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Are You There Jon
Date of Scene: 09 February 2022
Location: Central Park
Synopsis: Cael and Lydia meet at the ash tree - to talk about the best way to spend the time before Jon's return.
Cast of Characters: Cael Becker, Lydia Dietrich

Cael Becker has posed:
    Cael's been trying to keep busy - and today has been tough. She'd tracked down Amit's family at a refugee camp, telling them about their son's death, and returning some personal affects to them - including his unlocked cellphone. She'd spoken of his determination, his courage, and his unflagging optimism in the face of all that was stacked against them. His kindness, and patience. His stubborn and continuous insistance on making a difference, and doing his part. Her belief that Amit Joshi had been a remarkable person of incredible promise, and her deep regret to see that extinguished.
    Somehow, she'd stood up to their grief, and their accusations - well warranted, in her mind - about the death of their teenaged son, and had left them to grieve in peace.
    After leaving the camp, she drove her Corvette for hours to try to clear her head - and somehow, she found herself in New York, at Central Park - walking towards the tree that simply shouldn't be. At the outskirts of the park, lights had begun to return to the city along with the first of the residents, but she pays no attention to the diminished lights and noise of the city as she crosses the empty park in the relative dark, a large white shape trotting obediently at her heels.
    As she reaches the tree, she simply leans into it, pressing her forhead and her hands into the bark, and closing her eyes.
    Jon? Are you there? Can you hear me?

Lydia Dietrich has posed:
    Lydia has spent most of the evening checking on the nodes of the larger sefirot of The Great Seal. Curiosity on what happened to them had gotten the better of her and she decided to check some of them out. For each one she looked at there wasn't much in the way of a sign that a circle had ever been there, save for a warm thrum of power to those who are sensitive of magic. The orichalcum spikes drove themselves underground, burying themselves and leaving no trace. Hopefully they won't be dug up any time soon.

    One final place is left to check out. The great ash that grew in the middle of the Great Lawn. Spreading onyx wings she lifts herself up and sails through the night sky. She elects the dark aspect of her power, making her all but invisible as she soars amongst the skyscrapers and buildings that fill Manhattan.

    When she gets to the tree, she spies a familiar face. She lands a good thirty feet away so as not to startle Cael as she walks up to her. Lydia still looks like she's recovering from the ritual. While still a little thin, her skin tone has mostly recovered to it's more normal alabaster hue. She no longer looks like a walking corpse, just a bit anemic.
    "Good evening," she says, raising a hand in greeting. "Come to take a look at my handiwork?" She looks up into the branches of the ash, lush with foliage despite the winter. She reaches out and lays a hand on the rough bark and closes her eyes, sensing the aura of warmth and protectiveness.

Cael Becker has posed:
    I'm here. We're halfway through - you're halfway through. We'll be together soon, I swear. I'm waiting for you.
    She doesn't look up at the sound of footsteps - it's when Bear lets out a quiet growl that she lifts her head to look, her eyes moist with unshed tears as she studies the approaching woman. "It's okay, Bear. It's just Lydia," she says reassuringly.
    Leaning in against the trunk with hunched shoulders, she hugs her arms across her middle, giving a slight shrug. "Not exactly," she answers quietly. "I mean, it is a nice tree and all, but..." That's definitely not the reason for the visit.

Lydia Dietrich has posed:
    "It is," Lydia agrees, giving the trunk an affectionate pat. "I just wish it did what I had set out to do." There's still a hint of bitterness in her voice when she speaks it. "It was supposed to protect Gaea, to seal away the angels from the physical plane and protect our Mother." She sighs, disappointed, "But in the end, it unfettered them and forced Jon to make his sacrifice."

Cael Becker has posed:
    "...that's not that happened, Lydia," Cael answers, her voice sounding tired, as she glances down for a moment at the dog leaning against her leg, then back up at the vampire again. "Jon was always going to turn himself over sooner or later. I- I tried everything to undo that, but he made his promise, and he was going to keep it. Between your seal, and the blood... That's what got us the new battle field. The Astral Plane - //and// the key that will allow us to bring anyone we want along with us. The physical world is safe now because of this tree," she explains.
    "...but this tree was never going to save Jon. I wish it could, but- I don't know if anything could have."

Lydia Dietrich has posed:
    Lydia just scowls, "I know. I was hoping the seal would give us more time to find a way out, maybe find a way to lessen the severity of the punishment instead of hastening it."

    She turns and rests her back against the trunk of the tree, much like Cael is and stuffs her hands in her pockets. "I'm tired of this," she says, sounding haunted. "The seal literally took everything out of me. I've gone through so many people.... and I'm still hungry. I've gotten to the point to where I just... /can't/ anymore."

    "I won't be joining the fight in the Astral," she says. "I need a break. Time to recover and take care of personal business before we trek into the Duat. I want to be fresh for that. I'm responsible for getting you all out and I'll be damned if I don't.

