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Latest revision as of 06:25, 11 February 2022

Coney Island in Winter
Date of Scene: 09 February 2022
Location: Coney Island
Synopsis: A fire giant and an Olympian descend on Coney Island to partake of the thrill rides and (accidentally) destroy a game booth. Fun times were had!
Cast of Characters: Alexander Aaron, Hella Rokkurdisardottir

Alexander Aaron has posed:
    The mad Muspelheim marauder was infectious in her cheer as well as her enthusiasm to embrace the world even when circumstances were not ideal. The chill of Winter, the hint of storm and clouds off over the river. Perhaps yet more snow and its fellow slush might well be in the offing.
    And yet...
    Alexander Aaron, an individual known for his occasional severity was drawn along. Perhaps despite his normally curmudgeonly ways. "Alright, you get the tickets though, since I got falafel." Making sure she doesn't make out like a bandit in this regard at the least. Though he does slide his cellphone out and swipes it to life, a thumb brushing its surface as he walks along in the general direction of those old wrought iron gates meant for the campus, and in turn the subway station.
    On the small LED it blinked a bit, displaying a message that he read and then gave a nod, "A moment please." As he read and then tapped to call back. Which had him leaving a message.
    "Heya, it's me. Let me know how things go in Starling. I should be around. Going to Coney Island with a friend. And yah I know it's crazy, but you only live once." Though his lip twists a little at that last, "Oh and check with Kelso and see if we're still doing the thing next week."
    Which has him pocketing the phone after as he falls back into step with Hella as he murmurs, "My significant dating person, just checking in."

Hella Rokkurdisardottir has posed:
    Hella is only too happy to pay for the tickets, this time. Depending on the costliness of on-campus convenience tax on the falafels, the chances are that Alex is actually ending up on the winning end of the dutch friend-outing! She happily greets the ticket seller, whose face is a dreary mask of apathy that could only come from having to man a ticket station in the middle of friggin' winter and probably not paid very well to do it. She has a brief exchange with the seller and uses her phone to pay for the tickets.

    When she returns to hand Alex his ticket, she catches the briefest tail-end of the conversation and lifts her brows when he explains who was on the other end of the call. "Oh! Oh. Ohhhh," she says, caught off-guard and rapidly cycling through confusion to understanding. "Nice! Shame they could not come! More makes merrier, no?" she grins. "Now, come on! Must ride Scrambler, first!" she says excitedly, tugging at Alex's arm via his coat sleeve. "My favorite ride, maybe! I love feeling dizzy when I get off ride!" she's bouncing on her tiptoes to catch sight of where the ride might be located. If there's no Scrambler, she's gonna be really disappointed.

Alexander Aaron has posed:
    To the ticket-taker Alexander gives a nod, a slightly sympathetic gaze offered as if knowing how dull this must be. But not even that small attempt at human commiseration reaches through the plastic of the window. Poor fellow.
    Once they're in a smile and a nod is given as he buttons his pocket over the cell since spinny spinny rides have a tendency to send things flying. But he moves after, "I don't know if it's called the Scrambler. They have a Screaming Mimi?" Which he gestures to across the way, one of those multi-armed octopus-like rotating rides that seems entirely unsafe and really should probably have more safety inspections considering how much rust is on the thing.
    As they pass he also is sure to point out, "Over thattaway is the corn dogs and the ice cream..." He stands on his own tip toes to see over the side of a popcorn popping vendor and a handful of teenagers who are laughing as they walk past, one of them commenting as she passes.
    "This is all so stupid. God." But it doesn't register for Alex.
    "Oh and the games are thattaway." That said he seems content to follow in the wake of Hurricane Hella.

Hella Rokkurdisardottir has posed:
    Sadly, from what Hella can see of the rides, there's no Scrambler present and that definitely dims her excitement for a while. What good is it going to the fair if you can't leave a ride feeling like you might fall flat on your butt as you step off of it?! Still. There are lots of other rides that capture her notice and she's keen to ride them, despite her let-down blues. She does a similarly wise thing of putting her things in pockets that have zippers on her cargo pants, before she urges Alex to join her on the first ride -- The Coney Clipper! A giant pirate ship that swings back and forth, gradually building up both height and speed until the riders feel like they might just fly off of it! Hella doesn't mind this because it's exciting! But, also because she can fly, so it's not that dangerous to her.

