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After the Action
Date of Scene: 24 January 2022
Location: Carter-Sousa Home - Long Island
Synopsis: After the fight with the Angel, Peggy and Daniel finally come back to their house to lick some wounds (or talk about the lack there of wounds).
Cast of Characters: Daniel Sousa, Peggy Carter

Daniel Sousa has posed:
That had been perhaps the strangest battle of their lives, but it wasn't going to be their last, they'd survived and made it home once they were sure the injured had been taken to safety no portal evacs needed to let them escape with their lives. Indeed only Daniel seemed to take any injuries and those were from falling brick and glass, which left minor wounds on his arms and back but nothing more serious, though by the time they reached home after the debriefings at the Triskelion they had begun to ache.

Stepping in from the garage, Daniel looks over to Peggy. "Is it rude if I have a drink right now?" seeing as she couldn't have one.

Peggy Carter has posed:
There is a heaviness about Peg after the battle. A worry, a guilt, and a tired thoughtfulness about her. She knows that if it wasn't for the Angel's interference, she'd probably be dead. Not just child gone, but herself as well, completely. She knows how close they came and she hasn't quite been able to look him in the eye. Fortunately, they had a lot of reports to give and recovery to help manage. It's well into the early hours of the morning by the time they get home.

"Not at all, god. I'd join you if I could, but please, have one for both of us. The only thing I ask is... let me see your back? I know it still hurts. I know you hit the ground hard, and there were more wounded. But... let me take care of you?" Peggy asks softly, worry behind her exhausted dark eyes.

Daniel Sousa has posed:
"Will do," Daniel says with a tired smile about the drink and when she offers to help him with his back he begins to shake his head but the way she phrased it and the look in her eyes makes him relent. "Sure thing, where do you want me Peg?" he asks her as he moves to the liquor cabinet to pour himself a drink.

"Are you alright?" he asks her, as he pours whiskey into a glass. "I should have asked sooner, but I think my brain checked out and left town a couple of hours ago."

Peggy Carter has posed:
"I... I'm fine. Not a scratch. I got... lucky. That one Angel, you...heard what it said?" Maybe he didn't. Maybe he was too far away. Peggy's not certain, maybe he didn't even catch wind of what happened. Not that she can hide it from him. It's clearly been weighing on her mind. She steps after him, pausing a moment to catch his hand and turn hi back her direction to pull him into a desperate, firm kiss. Something reassuring they are both still alive. In one piece. Fine after the hell they went through.

"I'm fine. Truly. I'm...sorry I put you through that." She whispers against his lips after the kiss breaks.

Daniel Sousa has posed:
@emit Daniel shakes his head. "I just noticed he wasn't letting anything hit you, didn't have time to ask why," he says. "The whole battle was bizarre," he says before she pulls him into that kiss and he's happily lost in it until it breaks and Peggy is apologizing to him. :"I decided to come along, remember, we both own the blame. It was crazy and I-" he can't finish the sentence. "Anyhow we both made it back and so did the team, that's a win right?" he says not sounding too sure of the statement..

Peggy Carter has posed:
"It's a win. It is." Peggy reassures him quietly. She even mostly believes that, even if her chest is a jumble of emotions and she still hasn't really managed to get her heartrate to calm after everything. Hell, she's still wearing the nano-mesh tac suit. There hasn't been any time to change or do anything but clean up yet.

She kisses him one more time. Briefly, this time, before letting go and pulling back enough he can finish pouring his drink. "Get your drink. Bring the bottle if you want. Bathroom, then. Out of these clothes and in light where I can see how bad it is. I knew I should have drug you to medical after the reports, you stubborn... Stubborn man." She's somewhat teasing on that last little bit. She knows they share their stubborn streak and she is just as bad. She still doesn't fully explain what the angel said, though. She seems more worried about his wounds.

