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Latest revision as of 12:10, 11 January 2022

Popping In
Date of Scene: 10 January 2022
Location: Martin and Jon's Suite
Synopsis: As Martin packs for an extended stay at Grand Central Station, he gets a visit from Cael Becker. There they discuss the situation concerning Jon and how she fits into their relationship. Truths are exchanged, confusions dispelled, and tea--as always--is had.
Cast of Characters: Martin Blackwood, Cael Becker

Martin Blackwood has posed:
    Martin had to go back to the residence at the Triskelion after his second day on duty at Grand Central. He hadn't had much chance to pack an overnight bag or get a shower and the sheet amount of blood on his EMT shirt was astonishing and getting to him. So once home he pops the shirt in the wash and takes a shower. After the shower he figures now would be the time for packing, so the shirt goes into the dryer and he starts working on what he'd need for an extended stay at Grand Central HQ.

    Clothing is a must, so he packs sturdy, warm, and mostly stain resistant garments that allow for freedom as much as protection against the elements and the probably viscera he might experience. Toiletries, so that when he next needs a shower he can do it in the lockers there, and a few choice books along with his phone charger and headphones. It would have to be enough.

    He contemplates going out immediately but the teaset on the counter, the one given to him by Cael Becker draws his attention and he decides now might be the one and only time he gets to break it in. So on goes the kettle and he starts prepping the straining bulb for the pot as well as setting the built in cups and accessories he might need for what might be his last good cuppa before the end of all things.

Cael Becker has posed:
    Cael has been doing better than she's expected over the last several days - keeping herself busy in the gym, or the gun range, riding her bike around the Westchester countryside, playing with Bear and Redfox - and generally trying to enjoy herself while her friends go through hell. She knows she needs - but it's hard to keep the events from Manhattan from her mind.
    Especially with Jon blowing up her phone with texts. Just back from a jog, with Bear panting cheerfully at her side, she pulls out her phon to read his latest rant about people who can't fill out requisition forms - followed by a simple, 'Martin's stopping by the flat to pick up our things.' She stares at the screen for a while, replying with an image of Bear - as she often does - before she starts back into the Triskelion.
    "Com'on. I'll get a shower - and we'll pick up some pastries at the cafeteria, or something," she tells the dog.
    Her own hair is still damp when she presses the chime to Jon and Martin's quarters - a take out box with a few different flakey fresh pastries in one hand, and Bear at her side - without his vest, and carrying a bunny stuffed animal with a squeaker inside it.

Martin Blackwood has posed:
    Martin wasn't expecting any guests but he wasn't against them either. He opens the door and smiles at Cael and Bear. "Hello, Cael. Bear. Can I interest you in a cuppa? I'm sort og indulging before having to head back to Grand Central."

    His own hair seems to curl more when it's slightly damp but it looks good on him. "What brings you this way? If you're looking for Jon I think he's still at the station dealing with suppy lines and such..." He smiles softly at that but steps aside to allow the pair into the apartment should they want in.

Cael Becker has posed:
    "I- sure. As long as you don't mind a little company," Cael asks. "I mean, you can tell me to fuck off anytime you like," she offers, stepping in once Martin has stepped aside for them. Bear comes in as well - dropping his bunny at Martin's feet, and then looking up at the man while cocking his head at him. "I filled a box with pastries from the cafeteria. Figured maybe you could bring it back with you? I wish I could be there as well, but- Well."
    "I know I'm not likely to see Jon until tomorrow morning - if then. That's fine, I get it."

Martin Blackwood has posed:
    Martin shakes his head. "I don't think I would find a reason to say that to you unless things were much different in our lives" he replies as he pours the hot water over the strainer in the blue-flecked pot to let the tea steep.

    He turns to the woman and nods. "You still taking a step back from what's going on over there?" he asks. There isn't a hint of accusation in his tone or anything, simply a question. "I can take him the pastries. I don't mind. Unless you -want- to be the bearer. I'm sure he'd appreciate it."

