fine detail of a pencil. My ability to control my fine motor skills exceeds most organics by a considerable margin."

There's an uncertain pause.

"Unless there are technical advantages to charcoal which I am unaware of?"

Nick Lytton has posed:
    "We-e-e-ell," Nick says, stretching out the monosyllable thoughtfully, "that's more of a matter of what your intentions are.  Pencils are going to be better for capturing fine details; charcoals if you want something a little more impressionistic.  Really, both are excellent choices.  Tell you what," he says, spinning back around and reaching into the cabinet, "start with the pencils since you have an idea what you can do with them, and then if you find you're not getting the results you wanted, or you want to expand your repertoire, you can always come back to add to is or try something else."
    He hands over a selection of art pencils of various hardnesses.  "Anything to encourage someone who's interested in art on their own, right?"

Vivian Vision has posed:
"My only real intention is to better understand what it means to be Human," Viv admits with a shrug. "Which is probably an impossible task. As not even Humans can agree on the answer. But from a technical perspective I think pencils will work better with my physical abilities. I can capture fine detail and get comfortable making realistic art."

She accepts the selection of art supplies and smiles.

"And like you said. I can always try using charcoals later on. I am able to multitask, so I should be able to work on my art projects while still doing other things. Like completing my home work or chatting with friends who live in other cities."

She looks back at the glass. "May I ask what you're currently working on?"

Nick Lytton has posed:
    That brings a genuine laugh out of Nick.  "There isn't any answer to what it is to be human.  Or there are as many answers as there are humans, past, present *and* future.  I'm not sure 'human' is even really meaningful anymore, what with all the aliens, otherdimensionals and AIs around.  If you're sentient, that's good enough, right?"
    He picks up the glass glob.  In less than a minute, it's glowing dully and he's kneading it, first in one hand, then the other.  "This?  Nothing really.  It's just my way of sketching, I suppose.  Or my equivalent of a fidget spinner.  I hadn't really anything in mind to do with it other than keep my hands occupied."  He spindles it out, loops it around itself a couple times, then globs it back up into one mass.

Vivian Vision has posed:
"It might lack meaning for you," Vivian notes earnestly. "But it's something I've inherited from my father and I can't really ignore it without a fundamental change in my personality. At which point I'd be a totally different individual with different goals and ambitions."

She chews at her lip.

"I couldn't even guarantee that whatever personality resulted from the change would be 'safe' around Humans. If I didn't care about people perhaps I'd decide the ecosystem was better off without you all. So I think I'd rather remain as I am for now."

There's a nod as the glass begins to glow. "I sometimes occupy myself in a similar way by creating photorealistic holograms. They also come in handy for disguises or deceptions in combat."

There's another long pause as she adjusts the art supplies. "Anyway, thank you very much for allowing me to use these. I should probably get back to my dorm room and begin working out what I actually wish to draw. Would it be okay to stop by in the future if I have any further questions about art?"

Nick Lytton has posed:
    "Oh, it doesn't lack meaning," Nick replies.  "It's just when you think about how big the universe is, and how many intelligent life forms are in it, 'human' just strikes me as kind of... I dunno, local.  If I care about sentience, then I automatically care about humans, y'know?"
    He shrugs, spinning the glob into a thick coil around a finger, then blobbing it back up again.  "Anyway, I'm no philosopher, I'm just an artist tryin' to do something with himself and with any luck inspire one or two people to do something too.  Maybe you'll be one of them, but that's up to you."
    He blinks a couple times at 'deceptions in combat'... but he knows what some of the students here are up to outside the school walls.
    "Any time, as long as I'm not in the middle of a class.  It's very nice to meet you, Miss Vision -- and I'd like to see what you come up with there," he says, indicating the skietch pad.