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Latest revision as of 16:26, 7 January 2022

Oh No! A Bear in the Lake!
Date of Scene: 20 October 2021
Location: Breakstone Lake
Synopsis: No description
Cast of Characters: Dashenka Ivanov, Rahne Sinclair, Clarice Ferguson

Dashenka Ivanov has posed:
Even though you're not supposed to come out here without adult supervision, Dashenka sees no harm in it if she just wants to take a swim. Her clothes are laid in a pile on a pier, and she'd been paddling around for a while, enjoying the cool water. Now. she's just floating offshore with all four paws up in the air.

Rahne Sinclair has posed:
That is one gorgous hunk of bear, definitely. Super cute, mega enjoying itself. Totally on its own, way out there where nobody could bother it.

It's just too darn bad that there's an emergency happening somewhere else, somewhere completely unrelated, and Clarice and Rahne are leaping away to get out of that situation. The wolf girl looks at Clarice as they fall, and Clarice's portal opens.

In her quick decision, she picks a spot that she's pretty sure is safe to leap into. No obstructions, no problems. But as they appear over the lake, somewhere that Rahne can land safely, Rahne looks and realizes that the landing pad of a lake is occupado.

"BEAR!" she shouts, not having a lot of time to warn. Then the two land.

Clarice Ferguson has posed:
    "What do y-" is all that Clarice is able to get out - before the magenta-hued mutant and the scot hit the water (and possibly the bear) with a splash. It's a moment before Clarice surfaces, spluttering a little. Don't shout when you're hitting the water, Clarice. Hold your breath. Geeze.
    "Oh God! The lake's getting cold!" she exclaims. This was a bad idea!

Dashenka Ivanov has posed:
Dashenka is just floating there, enjoying the chill water, kind of dozing off with her eyes half lidded. Aaah. So relaxing. Then there's a shout of "BEAR!" which is just enough time for her to open her eyes and prepare to be landed upon by a smol but cute wolfgirl. "Yebena mat'!"

Rahne hits her with a grunt and a *splat* and for a brief second they're both underwater. Then they resurface with Rahne on top of Dashenka's tummy.

Dasha looks down at her newly acquired passenger. "Privyet," she says, her voice even, but with a hint of amusement. "I did not know girls would be falling from sky today." Her voice is deep and gruff, much like what one would expect to hear from a polar bear. Her head cranes around until she sees Clarice. "You are one who can teleport, da?"

Rahne Sinclair has posed:
Rahne is just glad she was in human form; her claws tend to be sharp and she had no wish to punch holes in her landing pad. Also, lightest form with the least likelihoood of boot prints.

She spits water over the side, then realizes that she's riding a bear and blinks. Visibly, several times. Then...

"Clarice!" Clearly she just remembered that Clarice might not be okay. She looks around worriedly for one, two, three heartbeats. Then sees spluttering magenta and sighs.

Oh right. Bear. "Sorry."

Clarice Ferguson has posed:
    "Here! Right here!" Clarice answers the worried woman, even as she's looking around for 'get warm get dry' options. "Do you think there's anyone staying in the lakehouse right now? Wouldn't there be towels in there?"
    It's then she realizes the bear is speaking to her, and she turns her attention back to Dashenka - treading water for the moment. "Oh. Privyet," she offers. "Yeah, I am. Portals." She even takes a moment to demonstrate - a portal appearing over their heads and- well, water streaming out of it - and splashing onto Dashenka and Rahne. Entirely by accident, right? Peering deeper into the water, a faint purple glow shows the other side of the portal.

Dashenka Ivanov has posed:
"It is okay," rumbles the polar bear. Her ears flick to Claire when she asks about the lakehouse. "There is no one in house," she says in her typical even tone. "You are safe to go in."

Then Clarice is dumping water on her in demonstration. This doesn't seem to bother her all that much, though when it does stop she shakes her head vigorously to get the water out of her fur. "I see."

Rahne Sinclair has posed:
Rahne's relief at finding Clarice to be alright quickly gets doused, and she sits there on Dashenka's tummy with water dripping off of her, looking distinctly doused. She turns her head, looking at Clarice, and raises an eyebrow. "Wos tha' necessary?" she asks, then raises both of her hands and shakes them once, flinging water into the lake.

