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Latest revision as of 05:49, 13 February 2022

A Birthday Dinner
Date of Scene: 12 February 2022
Location: Podium at Theatre Row
Synopsis: Richard takes Steph to the Podium for her birthday. A proposal ensues.
Cast of Characters: Dick Grayson, Stephanie Brown

Dick Grayson has posed:
Dick was impervious to all questions, pleading or spying on where he was taking Steph for her birthday. The only hint was the request to 'dress up' for the event.

    Now it was evening, almost the time Dick had told her they would be leaving. Given his own 'dress up' was one of his nicest suits, she'd probably get the general idea. He's awaiting her in the downstairs living room, knowing that her preparations would take longer than his. That's simply the way it works. On the plus side, he's not checking his watch or anything, knowing that she's not usually one to take too long to get herself together.

Stephanie Brown has posed:
It wasn't all that long ago, well a year anyway, that Stephanie Brown's choices for dressing up would have been pretty limited. Though when she'd gone to the closet to pick something, the number of beautiful clothes that had materialized in there since moving in with Dick surprised her.

Stephanie is the kind of girl who rarely keeps Dick waiting when they go out, happy to throw on whatever, and maybe just the smallest bit of makeup. Though tonight definitely does take longer. But eventually that time comes when he looks up and sees her coming down the stairs.

Her legs are visible first. A white silk dress that clings to her hips and has a slit up one side to mid-thigh to show slender, fit legs. Hugging to her stomach and sides with smooth white silk, and then pleated across her chest and with a low neckline supported by spaghetti straps.

She's wearing a diamond necklace, jewelry she rarely would, though it sets off the white in the dress, and in the girl's beautiful smile that at the sight of Dick all dressed up, spreads across her lips the way a sunrise spread across the horizon.

"I hope this is ok for what you have in mind?" she asks in a hopeful tone as she walks over to him. Expression just a little insecure as she's dressed up far beyond what she usually would wear, though her poise and posture are perfect as she walks over to join Dick, stiletto heels giving her no problem.

Dick Grayson has posed:
    As he hears her on the stairs, Dick stands up from his chair and walks over to them. A smile lights up his face as he sees her, and once she reaches the bottom he reaches out to take her hand, raising it to his lips and kissing it gently.

    "Beautiful as ever, love. That's perfect for what I have planned."

    Without releasing her hand, he starts towards the front door. He does seem to stay in contact with her as much as possible when they aren't in costume. When he opens the door and escorts her outside, his car is nowhere in sight. Instead a stretch limo awaits them, the uniformed driver standing at the passenger door.

    As he leads her over to it, the driver opens and holds the door for them to enter into a passenger compartment almost as big as some people's bedrooms. Dick lets her enter first so she can arrange herself, then ducks inside as well, taking a seat next to her. The driver closes the door quietly and moves around to the driver's door, pulling out onto the street and heading downtown.

    Dick pulls a bottle of champagne from it's silver cooler and pops the cork carefully so it doesn't shoot around the interior, pouring it into two flutes, one of which he offers her. That done, he smiles warmly at her and raises his glass slightly to her.

    "Happy birthday Steph. You've made me the happiest I've ever been in my life, and I can only hope I make you that happy as well. I love you, and I hope I show you that every day."

Stephanie Brown has posed:
Stephanie Brown's heart nearly skips a beat as Dick kisses her hand. Her teeth close on her bottom lip before that smile spreads wider as she looks at the man that is so handsome he can steal her breath away sometimes. In moments like now.

He makes her feel beautiful in ways she never has felt before. She slips into a jacket which seems to have been paired with the dress by Dick or whomever he had select it. A hooded coat with silvery white faux fur, perfect for Gotham in mid-February. She walks out with Dick and climbs into the car, arranging her dress and then smiling as she takes the offered champagne flute.

The blond-haired girl looks down, smiling so beautifully before looking back up to meet Dick's gaze as he wishes her happy birthday. "I think you're pretty safe in that," she says, the look in her eyes saying she's understating things just a bit. She reaches up to rest her fingers along Dick's cheek and lean in to softly kiss him. "I love you," she says when their lips are parted and she's looking into his eyes. "You do. I would have never dreamed I might be as happy as you make me," she tells him as the car moves them smoothly through the streets of Bristol and across the bridge, heading south onto the islands of Gotham City.

Dick Grayson has posed:
    Dick sips his champagne, then puts the glass into the deep holder beside the seat. He reaches over to stroke her cheek lightly and says "Well, that's just as close to perfect as I can think of." He sits back, relaxing into the seat and slips his arm around her as the limo makes it's way through the streets of Gotham. The buildings outside grow nicer and more ornate as they make their way into the heart of the city.

