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Latest revision as of 11:39, 20 March 2020

Birds and Planes
Date of Scene: 20 March 2020
Location: Midtown - New Troy
Synopsis: Carol meets with Superman to talk about Genosha information.
Cast of Characters: Carol Danvers, Clark Kent

Carol Danvers has posed:
Carol has a list of things to do. She has to talk to Clint and Natasha as well as any other Avengers about Fury's recent official messages and the space pod. She has to confront Hal about stuff. She has to generally do her job.

Right now though she has delayed, thought, drank, and thought more over the last week before taking this action she has embarked on.

Finally though the early evening finds her floating suspended in the star filled night sky above midtown Metropolis. Part of her feels very, very silly, but then she didn't think to ask Rogers how to get ahold of Superman, so here she is.

"Superman!" she sort of just yells to herself, she is familiar with how good his hearing actually is. "Superman, this is Carol Danvers, Ms. Marvel, now Captain Marvel. Steve Rogers told me and I've examined the pod you found. We should talk before I take the next actions I think I have to take because it involves Hal."

She pauses.

"Also yeah if you hadn't heard.. also not dead but then again I did to an interview for the Planet so iti s more common knowledge."

Clark Kent has posed:
There isn't an immediate response. Which may be just long enough to question if it's /definitely/ silly to just fly somewhere and yell loudly. Superman isn't the only one with supreme hearing, so she's broadcasting. So that information could be there for any villains hanging out... if there are any with hearing sharp enough within the area.

However, during the pause someone does appear, to try to get her to stop yelling information out. He's fast, coming up from below like a shot fired into the air. It is unclear at a distance who it is: there's no distinctive red and blue suit. Then again, that might not prove anything anyway, there have been multiple imposters. this figure is in a hooded sweatshirt, a warm yellow color, jeans, sneakers: a dot of dusky yellow in the heavy, invisible and bleak night. Could be anyone.

It's not anyone, though; he moves over towards her, levitating, so as not to alarm her into automatic attack mode. "Captain Marvel," Superman greets her, without actually yelling. The voice is right, even if it's really dark, the physique and shadowed features could be a match. "It's good to see you again, but please -- don't yell secure information out over the city; I'm not the only one that can hear," Superman says, a bit gently, but firm.

There are a bunch of things Superman could have done to identify himself, but that guiding with a sort of gentle disapproving? He may as well have a name tag on.

Carol Danvers has posed:
Yeah honestly Carol wasn't thinking about anyone, let alone Villains with the kind of hearing he has. She could have gone even higher up into the atmosphere and maybe should have but the deed has been done.

There have been so many imposters, kids, supergirls, powergirls, and others in the subsequent years. She considers the figure floating towards her, not going into immediate attack mode, because well she was honestly expecting someone to show up. Someone specific.

The voice tracks, profile tracks, but then her memory is spotty and she hasn't entirely been herself since she 'died' out in San Francisco a couple years ago. Still it is close.

"... Damnit." she says very softly now chastising herself when he points out that someone else with super hearing may have heard it. She reaches up and rubs her face lightly there and then nods. "Sorry... I thought I was likely up high enough and..." she considers "And if I had to admit it I may have been a bit irritated when I planned this out." she sort of gestures open palmed towards Clark. "Hopefully no one heard or if they did they can't confirm in any way..." she looks down below them at the twinkling lights of the city. "We should definitely talk though... I'm glad yuo came." talking much softer now.

Clark Kent has posed:
"Do the Avengers have appropriate places for private discussion? Otherwise, I have a place or two," Superman suggests, relaxed. It's freezing up in the very high, night sky, but that isn't something that will effect either Marvel or Superman.

"But so long as we aren't making a spectacle, I think it's all right," he says. It's more the yelling out for Superman thing. Perhaps he's just being paranoid. But maybe for good reasons?

"I'm glad to be able /to/ come," Superman answers, with a sadness in the tone, but he pushes it aside. "If there's questions I can answer... I'll do my best, Carol." The offer is sincere, but still edged in that mild sadness. "And should you come up with more... I can provide a contact. Though yes, if you absolutely need me in an emergency, this can work." A smile appears.

Carol Danvers has posed:
"Well the Mansion is secure but I am positive people are probably watching the coming and goings. Same with Johnny's place.. people definitely monitor the Baxter building." she frowns. "I'm sure I could requisition a remote safeouse from SHIELD but.. then SHIELD would be watching." she just sighs.