Daniel Sousa has posed:
Daniel pours his drink then bottle in hand follows Peggy to the bathroom "If you let medical at me then I wouldn't be able to have this," he says grinning and holding up his glass.The grin doesn't last long as he flinches pulling off his shirt exposing his back when the bloody garment is tossed towards the trash. On closer inspection it looks worse than it is, the blood of a dozen little cuts pooling on his shirt to appear like a much bigger wound. Though judging by the sickly yellow hue of his back already turning purple in some places, he got his share of bruising too. "Where do you want me?" he asks,

Peggy Carter has posed:
As Peggy sees the back of his shirt, she let out a short breath. "Oh, god... Daniel. Your back. We... Shit. We should have seen medical." Peggy sounds like she might be willing to drive him back there right now, but she gets that she might be overreacting. She takes in a steadying breath, staring to run the water in the sink so it can come up to a warm temperature as she pulls the medical kit out from under the sink and grabbing out the various supplies she needs to start cleaning out his back.

"You're better at these stitches than I am, you know. I might leave a scar. You sure you're up for my playing nursemaid?" Peggy asks as she begins scrubbing her hands pretty fiercely, making certain there is none of the street mess left on her flesh before she starts cleaning out his back. "Uh..probably backwards on the toilet. You can balance the drink on the back there and keep it close."

Daniel Sousa has posed:
Shaking his head "I'll be okay Peggy, I'd rather take the scars than be socked away in medical right now," he says with a glance back to her, reaching out his hand to her. "I just want to be home right now, with you," he says before doing as she says straddling the toilet and putting the glass down on the tank, before leaning forward with a groan as his back muscles shift and flex to make it happen. "Just patch me up as good as you can, if I need it I can see medical tomorrow."

Peggy Carter has posed:
"This is going to sting like hell, my love." Peggy's voice is apologetic. For as many times as he's sewn her up and she's said it's fine, she hates doing the same for him. Hates knowing that what she's doing will hurt him, even if it's to heal him. She leans over to kiss his dark hair for a moment and then starts reaching for the clean cloth, so she can start irrigating the wounds on his back. First she'll get the blood off, then she'll start picking out any debris. Then they can worry about cleaning and stitching.

She uses a lot of water, and then the more stinging antiseptic to get the worst of the drying blood off. She lets it drip down into a towel she's wrapped over his lower back so it doesn't completely muss the bathroom floor. "I love you. How...how bad was that for you? There were... a lot of explosions. I know it was a lot. I know. You can... talk to me about it, you know?"

Daniel Sousa has posed:
Daniel grits his teeth and nods. "Go for it," he tells her reaching back to put a hand on one of hers and squeeze confirming his words with that simple gesture.

Daniel is silent at first, thinking before he answered. "It was pretty bad in a couple places, not going to lie, when the Throne used his shockwave attack and when I heard it die, both times I just wanted to curl up and scream until everything went away. I pulled it together, got through the fight but when the wounded were being evacuated I found a corner and threw up. It's always been like that though my brain will turn things off and let me function in the chaos but there's always a price afterwards, I shake, I cry, I throw up sometimes." He looks back at her, "I'm not looking forward to sleep either, dead tired as I am, I know it's going to be a rough night."

Peggy Carter has posed:
As Peggy works on his back, she can't but help to want to touch him more. But her hands are clean and his hair isn't, so she leans forward to kiss the side of his neck where there are no injuries, her breath gentle against his skin, warm and even for a moment. "I'm... so sorry I pulled you into that. I love you and if... if you don't ever want to go out there again, you don't have to. Not with this... Mess." Even if she knows that might kill them both too. Neither of them are good at sticking back. That's why they were there in the first place.

She straightens up again and then returns to cleaning out his back. "These wounds aren't... so bad. Lots of little ones, nothing near so big as I figured. I need to get a little glass out of your shoulder but you might even get away without stitches." She reassures him. She then grabs at the tweezers, so she can start picking the glass and dirt out of his skin. "These bruises are going to be awful..."

Daniel Sousa has posed:
The kiss and the feel of Peggy's breath against his neck eases some of the tension he's carrying. "You didn't pull me into anything I volunteered. And if I'm needed, I'll go back, I'm not going to leave things half finished."

He looks back at her,"And I'm not going to leave you to go out there alone."

He nods about his wounds, "Going to be?" he says wryly about his bruises, "They're pretty awful now," he tells her. Then looking back to find her eyes with his own he asks her, "How are you holding up? And what was the deal with that angel?"