Odd that she has yet to get off of the floating island. She's weird.

Clarice Ferguson has posed:
    "Absolutely necessary," Clarice agrees. She flashes Rahne grin, before she starts to swim for the shore. She only gets a few strokes before she pauses and has a 'well, duh' moment. Purple energy surrounds her and she appears with a 'bliiink' on the deck of the house - about a bucketful or so of water splashing to the floor at her feet along with her. Approaching a sliding door, she finds that it's locked. She solves that problem by creating a small portal and reaching through. Her hand can be faintly seen through the glass, reaching through another portal on the other side and flicking the latch open. Ha! Brilliant.

Dashenka Ivanov has posed:
Dashenka floats serenely in the lake, and turns her attention back to Rahne. "Am I to be taking you to house?" she asks. "I do not swim well on back." She kicks her feet in demonstration. They start drifting towards the lakehouse at a very lazy pace.

"I will be okay, but you will get cold," she says.

Rahne Sinclair has posed:
Taking Rahne anywhere turns out to not be necessary, as she's leaping after Clarice seconds after the lady admits to doing the dousing on purpose. She misses, of course, as Clarice cheats and portals away, but it doesn't stop her from trying.

"I'll get ye!" she calls out, but the fact that she's not much of a swimmer does not help her case in the slightest. In fact, Dashenka would find that for all Rahne's athleticism she's got to really try just to not sink and drown.

Clarice Ferguson has posed:
    "Not likely!" Clarice counters. She's about to disappear inside - but a glance back towards Rahne reveals the woman's plight. Well... crap.
    Having pity on her - one of Clarice's javelins appears in her hand, and she tosses it towards the girl who appears right beside the magenta-hued mutant - with more water falling to the deck. Clarice is on her in a moment, wrapping the Scot up in a hug, and a kiss as well. "Not if I get you first," she murmurs afterwards, a mischievous smile on her features.

Dashenka Ivanov has posed:
Dashenka turns herself about in the water and looks like she's about to take Rahne about the waist and help her to the lakehouse when she suddenly disappears. Unphased the polar bear swims towards the deck to join the other two girls.

Once she gets there she hauls her massive bulk up onto solid ground and shakes her ruff vigorously, sending water flying everywhere. Then she stands up on her hind legs looking just as comfortable there as she would be on all fours.

"You should go in. Get warm," she cautions. "You are not polar bear."

Rahne Sinclair has posed:
Rahne coughs up some water, a couple of times, and doesn't pull away from Clarice at all. Leans toward her actually. She nods at the suggestion of getting warm, and turns her face away from Clarice to cough some more. Apparently we've defined a weakness in her training regimen.

She shivers, then she looks over Clarice's shoulder to the little room with the towels, and a moment later she's up and inside where it's warm.

She throws a towel at Clarice's head, her best attempt at a joke, but honestly she isn't a water baby. She did leave the door open, but the sound of coughing inside is not grand.

Clarice Ferguson has posed:
    Clarice wraps herself up in the towel - but there's concern on her features, as she makes her way into the door of the house. "Rahne?" she asks in concern. "Are you alright? I can send you to your dorm? Or our room," yes, //our// room, "or the Medbay?" Did she inadvertantly harm Rahne by dropping her in the lake? She certainly hoped not. It hadn't been her intention. She just...forgot.
    For the moment - the bear seems to be forgotten.

Dashenka Ivanov has posed:
Dashenka stands there, at attention, watching the two women. It looks like she's waiting to be given instruction, since these two are senior members of the house. Or so she supposes. Her training included first aid and field medicine and it doesn't look like either of these will be needed. Rahne just needs time to clear her lungs.

Rahne Sinclair has posed:
"Am fine. Superfine," she says, her voice improving. She comes back out, wrapped in a towel, and smiles. "Dinnae .." She coughs once more, then shrugs. "Will sit a wee bit, if it be alright." Then she leans down and kisses Clarice. Not on the cheek, right square on the lips.