Cael Becker has posed:
    "Much different in what way?" Cael asks simply. She makes her way over to the table where the tea is set up, setting down the pastries as she adds, "Feel free to have one yourself - there's plenty," before she settles into a seat.
    Bear looks from Martin, to his bunny, then back to Martin as the man moves off without picking it up. After a little snort, the dog retrieves the bunny himself, placing it and his head in Cael's lap.
    "I figure I get myself at least a week - maybe go on a mission or two //away// from Manhattan to see how I'm doing - before I risk setting foot on the island. If I fall apart out there, I'm a risk to everyone, especially to Jon. I won't let that happen."
    She's silent a moment before asking, "How much do you even know about what happened to me?"

Martin Blackwood has posed:
    "Mortal enemies?" Martin says eying the woman before setting the tea tray and moving to the living room. He settles down on the couch before giving the big dog a freindly pet on it's massive head. "That's fair. Feel like going across the country?" he asks. "That op in Washington is cleared for the end of next week."

    After settling and making his own cup and pouring Cael the tea, (any additives he'd let her decide on), he frowns. "Aside that you were the angel's last victim and you were saved?" he shakes hie head. "Nothing. You were Jon's patient, I don't pry and he doesn't break those laws if he can help it." He makes a face. "And... I don't like listening to statements."

Cael Becker has posed:
    "Yeah, let's not do that. That'd get awkward," Cael mutters in a dry voice. Bear lifts his head to bump at Martin's hand as his owner continues to talk to the man. "I wouldn't mind helping - especially since it's for Jon. So... yeah. A trip across country sounds good," she agrees.
    She accepts the tea - but she adds nothing to it, lifting the colorful blue cup to her lips for a sip. She lowers it again as she adds quietly, "Jon and the others saved me... //after// I'd already nailed myself to a cross. Willingly." She frowns down at her cup, continuing with, "And then I tore myself free, and attacked Jon at Michael's command. Pinned him to the wall with a metal spike. I- Hopefully I don't really need to tell you how much I regret hurting Jon."

Martin Blackwood has posed:
    Martin frowns at the explanation. He sips his tea again before saying. "That sounds... terrible. I'm so sorry you had to experience it." He looks at her and then at the dog. It does explain the dog's arrival in the woman's life.

    "You don't need to tell me how much it hurts you. I think I felt much of the same after I disappeared..." he smiles sadly. "Jon has a habit of making it very hard for the people who love him to hurt him." It's the first acknowledgement of her feelings for his husband that he's made directly but he doesn't stumble over it or add any acid to the words. Just a statement of fact.

Cael Becker has posed:
    "Yeah, it sucks," Cael agrees simply. "I just think... well. If we're going to be-" to be what? "I just think you deserve to know just what sort of a mess I am, these days. I'm doing better than I though I would - but that's why I can't be in Manhattan until I'm sure I really do have a handle on things."
    She takes another sip of the tea, feeling the warmth in her fingers, and as the tea travels down her throat. She stares into the dark colored water as she adds, "I've wanted to apologize to you, Martin, ever since I kissed Jon. I mean - it's not like I can claim I //accidentally// kissed your husband, but it's not- That's not how I wanted things to go. I wanted to wait until I was sure. I wanted to talk to you first. He's your husband, and what I did was wrong, and I don't see any other way of looking at it - so I'm sorry."

Martin Blackwood has posed:
    Martin chuckles at Cael's sincere apology. He can't help it. He tries to compose his features after a moment. "Metamour, Cael. The term is metamour and... it's not wrong. At least its as wrong as me being married to him is wrong. So... not at all." He sips his tea again and then sets it on the coffee table.

    "Would I have prefered some discussion before anything got as far as it did, sure..." he shrugs. "But I... sort of had my suspicions before it all came about anyway. The way he talked--and talks about you makes it pretty clear how much you mean to him."

    "After I ended up walking in after the statement. Your reaction was just the other side of the situation and so... between that our talk during New Years..." he smiles. "It wasn't too hard to parse out." He waves a hand. "What I mean to say with all of this is... there's nothing to apologize for."