    "Eat after rides, or we puke!" she says with a big grin. It's only been half an hour since the falafals, but she's gotta hope that it's long enough that Alex won't lose his cookies when they move on to crazier rides. "I know this ride is very babyish, but is first one! We ramp up, yes?" she grins, standing in line for the ride, then moving along quickly as the ride finishes its previous run and prepares for the next. "After we eat, games! Nice progression!"

Alexander Aaron has posed:
    "You are very wise!" Alexander says as he follows along and after some time in the line he hops up onto the plastic and wooden structure, causing it to sway slightly. A few strides take him further into the faux sail boat as he walks, glancing back behind him for an idea of which end or how deep into it she's wanting to find a seat. Once that's settled he drops into one of those benchseats and settles the seatbelt in place with a light click.
    "Bah, it's not /that/ babyish. I mean sure for a Greek it's hardly a challenge, but not all peoples are as hearty as we!" The tone he has is wry, amused as he teases though he settles in place.
    "Have you been to a lot?" He asks as they wait for the ride to get started. "Different fairs and things I mean?" He adds.
    Then there's a /kachunk/ as the ride unhitches from its safety mechanisms and then sloooowly starts forward, swaying that way, then slooowly back.

Hella Rokkurdisardottir has posed:
    Hella heads...straight to the back of the right side. As she plops down and watches Alexander join her, she grins broadly and whispers loudly, "Back is scariest seat! Gets maximum velocity!" She waggles her eyebrows to another girl (sitting a few seats closer toward the center) who looks back in fear at Hella's words. "Don't worry," she reassures the girl. "If you fall out, I catch you, no problem!" she tells the girl very confidently. "Ride without fear and feel rush of being alive!" she nods sharply to emphasize her 'carpe diem' command.

    She pulls the bar down over her lap and ensures she's buckled in safely. Even though she can fly and isn't in danger of falling to her death, safely measures must be followed! "This gonna be FUN, Alex," she squeaks excitedly, grabbing the bar in both hands and jiggling it in anticipation.

Alexander Aaron has posed:
    There's a rush of movement then as the ship kicks forward, swooooshing ahead as the view out the sides of the boat take on a blur each time the sailing ship surges forward and back. At first it's just an easy rush and whoosh, but it gains power with each cycle.
    The young woman in the seat in front of Hella gives her a /look/ of some concern, but laughs it off as the giant-daughter truly does have an infectious way about her. Alexander at her side smirks sidelong, though he holds on to the bar in front of him, fingers tight on the metal. There's a /ruuuuush/ as the ship reaches another cycle, slashing forward with a whirl.
    And steadily it becomes more and more.
    No longer is it easy to get one's bearings at a glance, only those moments when the ship is forward and a hint of zero gravity touches them. Then it rushes back and they are pushed against the rails in front of them. Faster... and faster.
    Until they're almost up vertical to the horizon with the ground in front of them... then another whooosh as they thrust forward...
    Only a few minutes, two or three, before it starts cycling back down and she'll hear the Olympian youth's laughter as he looks sidelong to Hella, "Not bad!"

Hella Rokkurdisardottir has posed:
    The first couple of passes are nothing. They might thrill a grade schooler. But, as the boat really kicks into gear, the fourth, fifth, and sixth passes...Hella starts feeling the rush of enjoyment that accompanies the riding of her ideal fairground rides! She lifts her hands up high and lets the straps and bar hold her in, and she laughs -- maybe a little wildly -- as the velocity increases with each pass. "IS AMAZING," she calls out, her braids sailing in the air along with her arms.

