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Latest revision as of 04:19, 12 February 2022

Tagi Neoma (Scenesys ID: 3839)
Name: Tagi Neoma
Superalias: Hellslinger
Gender: Female
Species: Mutant
Occupation: Student
Citizenship: United States of America
Residence: Xavier's School for Gifted Youngsters
Education: High School Student
Theme: Original (OC)
Apparent Age: 17 Actual Age: 17
Date of Birth 04 Dec 2004 Played By
Height: 5'0 Weight: 90 lbs
Hair Color: Plum Eye Color: Orange
Twitter: @gogogodzilla
Theme Song: My Chemical Romance - Party Poison

Character Info


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A paranoid girl with a heart of gold. Tagi Neoma never made many friends, but yearned to learn more about other people. Born to two prestigious doctors, and rebellious to a fault. Her mutant powers awakened in a (literally) heated argument about her gender identity, leading to her disownment. Now under the care of her sister, Tagi is headed to Xaiver's School for Gifted Youngsters, where she must balance finding new friends, classes, and grades with her night-time activites as the gunslinging Hellslinger, an upcoming vigilante who tries her best to help others, even when it may bite her in the end.


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* 2004: Born Thomas Neoma, and raised in Pittsburgh, PA, to Doctors Aiko and Aidi Neoma.
* 2018: Age 14, Started experiencing gender dysphoria. Expressed desire to change gender and name to parents, to a negative response.
* 2019: Age 15, Awakened to her mutant powers after a (literally) heated argument. Setting her home ablaze. Disowned by parents.
* 2020: Age 16, Took under guardianship of Katherine Neoma, her sister. Legally changed name to Tagi, and began Hormone Replacement Therapy.
* 2021, Age 17, started vigilantism as Hellslinger, moved to NYC to enroll at Xaiver's School for Gifted Youngsters.

IC Journal

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Tagi is sensitive to the emotions of others, and won't let any perceived injustices go unattended to. She's liable to help others even to her own determinant. Conversely, while not a pacifist by any means. This trait means that most of the time, Tagi will try to find a non-violent solution to most conflicts.

Pessimistic Optimist:
Tagi believes in hope above all things, and tries to keep a positive outlook on life. But she commonly falls into the trap of expecting the worst in all things. Ideally to thers, she believes that things will turn out alright in the end, and tries to keep others' spirits up, but in practice, she can lose sight of the light at the end of the tunnel.

Shy Persona:
Tagi masks her true personality behind a carefully crafted persona. For sake of clarification of which heading is 'real' or not, this personality will be detailed here.

Tagi presents herself as a shy, anxious, little girl. Trying to be as non threatening as possible. She comes off as faint of heart, easy to scare, and liable to dip at the slightest hint of conflict. Tagi of course, can alter this persona's reactions to things as she sees fit. But it is very hard to get her to drop it entirely.

Despite her anxious persona, Tagi is a bit of a social butterfly. Always curious about other peoples situations, their lives and what makes them tick. Tagi is quick to make friends, and even quicker to start asking all kinds of personal questions. Hopefully they don't get offended.

Tagi is hard working, and low energy, balancing all aspects of her life. She seldom has the energy for most mundane aspects of life, reserving her focus for moments she deems important. She looks like she's about to fall asleep on the spot otherwise.

Veiled Fury:
Beneath her crafted, shy persona, Tagi is loud, abrasive, and passionate, her true self speaks her mind, and is driven by emotion, prone to outbursts if pushed. Tagi suppresses her true self with her persona. Afraid of what people may think of her if she speaks her mind.

Character Sheet


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Tagi is able to channel her Pyrokinesis into existant sources of fire and heat, this works best with sudden explosive reactions. She can channel her mutant power into these things, and manipulate them. Usually the object must be handheld, which makes firearms the best choice for this ability. Upon ignition, Tagi can manipulate the ignition itself, making it stronger, or weaker. This allows Tagi to make bullets pierce through solid steel, or make even the most heavy of calibers less-than-lethal. With blanks, Tagi can channel her Pyrokinesis through her firearm, shooting spurts of flame with each round.

Tagi's mutant power manifests in the ability to create flames from her hands, while Tagi is untrained in using raw fire effectively. In a pinch, she can conjure short range blasts of fire from her palms. When done this way, this fire is unreasonably hot, around 2,400 F to 2,7000 F, but Tagi cannot yet do finer manipulation of it. She goes from 0-100.

Thermal Resistance:
Tagi's skin is able to withstand heat up to 2800 F, and is less prone to ignition. With severe heat above, Tagi can last longer than the average person, but her skin will burn if sustained.


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Bullet Curve:
Using her mutant powers, Tagi is able to alter the ignition of a shot in order to curve her bullets. This enables her to pull off trick shots, and shoot around corners and covers. This works best with single shots, and is harder with automatic fire.

Tagi has no military background, but she does have an interest in firearms, only having former experience in her bouts of vigilantism, she has steady trigger discipline, knows basic sight-lines, and can identify most commonly known firearms and calibers by sight and sound.

Always desiring a non violent solution to most conflict, as a vigilante, Tagi is able to de-escalate conflict, and reason with combatants. Tagi always attempts to resolve a conflict peacefully, and, even when she doesn't, she uses her social skills to drop guards, setting things up for the perfect surprise attack.

Tagi has keen eyes, and is observant of her surroundings. Able to pick up on details others may not notice. Honing her senses to gleam information from them. Tagi is especially adept at tracking, being able to pick up clues on what may have happened in an area or to a person from small details.

Quick Thinker:
Tagi is quick to adapt to situations. Planning out her next course of action on the fly. Tagi doesn't do well with pre-mediated plans, preferring to come into things with no plan, and adapt on the fly.


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Tagi employs her sisters old revolver, a Unica Mateba Model 6, in her vigilantism. The revolver is worn and has seen a lot of use. Ideally, Tagi seeks a firearm specially designed to withstand her powers, but for now, she can make due with this one.

Tagi's sister provides the girl with financial support, a reasonably well-to-due self proclaimed 'psychic', she provides for Tagi her medication and any resources she deems fit.

Vigilante Costume:
Tagi has a vigilante costume, hapazardly stitched together, its' thick purple jacket provides some protection, and its' full face mask conceals her identity, safety glasses sewn in under the eyeholes. Garnished with horns and a tail, it also sports various pouches and pockets to hold the various types of ammo she employs.


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Tagi is hot headed, and prone to act with her heart first when things get personal. Doing things haphazardly and recklessly.

Tagi is very inexperienced, and in her process of dishing out vigilante justice, and in life in general. She's prone to making mistakes. Especially because as all teenagers do, she values her own opinion above all others. Disliking listening to authority.

Limited Ammo:
Because Tagi's powers can currently only be properly channeled through firearms. She has limited ammo on her person, employing both blanks and regular 345 magnum rounds in her repertoire, she typically carries enough ammo to last the night, but when she runs out, she's SOL, relying on her unhoned raw pyrokinesis.

Tagi is paranoid and secretive, especially about her gender identity, if there is even a hint that someone outside of those in her inner circle or doctors know about it, she can be prone to irrational thinking, and going to any lengths to make sure nobody learns of her past.

Secret Identity:
Tagi's vigilante activites aren't exactly legal. With the normal condition of endangering her sister's life if she makes any enemies. Her new scholarship at Xaiver's may be canned if found out. Tagi only goes out at night for this very reason. Relatively unknown in NYC, she has plenty of enemies to create as she continues.



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