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  Plastic Man  
Patrick O'Brian (Scenesys ID: 3809)
Name: Patrick "Eel" O'Brian
Superalias: Plastic Man
Gender: Male
Species: Metahuman
Occupation: Nightclub Manager / Superhero
Citizenship: American
Residence: Metropolis
Education: The Mean Streets
Theme: DC (FC)
Apparent Age: 31 Actual Age: 31
Date of Birth 01 Apr 1990 Played By Ben Schwartz
Height: 6'1" (Varies) Weight: 178 lb (Varies)
Hair Color: Black Eye Color: Blue
Twitter: OnWedsWeWearPlas (V)
Theme Song:

Character Info


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Patrick "Eel" O'Brian was a petty criminal that found himself dying in a gutter after a heist to lift some valuable chemicals went awry. Given another chance after gaining incredible abilities, this malleable miracle came to be known as Plastic Man! The Pliable Paladin bounced his way to Metropolis where he attempts to juggle his civilian life as a single surrogate father figure and nightclub manager with his adventurous lifestyle as a superhero. This Just In! He's Bringing Stretchy Back.


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1990 - 2000 Patrick O'Brian was born to the likes of two crummy parents that didn't give a crap about him. They kinda' raised him but it was mostly the television. He learned some schoolin' but not much. It wasn't the best life, truth be told.

2000 - 2010: To be honest, Patrick doesn't know what happened to his parents. He knows they stopped being his parents and thus he was orphaned to the streets of Cole City. He refused to live in an orphange or anything like that. He turned to a life of crime and spent the next ten years fending for himself, learning how to be a thief and surviving the only way he knew how. Selfishly.

2011 - 2017: Patrick fell in with a group of other criminals and they combined their various talents to form their own little gang. Sammy "Suitcase" Mizzola, "Brutal" Benny Turlin, "Dizzy" Darren Fitzroy and Patrick "Eel" O'Brian; they called him "Eel" because he was such a slippery bastard. Anyway, the gang did everything from two-bit hustling to running cons and then some. They were professional thieves! And what's a professional thief without a little B&E on their record, huh?

2018: On a tip, Sammy led the gang to a chemical warehouse where they were going to pull off the heist of their lives. At least, the take was going to set them up for a long time. All Eel had to do was crack the safe, they'd collect the goods and be on their way. But there was a guard (there wasn't supposed to be a guard) and shots were fired. The guard died, Eel got shot and the stuff (some crazy chemical!) they had come to steal was spilling out all over the floor and Eel. In their escape(?), retreat(?) from the job, the gang through Eel out of the moving car and left him to die. Which he did... but not for long.

2019: Whatever that chemical substance was changed Eel. For a year he had been trying to get control of these newfound abilities and change in his physiology. He could bend, bounce, stretch, and more! He used these newfound abilities to get back at his gang, terrorizing them all and bringing them to justice as The Pliable Paladin... Plastic Man! Talk about a First Appearance, right?

2020: With his newfound plasticality, Eel moves to the Suicide Slums in Metropolis. He needs a job so he takes one as the night manager at a shady superhero themed jazzy nightclub called Superiors... mostly because there's an apartment upstairs for him to live in. This year is also when Eel met his new weird little surrogate family of Pado Swakatoon and, to a more governmental degree, Obscura.

2021: Juggling multiple lives as Patrick O'Brian the club managing single father and Plastic Man the stretchy superhero, Eel's in a constant battle with himself to keep this new leaf turned over and always try to do the right thing.

IC Journal

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Ever since becoming Plastic Man, Eel has become a much more animated figure. He's so hype and exaggerated physically that it has transferred over to his personality as well. He's not exactly seeing the world in the same way anymore and almost considers himself to be a practical joke being played on it. Now all he has to do is make everyone laugh.

In all of his guises be it Plastic Man, Eel, or Patrick O'Brian, this man is incredibly annoying. Almost to the point of being unbearable. He can't shut up, won't listen, and will push things (and other people) way too far with his antics. He honestly does not know how to not get underneath people's skin.

