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Latest revision as of 15:23, 7 January 2022

FelSmo is your new nameo.
Date of Scene: 05 January 2022
Location: Verdant - Abandoned Warehouse
Synopsis: After New Year's, Felicity and Alex talk and suss each other out.
Cast of Characters: Felicity Smoak, Alexander Aaron

Felicity Smoak has posed:
From the happy, hopeful eve of the New Year to the actual days that follow, it's almost like a crashing down of reality. The dark, dingy days of winter creep in more frequently, the cold settles in for the next few months, and that feeling that perhaps the resolutions made in the middle of drink were probably not the right ones, or ones that were particularly attainable.

Thankfully for Felicity, she didn't make any! Ha!

So, she's just caught in the 'trying to cheer herself up with some company' stage, and where would one go for that? Absolutely not the empty Arrowcave, or a bar, or the office.. Well, okay, one bar in particular where she knows she's both welcome and recognized as 'one of the in crowd'. A personal friend of the owner.

So, dressed for the winter in heavy coat with fuzzy hood, jeans and a sweater beneath the bulk, Felicity steps into the Verdant, the large, industrial door opening to allow her entrance. In hand, a bag of take-out.

"Thea!" The sound reverberates, even though it has furniture. It is, after all, a warehouse. "Thea? I got Thai! Well, Thai for you. I stopped and picked up a falafel for me."

Alexander Aaron has posed:
    While some view the Winter as a bad thing, a thing to hunker down and endure, at least one soul that Felcity met that night past was not such an individual. For he /loved/ Winter. It could be because he didn't have to shovel snow of late or the last few years. Could be because he enjoys the clothes and wrapping up against the weather. Or might be that he's just that jovial of an individual at times.
    A mystery for the ages.
    So perhaps it's due to that cheerfulness that when Felicity returns to Verdant, she will not find the club's owner. And instead her current boy who is in the midst of straightening chairs, moving seats back into place, and picking up the occasional scrap that was missed by the evening crew.
    He catches sight of her, first a silhouette against the door. Then she likely will see him as he lifts a hand to wave, perhaps when her eyes adjust. "Hey, Felicity."
    Not quite girded for the weather, he's wearing much less formal clothing than he had on last night. White sneakers, grey sweat pants, and a black and yellow t-shirt that proclaimed proudly, 'COBRA KAI!' and in smaller text, 'There is No Mercy in this Dojo!'
    "She stepped out said she had something to do with one of the suppliers?" He's not an old hand at the club business so his tone trails up at the end inquisitively.

Felicity Smoak has posed:
The door closes behind her with a *thunk* and as she steps further in, her eyes acclimate to the change in lighting. Pushing up on her glasses, she follows the sound of a male voice, and leads with her feet. "Oh, hi," is said with greeting. "I come bearing food for Thea. We do this on occasion, just to be sure we don't miss any good gossip." Because, well, gossip. There's a pause before, "Do you like Pad Thai?"

Setting the food on a table close to the bar, Felicity seems momentarily unsure as to what to do before a decision is made. The coat is peeled off, revealing that sweater and jeans, ending with a pair of comfortable UGGs. "She'd mentioned she was having problems with a supplier. I did offer to help, but she said she's got it." 'Help', of course, coming in the form of hacking into the system and assuring that supplies are received.

"Sooo.." the word is drawn out slowly, "You guys are a 'thing'." Statement rather than question. "You meet her brother yet?"

Alexander Aaron has posed:
    Calm hazel eyes meet her and his smile remains easily given but he then quirks his eyebrows up a bit as he considers the bag and the food and the lovely smells therein. He bites his lower lip briefly, thoughtfully, then his smile broadens as he murmurs, "I like most forms that my caloric intake comes in."
    Which is to say yes.
    He does follow after, but doesn't take a seat quite yet, perhaps waiting for a formal invitation before he intrudes by taking a seat. He does rest a hand on the bar, looking at the bag, then back to her.
    She makes that statement, which causes his smile to turn more amused, his eyes lowering then coming back up as he nods. "Yeah, we are."
    The brother? "I did, like a year and a half ago. He was pretty grumpy then since he thought I had designs on his sister. But we only recently started dating so... haven't seen him since I have so transgressed."
    Finally he uncurls a hand to one of the stools, "May I?"

Felicity Smoak has posed:
Felicity starts the busy work of pulling the food from the bags and setting it on the table before bringing out the other bits; the chopsticks for Thea, knives, forks and spoons for the 'masses', and her big ol' sandwich. There's more than enough food for two girls, which is pretty par for the course. She's Jewish... it's genetic that she makes sure everyone is fed. Even those unexpected.