    The bright lights of the Theatre district illuminate the interior of the limo through it's tinted windows as it pulls into a line of luxury cars. Should Steph look out the windows, she would see that the line leads to the red carpet outside The Podium, paparazzi lining both sides as Gotham's rich and famous emerge from their cars for another evening of 'being seen'.

    After about five minutes, it's their turn. The Podium's valet opens the door and Dick climbs out as flash bulbs start popping. He reaches down to offer Steph his hand in exiting the limo, starting to move up the carpet towards the doors of the restaurant as pictures are taken of the pair. He's got a slight smile on his face that she would recognize as his 'celebrity' smile, worn for most public events he's got to attend.

    Glancing over at her, the smile grows warmer that it normally would be at an event, but that's only natural when he looks at her. They finally reach the door and enter, moving out of sight of the crowd outside. The maitre d' leads them to a table for two a bit off to the side where they can have a bit of privacy. Dick pulls her chair out and waits for her to be seated before he takes his seat.

    "I thought you might like this place, despite all the celebrity, they do actually make some wonderful food as well."

Stephanie Brown has posed:
Stephanie Brown's shy smile as they walk past the flashing paparazzo bulbs probably only fuels their ardor for taking the pictures. Demure is not the expression they traditionally had captured on the face of someone that Dick Grayson is out on the town with. The photo that catches the girl's blue eyes and the light in them as she looks over at her date will probably make it onto page five this weekend.

Once inside, Stephanie slips out of her warm wrap, letting the maitre d' take it as Dick gets her seat. She slides into it and smiles across the table to him. "I've wondered what it was like," she admits as she looks around the wonderful ambiance inside. The classical music is pitched just perfect to provide that right air while not hindering the ability to carry on a conversation. "It's very intimate," she comments, the lighting placed carefully to keep the interior dim in the right places while not making it feel too dark. "Don't let a grue eat me," she kids as she smiles across the table again at Dick. "I heard they have celebrity chefs through here frequently," she comments.

Dick Grayson has posed:
    Nodding to her, Dick replies "It's a place that actually lives up to the hype surrounding it. Some celebrity restaurants get their rep more from location and guests than food, this one has all of that. I think their normal chef is cooking tonight, but he's as good as anyone they have come in."

    "I honestly can't even suggest one thing over the other, it's really all good here." He takes a sip from the water glass already on the table, then smiles at her. "And who knows, there could even be a surprise or two set up for later. But for now, let's decide on what we'd like to eat."

    He scans over the menu card sitting unobtrusively on the table that lists the selection the chef is preparing this evening, pursing his lips. "Hmm, not an easy decision, is it?"

Stephanie Brown has posed:
Stephanie picks up the menu as well, though her attention is on Dick. One of her eyebrows goes up just slightly as he has her intrigued. And from that smile she has, pleased. "You really didn't have to do anything special," she tells him. "I'd have been happy sitting at home with Ritz crackers and peanut butter, watching American Pickers," she tells him with a quiet laugh.

Though there's such light in her eyes that it's clear Dick has made this birthday special for her. He makes her feel beautiful, and cherished, and her emotions shine through in the way she looks back at him. "Mmm," she agrees when finally she pulls her eyes from him to look over the menu. "Yes, so much of it sounds delicious. I think I'll go with the chicken alfredo," she says, though that is just the start of the ingredients that go into the elegant dish she's selected.

Over in the center of the room, a few people have gotten up to dance slowly together. Couples with plenty of room to make their dances slow and intimate. Stephanie smiles as she watches an older couple move to the floor. "I wonder if it's a special day for them. An anniversary or something," she comments before looking back to Dick. "What are you going to have?"

Dick Grayson has posed:
    Putting the menu down, Dick just watches her for a moment, just enjoying the look of happiness on her face. After a moment, he looks over to the couple she was pointing out and smiles. "Well, they look happy enough for it to be, anyway. Maybe someday that will be us out there with a bunch of young faces wondering what we're up to. As for the crackers, that can be fun too, but I wanted tonight to be a little more special for you."

    Without another look at the menu he says "I think that I'm feeling up to a little more solid meal today, I'll get the filet mignon." He gestures to the server who makes his way over to the table and orders Steph's meal as well as his own. He also orders himself a drink, leaving Steph to order whatever she would like to go with her chicken.

