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Latest revision as of 05:21, 4 February 2022

Only in New York
Date of Scene: 03 February 2022
Location: Washington Square Park
Synopsis: Booster 'saves' Jennifer from a demon!
Cast of Characters: Jennifer Kale, Booster Gold

Jennifer Kale has posed:
It's after dark when Jennifer gets out of her study session. Sometimes being an actual college student is tougher than saving the world from mystical dangers. She's walking... since she's too poor to afford a car... from campus back to the small place she's renting. Baggy jeans ride low on her hips, the open jacket showing off her midriff top, backpack slung over one shoulder.

As usual she decides to cut through the park. The trees aren't the same as in her native Florida, but they still remind her of home. That distracted line of thought disappears when she hears the sound. A clearly audible *FOOP*, with enough of a pressure change to make her ears pop. A moment later, Jen smells brimstone as -something- steps through the newly-opened portal...

Booster Gold has posed:
    On the other hand, Booster Gold, despite having no job and no real responsibilities, enjoys the carefree existence of one who can mooch off a billionaire friend. Highly recommend everyone snag one, if possible. This evening, he is doing what he does best - fly around looking for people to annoy. Or save. Or both. Conveniently enough, he has a built-in colleague so he does not have to monologue.

    "Look, I know that Diana said she liked the idea, but we aren't getting enough push. We need to find a bigger name to endorse us." Booster floats through the air, his gaze absently flowing over what few people are coming and going at this time of night. Floating along side of him, just a bit behind, is a golden football shaped robot.
    "Yes, sir, but everyone so far has turned you down."
    "I know, Skeets, I know...but I feel like I'm on the cusp of something. Like tonight something is going to change." He starts singing, which is really to no one's benefit.
    "Tonight, tonight...it all began tonight..."
    He actually has a not horrible voice. Marginally good. Maybe.

Jennifer Kale has posed:
Blackness... rimmed with flickering bolts of neon green lightning. That's what the portal looks like as Jen turns towards it. The swirling -hole- in Reality opens up rapidly and wide, quickly becoming big enough to drive a locomotive through.

Just as Booster gets to the key change on the next verse, something steps through.

It's sort of like a smaller version of Godzilla, if the monster was purple and black with luminous yellow eyes. Wings flex wide, beating the air and disturbing any birds who are late to nesting. It roars at the blonde student, and might even sound like Godzilla except it's more of a contralto than a tenor.

Jennifer doesn't scream and she doesn't run. Her shoulders slump and the girl rolls her eyes. While her words are impossible to pick up over the scream of the beast, she says "You, again? You've gotta be fucking kidding me."

Booster Gold has posed:
The flashing of the lightning is enough to get Booster's attention, and he shifts quickly in his flight to turn towards the source. "What the hell is that?"

He flies in the direction of the portal as he sees the thing step out. "Ugly alert, ugly alert!" he says, to no one in particular. Maybe to his robot. He quickly scans the area, and spots Jennifer near to the portal. Immediately, his heroic reflexes kick in, and he starts to fly down towards her, prepared to swoop in.

Jennifer Kale has posed:
First things first. Jen unslings her backpack, letting it fall to the ground. No doubt from Booster's vantage point she looks to be dropping it in a panic. The blonde raises both hands and lets magical reflexes trigger a spell whose effects will be not unlike an assault rifle.

And a moment later she lets the spell drop, so she doesn't hit the funny man in the gold and blue suit.

Once again the creature chooses this opportunity to roar, drowning out her words. But you don't have to be an expert lip-reader to see that, like before, what she says starts like FUDGE and ends like FIRETRUCK.

Booster Gold has posed:
If there is one super power that Booster Gold seems to have, it's the unerring ability to totally and utterly misread a situation. So as the actual legitimate chance to stop this monster prepares, he swoops in and takes it out.

"I'll save you, ma'am!" shouts Booster, as his arms wrap around her waist in what is actually a pretty darn good form football tackle. It probably stings at least a little bit, and then he carries Jen off her feet and away from the rampaging beast. "Don't worry, you're safe now!" he says. Not that she is actually safe - now she is in the air, held perilously while the stomping lizard has free reign on the ground.

Jennifer Kale has posed:
The demon, of course, becomes distracted by the flying man in gold and blue. At least until he swoops down and literally sweeps Jennifer off her feet. Then it apparently remembers why it was here in the first place, getting a lungful of air and roaring at them both.

Jennifer doesn't speak immediately... probably because she just had the wind knocked out of her... but she pounds on Booster's back with her hands and kicks her feet wildly. No doubt in thanks, right?

When she finally does catch her breath they're past the monster, and even Booster can hear her yelling. "Take me back there and put me down, dammit! I've gotta send that thing back!"

Booster Gold has posed:
The pounding and the kicking seems to alter Booster's trajectory a little bit, but not by much. He seems used to people hitting him for trying to rescue them, it seems. "Don't worry, miss, I'll deal with that thing!" as if he had not heard anything she said. He drops her on the rooftop of a diner - dropping being a key word, as he lets her go a few inches off the ground and without coming to a full stop, and then immediately flies back at the thing. "I'll come back for you laterrrrrrrrr" he trails off as he zooms away, flying directly at the demon.