"So I figure this will need to do in this pinch unless you want to go to one of your spots."

There is a sad sort of smile "Also I remember the old days." about ..well it working in an emergency. "Though I don't.. usually need saving. San Fran.. probably needed saving but I got better." sort of. She is a mess really but she puts on a very good front for almost everyone. Her voice carries though to someone who can essentially lie detect that it isn't totally true.

"I examined the pod you recovered from space.. the news is not at all good though. It is complicated."

Clark Kent has posed:
Superman's empathetic look is a strong one. He brushes his hood back, to see her better, trusting the deep night and the isolation of their spot to be masking enough. "Yes, I remember the old days," Superman agrees. Back when the Justice League was in full power. Before.


"I intend to return to activity soon," Superman says, in a firm way. He has some sort of plan, by the way he says it: but that it will happen does seem a certainty. Superman IS returning.

"I did my own analysis of the pod. I gave the results I had to the Avengers. Something new?" he questions, with a lowering of brows and stern focus. If Superman is on some kind of vacation, he's not acting like it. He's receptive to hearing the update.

Carol Danvers has posed:
Carol smiles at that news, because yeah that is very welcome news. I mean for the last six months she has been doing a whole lot of heavy lifting with near earth threats and all since she came back with expanded abilities. It is really hard work and she still can't be everywhere.

Speaking of.

"Well I was drawn away as well during the Genosha assault.. there was a request for aid.. not a pod or distress call but still.. I do not buy the coincidence much at all." she frowns deeply. "But yeah I compared the technology with my Kree database and ... as far as I can determine there is only three races that could have made the pod. The Bolovox and the people of Yod, which are both super extinct.. or the Maltusians."

She looks towards the sky. "They are better known these days as their current title. The Guardians, heads of the Green Lantern Corps." she looks back down making eye contact with Clark. "Which is not to say someone didn't steal their technology and try to frame them... but it is theres I believe. I also have satellite footage of the assault and there are two exceptionally huge green blasts hitting both locations, which could explain the complete lack of lingering energy readings at the sights. The problem is I know someone meddled with the satellite footage... I can't tell if the green blasts were added or if someone removed Lanterns from the footage."

She lets this sink in.

Clark Kent has posed:
It sinks in rapidly; Superman crosses his arms over his chest firmly. It is as if he could ward away bad news... but he doesn't seem to get upset: he's balanced, thoughtful, and reserved. "Or it is a deliberate attempt to cast blame that way. That I would believe. I do not believe for a moment that our Green Lantern would be involved in anything like this. I find it more likely that, much like the pod was meant to throw us off, this is, as well. All of these red herrings eat valuable time tracking the real culprit."

Superman breathes in slowly, and exhales softly. It isn't a show of being tired, more that he's centering himself. "And you have said you haven't talked to Green Lantern yet. We can do that together, if you would like, though I trust your interview. Similarly, I do not mind talking to him, if you need to continue working on something else. I hope to continue to be a useful resource for the time being, until some things are resolved. At that time... I intend to determine the state of the Justice League."

Big words, said with a deliberate, calm tone.

Carol Danvers has posed:
"As I said, I don't put it past someone stealing their technology to frame them." she frowns "But... the Guardians have been known to do exceptionally morally questionable things in their act of protecting the Universe.. by their definition. The manhunters." she shakes her head. "If they deemed mutants a threat for some reason to the Universe.. they might. I absolutely don't believe Hal would have been involved, but that doesn't mean the Guardians weren't so we need to be prepared in case it is the worst..."

She makes a little gesture with her hand, going in circles. "I do think you are probably right, someone layered this to really distract us and have us chase our own tails in circles. Does Hal know you are around or will it be a shock if you or we go speak with him?" yeah she is curious if Hal already knew. PArtially because if Hal knew and reported it, well that itself could explain the pod in the absolute worst case.

"The Avengers are... useful.. but they are heavily connected to SHIELD and there are political Agendas that drive that organization. I know better than most on that front. Fury wants me to bring him the pod. Nat reported it's existence and .. she reported your existence too. Very top secret levels of clearance but yeah you need to know that your clock is probably ticking on the timing of doing it on your terms."

Clark Kent has posed:
Superman sees the issue with Hal potentially knowing, but doggedly seems to believe in the Lantern. "Green Lantern knew, yes. Before Genosha. It won't be a shock." It doesn't necessarily look the best, but the truth is the truth: Superman does believe that.