Cael Becker has posed:
    "Metamour?" Cael repeats. There's a word for this shit? She looks towards Martin for a moment, then back to her tea as she adds, "I'm- look, I'm relieved you're not upset, but the apology is still valid. You don't kiss someone's husband without asking." She lets out a heavy sigh, then explains, "When you walked in during the statement - I'd just kissed Jon on the forehead. He was upset - we both were - and I was trying to... I don't know. Reassure him, I guess? It's just- it was so unlike me, it caught me offguard. That's when I started to realize that maybe- That I might be interested in him, but I just- I assumed nothing would come of it. After all, he was married. ...to a //guy//. I figured I'd wait, see if things settled down - and if not, I could talk to you... and get told to fuck off, you know?"

Martin Blackwood has posed:
    "But things didn't settle down and I didn't tell you to, as you put it, fuck off" Martin replies with a grin. "Instead, I got to know you more. Started becoming friendly, opened up as much as I do with friends. Right?" he asks.

    He smiles then and pulls something he does with Jon often. "How did that make you feel?" It has more impact with Jon, who's a therapist, but the humor in his tone makes it unmistakeable as anything but a joke. Still he lets the question linger, like he's actually expecting an answer for it.

Cael Becker has posed:
    "What, that you haven't once shoved me away for moving in on your husband?" Cael asks. She rubs at Bear's head, and turns her head to look aside at Martin again, a small smile on her features. "Relieved. Surprised. I mean - I honestly never believed I had a chance, so... definitely relieved. He helps me a lot, and- well, I hope I'm good for him, too."
    There's a momentary pause before she adds fiercely, "If you ever think that I'm not good for him, if I'm hurting him, or you, or Agnes- I want you to tell me, Martin, and I mean it. You guys are a family, and that's important. The last thing I want is to hurt any of you, or mess things up for you."

Martin Blackwood has posed:
    Martin nods. "I will. But I don't think I'll have to" he replies. "You're good for each other. He helps keep you stable and you... I think you ground him a lot. That's the part I'm a little jealous of. But it's good for him to have stability in places beyond me. We can't be each other's rock all the time."

    He leans forward and picks up his tea sipping it again. "You've never been in this sort of relationship, have you?" he asks. "This... Well, its called a V configuration because... well..." He makes a V with his index and middle finger and points to the three points invovled and the lines meeting at the middle.

Cael Becker has posed:
    Cael clears her throat, and then remarks, "I've never been in a relationship," in a flat, even voice.
    "Jon's only the third person in my life I've ever said 'I love you' to. The others were my mother, and my sister. I haven't even had that many friends - not lately, so all of this is just- it blindsided me." Reaching up, she runs a hand through her hair, revealing the bright rainbow of colors she'd had dyed into it. "It's been good, though."

Martin Blackwood has posed:
    Martin blinks. "Oh... oh that's..." he pauses seeming at a loss for words. "That's rather intense then..." He frowns. "Then there's a lot about it that you might not fully need a primer on I suppose." He sips his tea and thinks.

    "I mean... hmm... there's a sort of tribal aspect to these sorts of relationships. Jon and I are--as the 44th President so coined--'ride or die' but that doesn't mean that we can't feel strongly for other people." He shrugs. "And we have an understanding of the fact that we can act on those emotions--with the explict instruction that we talk to each other."

    He pauses. "I'm willing to let this one slide since... there was a lot of extenuating circumstances involved. You both went through trauam together. Work together. And you've never been in this sort of thing in any capacity so... it makes sense if there's a bit of wiggle room involved." Another sip of his tea before he pours another cup and mixes it properly.

Cael Becker has posed:
    "Well... I'm just glad I didn't hurt you or Jon," Cael answers, giving a shrug of her shoulders. "Because like I said, I don't want that. I knew kissing him was wrong, and I hadn't meant for things to happen like that - but they did, and there's no excuse. You can't 'accidentally' kiss someone's husband." From her lap there's a quiet squeaking song as Bear gnaws at his toy - earning a few strokes from Cael.
    "Honestly, both times I kissed him - it was the same thing. We were talking about Michael. We were both upset. He was scared of what's ahead of him. I- Fuck, Martin, I'd do anything to stop Jon from having to go through what I went through, and I didn't want him to be scared, or in pain, and I- ...kissed him. I stopped as soon as I realized what I'd done."

