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Latest revision as of 16:54, 18 February 2022

Impromptu Family Meeting!
Date of Scene: 17 February 2022
Location: Queen Mansion
Synopsis: Roy and Emi meet, Ollie and Emi bond.
Cast of Characters: Roy Harper, Oliver Queen, Emiko Queen

Roy Harper has posed:
It's around dinner time and Roy is just waking up. He's been doing a ton of night patrols lately, returning to the Roost well past dawn. This morning, though, he came to Queen Mansion. He got beat up pretty bad last night and he wants to take a few days off. So sleepy redhead comes limping down the stairs wearing a Boston Red Sox T-shirt and New York Yankees shorts (yeah, he's confused). His hair is mussed and there's a ripe, nasty bruise on his left thigh.

With yawn, he limps into the room and flops down unceremoniously on a couch. "Sup, Ollie," he says, though his cautious gaze is on Emiko. He hasn't seen her before and in his line of work strangers are often trouble.

Oliver Queen has posed:
Oliver Queen was sitting with Emiko, the two of them engaged in conversation. Oliver had a gift for her, a book on wildlife. "I learned most of my forestry skills in the field, the hard way, but it's interesting to buoy it up with actual scientific knowledge. Good to have real names for things, know how to identify what you're around," he says. While most of his crimefighting is urban, he's taken more and more trips camping to relax and find his Zen.

He glances up at Roy's arrival, "Ah, good. You two can meet. Roy, you know Thea, of course. This is my other sister, Emiko," he says. "Emiko, this is Roy. He's..." he pauses for a second. "He's part of the family."

Emiko Queen has posed:
Taking the book from Oliver, Emiko chuckles and glances up at him, "Thank you. I'll enjoy reading through it." Raised as she was, there wasn't a ton of diversity in the flora and fauna around, so this should come in handy! She tucks the book into a messenger bag and looks back to him with a smile, "I got enrolled at ESU. I start classes Monday. Criminal justice with a minor is social services."

Looking around, she offers a smile to Roy and a small wave, then looks back to Oliver, "Queen family or other? Do I have another brother? I'm not saying that would be cool... but that would be cool." Looking back to Roy, she grins, "I'm the weird one."

Roy Harper has posed:
Roy kinda sorta seems like he hasn't been awake long enough for this nonsense. "Your...sister? Like all of a sudden you have another sister? How many...how many sister you got? Are they just downstairs in a freezer for when you need them?"

He gives Emiko a nod. "Hey, I'm the grumpy one. I'm not a Queen by blood. Ollie took me in because..." He blinks a few times and then peers back to Oliver. "I dunno. Why did you take me in? Tryin' to earn your way into Heaven or some shit?"

Oliver Queen has posed:
Oliver Queen sighs, "He is the grumpy one, that's very accurate. I believe the reasoning was something like not wanting you to get killed roaming around by yourself and getting into trouble. Of course, I still mostly let you do that, just with better equipment."

"Emiko is a sister that I found out about only a few years ago. She's my half-sister, from a different mother. That doesn't make her any less, though. Also, since I'm Roy's guardian, I think it would more make him like your nephew, Emiko. Feel free to ruffle his hair and pinch his cheek."

Emiko Queen has posed:
Emiko watches Roy head back upstairs and blinks, then looks to Oliver, "I hope I didn't say something wrong." Turning back to him, she shrugs, "Anyways. So I'm all enrolled, and I have a spot picked out in the city. You have to come by when it's ready." She grins, "Also, there's an AUSTRALIAN restaurant nearby. They serve kangaroo and ostrich. It's wild."

Pausing, she glances back up the stairs then leans in and whispers, "I think if I did that, it would end with he and I going tot he hospital together. Doesn't seem like he appreciates a good tease."

Oliver Queen has posed:
Oliver Queen shakes his head, "Kid's had a lot of bad in this life. Takes time to find your feet after that kind of experience. Don't take it personally. It's not about you," he says.

"I've eaten a lot of strange things, but I don't think either of those. I'll have to give it a try. I ate bat once. Bat is...uh...not good."