Peggy Carter has posed:
While Peggy was slightly avoiding talking about it all, she can't avoid a direct question. She sighs quietly, letting her head sink forward. She rests her cheek against the top of his head for a heartbeat or two before she straightens up and goes to his back again. "Do you want...Advil? I think you can have that and still drink. Or an asprin, at least. I might have some numbing things deep in that med kit. Anything to make the night more bearable." She then takes a breath. She knows she's dodging now.

"And the Angel, it... I was almost hit. Hell, Daniel. I should have been hit. It stepped in front of me at the last second and took the blast from the Throne so I didn't. It... it said the blessings of the womb wouldn't be touched or harmed in this battle. So, in essense... The angels can't touch me. It's ... divinely ruled."

Daniel Sousa has posed:
"Advil or asprin, either's fine," Daniel says, before taking a big pull from his glass. He doesn't push the question he waits for Peggy to answer in her own time. When she does he blinks. "Wow..." he says taking it all in, "Wait the beam from the Throne I killed the one that blew up?" he asks at first. "And what do you mean? They aren't allowed to harm you?"

Peggy Carter has posed:
There's that heavy silence from her again, so similiar to the uncomfortable silences that occurred in the conversation about them going in the first place. The ones where Peggy is chewing over the things she doesn't want to think about but knows she has to face. She starts on the second of the glass embedded wounds, tossing each little piece into the sink basin be cleaned and tossed out later.

"I don't know if it was from the one you killed or... the other Throne, but yes. One of those beams. It was... very close. One of the Angels stepped in and took it. Said basically that an unborn child is God's gift and will not be harmed during this conflict. So... exactly that. They aren't allowed to harm me, or this baby." But she only knows that because she nearly died. It explains why there isn't a scratch on her, though.

Daniel Sousa has posed:
Daniel just looks back and stares for a moment before taking a swallow of his drink. "Shit Peg, I almost killed you both," he says with a nod to her stomach. He lets the magnitude of that sit with himself for a moment, "I'm sorry if the beam was from the one I killed... and I'm glad they saved you...even if the reason's sort... hard to wrap my head around."

Peggy Carter has posed:
"We don't *know that*, Daniel. We don't. It very likely was from the other one and, even if not... What did you say before we went out there? What did you make me promise?" Peggy stops with the cleaning, resting a warm washcloth against the most stinging of the wounds to give that area of his back a bit of soothing as she leans down and around his shoulder, trying to catch his eyes from the slightly difficult position.

"We share this responsibility. You made me promise that, so you have to promise it too. Don't you *dare* let your brain go there. Don't dwell. Understood?" Peggy's not even addressing the second half of this until she seels some of that tension go out of his eyes.

Daniel Sousa has posed:
Looking back at Peggy, Daniel sighs, "Peg..." searching for something to fight back with, he comes up dry. "I promise," he tells her grudgingly. "I won't let my mind go there," he says, going quiet for a moment before reaching for the closest of her hands, the grudging nature of his words giving way to the unvarnished truth. "I'm just glad you're safe, that's all that really matters."

Peggy Carter has posed:
Even though she'll have to scrub up again if he takes her hand, Peggy lets him. The reassurance is more important than keeping a totally clean surface area. There is always more soap. She takes his palm tightly while leaning over and down, trying to steal a kiss against the side of his mouth without brushing against any of his wounded back. It's not an easy challenge, but she does manage.

"I am. And the baby is safe too... and it seems I can come and go from this fight as I please. I've got... protections. That's a GOOD thing. I might even be able to help more. But... nothing bad happen. The worst is your poor back and I'm doing my best with it. Even if someone has mucked up my hand so I'll have to scrub all over again." Peggy grins.

Daniel Sousa has posed:
Daniel is more than happy to accept the kiss no matter what sort of contortionist act is required to make it happen.

"I'm not going to argue with the protection, or even using it against them like we did," he says. War was war, you either fought to win or you usually ended up losing. "Just glad we've got one less thing to worry about, y'know, other than some jerk mucking up your hand while you're trying to tend to their wounds," he says letting a grin onto his features for the first time since the fight.