Eel embraces his untoward scoundrel nature and simply goes with the flow whenever he's around those that he finds to be attractive or that he may have some weird crush on. He keeps it harmless and playful but in a way that firmly proves his innate salaciousness is hard to tame. Also, who says 'cad' anymore? Seriously?

Rumor has it that since the accident, Eel's been a few fries short of a happy meal. They say his mind is all crazy because it's been rubberized so the thoughts and synapses don't work the same way they used to but he could also just be completely off his rocker. Or it's an act. One can never tell with the Plas.

Eel will never think more of himself than the scum that he is. He knows and understands his place in this world, even with his incredible abilities and will continue to be the very bottom of the barrel of heroic types to ever lace up the leotard. He's just a man that caught a lucky break that's trying not to screw up what might be his last chance.

If there's one thing that Eel's known for it is his sense of humor. Most of the time it's both inappropriate and inopportune, other times it's spot on and eviscerating with its sarcastic dry wit of a blade. It's always meant as a form of levity, though, and quite possibly the only way Eel survives the tragic life that he leads.

If there's one good thing that can be said about Eel it's that he's super loyal. Once you make a friend in O'Brian he'll try his best to come through for you. Even if you've tried to kill him and leave him on the side of the road to no longer exist. It's just part of who he is. Even to his detriment.

New Leaf:
It's hard for a professional criminal like Eel O'Brian to go straight. He's still filled with all of the same feelings that took him down this criminal path in the first place. Unlearning his distaste for societal norms to do things the right way is something that is going to take time and patience. Both things that Eel O'Brian only really has when he's on a job. This is going to be interesting.

Eel has gone farther beyond just being naive. He's fallen into the world of oblivious. He kind of doesn't really pay attention or notice things that he probably should. This is likely due to the fact that he's too busy trying to make a joke or make someone laugh or something like that. He often just misses people's points completely. He's smarter than he looks but sure doesn't act like it.

Old Soul:
There's a bit of a specificity to Eel's Old Soul. It's weird but it kind of comes out in the way he talks, dresses, and acts. There's this whole 40s gangster vibe that kind of surrounds him like he's a lost Dick Tracy villain or something. It comes across as a bit strange, potentially off-putting, but that's just the way Eel likes it.

Self Deprecating:
As far as Eel's concerned, he's trash. He's a loser, nobody should ever want to love him, and he probably should never have gotten this second chance at life. Or super powers. With all that being said, most of the time Eel does whatever he can to rag on himself and make everyone around him feel better by making himself look worse. It's just in his nature, likely something that stems from his troubled past.

Eel has always been a liar and a cheat. Old habits die hard and sometimes even Eel doesn't trust himself. He often finds himself trying to not be a scumbag that can't be trusted but the constant war within himself between his old self and his new self makes it kind of difficult. Even when he lies for the right reasons.

This is the one thing that Eel does. He tries. He's not the best at being a hero or raising a kid or anything non-criminally related, really, but he's always going to try. In spite of all of his faults and all of his failures, Patrick "Eel" O'Brian, aka Plastic Man, is going to try his hardest to be better, save the day, or whatever else comes his way.

Character Sheet


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Due to the change in his molecular structure and inherent physiology, Plastic Man is now the textbook example of Anti-Physics. His body no longer really reacts to the world in the same as as it did. He shrugs off the laws of physics in a way that make him almost cartoonish, for example turning himself into a rocket and blasting off or turning his hand into a shark and actually biting through solid steel. Practical laws of science are inefficient when Plastic Man is involved.

Plastic Man is capable of stretching his limbs and appendages, as well as his body as a whole, to beyond superhuman lengths and sizes. The limitations of his stretchiness are incalculable. His incredible control over his molecular structure and the elasticity of his body makes him incredibly formidable in this area and one of the more well-versed beings of this type.

Since becoming the Pliable Paladin, Plastic Man does not age. Nor does he actually need to breathe or any other functions of the normal human body. He can exist in hostile environments, indefinitely, without the need for the usual life survival tactics.