    He watches the couples dancing for a moment, then asks "Would you like to dance while we wait for our meals?"

Stephanie Brown has posed:
Stephanie Brown grins across the table to Dick. "You've definitely succeeded, Mr. Grayson," she tells him, of making the night special for her. She smiles and rises from her chair, reaching her hand over for Dick to take after he asks if she'd like to dance.

"I thought you'd never ask," she tells him, face lit up with a smile as she lets him guide her over to the dance floor. There are four or five couples on the floor which could easily hold ten times that many, affording each couple a bit of privacy as they dance.

Stephanie seems to moving fine despite those beautiful stiletto heels she's wearing. She turns once they reach the dance floor, moving one hand to rest up on Dick's shoulder, fingers splaying gently to caress through his jacket. She moves in to dance close against him, her body against his own, the silk of her dress against his suit. "You look so good dressed up," she tells him, eyes drifting down to how the tailored suit fits him. She slowly lifts her gaze back up only after letting it linger. She leans in nearer and whiseprs, "I'm the envy of all the women in the room right now."

Dick Grayson has posed:
    As she nestles in against him, Dick takes her hand and slips his other arm around her. He moves with the music, gracefully leading her in the dance. He murmers in her ear, "Then we must have everybody's attention, because you're the most beautiful woman in the room tonight." He smiles and continues around the dance floor with her in his arms, allowing himself to enjoy the night with her. No ninjas or giant penguins, just the woman he loves on her birthday.

    After a dance that sees them both being stared at by the other guests, some more openly than others, Dick spots the server bringing their meals, so dances he back in the direction of their table, finishing the dance with a twirl and kiss. He leads her back to the table and again holds her seat before sitting himself.

    The meals that are put before them look and smell wonderful, so Dick nods to the waiter as he picks up his knife and fork. He starts in on his meal, salad first. (Gotta eat healthy when you spend as much time as he does in tight fitting costumes) "So tell me love, is there anywhere else you'd like to go? We could always take another trip for a couple days if you like."

Stephanie Brown has posed:
The eldest of the Wayne wards holds Stephanie's attention fully. Anyone else can stare as she dances in the arms of the man she loves, her cheek tucking in beneath his chin at times, and others just gazing up into his eyes. His hand upon her lower back felt through the thin silk of her dress as he holds her close to him.

They eventually return to the table in time for the start of the meal to be delivered. Stephanie is seated, eating her salad slowly. "How... do they make rabbit food, taste so good?" she whispers across the table at Dick after taking her first bites of it. She's not the healthiest of eaters, but then she is only twenty. Twenty year olds don't have to eat all that healthy yet. God bless metabolisms.

She considers the question. "I've been so few places. I don't know. Paris? Italy? I wouldn't mind getting to see more of Europe," she says. "It always looks so amazing when James Bond is... ah, destroying parts of it," she adds with a quiet laugh.

As they are eating their salad, the maitre d' comes over, carrying a small parcel in his hands, and looking a bit hesitant. "Pardon me, Mister Grayson," he says when they give him their attention. "This arrived for the two of you, by courier," he says, offering Dick the package.

It is very poorly wrapped in brown paper that might have once been a grocery bag. And it has a handwritten note on it with lettering that could be a preschooler's handwriting, saying "FRUM DIK". Stephanie leans forward a bit to see it better and then breaks out quiet laughter. "I think, this might be from Cassandra," she tells Dick.

Dick Grayson has posed:
    He chuckles at the rabbit food comment, replying "I told you that you can eat healthy without hating it. It's all in the preparation." He looks over to the maitre d' as the package is delivered, taking the package in hand as the man speaks. He thanks the man for the delivery, and after the man turns and leaves, pulls a small device out of his pocket, unobtrusively running it over the package. The small light on it stays green, so he returns it to his pocket and offers the package to Steph.

    "Well, no explosives detected, so I'm guessing this is for you. Cass is coming along pretty well, all things considered. Let's see what she got you."

Stephanie Brown has posed:
Stephanie Brown watches Dick inspect the package, taking it when he offers it across. "I wouldn't have put it past her. She threw a pair of knives in the kitchen last night," she says, keeping her voice very soft. "Alfred's daughter Julia didn't freak out. Though she reached for her hip like she expected it to have a firearm," she tells him quietly. "I don't know what all she knows about the family, but I tried to keep Bruce's new project from saying anything in front of her," she says, speaking of Austin who they knew Bruce has begun mentoring.

She looks the package over, double checking there isn't anything wrong with it before opening it up. It's smallish to start with, and inside is a jewelry case. Stephanie opens it up, revealing an amethyst necklace.


