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Latest revision as of 17:19, 14 February 2022

Rissh (Scenesys ID: 3845)
Name: Rissh
Superalias: None
Gender: Female
Species: Grey Alien (Zetas)
Occupation: Explorer/Scout
Citizenship: Greys/Zetas
Residence: Gotham City
Education: Educated on homeworld
Theme: Original (OC)
Apparent Age: 23 Actual Age: 23
Date of Birth 2 Jun 1998 Played By https://tinyurl.com/5a9nxmkd
Height: 5'7" Weight: 95 lbs
Hair Color: No hair/Black hair Eye Color: Pitch black with no iris/Dark Brown
Theme Song: "Irra", by Xentrifuge

Character Info


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Rissh is an alien, she doesn't feel like she belongs here, and after her ship unexpectedly crashed, she's stuck! There might be a hero inside of her, waiting to be born, but for now she's just trying to hide, and survive on a planet she was only supposed to be on for a week tops. She doesn't know how to even begin repairing her ship and none of her species have bothered to come looking for her yet. This might just be her new home in any case!


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1998: Emerges from her hatching pod on a planet within the Zeta Reticuli star system.

2003: Begins her primary education, learning about her species, how they steal technology, form crime organizations on other planets, and are generally up to no good. It wasn't quite put that way to her, but that is how it would seem to less antagonistic species. She was born into a family less involved in crime, and more involved in scouting out planets to "acquire" technology from. As such her education consisted of learning to scout, gather information, pilot a small disk shaped space and air vessel, as well as how to survive on foreign planets undetected. Over the years she was also taught how to handle and fire a plasma pistol, and defend herself via hand to hand combat. Later lessons involved learning how to read minds and speak telepathically.

2010: Rissh was allowed to accompany a scout on a mission searching for possible technological assets in the Vega star system. The civilization on this planet was moderately advanced overall, lacking space travel capability, yet possessed advanced medicine technologies that would benefit her species. She was quite thrilled to join her temporary instructor, and certainly enjoyed disguising herself as one of the native species using a device that created a technological disguise. The mission was a success, samples were taken back to her homeworld, and she was given a reccomendation.

2017: After years of study, Rissh was allowed to pilot a scout ship of her own for the first time. She performed moderately well, certainly better than expected, but nothing extraordinary. She was judged to be nearly ready for her first solo mission.

Late 2021: By now Rissh had gone on dozens of solo missions, scouting worlds, gathering technological samples for "retrieval units" to look for when they infiltrated a particular world. The various families acknowledged her successes, however she hadn't stood out enough to be a celebrity. She was just doing her job and that meant getting paid, and being able to live. She was given a job to scout out another solar system, which happens to be the Sol System, home to planet Earth! Unfortunately when she arrived, she somehow lost control of her vessel, and it crash landed in the woods, in upstate New York. A small asteroid strike may have been reported that day, she isn't sure, she just hopes that one was! Because being detected while alone on a strange new planet would be less than ideal!

2022: Rissh has found herself stranded on Earth. Her "disguise device" has allowed her to live on the planet, and blend in. The problem has been finding work, however she has been able to do odd jobs, and get hired on by small retail businesses that don't do background checks. By far the most bizarre thing she has found, is that the people of Earth are already, somewhat at least, aware of her species! Fiction abounds concerning her species, from movies, to TV shows, to conspiracy theories. She has no idea how, or why this is, but it has been somewhat amusing, and a bit freaky. She is a bit paranoid that Earth's government already knows about her kind, but she doesn't let herself worry about it too much, since no one has come after her.... yet. Still she has hidden her ship using its' cloaking device. It might be hard to find its' exact location again, but she knows the general area, and stumbling into it will work just fine.

But for now she is just trying to stay quiet, hidden, and survive. Rissh has become aware of various powered beings on Earth, some who are heroes, some who are villains, but she's stayed out of their way so far. She admires the heroes, and their dedication, and has become a bit disillusioned by her species thiefy tendencies. Still she has her own tendency towards greed, something she struggles with, but she's been able to at least pass for an awkward human who follows the law.

IC Journal

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Rissh wasn't so awkward back home, but here it's just impossible not to come off that way. Humans are very different from her own species and trying to fit in is a constant act, a bad one at that. She comes across as bizarre, enjoying mixtures of foods that are not to human taste, finding the most mundane things fascinating, and her movements seem stiff to onlookers. Her facial expressions are forced. Quirky is what she is known for, eccentric even.

Deep down Rissh is a good soul, she was just raised in a culture of greed, and xenophobia. The same can be said of many of her species. The reality is that, in the end, Rissh is inclined to do the right thing, even if she has to resist her cultural upbringing, and psychology to do so.

Greed is a part of her species psychology and culture. Stealing from other species is normal and it's how her people survive. She has learned that stealing will land her in jail on Earth, just as stealing from one of her own back home would get her into trouble. Because she is surrounded by aliens, she does not feel a moral imperative to respect the property of humans, however getting arrested for theft would be problematic for her, and that is putting it lightly. She has resisted the urge to steal for some months now and it's getting easier. But the temptation is always there. Slowly she is beginning to understand the idea that theft under any circumstance is wrong. Putting herself first is still her first instinct however, and that aspect of greed will be harder to overcome.

Rissh was brought up to use her mind more than her heart. She has a tendency to make logical choices that might not seem moral, but that appeal to the bigger picture. This works fine and well for her right now, but should she find herself in a situation other than 'which shelf should I stock next?" It might very well cause someone to raise an eyebrow. Of course she has emotions and certainly isn't an evil sadist. She just sees the "greater whole" as more important than the individual. This can be an advantage and a disadvantage depending on the situation.