Peggy Carter has posed:
An amused smirk crosses her lips in response to his grin, even as she remains half leaned over him, maybe lingering closer for another kiss. "Those ordinance boys, always such a mess and so much trouble. Blow everything up and then they expect you to put'em back together AND dirty up your hands while you're doing it!" Peggy winks at him, stealing one more kiss before pulling his hand up to her mouth, kissing those knuckles as well. Then she gently lets him go, turning on the sink with her elbow and starting to scrub up again.

"But... yes. I'm safe. The baby is safe. At least, from anything happening in Manhattan. And that's a...wide miracle. I'm not even certain WHAT to do with that information yet."

Daniel Sousa has posed:
Daniel chuckles and shakes his head, "None of them have any class," he says with a smile. "And all those explosions just scramble their brains."

His knuckles kissed he lets his finger brush against Peggy's cheek as he lowers his hand.

"It takes a lot of the pressure off, and gives you a pass to be out in the field as much as you need to be. I mean we don't know much about these so-called angels but they don't seem like the type to break their word do they?" he asks mostly rhetorically.

Peggy Carter has posed:
"No. It... uh, whatever these things consider 'god', it seems to have come from that higher level of things. An order. So, I think they will follow and listen. I'll be safe. I'll still be careful, and honestly, maybe they don't need me out there. But... I'll take the win where I can find it." Peggy relaxes just a bit more as he doesn't protest her going back into the field. He seems to even be on her side about it. She comes back to him, kissing the top of his head a she dries her hands off on a clean cloth and then starts at his back again.

"How bad's the pain...?" She asks softly, pulling back that washcloth to see what is still bleeding.

Daniel Sousa has posed:
"Huh," Daniel says about it being an order from God, or these angels' version of God anyhow, before laughing a little, "Guess my mom was right huh? Having a family *is* a sacred duty," he teases knowing how much his mother needled them about when they'd start a family.

Accepting the kiss on his head, he says, "Sounds like you're free to go whenever you need to since you've got a free pass, I'm sure the troops would like to see you out there."

As for the pain, he says, "Stings in places, aches in places but between the pills and the drink it's feeling a bit better." There's not too many spots where's bleeding freely now, and most of the glass is gone as well. "Question is, you want to me to come with you? I assume the protection doesn't extend to me."

Peggy Carter has posed:
A little groan escapes her lips at the mention of his mother, "That is... pretty much what the angel said. I mean, must the *duty* part. But that it is sacred and treasured and all that. I'm hearing your mother's voice now. She'd be SO damn happy. She's somewhere, up there, telling us she 'Told us so' from heaven, you know? I swear I'm hearing her voice."Peggy laughs a bit. It's a happy little sound, and the thought of his mother's voice.

"But... seriously. She would be happy for us, you know? After... everything. All this time." Then she goes quiet, focusing on getting the last few bits of glass out of his back. She knows she's so close to being done, and then they can both relax. It also means she doesn't have to immediately answer him. It's not for a long time, the last bit of glass put in the skin, before she finally speaks.

"I want you there... and it clearly doesn't banged up as you are already, and I... Don't want you there. I'm bloody terrified to put you out there again. And I know that's not... fair of me."

Daniel Sousa has posed:
Daniel's whole body shakes with barely contained but much needed laughter until he lets out an "Ouch" as the shaking pulls on wounds and bruised flesh. "Probably right," he says about the 'I told you so' "Hell knowing her, she's probably the one giving the orders up there these days," he jokes lightly before nodding. "She would be happy for us though, the children, us still being alive and *very* happy, all of it."

"I understand," Daniel says without anger. "To be fair if I hadn't blown up my flamethrower, that Throne would have had me dead to rights... it's hard to shake..." he admits. "This war business was a lot easier when I was younger, dumber and more or less single," he says with a shake of his head. "I'm still willing to go, but I'm willing to pick my battles, come out when my being there is really going to count."

Peggy Carter has posed:
"Mm. More or less single? Is there some girl who was pining for you during the war and I wasn't aware? What's this... more or less, Daniel Sousa?" Peggy asks, teasing him gently, but she is rather curious. Neither of them spoke overly much, even in the beginning, about how they both got where they were. They talked about the war, injuries, the battle front, but not before that.