"Purple of course," she says with a soft smile as she reaches the case over for Dick to take a look. "Sweet of her. I didn't think she'd even know it was my birthday. She's still getting her mind around that whole thing. Though she has gotten used to giving presents on it."

Stephanie smiles over to Dick, setting the necklace on the table as she returns to her salad. "Is there anywhere you haven't been to that you'd like to see?" she says. "I wouldn't mind mountain-climbing somewhere, now that I think about it."

Dick Grayson has posed:
    Dick watches her open the package and smiles when he sees the necklace, "Very pretty, it looks like she's got excellent taste in jewelry. Might have to teach her how to spell my name though." He grins at her and winks. Returning to the salad, he finishes it off and waits for Steph to be done with hers before moving on to the entree.

    "Ah, just perfect. You can always expect the best here. How's yours?" He has another bite while waiting for her opinion on the food.

    "No doubt you'll find a number of packages from various members of our weird little family once we get home."

Stephanie Brown has posed:
The younger woman gives a warm chuckle. "I'll show it to her, tell her how much I liked your gift," Stephanie tells him. Whether Cassandra realizes Stephanie could tell or not, she'll play along in the spirit it was meant. "Ok, you might sell me on salad if we can figure out how to make it like this," she tells Dick as she finishes hers off as well.

She tries her pasta and chicken. "Oh. Oh wow," she says as she stares down at the plate. "Dick. That's so good. I mean, how does anyone even get that good that can make something taste that way?" she says, shaking her head.

Stephanie glances up at the comment about packages. "Think so? I... am not really used to having a family for birthdays and things," she tells him. Her tongue touches her lips. "Had some... kind of rough birthdays growing up." She reaches across the table to rest her hand on his. "This is probably the best one I've ever had."

Dick Grayson has posed:
    "Hold on to that thought, we'll have to see if I find a way to make it even better. As for the food, yeah, the chef here is pretty amazing. I don't know if he'd be up for it, but I keep considering hiring him for the mansion, but between hurting Alfred's feelings and the fact that we never know who will actually be around for a meal on any given evening, I think it might be a waste of talent."

    He keeps eating his entree between talking to her and watching her enjoy hers with a happy smile. It's plain that he truly enjoys making her happy. "I think we could find a few mountains to climb in various parts of the world, if that's what you're currently interested in. It's a good challenge to climb well, pretty different from say, scaling a building or something. Not that we've ever done that sort of thing."

Stephanie Brown has posed:
Stephanie gives a warm laugh at Dick's final statement. Especially as she did a lot of that scaling without the benefit of a winch pulling her up, back in her Spoiler days when she was using rope she bought from the hardware store.

She has a glow about her tonight. The blue of her eyes shining from within as she shares the wonderful meal with Dick on her birthday. In between bites she smiles over at him as they talk. "I imagine you could probably find a way to top it," she tells him of the night, "but then you never fail to amaze me, Richard Grayson," she tells him warmly.

She finishes her pasta, taking a sip of wine. "I still think I'm going to wake one day and this is all going to have been some wonderful dream," she tells him, giving a little shake of her head as if of disbelief. "But I'll happily milk the dream until my alarm goes off if so," she tells him.

Dick Grayson has posed:
    As they finish up their meal, he looks at her, seeing how happy she looks right now. Taking his cue from her statement, he shrugs a little while saying, "Well, if it's all a dream, why don't we make it a really, really good one?"

    He pulls a small box out his pocket, then slips out of his chair to go to one knee beside the table. Opening the box to display the ring inside it, he looks up into her eyes and says "Stephanie Brown, I know we haven't been together all that long and it might be too soon, but I already can't imagine my life without you in it. Just thinking about your smile lightens my day and gets me through everything I have to deal with in the real world. I love you more than I ever thought I could love someone, and I hope you will give me the chance to show that every day for the rest of our lives."

    The love he feels for her shines in his eyes as he awaits the answer to the most important question he's ever asked in his life.


Stephanie Brown has posed:
Stephanie's head tilts to the side just slightly as she sees Dick retrieve something from his pocket. But then he's slipping out of his chair and down to his knee and Stephanie's eyes suddenly go wide.

This is it. This is the moment that she's going to wake up. It has to be.

Dick opens the box to reveal the diamond and amethyst ring within. Stephanie looks from it, back up to Dick's face, and back down to the ring. Back up to his eyes, her expression still stunned.