Plastic Man's body has been augmented to extraordinary levels due to the plasticity of it. Even his internal organs have been rubberized. He's capable of withstanding corrosives, punctures, and concussive based attacks. He's resistant to high velocity impacts, energy weapon blasts and bullets are not even on his radar. His body and mass can be dispersed, during times that he is stunned or surprised, it remains at a high level of invulnerability.

Limited Regeneration:
It is possible for Plastic Man to regenerate lost and damaged tissue, though it takes a long time. It will, however, be faster than if a mortal attempted the same thing. This is, perhaps, due to the fact that it is so hard for his body to actually be damaged that it would naturally take quite some time to fix what was managed to be broken on his body in the first place.

Malleable Physiology:
Since his entire genetic code was rewritten by a freak accident, Patrick O'Brian has become the Pliable Paladin: Plastic Man! His entire body has been transformed, allowing him to exist in a strange fluid state that is neither fully liquid or fully solid. This accident has given Eel total and complete control over his entire molecular structure which allows him to perform a variety of tricks or stunts.

Plastic Man doesn't necessarily see the world in black and white and whatever else it comes in. In fact, he tends to see things through his goggles in a more cartoonish and exaggerated manner. This gives him a more exaggerated perception of the world around him. Which may, at times, give him a different insight into situations than those with a more normal slant.

Plastic Man can alter his shape and physical constitution with virtually no limit on what he can shapeshift himself into. He could be anything, at any time, anywhere and just as quickly be something else, some other time, somewhere else. This is one of the key elements of his ability that he uses on a consistent basis. This includes changing his appearance to look like other people.

Size Alteration:
Using his molecular control Plastic Man can alter his size in both of the usual directions. He can increase or decrease his height, weight, mass, volume and pretty much every other unit of measurement that can be used to keep up with him, with ease and skill. He has shrunk down to the size of a fly or has grown to the size of a mountain or skyscraper. Both without breaking a sweat. Not that he can actually sweat.

Superhuman Agility:
Plastic Man's malleability allows him to be extensively more dexterous and flexible than mortals and even some superhumans. It is largely due to the fluidity of his body, which allows him an ease of movement that others do not have.

Superhuman Strength:
Plastic Man can augment his own strength by increasing his mass or adding musculature to himself. He can also do this by expanding and creating various states of velocity to pack more than just a simple punch.

Telepathic Immunity:
It has been stated by a reliable source that Plastic Man's mind is no longer organic, thus rendering it untouchable by telepathy. In fact, all of his internal organs have suffered the same rubbery fate as his brain. They continue to "function" but in a more cartoonish manner than any actual need for his heart to pump, his lungs to expand or anything like that.

Ultrasonic Detection:
Involuntarily, Plastic Man's body ripples when there's an ultrasonic frequency at work in his immediate vicinity.


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Act a Fool:
To Be or Not To Be... that ain't a question to Plastic Man. He can, literally, pull off any role that needs to be pulled off. He's a very talented and gifted actor and he never really gets to show off his talent in this area. Unless, of course, it's in a humorous capacity. This acting ability extends his disguise ability to new heights as it makes him capable of pretending to be whomever he's disguised and doing it incredibly convincingly. This even extends to "acting" like inanimate objects. When is a stop sign not a stop sign? When it is Plastic Man!

Disaster of Disguise:
Plastic Man can be anyone or anything at any given time. While his only drawback to this is the fact that he will always be red, black, and yellow... that can easily be fixed with some make up and extra clothes. However, Plas is rarely going to go to all of that trouble. He's very much capable of shape shifting into people, either using his own imagination and knowledge to create characters to "play" in this world of good vs evil. Or he can use his memory to pull up the look of someone he's met in the past, thus able to shift himself into an exact duplicate of them... minus the color scheme. Plastic Man is the ultimate master of disguise and it's very hard to tell the difference between the real and the fake when he's the fake. Not only is he capable of shifting into sentient beings, he's also capable of taking on the shape of anything inanimate that he can think of. Whether it be a bat, basketball, chair, ceiling fan... anything! If he can dream it, it will come.