Emiko Queen has posed:
Emiko just stares at Oliver for a moment, "Hi, remember me? Assassin mother that's tried to kill you, me, and anyone associated with us? Or like.. the guy that raised me in lieu of our father, who ALSO tried to kill me and who I had to kill? Preaching to the choir, Ollie. We're all emotionally damaged and probably in need of serious therapy. Instead? We put on masks and take out our issues on the bad guys. And quip. SO many quips. ALL the quips. Humor and physical violence is how we stay sane." She glances back up the stairs, "He needs to let in the humor or the violence will eat him alive."

Turning back to Oliver, she chuckles, "Yeaaaaaaah... the things we do to stay alive. Reminds me, we should go to Japan sometime, have some fugu prepared by the masters."

Oliver Queen has posed:
Oliver Queen nods, "I get it. I do. But everybody copes their own way. I'm trying to be patient. I was never very good at it, so it's probably some sort of karmic reward that I have to try to be a good mentor," he sighs.

He laughs, "We should. I haven't been to Japan in years. I've gotten somewhat tied down with all of my responsibilities here. Which I imposed upon myself, so I don't have anyone else to blame," he says. "I suppose I could always fly a chef in. I think it's technically illegal here, but that's never stopped me before."

Emiko Queen has posed:
Leaning in, Emi nudges him lightly and smiles, "Didn't do so bad with me, if I can brag a little. I mean, we had some ROUSING good fights, but in the end we hugged it out and moved on." The smile turns teasing, "I thought it was a great emotional growth moment for you." Turning serious for a moment, she looks at him, "I'd say you do great, considering the baggage you have to deal with still, and have dealt with already. You took in not one, but -two- illegitimate half-sisters and treated them like family from day one. That alone is pretty monumental."

Snorting out a laugh, Emiko points to herself, "Case in point! I'm technically illegal, but you weren't able to keep me away!" Grinning, she nods, "But seriously, we should do something sometime. OH! I got to meet TIm Drake the other day. Bart has all kinds of great friends. He took me to his friend's birthday part and introduced me to all of them."

Oliver Queen has posed:
Oliver Queen chuckles, "There's definitely another karmic element to you and I clashing and finding peace with one another. I'm much happier to have you on the same side - I have enough hyper-competent badasses to fight on a regular basis. Deathstroke alone probably has given me a permanent tic," he says.

"I should have Felicity straighten out your legal status. Probably child's play for her. I'll get her on it," he says. "I'm glad to hear you're making friends and getting around. Tim Drake's a good kid."

Emiko Queen has posed:
"To be fair, that thing with the killing and the kidnapping... I was on your side the whole time. I just had to make -mom- think I wasn't. Otherwise she would have gotten someone like Slade to come in and -actually- do the job. Couldn't let that happen. You're my only brother." Emiko pauses, "That I know of. Mom wasn't exactly a fountain of information, and she DID leave me with Komodo for like.. eight years. I think she mostly tried to use me to keep our dad around. Or as a tool to get her 'vengeance' on the Queen family." Blinking, she chuckles, "BUT. Back on track. It means for eight years she was off doing whatever and whoever and I have no idea. So for all I know, I could have other brothers and sisters. Probably not, though."

Shaking her head, she grins at him, "We have a messed up family. But its ours, and I wouldn't give it up for the world." She grins, "It's cool, it's been taken care of. I mostly meant when I first showed up and was running around with you. Totally illegal. Wasn't exactly a hospital on Starfish Island to register a birth certificate with. And then it was Japan and the Arrow Clan and THEY weren't going to balk at having a trained operative with no actual record of existing. Ultimate disavowal there." She gives a nod, "All his friends are."

Oliver Queen has posed:
Oliver Queen laughs, "Well, when you put it like that, it sounds totally normal and cool," he says. He sits back in his chair, folding his hands across his belly. "I'm mostly just glad to put it all behind us. So many agendas, so much bad blood. Better we focus on doing good in the moment and trying to make the world a better place. One arrow at a time."