    "I've been neglecting my family and friends... and that /includes/ Jon. I need to be there for them... for him when he gets back." She silent for the moment, studying the grass at her feet. "Dying isn't fun. I wish there was a way we could avoid it. I wish we knew when and how it was going to happen. I want to be there for him to help... guide him I guess. I've been down that path, and it sucks when you go it alone."

Cael Becker has posed:
    "I intend to be with him," Cael answers flatly.
    Can she, though? Can she managed? When she thought Sara was dying - she turned away. A haunted look crosses her features, and she looks down at the ground, her jaw tightening. "I can't stop. I can't slow down. I have to be at Jon's side in this fight. I have to be there with him... when the time comes. I have to- ...do everything I can to set all this right, to fix what's wrong, to stop Michael from- I have to stop Michael. I still need to track down Fairchild, and talk to her. And Lady Death. Jon's going to be in no shape to broker their cooperation. If I can- at least that will be one less thing to worry him, while he recovers. And it's not like I'll have the time to do that for him once he comes back and I'm helping him to- to recover."
    She lets her eyes closed, and for a moment it looks like she might just slide down the tree to sit on the floor. God, she feels tired...

Lydia Dietrich has posed:
    "I'll talk to Lady Death, if you like," Lydia offers. "No need to take it all on your shoulders. I'd offer to talk to Ms. Fairchild, too, but I doubt she'd talk to me. I /am/ one of those 'monsters' she talks about."

    Golden eyes watch Cael.. "You don't have to do it all by yourself," she says gently. "I'll help where I can. I just... I'm done with fighting. I'm better at talking anyway."

Cael Becker has posed:
    Cael doesn't answer immediately - a faint frown pulling at her lips at she considers Lydia's offer. They can't afford to cock this up. Maybe Lydia would handle this better? But- "Lady Death seemed to like me. Maybe we go together?" she says uncertainly. "But first I need Tim Drake to tell me how to even reach her."
    She lifts her eyes towards Lydia as she adds, "I think I can manage it all, and honestly, I'd- it's better when I stay busy. When I don't have something to do..." Her arms tighten around her stomach, and she leans harder into the tunk of the tree.
    Can you even hear me, Jon? It's me. I'm here.
    "Once Jon's back... I- I think that's when I'll need help more."

Lydia Dietrich has posed:
    Lydia nods. "Maybe I'll get along better with Ms. Fairchild than I think." She lets out a small chuckle, "After all, I don't wish her any ill, and we'll need to get along anyway once we go to the Duat."

    "You've still got a couple of days until he's back," she says. "You should spend that resting. Find something to keep yourself busy that /doesn't/ involve this mess with the angels." She gives the other woman something of a grin. "I don't know. Learn how to bake bread, or something."

Cael Becker has posed:
    Cael shakes her head abruptly, her expression fierce. "No," she says firmly. "I have a day and a half and- and I need to sort this shit out, or I won't be able to- I need to be able to help Jon when he gets back. I need to be able to help him to heal, and be strong enough to fight again. I need to- I need to help the only person I've ever fallen in love with to- to be ready to die." Tears streak quietly down her cheeks. "And how the fuck can I do any of that, if we don't have Fairchild and Lady Death on board? We need them, right? We need them if we're going to fix the universe, and save Jon?" she asks with desperate heat in her voice.
    "I don't have time for //other shit//. I need to use my time to help Jon."     The pup beside her whines quietly, pushing his head into the back of her knees, as if encouraging her to sit down. Which, honestly is what the dog is doing.
    "I'm fine, Bear," she lies quietly. "I'm fine."

Lydia Dietrich has posed:
    Lydia's voice gets a sharp edge to it. "Taking a break, resting, recharging /is/ helping Jon," she says. "You need to be there 100% for him when the time comes and you won't be if you keep running around like a chicken with your head cut off. I /guarantee/ you that he'll be a mess when he gets back, and if you're not fresh enough to handle it, seeing him like that will break you. I've /been/ there."

    Her gaze wanders off to watch the trees that skirt the edge of the Great Lawn as she speaks. "There was a time, not too long ago, when the Chinese government captured Raven... Mystique. They took her to this facility where they were performing cruel experiments on mutants. I don't know what was done to her, but but the time we got to her most of her was radiation burns, and I /lost/ it."

    "So when I'm telling you to take a break, rest up and recharge it's not from some idealistic or theoretical standpoint," Lydia says turning a piercing gaze back to Cael. "It's from /experience/."