    All too soon, the ride begins to slow down and the feeling of excitement fades, though she's got a rosy glow to her cheeks and her baby hairs that have escaped her tight-to-the-scalp french braids are a bit more untamed. "Ahhhh, yes, very good!" she says agreeably to Alex's comment. "Let's go there, next!" she points at the Endeavor, which looks like a single-person ferris wheel gone wild. As far as ramp ups go, Hella's taking leaps, as opposed to baby steps, maybe!

Alexander Aaron has posed:
    Alexander's own hair is a wild thing, could definitely use a combing and his cheeks are flushed with a warmth that comes from combining the cold of winter with the wild of excitement. He shakes his head as he hops off the sailing ship and follows after her. So nice to have her leading from the fore, navigating the crowd rather easily as people seem to just /get out/ of Hella's way.
    But then it's off to the swirling circular ride of the Endeavor that twists around like a simple single seat swing, only for it to get faster and faster, turning up on its side partially to give the illusion of flight and taking off and then rushing down back to the ground for a potential landing. Swirling and tilting and rushing in a wild abandon... only then slooowing to a halt.
    A halt that has Alex staggering a little as he gets off, the world swaying a bit longer as he shakes his head. But no falafel puking. Not yet at least.
    Only for him to point, "That!" In the direction of the Steeplechase. And that for some reason appeals to him. Facing forward and riding 'horses' on a roller coaster, that looks like it'll be exciting. "A true test!" He speaks boisterously, even as he heads off in that direction.

Hella Rokkurdisardottir has posed:
    Hella's a lot like a Nordic bulldozer, only cuter and much louder! She laughs as she jogs through the fairgrounds with Alex, the people parting like they expected her coming, and makes her way to each subsequent ride. The Endeavor is a /really/ fun ride for her, she lets her arms fly high as she screams out her excitement and enjoyment of the crazy things her body experiences with all the soaring machinery doing the work! She's a little breathless as she exits it, her cheeks still flushed and her eyes bright, sparkling. "Holy shit, yes, Alex," she says, holding up her hand for a high-five after the experience of the Endeavor!

    Steeplechase looks like it'll be an enjoyable ride, for sure, but a bit tamer than Hella tends to seek out. She definitely has fun, though, and makes sure to keep her arms raised the entire ride! The rush of cold wind against her warm skin feels so amazing, her heart rate is pumping, and she's feeling /powerful/.

    The following rides just seem to get crazier, maybe a little up and down in the ride's thrill-level as she's never ridden them before and isn't sure which ones will be better than the last. She takes Alex all over the themepark, riding the Atlantic Aviator, which straps the rider in and allows them to experience all the things one might experience as a pilot, including doing loops and flying upside down. The Clockworkz, which is a little tamer, in her opinion, but still fun as it swoops the two newly-formed friends in increasingly fast circles! There are more. And, she's always excited to be riding the next, freshly off of the one she'd rushed to before.

Alexander Aaron has posed:
    There's definitely a high-five with a /whap/ of impact given, one of those strong high-fives that you can feel jolt back up your arm even as he's walking along with her toward the next target of the Clockworkz.
    It's a chance of pace for him, to be around someone he can just be, and doesn't have to worry. And Hella is a font of enthusiasm, making everything fun and exciting. Without her the rides would /definitely/ have been less fun. Yet it's perhaps an hour, perhaps a little more, until they're laughing and staggering away from the last twisting nightmare that they had tried. It was nice to enjoy such things with someone who feels so little fear, naught to prey upon his senses, naught to draw that side of him out. Just two people exuberantly enjoying life.
    Which has him shaking his head as they walk along, "Man, ok. Take a break, maybe go back in a bit?" He finally takes off that pea coat and tucks it under one arm, carrying it at his side. Beneath he's just wearing a pair of blue jeans and a black t-shirt that's a few sizes too big for him, but on the front of the shirt is a small kitten with a pirate sword and an eyepatch that proclaims in a dialog bubble, 'It's a Mew-Tiny!'
    "Games?" He asks as he had started walking in that direction, but pauses for a moment to meet her eyes.