"Come on.. have some. I know this great place around the corner. Can't survive in this town without knowing where to go."

As she starts working on her sandwich, cutting it back, re-tucking the food into the pita, only half her attention is on the food. The other half, on Alexander.

"Good. She deserves to be happy." She's been through a lot; more than even the blonde knows, but what she does know? Heh.. yeah.

A quick push of a cucumber back into the pita must be given, and the first bite of food is taken, even before she sits on the stool for the table. Soon enough, though, she finds her comfort. Chewing slowly and deliberately, she nods her head first, a signal that she'll be following it up, the moment she swallows.

"Oliver can be a little grumpy. Particularly where his sister.. ummm" Tasty noise, and she's wiping a bit of food from the corner of her mouth before continuing, ".. Particularly where his sister is concerned. I haven't seen him much either, but that's not too strange." There's a beat, a pause before, "He's very protective."

Alexander Aaron has posed:
    "Yeah..." Alexander says at first, but then he reaffirms after his eyes distance a little beyond Felicity before they refocus. "Yeah, I got that vibe. And it was weird, we at first agreed to be friends since she was in a tough place."
    Thea of a year and some ago? She had been dealing with things in her own way. "And..." Alexander meets Felicity's gaze and then finally eases into the chair. "I told her that I probably would be a horrible person for her to be involved with." It's clear he's imagining that moment, even as he only then decides to have a tiiiiny smidge of a bite from Thea's pad thai by scooping up a fork and baaarely uncovering it.
    That's apparently enough for now.
    Then he elaborates, "But then I was gone for a year and some, my father took me on a long trip. When I got back and we met, I think she decided it wasn't my decision anymore." His lip twists up again, smiling, and unable to hide the affection.

Felicity Smoak has posed:
Felicity listens to the brief, in a nutshell, story and laughs, all while spearing an errant tomato. "She's like that. And," she covers her mouth while chewing with a delicate hand, and once she swallows, she continues, "the distance probably helped a lot. She probably liked you too, but you both had stuff going on?" The last bit is a question, more for his state of mind than Thea's. Still, she can't always speak to the younger Queen's; they do live in two different worlds, even if they do collide every once in a while. Moreso lately, but even then?

Thea's the 'doer', Felicity is the 'I gotchoo' backup.

"I'm sure you had something to say about it all. No one is twisting your arm, right?"

Alexander Aaron has posed:
    "I mean," Alexander's smile slips toward the wry, "I'm not about to slip you a note and whisper softly, 'Call the poliiiice.' or anything." He eases back into the seat, leaning against the bar and murmurs, "But it was..." He tilts his head left and right before he adds, "Well you remember how Thea was feeling a year ago?"
    He turns and then gently undoes the lid again to steal a second bite of pad thai, perhaps pushing his luck as he covers it back up. Then he chews a bit before answer. "I don't know everything she was going through, but she was dealing with it. And she seemed... not entirely fragile, but more..."
    He frowns briefly, and looks down, then up. "On edge? And I was dealing with my own stuff. And I felt like if we did then chances are it wouldn't end well. And I didn't want to be an asshole that was... ill-remembered."
    His nose crinkles a little before his smile broadens, "But then we met up again, and it was like everything that was a problem before was not anymore. So there, now you have the full picture."
    Though really, not quite entirely.

Felicity Smoak has posed:
"I'm with Thea on this one. I have my loyalty," Felicity grins, a little lopsidedly. "Her brother pays my salary." Well, okay, it's drawn from Queen Consolidated, officially. But point stands! "And we happen to know most of the police in town." Beat. "Well, Oliver does. And, I guess Thea." But she, not necessarily in a good way. The girl does have her 'wild, rich girl' past, after all!

"You know you can have more. It's just a couple of blocks down." Felicity retakes the actual sandwich and gives up, spilling the contents out onto the paper wrap. The falafel itself, cucumber, tomato and the tziki sauce. Taking up a fork now, she cuts the fried ball with the edge, spears it, and continues her lunch.

"I'm really glad. Happy for her. Maybe it'll keep her out of trouble?" Blue eyes narrow behind thick lenses, and brows rise in askance, "Right?"

Alexander Aaron has posed:
    "I'm ok," He says, even though his eyes are devouring the food from afar. Though he might indeed go searching for this place once he takes Thea's food up and puts it in the fridge.
    "So now, it's your turn to tell me all the things and the secret insights and all. If you want. Or, you could tell me about yourself if you like?" He draws a leg over his knee and seems at ease with the chat, his gaze meeting hers calmly.
    "Or we could ask each other pointed questions and glower across the distance as we draw battle lines." His smile is a little playful, a little teasing. He does seem in a good mood, and happy to be here. Might almost be cute-ish.