"I'll...take that as a good compromise. I'm never going to order you to stay home but... Picking your battles is a smart choice. I'll do the same, honestly. They were doing fine without us. I'm still not... invincible. I still get tired. I promise I won't be rushing out there every night." And with that, she starts putting the antibacterial salve on any of his open woulds, the cream far more soothing than anything else she was doing to his back before. It's almost bandage time!

Daniel Sousa has posed:
"Wow... walked right into that one huh?" Daniel smiles Peggy pulls on that dangling 'more or less single' thread. "There was a girl back then, Anne, my high school sweetheart, friend of my family, everyone loved her, except maybe me, I thought I did, but after high school, I kept making her wait, college, interning at my Uncle John's office, then the war. Got sick of waiting in '45, which is more than I deserved, fell head over heels for a 4F, wrote me a letter, just happened to find me in the hospital." He shrugs, it's all water under the bridge. "She hoped I'd find someone who made me feel like she did about her new fellow," he turns a smile to Peggy. "And it seems like I did."

As to the other business he nods. "Sounds like a good compromise," he agrees for the both of us. "Not going to lie and say I'm not terrified of going out there, or losing you but, that never really stopped us before," he says putting a brave face on at the end, the terror was there but he's intent on pushing through it.

Peggy Carter has posed:
"You know... I'd like to say I'm surprised, but some of me always... Knew. Of course you had a high school sweetheart. And even when you went out to California, that Violet girl. You always had the good, sweet ones. And somehow you ended up with *me*, nothing but trouble, dragging you off into war again," she murmurs softly, as she finishes taping down the last of the big bandages. She's not wasting a tone of little bandaids on a thousand cuts. It'll be easier to change these out later, anyway.

As she lays the last bit of tape in place, Peggy leans forward and presses a kiss along the top muscle of his left shoulder. "All done. I don't know if you'll be sleeping on your back, tonight, but at least the sheets won't be bloody."

Daniel Sousa has posed:
"Maybe what I was looking for all that time was trouble?" Daniel teases. "And that's why we work so well," he grabs her hand and kisses it, before he stops mucking with Peggy's attempts to bandage him up.

A pleased noise meets that kiss on his shoulder. "Definitely a front sleeper tonight," Daniel assures her, "But thanks Peg, I feel better now that I'm all patched up and not leaking all over the place." He turns with a bit of a flinch at the pain as he leans over to steal a proper kiss from Peggy's lips.

Peggy Carter has posed:
"Mmm... slow, slow. Take it slow. I didn't have to stitch anything and don't twist enough that I might have to afterwards. Besides, I'd put some money on and least tw of those ribs being cracked. We're just going to take it easy and slow for a few days. Alright?" Peggy looks down to him, the teasing in her eyes eclipsed by the raw worry there, at hearing the sound of pain on her husband's lips. It's been a long time since she watched him in pain. She doesn't like it.

She does return that kiss softly, leaning over so he doesn't have to move too much to reach her. "And... let your trouble girl take care of you for once. What else do you need tonight?"

Daniel Sousa has posed:
"Probably not wrong," Daniel grits out about his ribs. "Slow it is," he promises willingly, the pain of his injuries likely enough to keep him from overreaching, at least right now. "Hmm, help me to bed, and stay up with me until we fall asleep? I just want to know my 'trouble girl' is close right now, and enjoy all of us being home and safe."

Peggy Carter has posed:
"I think I can manage it. God knows I want out of these clothes," Peggy mutters, still left in part of her armor and her tactical under gear. Good for the field, bad for being comfortable. She tosses away the very last few bits of trash from the clean up of his wounds and then washes her hands one last time. She drives them off and then just starts stripping right then and there, next to the clothes hamper in the bathroom. Wearing clothes, she doesn't look much different, but out of clothes she is definitely softer than she used to be, with a faint outwards curve of stomach where she was fairly flat muscle.