Hella Rokkurdisardottir has posed:
    Hella is breathless and grinning as Alex finally calls for a timeout on riding rides and, she nods her head agreeably, her hands planted on her knees as she tries to process the power that's just...trying to burst out of her. "Yeah, buddy, sure!" she says, straightening and bumping up against him companionably as he finishes taking off his peacoat. Looking at his shirt, Hella gasps and makes a squee face as she coos, "OMG, kitty is so cute! Is a mew tiny? Mewtiny...MUTINY, OH!" As she finally gets the pun, Hella purses her grinning lips and shakes her head. "Is good joke! Such cute shirt," she praises Alexander as she walks alongside him.

    Originally, Hella had outlined that they would go for food after riding rides, then visit the games. But, she's not /that/ hungry, yet. So, when Alex checks with her to verify that she's good with his suggestion, she nods. "Yes, let's DO IT!" she says energetically, shadowboxing the air a little to try to bleed out some of her restless energy! "I'm gonna make killing, watch me!" she says confidently, her grin a little playfully cocky.

Alexander Aaron has posed:
    "Yeah my dad buys them in bulk..." The way Alexander says that about the t-shirts, it's as if for some reason he's a little sour about it, but who can fault the power of the Pirate Kitten! But then she thumps him a little and he crinkles his nose and /shoulder/ checks her. Though not really that hard, though their relative swaying might seem it a bit so.
    Then they're off down the thoroughfare, walking past the people of the small crowd there even in Winter. Not a lot, but still some visitors, and still giving Hella a wide berth. "Alright, you had best win all the things, or I'm going to be super disappointed." He says pointedly as he peers at her sidelong, very demanding as he walks past the funnel cake kiosk and rolls on toward the games of chance. The sound of plastic hitting glass gets louder as they approach the ring toss, and over across the way are a bunch of frogs having water shot into their mouths as ballons blow up over their heads.
    The usual games.

Hella Rokkurdisardottir has posed:
    As Alex gives her a firmer bump with his shoulder, she can feel the power inside her throb with desire to be set free. She really has to rein herself in, or she'll start play-brawling with him right in the middle of this very public place! While her abilities work to make her an effing fantastic fighter, a real knuckle-dragging bruiser, it doesn't help her make and keep friends if she doesn't work hard to soften her nature. While it was always a roaring good time to tussle with her brothers, most people aren't as durable as her family.

    Rolling her shoulders to help loosen the tension building with all of her pent-up energy, Hella grins at the comment from Alexander. "Oh, I will shock you with my prowess, just wait!" she reassures him with a confident tone and smile. Hella takes in the array of closest games, chewing her at her lip in thought, "How 'bout knock bottles over? They usually cheat and glue bottles down, but won't stop me~!" she suggests.

Alexander Aaron has posed:
    "I will hold you to that," The blond Olympian says with that wry half-smile. Even as they stroll on up toward the bottle pyramid booth with sooooo many stuffed toys hanging down and over the sides of it, with a little radio playing some carnival music, it has a man behind the counter who looks like he could give the ticket-taker a run for his money for blaise manner.
    "Umm, we'll take 6 balls, please." Alex says to the man who nods and takes the money from the young man, then he calls out, "New pitcher, new pitcher!" Loud and yet entirely without enthusiasm. He then takes out six baseballs and lets them thump onto the wooden counter in front of them, which has Alexander taking three and him lightly pushing the others toward her.
    "Loser has to sing a song of the other's choosing. Full volume while we walk to the next game. Ok? Ok." And it's /clear/ by his manner, he assumes it's going to be her.

Hella Rokkurdisardottir has posed:
    From the determined look in Hella's pale blue eyes, it sure seems like she believes she's gonna win. "You can hold me all you like! It won't change outcome," she says confidently, a playful, snarky curl to her upper lip that's actually kind of attractive. While Alex talks, she gives the ticket-taker a once over, sizing them up. Then, she shakes herself.