Felicity Smoak has posed:
"Eat. I know the look." Felicity pushes the container just a little closer. "Eat."

A cucumber is poked at, cut, and chewed, savored, the plastic fork hovering over another bit of fried chickpea goodness. She laughs, and shakes her head, "Oh no. No secrets. If I did, she'd never take me shopping again. I can say she is really starting to come into her own. Finding that separation, but she is still her brother's little sister. I can't see that changing, well, ever." Not much of a secret now, is it?

Felicity straightens up, her fork still at the ready, and she looks momentarily confused, "Am I glowering? I mean, I might admit to a battle line, but I'm thinking it's probably more like a Maginot line. Go around and end up eating my supplies sort of thing." She's taking it all in stride, a smile settled on her face as well. "I keep secrets."

Alexander Aaron has posed:
    "Oh see now I'm tempted to just steamroll right through Belgium," Alexander offers in rejoinder. "But I understand. She really has changed so much. Not like... badly, more like she's come into her own so..."
    Then he crinkles his nose, "But anyways, yeah!" As he says that he does look at the pad thai but he is /good/ so he leans over and pushes down the plastic cover again making sure it clicks into place properly.
    "So what do you do, if I may ask, Felicity?" His pale gaze drifts over her then return to her own eyes, curiousity clear in his expression as he considers her. "You met her through Oliver or were you guys friends before as well?"

Felicity Smoak has posed:
Felicity laughs and shakes her head as well as shaking the fork in a negative, warding action. "Oh no. Not turning it on me. But," more food is taken, and eaten; she's making a dent in her lunch. Almost done! "I work at Queen Consolidated. I'm their IT girl." Putting it mildly. More like their MIT girl. "So, met Oliver first, and then Thea after." She smiles and finishes her lunch, crinkling up the bag to throw it away.

"So far, they haven't fired me, so I'm doing okay." Looking around, things are still slightly at disarray, and returning her attention on Alex, she offers up, "So, need help straightening up? I'm going to have to get back to work soon, unfortunately."

Alexander Aaron has posed:
    "Nah, I'll take care of it. Shouldn't take me /too/ long." Alexander's answer is given with a casual wave of one hand, "Though what I could use is if you told me where the place was you got that?" He gestures with a nod toward the food and smiles, "I'll go get some more and then sit around munching it while I weep soft tears over Thea's absence."
    Okay he might be laying it on a bit thick.
    But that smile, at the least, it does seem genuine. "I was figuring I'll probably head back into the city tonight and get ready for classes this week. We should all get together though and do a thing, if that's feasible. Maybe Oliver can come along."
    He gives a nod, "That way at least there will be witnesses so it'll be harder to hide the body and get away with it." Alex's lip twists upwards, but he does have such a good deadpan tone. It's a gift really.

Felicity Smoak has posed:
"Shogun Wok." There, easy enough, and it's not a trade secret, per se. "Just, you need to let them know that you want it spicy. That tells them that they can actually cook it //right// rather than what they think you want." Little secrets. Leaning in for that air of confidentiality, "I know the owners."

Still, she's cleaning up, possibly in prelude to getting back to the office. Day, office. Night, well.. a different sort of office.

"We should. I might.. bring a date, unless you'd rather I don't." The words conjure a ghost of a smile, more at her thoughts than anything that is external. Short lived, however, and she comes back to the 'here and now'. "I'll see what Thea thinks."

Alexander Aaron has posed:
    "Sure," Alexander says as he pushes himself to his feet and starts to gather up the pad thai as well as its various accoutrements. He takes a fork too, and the chopsticks, just in case. Once that's all settled in one hand he looks to her, "It was nice to chat with you some, I'll tell her you stopped by."
    For a brief moment he looks past her as if hoping that Thea might well appear, but alas it is not to be. Those curious hazel eyes return and he gives a nod. "And I don't see why not about bringing a date, would be nice. Any excuse to get out and about and socialize."
    That said he starts to mosey toward the stairs and the apartment above, "Take care, Felicity!" He calls out.

Felicity Smoak has posed:
With lunch thus delivered, and consequently eaten, and more importantly gossip given and taken, Felicity is free enough to grab her coat and shrug it onto her shoulders. She's getting ready for the cold just beyond. "I don't know if Oliver will like it, though." She shakes her head and laughs, "Sometimes I wonder if people would just rather me stay single for the rest of my life."

Though, time to go. With her crossing to the door, Alex is on his way upstairs. She waves before letting herself out. Time to go back to work.