For a Good Time Call:
Plastic Man comes standard with a very specific sense of comedic timing that can be considered "not the right time". Plas can always be counted on to make light of any situation, no matter how dire, with humor and more often than not, inappropriate humor. His antics can be annoying and childish to some, but to his enemies and foes, it's a wonder that their brains even last long enough to fight the Waxwork Wacko.

Law & Disorder:
Plastic Man has, thanks to years of being a scoundrel and ruffian and knowledgeable with criminology and the surrounding subjects. Plastic Man knows how the criminal mind works and therefore is able to do a great number of things like anticipate plots and schemes or how to handle certain low life scum that he gets his hands on. This goes from Good Cop, Bad Cop scenarios to straight interrogation to making false deals and negotiations. In short, Plastic Man's got a PhD in Criminology... only without having the actual degree.

Plas Fu:
When it comes to throwing down with the man of plastic, there's a few things one should really take into consideration. First of all, he's not an average fighter... at all. In addition to that, he's been trained and specializes in small arms weaponry and is an adept marksman with this type of weapon in a manner, well as adept as a criminal thug can be. The fact that Patrick O'Brian is now Plastic Man is a major advantage. With a wealth of experience with his powers under his belt, he's one of the most dangerous stretchy heroes to ever grace the streets. He's capable of pulling off any number of combat maneuvers and using his abilities to his advantage when dealing with the general criminal element. Super villains are another story, but nine times out of ten, Plastic Man can hold his own against them also. Even when he's making up stuff on the spot.

Look up in the sky! It's a bird! It's a plane! No... it's... Plastic Man?! Yes, the amazing Plastic Man is very much capable of steering himself in all of the vehicular forms that he creates. Three of his most common uses would be the Plastiboat, Plastiplane and the illustrious Plasticar. While in these forms (and others) Plastic Man is capable of expertly steering himself through any sort of problems. Whether they be traffic jams, bad weather, or just bad drivers in the case of land travel. Simply put, Plastic Man is an expert at maneuvering himself and sometimes the best ride to take? Is a Plastic one. FAA Approval Pending.

Being able to contort and change himself into any shape is infinitely helpful in Plastic Man's war on crime. But that's the easy part. Being able to live and work and move with this pliable body has taken some getting used to and now Plastic Man is the master of his stretchy domain. He can twist and duck and stretch and dodge just like any other master of their body. He just tends to do it on a much more exaggerated and rubbery scale. He can even run, jump, and flip. When you're in complete control of your entire molecular structure, you tend to be highly skilled with using your body as a wonderla-- er, weapon.

Son of a Breach:
As Eel O'Brian, Plastic Man had become a master of both sides of the security fence. During his run as a slippery little criminal back in the day, he used his natural talents to get in and out of any place that he wanted to... with ease. After the accident, Eel's memories on how to be a seriously formidable thief remained but now he had incredible abilities to aid him. It stands to reason that his criminality skills can be used on the other side as well, such as how to secure places and vehicles and all sorts of other anti-theft procedures.

Streets Ahead:
After being a criminal for the majority of his first life, Plastic Man has learned the nature of the streets. All cities are the same in this regard, as there's always the dangerous parts and there's always those few people who have paths that are not supposed to be crossed and all sorts of other things. It only takes Plastic Man a couple of weeks to identify the "streets" of whatever city he's decided to bless with his presence at the moment. He's often living on them.


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Crime Pays:
As far as anybody knows Eel O'Brian is still a criminal. This gives him constant access to the criminal element and networks that they continue to operate in. With this leg up on the heroic competition, Plastic Man can keep his ear to the streets to stay a few streets ahead of the criminal element.

Groovy Goggles:
Plastic Man's trademark goggles can stretch and change size like Plas and his uniform. They're part of the Plastastic Package.

Eel's unofficial government agent liaison. Plas has no idea what clandestine government organization she works for but they worked together to save Pado from some really bad dudes so this is an ally that Plastic Man can call on from time to time.