    She's gotten too hyped up by having so much fun. It's flooded her with raw power and that can sometimes make her behave more aggressively than she normally would, if she's not careful. That poor ticket-taker never asked to be eyed like that just 'cause she's spoiling for a fight! She gives her head another good shake as the balls are nudged toward her by Alex, picking up the first one and giving it a leather-squeakingly tight /squeeze/.

    "DEAL," she says a bit too eagerly, her voice a bit gruffer than Alex has experienced from her, before. There's something about her current demeanor that will likely stand out to him as being 'pumped.' That, and the fact that she's giving off a lot more heat than she was earlier, despite the thinness of her tracksuit jacket. She plants her feet in front of the barrier, lined up with one of the stools holding the small tower of bottles. "Who goes first?" she asks, looking over at her friend with a wicked little grin and a dark glint in her shining eyes.

Alexander Aaron has posed:
    A scoffing chortling snorf of a laugh comes from him as she makes that comment about holding her, which has him shaking his head and looking upwards to the heavens as if pleading for some grandfatherly intervention or wisdom to help him deal with this tumultuous Muspel. He then crinkles his nose at her the /strongest/ of crinkles she has ever seen, though likely most hilarious as he shakes his head and says.
    "I'll go first, cuz I'm the best." He says, perhaps picking up a contact /pump/ because really Hella is a contagious sort with her moods. He sidles on up and gives a nod to the guy who took the money. Three perfect throws might well get the big pink panther, but decent throws might get something good!
    A look to the side is given, he points at her and says, "No interference." As if she would. But then he turns to face the defiant bottles. Focuses. Draws back and /throws/ sidewarm into the bottles!
    Knocking down five of the six with his first throw. "Yeah!"
    Then he lines up for his second throw straightens, narrows his eyes. And /whing!/
    Three bottles clatter and he makes a face.
    He sets up, settles into stance. Then draws back and /whoosh!/
    Another five bottles clatter.
    "Nice buddy, nice work, here you go!" And with that a small three inch tall Pikachu is taken off the wall and handed to him.

Hella Rokkurdisardottir has posed:
    Hella doesn't really get the joke, naturally! She's usually unaware that she's said something that could be taken another way, and she's all the happier for it. Most others are, too, 'cause it's usually pretty damned funny! So, she's blissfully ignorant of her comment's double-meaning as Alex claims the first spot. "Have at, Alexander! Let me see your best," she says encouragingly. She really does want to see what kinda skill Alex has, curious to learn more about him -- perhaps for later use! Always Be Checking out your potential opponenets' skill level! Also, be admiring their swagger as they step up to the barrier, ahem!

    Hella's hands raise in surrender as he levels her with a pointed finger and demands no interference, "None at all!" She grins, though, leaning her hip against the barrier as she watches, her arms crossed and her first ball still squeezed in her hand. As the first throw brings down five of six, she gives a rallying hoot of support, clapping her free hand against her thigh! The second throw is less successful, but still respectable! Half ain't nothin' to sneeze at! She keeps a running string of support and encouragement for him, much the way gymrats will encourage their fellow lifters. "You got this, AL-LEX~" she crows as he sets up for the last throw. "WOO!" she says, clapping her hand on her thigh, again, as five bottles fall. "Good job!" she says, giving Alex another hug, this one more like a grapple and thump, and pushes him away with a grin. "Make room, make room!" she says, popping out her arms and giving them a good shake as she snaps her head back and forth, ear to shoulder, and rolls her shoulders simultaneously.

    Lining up her first shot, there's a look in her eyes that is just so...intense. It's like that of a wolf stalking prey. Going in for the kill. Hella winds her arm up and lets fly with an almost-blur-like speed. The ball she'd been squeezing, enough to pop a couple of its stitches, rockets into the base of the bottles and a couple of things happen. One, the bottles that take the brunt of the impact shatter. Two, the other bottles tumble to the ground as... Three, the stool splits in half where the ball continued through the bottles and into the flimsy wooden plate.