"But, if you do need anything else in that line, let me know. Between my money and Felicity's typing fingers, we can smooth out most difficulties without much problem. Speaking of which, I should set you up with a trust fund, it shouldn't be all my money anyway..."

Emiko Queen has posed:
"When I came to live here, be part of the family... I decided that I had to let go of the bitterness and regret and anger. That was for Emiko the Assassin. The girl who didn't exist. I'm still... upset, that dad just left me with an assassin. Especially after finding out he was totally cool with raising Thea. That hurt. And then he died before I ever got to really have it out with him." Emiko lifts a shrug and looks across at Oliver, "But none of that is -your- fault. In fact, of all my blood relatives, you're the only one that hasn't lied to me. Which doesn't seem like it should be that high of a bar? But it is. You accepted me. Told me the truth. Even a trained teenage assassin could see that you were the good one."

She grins and lifts a brow, "What makes you think I haven't already got a line of credit courtesy of the Queen name?" Then she's chuckling and leaning back into her own chair, "That would be cool. Then I can get my own super-lair. Trick it out. Call it.. The Quiver. Cause, y'know, arrow. Goes in a quiver." Emi flashes a grin at him, "By the way. Bart is studying to be a vet. He works at the Gotham Zoo. So, you know, anytime you need the inside scoop on a weird animal... got the hookup."

Oliver Queen has posed:
Oliver Queen sighs, "Dad wasn't exactly...I don't know. I've had to reconcile that the man I thought I knew isn't the man he was. But does that mean the parts of him I saw were a lie? I don't know. I hope not. He showed me a lot of love, but he withheld it from a lot of other people. You more than anyone else," he says, running a hand over his head. "Part of me has realized that it's better just to let go of the past. Part of me can't help wanting to make things better."

"The Quiver, eh? Yeah, I heard that suggestion before, but I always felt it was a little...sensual," he laughs. "And I'll keep him in mind if weird animals are on the attack. Probably easier to find than Animal Man. God knows where that guy is."

Emiko Queen has posed:
Emiko lifts a shrug and smiles towards him, "I suppose I should be more angry but.. I never knew him. He left before I could even have formed memories of him. And he died before I could go find him myself. And pretty much EVERYTHING Komodo ever told me was a lie. So like... part of me is pissed that he didn't care enough to take me with him when he left. Part of me thinks maybe I was better off, fucked as my raising was, because it forced me to deal with stuff pretty early on." Reaching out, nudging him lightly, she murmurs, "You -have- made things better, Ollie. You've got me and Thea, Felicity. Even Grumpypants upstairs. We're all here, because of you."

"Sensual? Not... something I would have associated with sex. But hey, let your freak flag fly, I guess," she grins, teasing him again. Laughing softly, she nods, "By the way. When do I get to meet the Justic League? You KNOW that's like.. every new superheroes fantasy meet. And what good is being a Queen if I can't get a little nepotism, eh?"

Oliver Queen has posed:
Oliver Queen shakes his head, "My freak flag is staying tucked away as much as possible. At least around my sisters," he says with a grin.

"I can introduce you sometime. Truth is, we don't get together as a group much outside of actual missions or emergencies. Some teams are like social clubs, where everyone pals around. Not so much the League. At least in my experience. Maybe they all have barbecues behind my back and I'm just not invited," he says. "But I can definitely introduce you to some of them."

Emiko Queen has posed:
Laughing, she gives a nod, "Alright, alright I can agree with that much. I'll just get the cliff's notes from Felicity. I'm sure she has some stories." Definitely teasing now. Emiko chuckles as she settles back, "Bart took me on a great Valentine's Day date. After his friend's birthday, though. I was impressed. The loyalty to his friends, and that he still thought of something to do with me."

"Yeah, seems like a lot of them are like that. Like... shit goes down and you guys are getting -calls-, you aren't just... there." She smiles at him, "But then, you each have a territory that you cover normally, too. So it makes sense. Come together for the world-ending stuff, stick to your cities, or oceans, otherwise." Emi pauses, "By the way. MAD respect for Aquaman. Given how vast and huge the oceans are? That's a lotta ground that man covers solo. But that's cool. I'd love to talk gadgets with Batman. I made some friends on the super side of things, and they have this amazing lab. Might be able to tinker up some more arrowheads."

