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Latest revision as of 15:23, 7 January 2022

And All Is Empty
Date of Scene: 06 January 2022
Location: Carter-Sousa Quarters, The Triskelion
Synopsis: After a long day of evacuating people and valuable SHIELD items from Manhattan, Peggy and Daniel collapse in exhaustion back at their quarters in the Triskelion.
Cast of Characters: Daniel Sousa, Peggy Carter

Daniel Sousa has posed:
It had been a long day of clearing out vital safehouses and equipment stashes in Manhattan ahead of the evacuation. The classified locations and material involved requiring a level 6 agent to be in charge and Daniel had drawn the short straw and got the assignment. The one good thing was he was able to catch a quinjet back to the Trisk skipping the nigthmare of traffic that clogged the roads below him as they flew, it also meant he had time to get home and get some dinner from the cafeteria for him and Peggy. So, the evening finds food covered up and waiting on the table jazz playing from Daniel's phone and the man himself sitting in a chair by the window in the sweater he didn't get to where when work made him miss the year end party, a wool sweater in the shades of desert sunset with palm trees with Christmas ornaments and pink flamingos on it.

It'd had been a gift for Christmas from Ana his first Christmas in LA and remained a favourite of his since, and since he didn't get to wear it to the party he was taking advantage of it now.

Peggy Carter has posed:
Peg was working on the northern Manhattan people evacuation, and getting the emergency last minute teleportation stations for the mutants tomorrow. It meant she was working a bit closer to the Triskelion tonight (they definitely weren't getting back to the house) but she also didn't have a quin-jet pick up. And things were still chaos when her relief came, but the senior agent talked the director into going. Getting home. Getting some food in her. So that's what she did.

She's still in her winter pea coat from outside, her cheeks rosy from the cold and dark hair pinned back against the wind. She steps into the room, having come straight from the elevator, and stops dead as she sees a genuinely pleasant sight. And smells food. And then there he is, in his sweater, looking almost like home. "Oh... Daniel, you... did you get back early? Is that Ana's sweater??" She blinks against a sudden bit of moisture behind her eyes.

Daniel Sousa has posed:
Daniel rises with a grin as Peggy enters, "Yup," he confirms to both her questions. "Just got dropped off up top about a half-hour ago, and figured since I didn't make it to the party I'd wear this tonight," he says. "With all the crazy going on I think it actually fits a little better than it did when Ana made it for me," he smiles coming to greet his wife properly with a kiss he's happy to let linger drinking in closeness at the end of a long day.

Peggy Carter has posed:
Peg doesn't even bother taking her jacket off quite yet, as he comes over to give her that kiss. She's undone a few buttons, but she happily leans into his arms and lips, wrapping her arms around the back of his shoulders and letting the kiss linger long. Deeply. She knows tomorrow might be the end of something big, or everything. Life is going to change, no matter what. That means she savors these last few moments as intensely as she can.

"...Well, that's quite the welcome home gift, my darling. Almost make me forget we've both worked 16 hour days since new years..." She grins wide, leaning in for one more peck of a kiss to his mouth before she pulls back to let go and properly take off her jacket. She's in a SHIELD tac suit, some body armor had felt wise for the day. It's also definitely *tight* on her. She just managed the zippers around hips and chest, though it's not too surprised, the suits made to be form fitting. She's happy to get out of the thing, though.

Daniel Sousa has posed:
The busy day and the relaxation that followed made it easy to forget what was coming tomorrow, strange as that seemed, both just sort of held him in the moment and it was hard to see much else. The kiss was much the same, just enjoying it without the worry of what might happen tomorrow.

"Shhh,:" he says putting a finger to his grinning lips. "If we don't say out loud what our weeks have been like maybe our bodies won't realize they should be jelly by now." He reaches out his hands offering to help with the jacket. "How was it today?" he asks, meaning both work and doing all of it with their baby on board.

Peggy Carter has posed:
The offer of help with the jacket is happily taken. It's been a long time since she brustled against any sort of assistance from him. It was a part of them being married for so many years now. She strips it off and the tac jacket follows a moment later. She half winces at the zipper and gives a little laugh, "I... suspect this won't be going back on for a good year, it seems." The tone of her voice is as much a celebration of it as a bit of surprise.