    Hella raises her arms above her head, clasping her hands in a tight fisted grip, and she sucks in a wincing hiss of air, "Oh, /pizdets/!" She glances up at the ticket-taker and makes an oof-face at him, half of her mouth pulled to one side. "I'm sorry about that. I will pay for damages," she says. But! She still has two shots left. If only she had better /finesse/! She bounces back and forth on her feet, trying to shake off the distraction of her first throw's results. "Numberrrrrrr TWO," she says forcefully as she throws the second ball at the set up of bottles on the next stool. This time, a couple of the bottles still shatter, but she was able to avoid ruining the stool this time! Four bottles fall, two shattered on the ground below. A hole through the tarpaulin's no big deal; right? "A bit of stitching with fishing line, is fine!" she waves it off dismissively with a big grin.

    The last throw, though, Hella has to take it quickly, 'cause she's pretty sure she's about to get banned from the games section. As a result, she explodes four of six bottles, leaving the other two wobbling, wobbling, until one falls, and the last bottle is left standing. "WOO!" she shoots both arms skyward and jumps up and down. "What you think of THAT, Al-lexxxxxxxx?" she croons triumphantly! "YEAH, BAY-BEE!"

Alexander Aaron has posed:
    When she cheered him on, Alexander found himself smiling ear to ear. Just such a smile as he shook his head and dealt with his throws. But her manner, her approach to life and the world, it caused him to adjust his approach when his turn was over. She had cheered him so, and so it was his turn, darn it.
    And he wouldn't let her down.
    "Alright, Hella. Let's see that arm!" He said as he clapped when she got up front and square, ready to throw. His hands came together with good solid meaty slaps just a steady 'whap-whap-whap' of applause until she's aiming, eying, and then /WHOOSH!/ slams that ball into the bottles, the stool, and the tent. Just an abrupt cacophony of chaos and impact.
    Which has him laughing. Just outright letting himself laugh as he shakes his head.
    The man who handles the game raises his voice, "Hey wait, wait!" As she squares up for the next throw. She tries to mollify him with stating she'll pay the damages and then goes to throw again, which just makes his eyes /widen/ sharply.
    And KAWHAM! The next ball hits home and it's like a bottlepocalypse. So much broken, so much mayhem. Only to finally be shattered with the third that hits right through the tent and it leaves Alexander still clapping, still laughing...
    While the gamekeeper raises his voice, "No more! Stop it! Get outta here!" He says, even going so far as to grab the large Pink Panther grand prize some five feet tall and thrusts it at her. "Take it! Never come back! Oh my god I can't believe you!"
    But Alexander steps in, resting a hand on Hella's arm as he urges her away from the game of 'chance' and says, "Thanks for the prize, mister." Then to her, "C'mon, Hella. Let's beat feet before he calls security." Though laughter comes back in that last word as he tries to say 'security' and it becomes more a thing like, 'securit-he-hee'.
    Which has him heading away, shaking his head as he looks over his shoulder, "You're a mad woman!" Yet she's so blazingly warm, and she does seem a bit wild. He stops and steps to her, pink panther held over his shoulder, "Are you okay?"

Hella Rokkurdisardottir has posed:
    Hella fully intends to pay for the damages! When she's booted out, though, she has to settle for tossing a card at the gameskeeper (as gently as she can) with her contact info on it. "Sorry, sir! I promise, I will pay for damages!" she calls back over her shoulder as Alex leads her away from the brewing trouble. It'd suck if she got banned from Coney Island, especially now that she knows about the rides it has!

    When they're a decent distance away and Alex turns to look at her, she grins. "Oh, sure!" she waves a dismissive hand. "I admit, I am pumped, but throwing ball helped some!" she flexes all her muscles in random order, going based on what feels good. "Is like... Is hard to explain," she grins lopsidedly, lifting a shoulder in a half-shrug. "But, I feel great. Don't worry," she says with a reassuring smile.