Pado Swakatoon:
This here's Eel's unofficially adopted kid that he takes care of. Pado's an orphan that's been taken under Eel's wing since he knows exactly what that's like. Their kinship is fairly recent but their bond is strong.

An old jazz club that's been converted to a jazz inspired nightclub with a tacky superhero theme. It's in Metropolis' bad part of town and there's a horrible apartment over it where Eel lives. He works as the manager to the club. The employees of Superiors are Eel's trusted friends, they know his secret and even babysit Pado from time to time to all the time.

Woozy Winks:
A guy named Woozy really shouldn't be tending bar but as the official bartender of Superiors, Eel and Woozy have become fast friends. Woozy considers himself something of private detective in training and will sometimes accompany Eel on his adventures.

Zoot Supersuit:
Plastic Man's leotard has suffered the same fate as Plastic Man himself. This allows the red, black, and yellow uniform to change size, shape, morph and do all the things that Plas himself can do. Plas is kind of stuck in it. He was wearing it under his suit during the heist. Look, just don't ask, okay?


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Bad News Bears:
Somehow, by the grace of the Powers That Be, Plastic Man has managed to get himself his own personal Rogues Gallery. Granted, they're not the most difficult to defeat diabolical fiends in the world, but every good superhero has to have their own legion of bad guys to fight and protect the world from. Unfortunately, villains like Granite Janet, Stretcho, Mime the Makeup Master, and Snout Sniggles don't exactly make for an impressive gallery of villains. However, since the sudden rise in villainy, Plastic Man has had to deal with a number of big league villains and therefore, he's had to step up his game. This will continue, as the more powerful the villain is, the more Plastic Man sees that he needs more hero lessons.

Color Me Badd:
Plastic Man cannot change colors without constant, extreme, concentration. He is limited to the colors of his costume and body.

Failing Chemistry:
Plastic Man's body loses its physical integrity when it is exposed to chemical solvents such as acetone.

Family Splatters:
Eel has a collection of people that he cares about and will go to great lengths to protect. They share a collective fondness for each other in some weird little found family kind of way. These people include: Pado Shwakatoon, Woozy Winks, Obscura, and the Superiors Gang.

Plastic Man is the ultimate superhero clown and he will always be viewed as such. This tends to be a problem when it comes to doing battle with those of an evil persuasion. While Plastic Man is very capable of doing battle in a serious manner, he refuses. He'd much rather shift his shape into something silly or amusing than straight up brawl. He's got a thing, almost an obsession, for comedy as it's both a useful tool and his defense mechanism. Be that as it may, criminals will usually look at Plastic Man's antics and fight him harder and longer than they would other heroes, simply because they think he's joke. His zany antics also keep him from being able to call on allies for assistance, sometimes, as he's the epitome of the boy that cried wolf.

Katy Scary:
Sudden changes in temperature can shock an immediate change in Plastic Man's physical form, such as freezing him and shattering his body. Extreme heat is also a huge problem as it can cause him to melt.

Redemption Arc:
Eel's got a criminal record and he's not happy about it. While he's now a fighter of the good fight and no longer a petty thief from the streets of Cole City, there's not a night that goes by that Eel doesn't think about what he did back in those days. His dreams and his conscience are both haunted daily by his past crimes and he continuously tries to repent for those sins committed... even though it was so long ago that most of his acquaintances have even forgiven him for those things.



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Patrick O'Brian has 3 finished logs.

Title Date Scene Summary
could've been an accident March 25th, 2022 J'onn and Jamie crack the case while Booster and Plas crack jokes
Catching A Convoy March 2nd, 2022 A smashed military convoy, a stolen tech-tech gun and villains escaping! With Plastic Man and Rocket out of commission and Superman busy playing clean up and damage control..will Juggernaut and Killer Frost escape? (Probably not!) Stay tuned for Part II!
Define Superior February 9th, 2022 Sinestro and Eel, Sitting at a Bar, T-A-L-K-I-N-G o/~


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