Stephanie's eyes start to glisten heavily, and as she blinks a tear rolls down her cheek. Her hands come up to both of her cheeks, one hand wiping at the tear. She tries to say something but the words choke off on the first try. She doesn't make Dick wait for her to find her voice though, nodding to him, the nod coming rapidly. "Yes," she finally says, her heart leaping into her throat as she moves forward to pull him up so she can hug him and kiss him.

Dick Grayson has posed:
    After wrapping his arms around her and returning the kiss, he takes her hand and slips the ring onto her finger, then pulls her back into another hug and kiss. His eyes are a bit damp too, for that matter. He's allowed to be a little emotional, after all it's not every day you propose. Applause starts up around the room as people notice what's going on, causing Dick to look around and smile before turning back to Steph and kissing her again to the cheers of the other patrons.

    "So, how's that for topping it? I hope that did it, because this I can't top too easily."

    He returns to his seat, saying "So love, what are you in the mood for? Dessert, dancing, sitting there in shock? I'm pretty much ok with whatever you like."

Stephanie Brown has posed:
Stephanie Brown's arms wrap about Dick tightly, hugging him as they kiss, and only gradually letting him go after. It takes a few moments for the soft applause to filter through and draw her attention to remembering there are other people there in the restaurant.

She lets Dick go and sits back down. She looks at the ring on her finger, and then back up to him. And back down again. The enormity of the moment is spelled out by the fact that Stephanie isn't talking. Usually her inside voice would have at least found it's way into being spoken aloud by now.

"Topped," she says with a small disbelieving shake of her head, looking from the ring and back up to Dick again. Her cheeks are going to hurt if she keeps smiling that widely. "I think sitting here in shock is all about I can manage for the moment," she says, breaking out finally warm laughter, and one of her warm smiles. Just warm-warm, not goofy warm.

"You... you're sure about this?" she asks. Dick has done a lot for Stephanie's belief in herself. She doesn't just get by on sheer stubbornness anymore. But it might not be surprising if she still has those tiny worries down inside, that make one last push before they'll let her accept she can actually have this kind of happiness.

Dick Grayson has posed:
    Dick just watches her for a moment, completely happy with the world right now. He takes a sip of his drink and nods to her question, "I couldn't be more sure Steph. You make me happier than I could even have imagined before I met you, and I never want to have to live without you." He leans in a little with a grin and adds, "Do try to avoid becoming a Bridezilla during the wedding planning, please." His expression makes it obvious he's not that serious about that. She's always been a good deal too nice to people to have to really worry about that.

    "Though I may point out that you can pretty much have your dream wedding, I may be sitting on just a little tiny bit of cash that I never really use. So have some fun with it, if you want to get married somewhere other than Gotham we can fly the guests wherever you like." He pauses for a second, then shrugs with a little smile, adding "You know, I don't often think about blowing tons of money on stuff, but suddenly I'm happy about the fact that I have it. So go nuts, but be nice to the bridesmaids, they always get stuck with such ugly dresses."

Stephanie Brown has posed:
Stephanie's fingers brush over the diamond and amethyst ring, still overwhelmed. She looks up, flashing one of her big, beautiful smiles over at Dick. A smile that just lights up the blue of her eyes to shine at him. "Oh yeah," she says with a laugh and a playful roll of her eyes. "That's me," she says of the Bridezilla comment. "Too much of that and I'd just grab you and elope," she says.

Oh she had to put that thought into her own head, didn't she. She seems to have a moment of thought before kind of shaking her head as if to just not think about it right now. "I don't know what Mom is going to say. I mean, she likes you a lot. Still a little worried about our age difference, but then, that's kind of understandable for a parent to feel," she says. Stephanie smiles over at Dick. She's not bothered the age difference at all, and Dick's maturity compared to the boys her age is something that appeals to her strongly.

"I just really wasn't expecting," she says, smiling again. "You win this birthday, Grayson," she says with a laugh, sticking her tongue out.

Dick Grayson has posed:
Dick laughs too, on a bit of a rush right now from the proposal. "Hey, never know how people will react to an unusual situation until they're actually in it. Though yeah, I can't imagine you getting too bad about the whole thing. And your mom will be fine, like you said, she likes me. I'm very likeable when I put the effort in, I'm sure I can assuage any worries she has about the whole thing."

    He takes another sip from his glass, just needing a moment to really internalize the 'she said yes!' cheer his brain is doing right now. "Well, I guess the next thing is to start letting people know about this. And I didn't know there was a birthday competition going on, I may have to bow out after this one, I don't know how I could top it next year."