"I showed the Avengers my existence with awareness that it is a matter of time, now, yes," Superman nods once. "But now that I am able to be a resource for them, I would rather they know that they have my support, and assistance if needed. I do not want a second Genosha, or something that could be prevented had I been available and close to be called in." Superman was off planet just as Carol was, during Genosha. Scary coincidence.

Carol Danvers has posed:
Carol sighs lightly. "Okay. I'm game for talking with him with you, or letting you do questioning. I haven't talked to him since I got back to earth six months ago. I.... have some memories of talking about flying jets with Hal but." she frowns.

Right the truth. "Since that Mutant Terrorist nearly killed me.. my memory has been shot. It is full of holes and I know I am missing large chunks of my life. You should know. I've been trying to find the girl who did it.. though I think she was being used by the Brotherhood as a weapon.. she had to be something like fifteen. Until I see if there is a way to restore my memories there will be things I won't remember from the old days."

"Agreed though, no more Genoshas. I also worry about the pace of alien invasions.. it seems to have been picking up over the last twenty years."

Clark Kent has posed:
Superman nods once, slowly, the empathy returning for the state of her memory, and troubles. Superman /did/ die, but there's no attempt or move to compare or make anything about him. This is about her difficulty: and he'll support and help if he can.

"All right. If you have a contact method, I'll let you know when I'm going to meet with him. You can decide if you're up to it then," he says, kindly, without judgement. It is Superman as she may remember, even despite the holes: he was like this before. A solid thing to lean on from her memory, that turns out to be alive.

"It has. I hope that I did not contribute to it," Superman says, with a shake of head. It weighs on him: that he may have drawn more attention by being here, a target. "But I believe I have done more good. We all have." Including Carol, naturally.

Carol Danvers has posed:
Carol nods at the acceptance and just well his general demeanor and rock that is just him. "That sounds like a good plan. I've got a number I can give you, routes through the Avengers comms so shouldn't be monitored by SHIELD but Tony probably has an AI listening to it. I put nothing past him, though I trust him."

"I think we have done what we have to do, I know some of the Kree involvement on this planet are my fault, but not all. They also thankfully haven't tried to invade yet." she smiles a little lopsided. "We have definitely done what we needed to do though, what is needed. I believe we have positively impacted things and there was no other real choice."

She fishes out a phone from a discrete pocket and flips it around once the number is displayed showing it to Clark. She has no idea how he plans to contact her but this should work she figures.

Clark Kent has posed:
Superman looks at the number, and nods once. "I'll send a text to that number," he answers. "Should something fail with that, I'll send word through either another of the Justice League, or Captain America. Also: if SHIELD feels strongly about speaking to me... that can also be arranged, if it comes up. I can understand you may be in a difficult position: it isn't one I mean to put you in."

Apologetic, but realistic, Superman is. "We'll get to the bottom of things," he says, with a brief nod. It's easy to believe in Superman when he's calm like this. It's part of that aura of hope he gives off. The world could probably use some of that.

"I have to return to what I was doing," Clark adds. His secret identity suffers when he goes running off suddenly to answer yells. "Let's meet again, after Green Lantern. I'd like to hear more of what happened to you, if you wnat to talk about it."

Carol Danvers has posed:
"That sounds good." about how to communicate.

"Oh, I wasn't sure you would want that. Yes Director Fury instructed those of us with clearance who know how to talk to you to inquire about setting up a meeting. I can arrange that if you would like to meet with him.

She shrugs. "I'm not in that awkward of a position, I think honestly SHIELD assigned me to the Avengers because they don't know what to do with me or how to handle me these days. My memory is spotty which presents challenges to them and I am.. a lot stronger than before I died. Bit of Gandolf the Grey I guess thanks to Kree mad science and stupidity."

"Let me know via text, and I can talk after we talk to Hal." she lifts a hand waving goodbye. "I'm headed back to New York." drifting generally away that way but not too far too fast.

Clark Kent has posed:
"I didn't think you had died," Superman says, with a deeper frown in his voice. "We can discuss that more later." It can remain pending. Death is a sore spot for the hero that was beaten to death by Doomsday, probably. There's a thick sad quality hanging over him.

"Stay safe," Superman replies, watching her go, before he also depards in a rush of motion.