Jennifer Kale has posed:
Jennifer Kale grunts as she's dumped onto the rooftop, taking most of the impact butt-first. She half-rolls, coming up to her feet just in time to see him fly away. More cursing ensues.

Where is the monster all this time? A bolt of green flame shoots into the sky, lighting up the night. There it is! Apparently it's not happy that someone took its meal away.

Too many trees to teleport over to the beast. Speaking a few quick words, the blonde levitates quickly to the ground and starts running... in the direction of what will no doubt be an epic battle.

Booster Gold has posed:
In true hero fashion, Booster Gold flies directly at the demon. "Skeets, my hero music!" he announces. And sure enough, the little gold robot starts playing a triumphant synth fueled rock song as Booster flies up. He takes a mighty swing and punches the demon directly in the face, sending it tumbling to the ground as his energy field crackles around him.

"BOOSTER GOLD EVERYBODY!" announces a rather loud voice, somewhat digitized. Clearly coming from the robot. Booster Gold floats above the floored demon raising his arms as if he were a boxer who just completed his bout, a grin on his face as if he were accepting accolades from everyone on the street.

He is paying zero attention to the demon behind him as it gets back up. Or to the portal. Or to the girl running back towards the scene.

Jennifer Kale has posed:
The demon is... surprised. For a moment those yellow eyes flicker and close, lights going out. The ground shakes as almost ten tons of creature falls in the park. Yeah, they'll find his outline in the foliage tomorrow morning. The thing takes a moment to get up, eyes blazing once again as it spots the -human- who dared to knock it down.

Jennifer is running as fast as she can back to the park, all the while thinking unwholesome thoughts about the -hero- who carried her so far away. She knows the demon was sent after HER, after all.

There's another blast of green fire from its mouth, and the demon arcs it around to intersect the flying gold and blue man.

Yep! There it is!

"We've gotta get it back to the portal!" Jennifer yells, just as Booster gets hit.

Booster Gold has posed:
Turning his gaze towards the running girl, Booster hangs in mid-air, confused. "What?" he asks, cupping his ear with his hand, as he watches her run. And thus he is completely blind-sided, taking the full brunt of the demon's fire.

Luckily for him, his futuristic technology makes it nothing more than a hair dryer. He turns around and faces the demon. "Now you're making me angry!" He takes another swing, and punches it back down again. This time, he quickly turns back around to see out the form of the running girl, as he lets himself slowly lower towards ground level as she starts to draw nearer. He waits for her to get close enough, just silently watching her.

It seems, from the confident smirk on his face, that he is entirely convinced that she is running over to throw her arms around him in gratitude.

Jennifer Kale has posed:
The demon, meanwhile, is getting up again. Spotting it (unlike Booster...), Jennifer stops running and raises her hands.

No, she's not going to throw her arms around Booster, it seems. This time when the demon spits out the blast of green fire it's aimed directly at the blonde... who is prepared for it. A pink hemisphere of swirling energy not only blocks the green flame, but it completely absorbs the flame.

The demon pauses to inhale again and Jen yells to Booster, only he can hear it clearly now. Or at least he should be able to. "Get it back to the portal, but don't go inside!"

Before it can let out another blast, the girl lashes out with more pink energy and binds its mouth shut.

Booster Gold has posed:
There are many reasons why Booster may fail to follow commands. One - surprise to see that the girl can do that. Two - still watching the girl run. Three - thinking, still, that the girl is into him. Four - he is sometimes just that thick.

So initially, he just stares at her. Then he turns to see its bound mouth, and then looks back at her. "Into the portal?" he asks, as if trying to confirm. But, being Booster, he decides not to wait for an answer. He turns around fully and flies into the air, doing his best impression of Superman as he winds up and delivers a powerful punch, which miracle of miracles actually sends the beast back into the portal from whence it came.

"Huh, I wonder what's inside," he says to himself, as he flies towards the portal to investigate further.

Jennifer Kale has posed:
Good-good! The demon's jaws are wrapped and the flying hero punches it back into the portal. Just like he was supposed to, right? As the tail disappears into the swirling blackness, Jennifer's hands are quickly weaving through the motions of a spell that will close the portal.

Wait, what? What is that idiot doing? He's flying -towards- the portal?

The black hole starts spitting green lightning again as it rapidly shrinks, and once it starts it will continue to shrink all on its own. Not that Booster couldn't still fly into it if he really wanted to.

Which is why Jennifer throws up another force field of her own, in the form of a crackling pink wall of energy, to block him.

Booster Gold has posed:
While his force field does a good job of actually letting things puncture it, Booster has a nasty habit of flying headfirst into things, and that still manages to shake up his noggin a little bit. So when he collides into Jennifer's force field a bit before the portal he was trying to investigate, he smacks hard, and then stunned a bit falls to the ground with an OOF.

SJumping up almost as soon as he does so, he brushes the leaves and twigs from him, and raises those triumphant arms again. "Booster Gold saves the day!"

Apparently taking credit for the portal shrinking, too. That should go over well....