Then she's plopping down on the edge of the bed so she can start pushing off her shoes. Everything feels too tight and too tired right now, probably because after a day like this, all of her *is* gently swollen. "It... was about as bad as expected. The stragglers. People not believing it. Everyone's upset. But people are going... Manhattan is more empty than it's ever been in my life."

Daniel Sousa has posed:
Daniel has fully fallen into the routine of helping Peggy when he can and accepting the same from her that balance kept their each of their sense of pride in check. He chuckles about the tac suit. "Guess not, maybe you should talk to Janet about a line of maternity tactical wear," he jokes lightly, clearly as pleased as she is about how their child was coming along.

Daniel nods, "Glad I was mostly moving SHIELD assets so they were more or less squared away, except we stopped to get Mitchell's grandmother, her cat wasn't as cooperative," he holds up a lightly bandaged hand and smile. "But yeah, it was eeire to see the city so empty."

"Still not sure what to make of all this angels business but we've done our best to keep people safe."

Peggy Carter has posed:
"That... is not a bad idea at all, you know? I bet she'd be thrilled. Not that I have *plans* on spending much more time out there, but it'd be nice to have it just... Just in case." Because it is Peggy, her temptation to get out into the field can't always be stopped. She leans back, etting him get her boots off before she shimmies out of the tac pants and her undershirt. She's going straight for the warmest, most comfortable set of flannel pajamas in their quarters. Chances are, they are his.

"...In all this mess and the most dangerous thing that's happened to you was an old woman's *cat*? Why... why am I not surprised? And relieved, I mean... I'll take it! I'm relieved. But... A *cat*?" She laughs warmly as she shrugs into the shirt of his pajamas set. "And...I'm not either. I'm thinking of them as... Aliens. It's easier that way. And might be more true. But I trust the danger is there and... we've done our part."

Daniel Sousa has posed:
"Well we know how well our plans go when it comes to staying out of danger," he says with a warm wry smile. "Better to be prepared, plus like you said Janet would love it."

There's a laugh about the cat as he spreads his hands wide apart, "It was a big cat? Part Maine Coon, part tiger," he grins.

The angel thing gets a nod, "I could see it, Asgardians with feathers, unless they're those freaky wagon wheel looking angels..." he shakes his head. Anyhow, whatever they are I think we're as ready as we're going to get, just feels odd for the world to be in danger and here we are on the sidelines."

Peggy Carter has posed:
"...I... don't know how this is going to go. I don't want it to be a fight. I don't think it *should* be a fight, frankly, if they are actual... Angels. Not all of humanity is violence. If they are that, I want them to see that our priority was taking care of people. Not murdering whatever force is coming in off of the skies. And if someone picks a proper fight and this goes poorly? I won't have it in SHIELD's lap. We aren't the people who destroyed Manhattan. I love this city too... Too much." Peggy's words are quieter there.

She's been putting on a good, strong face, but as she dares to voice her feelings out loud, it's clear how hard this is hitting her. She's spent most of her adult life in this city -- all of her life after the war. She's scared, tired, and uncertain of how to better protect it. She sinks down on the bed, just wearing the top of his pajamas, staring out the window in utter silence for a few more momens.

Daniel Sousa has posed:
Daniel nods, "I'd be nice to think we can solve this without a fight for a change, that taking care of each other is what's going to do it," he says. He wraps Peggy in his arms when she talks about New York. "Me too, as much as I enjoy LA this is home."

When she sinks down on the bed, he joins her, arms wrapping back around her once they're both settled. "We'll figure this out Peg, do what we can to make sure our kid will have a chance to enjoy the city as much as we have."

Peggy Carter has posed:
She doesn't fight his arms. If anything, it's the first time she really lets herself start to relax for the entire night. Wrapped in his flannel, his strong limbs ontop, in one of the beds they've shared long enough now it feels like home. Peggy sinks back, letting her head rest into the crook of his neck. She lets out a long, deep breath, wrapping her arms overtop of his to keep him hugged against her.