Oliver Queen has posed:
Oliver Queen nods, "It can be a lot. When Superman was...gone," he says, "I helped to cover a lot of Metropolis that was left unprotected. And that place went a little mad when he died. The criminals thought it was something of a free for all. A lot of us pitched in, but I made it sort of my special project for a while. Easier now kind of pulling back now that he's returned,' he says.

"Having a conversation with Batman is...I'm not sure it's an experience I would recommend. He's not chatty. His crew are absolutely all great, a hundred percent, and so is he, but he doesn't really know how to relax. There's no off switch. He's Batman, always."

Emiko Queen has posed:
Nodding, she smiles, "Good thing you had us here to help pick up the slack in Starling City while you dealt with that mess. Thanks, by the way, for trusting us with that. It can't be easy to trust -your- city to other people. Even family." Shifting slightly so she can face him more, she leans over the arm of the chair she's sitting in. "Glad you were able to help, though. Sounds like they needed you."

Emiko lifts a brow at him, then laughs, "I'm not going to ask for his favorite rock band or restaurant, Ollie. I want his technical expertise. His private life is his, I'm just looking for like.. 'would carbon or titanium work better for X idea'? Man has a lot of pouches, and a lot of stuff IN those pouches. But like I can't be saddled with pouches for stuff, so I need to put as much on the arrowheads as I can. The rest I can probably mod into the quiver."

Oliver Queen has posed:
Oliver Queen puts up his hands, "Hey, you want to talk to the man, I'm happy to make introductions. Just trying to manage your expectations," he says.

"You guys have all earned my trust. Even Roy," he says, pointing a finger back over his shoulders at the stairs. "I'm trying to streamline my life for my mental health. Fewer pouches. Going back to basics. Less trick arrows. Although they're too damn useful to get rid of all of them. It's a conflit between philosophy and practicality."

Emiko Queen has posed:
"Cool. Yeah, I'm not looking to discuss philosophy or literature with him. Just some nods or headshakes would suffice really. But you have to amdit, he's the techiest most gadgetting superhero around. And no citing Cyborg, he's MADE of the tech. I'm not made of tech." Emiko pauses, then sighs, "Not that that wouldn't be cool as HELL."

She glances back up the stairs, then smiles at Oliver, "That's because you are yourself trustworthy." Giving a nod, Emi grins, "So I'm hearing that I can steal some of your weirder arrows? I want the boxing glove. And the squirting flower. And more of them. You have a LOT of weird stuff in there." Grinning, she goes back into teasing mode, "Might hide it now, but that freak flag is still waving. Just have to look at the arrows."

Oliver Queen has posed:
Oliver Queen rolls his eyes and laughs, "I swear, I only used the boxing glove once! It was a bet! I never should've let anybody see it," he sighs. "Although, to be fair, it did knock the guy out."

"You do a lot of experimentation when you're building an arsenal. And I kind of indulged some of the guys I hired to let them play around with stuff. There's nothing wrong with a little whimsy. Even Batman has whimsical stuff."

"But yes, you can look through the arsenal, pick out anything you want, I can just make more."

Emiko Queen has posed:
Emiko leans forward, glancing all around, feeling under the tabletops, like she's expecting the room to be bugged, then looks back to Oliver and whispers, "I hear Batman keeps lollipops in one of his pouches." She glances around again, as if waiting for a bat-like figure to suddenly appear and smite her for saying it. When moments pass and nothing happens, she lets out a sigh. "Worse, I heard he keeps them right next to the mini-bombs that have a very similar shape."

Flashing a grin once more, she adds, "Hey, I will totally make use of the boxing glove. Think I could have one made that would slap someone in the face with a dueling glove? That would be -hilarious-. And yay! I want to see what my techier new friends think of some of them, and how we can improve them."