A moment later she's smiling, and though she's still coughing on occasion she seems to be better. Though she does go to sit inside, and warm up.

Clarice Ferguson has posed:
    Clarice is more than happy to return the kiss, though a hint of concern continues to linger in her expression as Rahne retreats inside to warm up.
    Turning towards Dashenka, she offers an apologetic smile. "Sorry to- well. Drop in on you. You'd been alright, yeah? I feel like it's been a while..." Maybe that's just because her life can make a week feel like a month...

Dashenka Ivanov has posed:
Dashenka considers the doorway for a moment before deciding that she's too big to try to fit through it, so she shifts down to her human form. She's completely unashamed of her nakenedness as she walks through the door. Now that you can see all of her, there are several surgery scars scattered across her abdomen.

"I am okay," she says once she's fully in the house. She doesn't move to cover herself with a towel or anything but she doesn't look cold at all. "I have found memory of before project," she says. "Memory of mother."

Clarice Ferguson has posed:
    "Oh," Clarice says with some surprise. "And you didn't have any before? It was a good memory, I hope?" She smiles a bit sadly - following Dashenka, even as she can hear Rahne jumping into the shower. Either the lake-water disagreed with her - or she'd felt more cold than she'd let on. "I have some memories of my parents. No too many - it was a long time ago, and I was very little. I- well, I even have a photo album now, though. With picture of me, with them. I'm fortunate to have it."

Dashenka Ivanov has posed:
"Da. Good memory," Dashenka says with a slight nod of the head. "It is of me and mother singing alfavit song." She closes her eyes as she explores the memory once more. "I remember her face." A scowl darkens her face a bit, "I do not know if she is alive."

Clarice Ferguson has posed:
    Clarice frowns, sympathy for the girl's plight plain on her features as she reaches out to place a hand on her arm. "It's hard not knowing," she remarks quietly. "Do you remember her name? Since you know her face... There are telepaths. They could glimpse her through your mind. All we would need is a telepath, and an artist, and we could have a likeness of her. Perhaps that could help us try to identify her? Especially if you remember anything from where you're from?"

Dashenka Ivanov has posed:
"I do not remember her name," Dashenka says, scowling deeper. "I do not know if Dashenka is /my/ name, or name Project give me." She looks thoughtful at the mention of a telepath. "Perhaps," she concedes. "I have... what is word... bespokoystvo. Worry about telepats in my brain."

Clarice Ferguson has posed:
    "Yeah. I get that - I don't like people in my head, either. Well - there's people whose job it is to listen to descriptions, and try to draw the face. You could try that," Clarice suggests encouragingly. "Or we can try to find a telepath you might like. I, uh... My little brother is a telepath, but all you'd have is ny word and his that you could trust him."

Dashenka Ivanov has posed:
"There are telepaths at school," Dashenka points out. "Head master is telepath." She still seems uncertain though. "Perhaps when I get more memory back."

She closes her eyes and her impassive mask is back on. "Still. Memory tells me many things. I was not born to Project. I had family. I was taken from family. My memory was erased." She turns to look out upon the lake, clasping her hands behind her back. "These were things I did not know before."

Clarice Ferguson has posed:
    "I was made to think my family gave me up," Clarice remarks softly. "That I wasn't wanted. It wasn't true." She continues to hold the towel tightly around herself - as her wet clothes drip on the floor. It was still cold - but not as cold as staying in the lake, or standing outside in the breeze. "If there'a anything I can do to help you find your family... I would."

Dashenka Ivanov has posed:
Dashenka dips her head in gratitude. "Spasiba. I think I need more memories. Just one... is not enough." She's silent for a moment as she watches the moonlight play over the water of the lake. "I have been thinking. If person singing alfavit song made me remember, perhaps something else from when I was little would too." She turns her icy gaze onto Clarice. "So I am watching Russian child TV to see."

Clarice Ferguson has posed:
    "That makes sense," Clarice agrees. "Maybe you should find out what foods are popular with Russian children? Or if there are any holidays? Some of the decorations, or smells, or... things like that might help you remember as well," she suggests. She frowns thoughtfully as she tries to think of other things the girl could do to awaken more memories.