"God...I love you. I know you got dinner, or maybe cooked, please don't tell me you cooked after that day. And we both need to eat. But... thank you. I know we'll...manage this. We always do. I just... never had to tell the whole world to empty Manhattan before. And it was the right call. And if it goes wrong, our kid will have other cities. It will be fine, either way. We got the people out. That's what matters."

Daniel Sousa has posed:
Daniel chuckles warmly pressing a kiss to her cheek. "Nope just called Grace in the cafeteria and got her to save us a couple of plates. I'm sure some of it will be good cold in the morning," he says happily holding Peggy close.

"It was, whatever happens we made sure the people were protected, like we're supposed to."

"I love you too, Peg," he says. "We'll make it through all this somehow, after all we've got as weekend away to look forward to," he says with a grin.

Peggy Carter has posed:
"We do. A few more days and we'll... get out of here. Away. Just us. Whatever is happening, we have good people and we got everyone to safety. That's what matters. I'll just keep... saying that." Maybe Peg will even believe it at some point. She squeezes his arms a bit tighter for a moment, considering how she feels just sitting there.

"God, I know we should eat. We... need to eat. But just dragging you into this bed and sleeping ten hours feels... very tempting." She's getting heavier as she leans against him, letting him take on more of her weight. She's so tired.

Daniel Sousa has posed:
Daniel holds her tight offering quiet support in their moment of shared helplessness. "We did what we were supposed to," he tells her firmly "And a whole lot of people are going to ba whole lot safer tomorrow thanks to `you," he says turning his head to look her in the eyes giving her those to fix on.

As for food. "I think our bodies will forgive us if we skip eating until tomorrow, cuz' gotta admit, sleep sounds really tempting right now, especially next to my wife."

Peggy Carter has posed:
"But you wore your special sweater, even..." Peggy's mostly teasing about that, as she turns her head and presses a few kisses down the side of his jaw. They aren't the trying to distract him kind of kisses. They are the drowsy, slow, absolutely ready to tug him under the covers and sleep kind. "However, it was a... very long day. And this bed is very comfortable. And you are... very warm. And smell good. Oh god, I probably smell like a sweat lodge." She's still not moving one inch. In fact, if he let go or moved her, she'd melt right into the bed.

Daniel Sousa has posed:
"You smell fine," Daniel assures her as she presses those lazy kisses to his jaw. They have the desired effect of dragging him closer and closer to sleep. "And I think the sweater can survive a night in bed," he adds as he pulls back the covers and helps lay Peggy back upon their comfortable matress with its covering of flannel sheets for the winter. He lays down beside her "Whatever ends up happening tomorrow Peg, I love you and I wouldn't want to be anywhere else right now."

Peggy Carter has posed:
He's in control now. Peggy came home, and the moment he was helping her get her shoes off, she was in his hands. The fact that he is steering towards bed means she made the right decision. She lets herself be sank back into the warm flannel covers. A husky laugh escapes her lips, "No...your poor sweater... You can wear it again tomorrow." She gently reaches over, trying to help him off with it using just one arm. The rest of her is still firmly in bed. Then, once he's bare chested and a bit more comfortable, she tugs him back into bed. "Breakfast... in the morning. We'll figure out everything else then." She murmurs, half asleep already, eyes mostly closed. She's just waiting for him to pull the covers over each of them.

Daniel Sousa has posed:
Daniel doesn't resist the efforts to remove the sweater and helps wiggle free of the prized garment before folding it and putting it next to their bed. Tugged back into bed, he leans over to kiss Peggy on the lips before settling in beside her with his bare arms wrapped around her. "Sounds like a plan," he says letting go with one arm to pull the covers up. "Night Peggy," he tells her as he settles his head on his pillow. "Love you," he tells her in a tired murmur as he wraps his arms back around her again.

Peggy Carter has posed:
"I love you so damn much." Peggy whispers quietly, returning that last kiss with her eyes closed. There's the edge of breath on her lips to try and say smoething else, but she stops herself, too tired to parse the phrase. Instead, she just tucks her nose into the crook of his neck, using him as a pillow tonight more than her actual pillow, and fairly quickly drops off into sleep.