Martin Blackwood has posed:
    Martin smiles softly. "I understand that. Like I said, trauma does a lot to bond people together. I've seen it happen on the team. Kathleen--one of the EMTs on the crew I ride with--her new girlfriend is someone she saved from a pretty horrific car accident. Natalie's husband was someone she saved when he was a victim of a hit and run."

    He sips his tea again. "Don't... freak out about it anymore. Okay? Just... I'm okay with it. You freaking out every time is going to confuse the hell out of him probably... so just... be yourself. However that means." He shrugs. "I won't mind. I want you both to be happy. Okay?

Cael Becker has posed:
    "I haven't been," Cael promises. "I mean, he said you were okay with it, and I took him at his word. Jon doesn't really strike me as someone who'd lie about something like that - plus it would be pretty fucking stupid, and he's many things, including (occasionally) an idiot, but he isn't //fucking stupid//." She flashes Martin a brief smile, and she does seem to be relaxing by small degrees. Maybe it was because she'd said the things she'd needed to say. Maybe Martin had managed to reassure her. Maybe it was petting the dog. ...could be all three.
    "I know he's going to need us both to get through everything that's ahead of him. I'm trying to get well enough to be there for him. Hell, //he's// trying to get me well enough, you know?" She finally finishes off her tea, and sets the cup aside - so she can rub at Bear's head with both hands.

Martin Blackwood has posed:
    Martin nods. "He can be at times" he agrees to Jon's occasional idiocy, with a smile. He sips his tea and sets it down in front of him again. "I aprreciate this... I really do and I... am honored that you are being so honest with me about... well, everything."

    He sobers some and nods. "He will. And we'll be there so he gets through it, no matter what." He grins at the woman and seems like he wants to add a gesture to solidify their combined will but he's not sure what gesture would be appropriate in the circumstances. Indecision wars on his face.

Cael Becker has posed:
    "Well. ...if we can't trust each other, someone's going to get hurt. And that'll hurt Jon, and that'll hurt me..." Cael shrugs, and then shakes her head. "I may keep some things to myself, but if I think you need to hear it, I'll tell you... And I don't intend to ever lie to you. Good enough deal?" She asks - solving Martin's indecision by offering him one of her hands. Sure, it may be a bit formal - but she doesn't warm up to hugs easily.
    "He'll get through it," she agrees in a quiet voice - almost sounding like she's trying to convince herself - perhaps because she is. Jon keeps saying he won't stay dead - but it's such a ridiculous promise to make.
    "I, uh- there's something I've been meaning to ask Jon, but with all we've been going through, it never really seemed like the time. ...Martin, what happened to Lyra?"

Martin Blackwood has posed:
    Martin nods and then freezes at the question. A deep grief settles over his features. Pain that has healed but never truly goes away. "She... died. She died when the frost giants attacked. Our apartment was in the battle zone. I wasn't there, I was with the rest of SHIELD, trying to recapture Loki. Jon was getting her out."

    His expression seems to shift to something off in the distance. He's looking at the past. His past. His most painful memory. "He was with her when they attacked. One of the blasts... it hit her. She was dead before her body slammed into the wall, they said. At least it was quick."

    A tear drops down his cheek. "I wasn't there. I couldn't protect my little girl. My leg was crushed under rubble during our defense. And... and that was it..." he blinks out another tear. "When I woke up the Avengers had pushed back Loki's army. I was in the hospital. And Lyra was had been dead for over 24 hours."

    He swallows. "It... it almost drove Jon and I apart. I... I at first blamed him. Stupid, I know. But it was projection. I was blaming him outwardly because I was blaming myself inwardly." He sighs and looks down. "We're stronger now for it. The least we can do to honor her."

Cael Becker has posed:
    Cael's expression slowly changes to as kind and concerned a face as Martin's likely to have ever seen on her as he tells the story. Bear lets out a quiet whine, and Cael gives the pup a nudge away from her, prompting the big white creature to sniff cautiously as Martin's leg before nudging him with his head.
    "Shit, Martin, that's... well. It's fuckin' awful. I'm sorry, I don't really know what else to say, but- well. Thank you for telling me, and I'm glad the two of you made it through - together." She lets out a heavy sigh, as she lets her dog do the heavy work of reaching out to Martin, and trying to comfort him.
    "Jon talks of her sometimes, and I felt like I should know, but - with everything going on, I've been afraid to ask. I guess maybe it's for the best that I didn't.
    "I'm sorry you both lost her. It isn't right. ...there's nothing harder than losing the people you love."