Daniel Sousa has posed:
"Good to hear," Daniel says chuckling about the clothes. "Go change, I need to get these pants off too," he says using the wall to stand and following Peggy into the bedroom to sit on the bed and change from his tactical pants to soft flannel pyjama ones, his eyes mostly on Peggy as he does. "Come here," he says once he's got the pyjama ones on. "Our kid is really coming along fast, need to thank them for helping out today."

Peggy Carter has posed:
Peg does manage out of her shirt, the tactical slacks, basically everything but her black sports bra and the compression shorts she wears under the body armor to make it all fit more comfortably. She arches a brow as he asks her to come over, but does step in his direction, smiling a bit wider. "Mm. Yes. I could have told you that since my favourite pants have gotten rather ... stubborn about buttoning comfortably." Peggy states with a mock crossness about her pants. She was sad to put them away for the next few months, but better than popping the button.

"And we are almost four months there, you know. Time moves quite fast these days..."

Daniel Sousa has posed:
Daniel grins. "I bet, guess that's the plus side of us being too tired to eat the first few months after our kid arrives, balances things out."

When Peggy's in front of him Daniel presses a kiss to her stomach, and leans against her for a moment, before looking up at her. "Four months already?" he says with a shake of his head. "Swear it was three yesterday," but then things have been that much of a blur. "Four to six months when they can tell if it's a boy or a girl right?" he says pulling from his memories of the Framework.

Peggy Carter has posed:
While she'll need some warmer pajamas soon, probably going to steal another set of his flannels, Peg is content to stand there in front of him mostly naked, letting him kiss against that faint swell of her stomach. She reaches her hand up, combing fingertips back through his dark hair, smoothing it away from his forehead.

"It was three three weeks ago." Peggy teases him gently. "And... yes. Probably in the next month or two. Do you... want to tell early? You don't want to be surprised?" She asks, brows arching, a little surprised at the thought that he'd want to know.

Daniel Sousa has posed:
Daniel 'mmms' softly against Peggy's stomach as she brushes his hair from his brow.

Her question has him looking up. "Part of me does, part of me doesn't... on one hand we can find out and we couldn't before, but at the same time there's something about finding out at the hospital... or well the delivery room," that was another change from the last time they did that fathers were encouraged rather than banned from the delivery room during the birth. "Assuming you want me in there with you?" he asks lightly. "I could just drive May gently insane in the waiting room," he teases.

Peggy Carter has posed:
Peg closes her eyes quietly as he leans against her stomach. She just settles there, arms wrapped around his back hugging him against her quietly. She rests her cheek ontop of his hair, breathing in deeply of his scent, even still slightly sweaty from the fight and mixed with antiseptic from all the cleaning that she did. Somehow, that makes him smell more like home than being fresh out of a shower.

"I mean, I am... certainly not going to stop you from being there. I'd rather like your hand to hold onto, if you are up for it, but... It's a lot of screaming. And some blood. And other... things. If you'd rather stay outside, I *do* understand..." She's mostly teasing about that. Especially since she remembers, in a life that never was, him being there three other times. "You do have time to decide."

Daniel Sousa has posed:
Daniel too breathes in Peggy's scent and just enjoys the moment of closeness, so very different than the chaos of the battle.

Daniel's chuckle is a warm rumble against Peggy's stomach. "Think I'm going to let my trouble girl go through that all on her own? Especially since I helped get her in this bit of trouble myself," he says glancing up with a grin. "I'll be there Peg, for all of it, no time to decide needed."

Peggy Carter has posed:
"Well then, you will get to take all the blame in my worst moments as well, when I'm screaming to high heavens and cannot believe you would ever do this to me again. Normally, I'm just cursing you out behind your back." Peggy admits, though teasingly, she probably has said a few choice things about the institute of marriage and husbands in the delivery room before. She turns her head, pressing a few more kisses against his temple and the edge of his ear. "Now, are you going to let me get changed or are we sleeping like this?"

Daniel Sousa has posed:
Laughing, Daniel says, "That's blame I'm willing to take," Daniel tells her with a grin, before turning his head for those kisses, smiling. "I suppose" he says drawing out the word before planting another kiss against her stomach before letting go of her waist. Then, more seriously, he looks up at her saying, "Love you Peg, glad we made it back."