Character Sheet


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Rissh can resist up to a ton of force striking her safely. More than that will certainly harm her and even kill her if the right spot is struck or the right amount of force crushes her.

Rissh's species tends to be stronger than humans. Not by an astronomical amount, not usually at least. Some greys are large, some are smaller. Rissh can lift up to one ton with effort. More is... possible but not too much more. And should she pull it off, it would be under great stress, with great effort. Her small frame wouldn't suggest that she's so strong, so while she isn't as strong as the heavy hitters, her strength would still come as a surprise.

Rissh can read minds and speak to others telepathically. Her psychic abilities do not extend beyond this. Maybe one day she might learn a bit of telekinesis, or something else. The potential may be there, but she was never taught anything beyond what she can do now, and she doesn't know anyone else among her species admitting to being able to do more than that. Who knows?

(NOTE: Character consent required for any telepathic communication or mind reading!)


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Basic Repairs:
She can perform basic repairs on things related to her technological understanding. In her case? This means... nothing right now. Not unless she is taught how Earth tech works. Even then she's not mechanic, electrician, or anything like that. She's not even really sure how to repair her own ship. The damage is way beyond her know-how, even if she could acquire the parts. This could be a problem if her disguise device ever breaks or malfunctions..

Rissh was trained to use a plasma pistol, so she could probably figure out how to use an earth firearm as well if need be. It's different, there's a different recoil, but at some point she'll need to adapt!

Hand To Hand Combat:
Rissh was trained to an adept skill in hand to hand combat, including punches, kicks, throws, grappling, and dirty fighting. She isn't anywhere near as skilled as the likes of Batman, or Blade, but she's pretty good!

Information Gathering:
Where Rissh truly shines is information gathering, especially surveillance when she has the tech to use, however the old sneak and listen approach works too!

Rissh can pilot her saucer shaped scout ship with enough skill to do her job. Of course it's now crashed and she is unable to repair it.

Rish is no master of stealth but she knows how to move quietly. She won't fool anyone with enhanced senses or any technological sensors, but human senses? She can fool those!


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Disguise Device:
This device is worn on one of her four fingers and it allows her to disguise herself as a particular species. When activated, her appearance takes on a very generic, average form of whatever species the device is set to mimic, keeping her height, and build to avoid as much awkwardness as possible. This is done by pointing the device at a member of that species, and a SINGLE form is generated by the device, and stored in its' memory. That one single form, per species, is stored. Her particular model is not designed to store multiple forms of a single species. However species much smaller or larger than her would be problematic to replicate given the device's afforementioned limitations.

Plasma Pistol:
It has a total of thirty rounds left. One cartridge is in the pistol currently and she has one spare. Each cartridge countains fifteen rounds. Once these rounds are used, there are no more. To her knowledge, plasma has not been weaponized on Earth yet, and even if someone has found a way, it's not likely that their ammunition is compatible with her weapon. So she should use these rounds sparingly!

It's crashed and beyond her skill to repair right now, but it's there! If she could ever get it working again, or find someone who can help her, then it could be a great asset!

Universal Translator:
A device that is worn in her ear. When someone else speaks, or she speaks, language is automatically translated so that she can be understood, and understand. She isn't entirely sure how the technology works, she just knows that it does. When she talks, she is always understood. When someone else speaks, to her they are speaking in her language. However she still comes across as awkward since the device does not take tone and body language into consideration.. unfortunately this is yet another thing she won't be able to fix if it breaks, or malfunctions.


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She is, to her knowledge, the only memeber of her species on this planet. Right now she is without friends or support.

She not only has very alien appearance, but Earth is already aware of her species, at least in their fiction. Should someone see her true form, it will not only be freaky, but they will likely recognize it! This makes her disguise tech all the more important. She has more reasons than most to stay hidden.

Or at least that's a word for it.. she's bizarre in truth. She enjoys eating food and spice combinations that no human she's met would ever find tastey. She walks without swinging her arms, all of her facial expressions seem forced, and she talks in inconsistant tones as she has gotten accustomed to the language here, even with her translator. She is basically a fish out of water and she's lucky that she has been able to pass as "weird" so far.

Rissh was raised in a culture of greed and it can be difficult at times for her to reason, in her mind, or to someone else, why she shouldn't be allowed to steal something that she wants. She also has a tendency to put herself first. This doesn't make her evil, but there are times when her morality can seem quite questionable, and all things considered? She has to try very hard to fit in. This means resisting these tendencies.

Her Own Kind:
Slowly Rissh has started to become used to living on Earth. Eventually her species may come looking for her. When? Who knows? There are a lot of scouts out there, and some of them die on the job. Part of her hopes that they will assume she died. Returning in shame is the last thing she wants... it's a hard question because on the other hand, this planet is really weird, and difficult to adapt to. Going home also seems like a relief in some ways. Either way, should her species come looking for her, there's no telling what problems that might cause for her, or any friends she might make later on.

Contrary to conspiracy theories, the smell of sulphur does not attract her, no it drives her away. If she catches a whiff? She will gag and run away. All those conspiracy theories of greys being attracted to sulphur deposits? False! It's the worst smell ever to her!



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Title Date Scene Summary
Aliens Ate My Buick February 13th, 2022 Spider-Man meets a very odd young woman in the Manhattan Exclusion Zone.


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