Martin Blackwood has posed:
    Martin takes the dog's offer and pets it softly. "No. It's good that you know..." he says. "If you're going to reveal your... hangups in this endeavor. Only fair that I reveal mine too, right?" he asks giving the woman a soft smile.

    He shakes his head. "You're right it isn't. But it's there and the most we can do continue living." He smiles a bit sadly. "I stopped keeping kosher afterward. Angry at God for not saving her... foolish, but it is what it is. I still haven't gone back to it. Bacon-cheeseburgers are too good to pass up. I will honor God in other ways if I must." He grins, a bit of the cheer coming back into him.

Cael Becker has posed:
    "...I don't think much of God," Cael answers Martin quietly. "Definitely not after everything that's happened. That he lets Michael do these things..." She shakes her head - a hint of her frustration showing through.
    "I'm sorry I never got to meet her. I actually have a bit of a soft spot for kids - and I bet she'd have been a pretty amazing woman.
    "Anyways. Thanks for telling me, and thanks for looking after Jon for now. I..." She gives Martin a sheepish look. "Don't really know what else to say. I'm not very good at heartfelt conversations."

Martin Blackwood has posed:
    Martin smiles and puts a hand on her arm. "That you came to talk to me was good enough, Cael. Really." He gives the arm a soft squeeze and lets her go. He looks at the tea and nods. "I think that's good for now."

    "We'll get throgh this. I'll be in touch about Bucoda and you don't be a stranger if you can. I might be at the station a bit more but," he reaches into his pocket and produces his phone. "I have my phone on me nothing keeps me from sending texts or taking calls."

    He sobers a bit. "It's going to be alright. Trust me. And trust Jon." He says pushing himself to his feet to take the tea set to the kitchen to clean it off.

Cael Becker has posed:
    Bear follows Martin halfway to the kitchen as the man rises - his tail wagging. He stops and goes back to Cael when she rises as well, though, stopping at her side, and gazing up at her.
    "I'm trying to. I'm trying to have faith in all of us - to really believe we're going to make it through all of this." What other choice do they have? "Anyways. Thanks, for-" For what? 'For sharing your husband'? 'For not freaking out'? "....for everything."
    "She starts towards the door as she adds, "I'm glad you like the teapot. And - well. Give Jon a hug for me?" she asks. "He really doesn't have to come every morning if he's busy. I'll find a way to deal."

Martin Blackwood has posed:
    Martin stops rinsing out the cups and pot before giving Cael a flat look. "Stop it. He'll visit you... if for no other reason that I force him to." He shakes his head and resumes. "He needs to see you Cael. To remind him what he's fighting for."

    He sets the cups and pot on a drying rack near the sink and moves to dry off his hands. "Step one of this sort of thing. I'm married to Jon but you're just as important. No third wheels in this. Okay?" he asks giving her an arch look that brokered no argument. "And if you're ever feeling... neglected. -Say something.- Communication is paramount in this on all fronts."

Cael Becker has posed:
    Cael stops near the door, looking taken-aback, and a little surprised by Martin's words - as if it hadn't occured to her that Jon might need their time together as much as she does (because it hasn't). And the thought that Martin might be encouraging him to go... Rather than responding to that, though, she says instead, "I don't feel neglected. I feel... even with all the shit we're going through, it feels nice."
    'Nice.' Clearly Cael's the sort who's unused to describing her feelings. Who else does that describe?
    "I guess I'll see Jon in the morning, then. But give him that hug from me anyways, yeah?"

Martin Blackwood has posed:
    Martin nods. "Will do. Sleep well, Cael. I'll make a note to throw your toy for you next time, Bear. Sorry for not getting the hint this time." He offers a wave to the pair of them before he goes to finish his packing. He -would- make sure to give Jon the hug from Cael as soon as he sees him. It is the least he can do for the woman at this early juncture of discourse between them.