Peggy Carter has posed:
"Oh, no, take your time, I'm perfectly comfortable standing here half naked in the middle of winter." Peggy teases him gently, their house isn't TOO drafty, but it's definitely an older house and she's going to greatly enjoy crawling under the covers when she finally manages to get the rest of these things off. Without any clothes, it's clear she really didn't even take a bruise during the battle. They got very lucky.

"I love you too, Daniel. This is the life we chose. It... I can't always promise we're going to make it home. I know that and I...hate that. But I know we're always going to do everything in the world to come right back here. And that... That's what matters." Peggy gives him a softer smile, then moves to strip off the rest of her things, just pulling on one of his pajama bottoms before crawling into bed, goose bumps all across her skin.

Daniel Sousa has posed:
Daniel laughs arms halfway withdrawn from Peggy's waist only to make them go slower for half a second before letting her go entirely. He does note the lack of bruises as she strips and it's a welcome sight as he slowly slides himself back on the bed and gets on to the side with the fewest cuts, bruises and cracked ribs."I hate it too, but we'll manage, it's not like it's in either of us to run from danger when other people are running towards it."

When Peggy crawls in to join him flesh covered in goosebumps he pulls her close with a slight groan at the effort rubbing her up and down her arms and back trying to get her a little bit warmer,"If I wasn't being held together with bandages, stitches, aspirin and whiskey, I'd have some other ideas on how we could get warm but this will have to do," he tells her with a smile.

Peggy Carter has posed:
"You need *sleep*, mister... Rest and healing, not *warming* ideas." Peggy grins to him. She allows herself to be tugged down into the bed with him. She'll settle on her back, letting him drape over top of her and adjust to be as comfortable as possible not on his back. She's having to be careful herself about where she puts her hands, not wanting to brush against injury or bruises. She lets her fingertips rest on the lower part of his hips intead.

"Just get comfortable. I'm here. I'm not going anywhere. We don't have to be up in the morning. Maybe I'll even make you breakfast, for once. I think I can manage some eggs." The grin can be heard in her voice.

Daniel Sousa has posed:
Daniel chuckles. "Can't help it, you bring it out of me," he grins back at her.

When she settles back he drapes himself carefully over her, taking care not to undo any of her work in the process.

Settled he smiles against her shoulder at the idea of her making him breakfast. "I dunno had more than a few close ones today, sure we want to risk something even more dangerous tomorrow?" he teases, before adding. "Remember I'm injured, no swatting," he says with a grin.

Peggy Carter has posed:
"Oh, you're going to milk this for ALL it's worth, aren't you? No swatting, hmm? Then I suppose you have to put up with eggs. Come on. I have managed more dangerous. Let me take care of you, for once. I'm certain you will pay it back in spades over the next few months." Peggy murmurs into his hair. She only leans away just enough to reach over and pull the chain on the lamp next to the bed. It leaves them in gentle darkness other than the streetlights outside. She then fully settles into the pillow, letting him curl up against her. "Get some rest. You need anything, you wake me. I'm just... glad you came home to me. Keep it up, and everything will work out fine, alright?"

Daniel Sousa has posed:
"Darn right I am, it's been a while since I've taken a wound in action, got to get all I can from it while I can," Daniel assures her before nodding. "Well, if you're going to put it that way I suppose you can look after me," he teases before she turns off the light and leaves them in the dim light of their bedroom at night time. "Happy to let you take care of me," he tells her softly."And I'll wake you if I need anything."

The rest of what Peggy says has him press a kiss to her shoulder. "I will, you do the same, divine protection or not, okay?"

Peggy Carter has posed:
"I will, my love. I will." Peggy doesn't promise she always will, she knows better than to say forever aloud, but the tone is in her voice. She kisses his hair one more time and then settles into the darkness, letting her breath even out slowly, but not entirely. She's going to stay up, listening to him and waiting for him to fall asleep before she lets herself.

Daniel Sousa has posed:
That unspoken forever is heard in Peggy's tone and Daniel presses another kiss to her shoulder in thanks for it. Then as she settles so does he, shifting a little at first to get comfortable before a long day, the easing of his pain and Peggy's close presence lull him off to sleep.