Cael Becker has posed:
    "I know //exactly// what a mess he'll be," Cael shoots back fiercely, anger and frustration flaring in her eyes. "Better than anyone else can. I know what Michael can do to someone. I know what it's like to-" Her right hand grips at the tattoo that covers the back of her left hand, as tears streak down her cheek.
    She turns away from Lydia abruptly, and stares out over the city. "I know what I'm doing," she answers quietly. "I know what //I// need to be able to help him. I need... to be ready. I need to know we're ready to save him. I need to do that."
    She shakes her head before adding. "You had to help her get better. I have to help Jon get ready to //die//. That's what he's asking of me. That's what he's expecting."
    And then she has to find him, and bring him back again.
    No pressure.

Lydia Dietrich has posed:
    Lydia turns her gaze heavenward and mumbles, "Why does nobody /listen/ to me when I ask them to take care of themselves?" Louder she says, "I swear, you two are meant for each other. He doesn't listen to me, either." There's a hint of amusement in her tone, though she doesn't push it any further.

    "Like I said. I'll be there to help. I've /died/ before. If I can do anything to make it easier on him, I will." A scowl tugs at her mouth, "I regret not getting Hatshepsut to teach me how to mind whammy people. I could have been able to get him in a state where he wouldn't feel any pain or anything."

Cael Becker has posed:
    "...it's a nice thought," Cael answer softly. "Maybe we can figure out how to do that- before he dies. If we know when it's coming. I'd- I'd rather it didn't hurt. I don't think it would have worked for this, though. These three days. Michael wouldn't have allowed that - the fucking prick." She wipes at her eyes, then crouches to scratch at Bears head and ears, murmuring to the pup, "Jon'll be back soon. Another day or so, yeah? That's almost no time at all."
    Or an eternity - if you're being tortured.
    "Do you happen to know Tim Drake?" she asks. "He's part of the Wayne family, apparently?"

Lydia Dietrich has posed:
    "I've met him a few times," Lydia says, accepting the change of topic gracefully. "He's a fan of one of my books and I owe him a signed copy. Good friends with Phoebe, so he's okay in my book. Last time I saw him I was still alive so... that's going to be an awkward conversation."

Cael Becker has posed:
    "Well, if you can get the way to Lady Death out of him... Or I suppose I could go to Phoebe to get in touch, if they're close," Cael muses. "I pretty much just have tomorrow, ideally, to get a hold of her and Fairchild - if I want to have a swing at sorting out the Champions before Jon comes back. I really would feel better... once I know we're all at least talking to one another."

Lydia Dietrich has posed:
    Lydia looks confused, "Why would Tim know how to get to Lady Death?" As far as Lydia knows, Tim is just some rich kid adopted by the eccentric billionaire Bruce Wayne. "But... if he knows I'll talk to him." She looks over to the woman and scowls in concern. "You know we don't /have/ to get this done before Jon gets back. You're just putting pressure on yourself." There she goes again, advocating self care.

Cael Becker has posed:
    "Fuck if I know. Uriel says Tim Drake knows the way," Cael offers with a shrug of her shoulders. As far as //she// knows - Tim's just a rich kid. And she has little desire to know more about him than just that.
    She wraps her arms around Bear, burying her face against the dog as she tries to explain for Lydia, "//I// need to get it done. I need to to be able to look Jon in the eye, and say we've made progress. That it's going to be okay. That we're going to be able to fix things, and save him. The sooner we get this done, the less scared I feel, and the more I can help him. How can I help him when I'm terrified? I //need// to get it done. Now. Before he comes back."

Lydia Dietrich has posed:
    Lydia nods in understanding. "I'll go talk to Tim about it, then. We only have a couple of days and Tim's a busy guy." She looks thoughtful for a moment, "I'll ask Phoebe about it. If anybody can get me onto his schedule it'd be her."

Cael Becker has posed:
    "Good. Okay. ...thanks. I- I'm not just being stubborn. This is what I need. This is how I help Jon. I- I can't stop right now. I just can't." Cael wipes at her eyes, and then pulls away from Bear, so she can press her forehead against the tree, instead.
    Are you there, Jon? I'm here. I'm here for you.
    God, what she would give just to know if he could hear her...

Lydia Dietrich has posed:
    "Fair enough," Lydia concedes. She watches Cael silently pray for a while before she says, "I'd offer you a hug, but you don't seem to be the huggy sort of person unless you're romantically involved..." she grins at Bear, "or have four legs and fur."

    She pushes herself up off the tree and nods to the woman. "I better be off. I haven't really done anything with my new book in almost a month and it's getting to me. Take care of yourself, Cael." She steps out from the crown of the tree and unfurls her wings to take off, headed to her apartment in Brooklyn.

Cael Becker has posed:
    "I'd fucking punch you," Cael offers with just a hint of humor leaking in through her misery.
    Going to go write a book while the world ends. ...great. She doesn't comment on it, however, as she simply offers quietly, "Goodnight."
    She stays at the tree while longer, silently calling out to Jon - desperately hoping that somehow her thoughts will reach him, and bolster him. Offer him some sort of solace.
    You're not allow, Jon. Not truly. I love you. I'm with you. We'll get through this.