Alexander Aaron has posed:
    For a brief moment, Alexander tilts his head and peers at her. Something in the way she moves as she casually flexes has him biting his lower lip for a bare moment, then he turns his head to the side and nods. "Alright."
    Though the word takes a hint longer as he tucks his coat under his arm and continues to walk with her, his smile returning as he murmurs sidelong, "So you won the bet, what am I singing?" He asks her even as he pulls the Pink Panther over his shoulder and carries it there like he were kidnapping the poor feline.
    Then he adds, "Ya jerk," A wry admonishment as he lightly pushes her shoulder to foul her step as they walk, trying to focus back on the here and now. "Did you wanna play another game?" He asks sidelong.

Hella Rokkurdisardottir has posed:
    Hella isn't sure why Alex is concerned, aside from the fact that he saw her basically turn glass bottles into dust. But, he knows Asgardians, he knows superheroes. Surely, that couldn't be a huge surprise. She smiles crookedly at him as he works through his feels and eventually offers up a delayed 'al right.' "Yeah, is totally all right," she agrees with a soft laugh, bumping against him companionably, again. Gentle reassurance that she's not about to hulk out or anything!

    She beams brightly at him as he mentions she won the bet, feeling just /so/ pleased with herself. She lived up to her promise, and that always feels good. Especially when it means your friend has to sing some karaoke of your choosing! She purses her lips thoughtfully and emits a comically drawn out 'hmmmmmmmmmm' sound. She can almost see the shoulder push coming, and she rolls out from under it, laughing as Alex's step is the one that is fouled! "S'what you get, punk!" she says kindly, with a big smile.

    "I think, must be from one of my favorite bands, ever. Real karaoke royalty," she builds up her reveal, stirring up the tension. She even gives herself a tongue-trilling drum-roll, ending in an imitation cymbal crash and jazz hands, "ABBA!" She looks utterly delighted. "Am just trying to narrow down song. So hard. So many good, good songs," she says in a mock pained, put-upon voice.

    To the question of another game, she laughs and shakes her head, "I would probably be banned from this place, if I played a game right now. You can play, though, and I will cheer you!" She pauses for a moment, then gives him a sly, coy look. "Besides. I never said I wouldn't sing your song, even though I won,' she says in a sing-song voice.

Alexander Aaron has posed:
    A grrrr, is heard from him as she fouls his approach for the shoulder check. Assuredly it's all the stuff he's carrying now, that's it. But he snortlaughs a little as she actually calls him a punk. Shaking his head he walks on, hands in his pockets and his eyes distanced as she passes judgment on his karaoke sentencing.
    "Abba?!" He says with a strong tinge of incredulity to the word, his eyes just /rolling/ upwards as he murmurs a complaint of, 'aww man.' as if the world was just being cruel to him now. It's enough to make him /grroowl/ low, a deep rumble in his broad chest as he walks with her. "You will pay for this, Rokkurdisardottir."
    But then she gives him that so sly look and their eyes meet, his smile twisting up amused. Pleased, and that touch of affection is such a warm thing there in those hazel eyes. "We can sing them both together?" He offers. As if that would be a lovely solution.

Hella Rokkurdisardottir has posed:
    Hella laughs at the growl, because it's adorable! Like a grumpy pup, but a tall young man, instead! It gives her such a sweet look on her face, the way she laughs and smiles when she finds something cute! It somehow conveys the softness in her that is hidden beneath the buff exterior. 'Course, she's not as bulky as other females who, because they're only human, are weaker than her but sport builds that are super beefed-out. Though she's cut and toned, she's still feminine underneath all that muscle and bold personality! "Ahh, so cute," she says with an affectionate exhalation.

    Then, she's laughing, again, because ABBA was not what Alex had hoped to hear! "Please, for your sake and mine, don't disparage ABBA. I love them and you will sing a song of ABBA for me!" she says with a firm note in her voice, pointing a warning finger at you. "Trust me, I am already paying for it. How much do fairground supplies cost?" she says in an aside.

    She grins at the offer, biting her lower lip and pretending to consider it. "Nnnnnnnnnnnnyes! We can sing ABBA song together. /AFTER/ you sing first ABBA song, solo!" she allows with a great, big winning smile.