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Latest revision as of 00:54, 20 February 2022

Sir, You Are Not A Magical Item
Date of Scene: 19 February 2022
Location: Greenwich Village
Synopsis: A god and a succubus run into each other, everyone's souls stay in their respective bodies.
Cast of Characters: Alexander Aaron, Satana Hellstrom

Alexander Aaron has posed:
    Across the grand scape of Manhattan, those with eyes for the arcane can see a kaleidoscope of imagery simply at the glance across the brilliant tableau. For New York is a focal point, where ley lines cross and magical energy is focused with such power. That when one is seeking something of the other world it is difficult to say the least.
    A spell that would work to find the nearest magically gifted object would bring one straight to their wish were it cast somewhere far afield. In the city any number of things would come to the fore and obscure and obfuscate the matter.
    Which is why it is so important to filter, to add subtle twists to the needed spell, to offer thanks to certain spheres of influence, and mollify powers that you wish to ignore but not offend. Complicated indeed. And truly an exhaustive list.
    Can anyone blame one if some things are left out?
    Fortunately for Alexander Aaron he has no such gift with the arcane arts. He is more perhaps an entity of the arcane. A manifestation of the cultural zeitgeist given corporeal form. Or at he least empowered so. Which doesn't mean he gets to get out any sooner from his evening labwork.
    "Seeya guys, I'll catch you Monday." The blond young man lifts a hand to wave over his shoulder. His handful of schoolmates heading off to the Tau Kappa Epsilon meet up. His own destination is the wrought iron gate leading off campus from Empire State. Hands sliding into the pockets of his black peacoat, he strolled along with a blue ESU backpack over his shoulder, blue jeans swishing with each step as he walks through the occasional sludge puddle on the sidewalk.
    A relatively normal evening all told so far.

Satana Hellstrom has posed:
     It was such a pretty egg. Dazzling jewels, the interior plush. The metal so shiny. The spells surrounding it a delight to behold. They sang, they sparkled, they delighted and then they were eaten by some disgusting foul thing and all that is left is one size of it, bare of jewels and weighing in Satana's coat pocket most nights.
     But she has it out in a circle of occult trappings, the pentagram on the floor lighting up as she finishes her incantation. More, more, and then... the device in her hand beeps. Technology, hah! What a primitive precursor to magic. But useful. She's nearly cackling as she strolls out of her home, following the device in her hand. It looks like some kind of GPS, but the markings on it are much more aracne.
     She walks. Campus, huh? Interesting, maybe it's in some hallowed hall. Her boots click along in the night. She doesn't worry about men, one of the few ladies on campus not gripping mace or ready to pull her keys at negative attention. Because she is the hunter. And right now, she's behind a blonde man, lifting up her device. It beeps.

Alexander Aaron has posed:
    The young man had in his hand his cellphone, a swipe of a fingertip had brought it to life. His footsteps were light, gait was easy as he walked down the path. But then as he wandered there was a light beeping sound that at first was distant.
    Only for it to be heard nearer once again. He stopped, turning on one foot and tilting his head, hands in his pockets while the object likely beeped again with a little more emphasis.
    Which perhaps revealed the fellow's own mystic aura before her. And it was a familiar one.
    A familiar one that recognized her. "Oh, hello." He said, one eyebrow quirked and curiousity clear in his pale hazel-eyed gaze.
    She may recognize him, though perhaps not as quick since this time he wasn't in a summoning circle glowing like some angry golden god.
    He also was wearing clothes, which was another thing different from that botched spell before as well.

Satana Hellstrom has posed:
     "You look different with pants." She is not happy, though. She gets closer, definitely not respecting personal space, pushing the device towards him. "Are you kidding? REALLY? AGAIN? UGH. I did not come out here for this," the redhead huffs. "Unless the thing I seek is in you. One way or another." She looks him over appraisingly, as if trying to figure out if it's in pocket, bag, guts, but the more she waves her device around, it seems that it is just him.
     More annoyance.
     "I don't think I can store my secrets in you, buddy. That's very disappointing."

Alexander Aaron has posed:
    "Well." He starts, head tilting to the side curiously. One hand rests under the strap of his backpack, the other is in the pocket of that large peacoat. His eyebrows lift, "Depends on the secrets I imagine." Though he does lean forward to peer at he arcane script on her object, as if he could gain some insight. He does not.
    Then he leans back and cocks his head the other way like some quizzical canine trying to get a bead on the strange things their human is saying. "Though, you could start by telling me what it is you seek, Satana." There, he remembered her name. So perhaps she left an impression. Then again not too many people have summoned him in the past.

Satana Hellstrom has posed:
     How could she not leave an impression! She'd be very upset if he didn't remember her wonderousness. Or her name.
     She tosses back her hair, all dramatic. "I am seeking another one of these. An EGG," she says, pulling out the last little bit of one. It looks like perhaps an eigth or a sixth of an egg form, if it could open up. "For putting my goodies in. I nearly had it, but it grew legs and got away," she pouts. "And then it got eaten, and this is all that's left."

Alexander Aaron has posed:
    When young Alexander is around there is a subtle feel of potential arcane energy. Just a hint of power that he wise and percepive spell-caster can perceive hinting to the way he's connected to the vibe of fear in he near and far. To most it's little of interest but it might explain the distance of his manner. As well as his ability to crack wise with a straighte face.
    "Ohhh, so it's around here?" He says as he turns, keeping his gaze on her, but starting to walk again with that same lazy stroll. That slow way one has when they half expect the person they're talking to to walk along with them. "You seem terribly distraught." His lip twists up a little as he moves, those eyes flickering with amusement as he adds, "Do you need a tissue, seductress of souls?"
    Sure he at times takes his little jabs here or there, but they don't seem to carry much weight to them. Or sincerity.

Satana Hellstrom has posed:
     "No, I think I might have..." she starts to mumble, "Miscalculated. Unless you can regenerate the rest of this, then I might be friendlier," she says, walking alongside him. For a moment, it almost looks like a young couple in the middle of a tiff, or just a spirited discussion! Whatever might they be arguing about on this late night?
     Or maybe she's just enjoying the energy coming off of him, like a moth to a very yummy flame. "In fact, if you can, I could get very friendly. No bad biting, promise," she says, ruby-red eyes looking him over. A snack's a snack. "Maybe I just need to be entertained?"

Alexander Aaron has posed:
    A small scoff is heard as he walks, shaking his head slightly as he lets his gaze drift off toward that old gate that splits the university from the city proper. Then he looks back to her askance as he murmurs, "To be fair, I don't mind biting." A small flirtatious insight, but then brushed away as he murmurs a bit more, "But how important is it you find your magical doodad?"
    Stepping past the gate, out onto the sidewalk, he reflects. "You realize I was rather grumpy with you when you did cast that spell and brought me to your... what do you call your place? A haunt? An oubliette or font of power?" His eyes distance in consideration though he doesn't seem that grumpy since there's no raaar I'm the God of Fear, rar.
    But she learned from him that she could make her normal conversational jousts at him and unlike others who might be intimidated at the flash of a fang or a flicker of eyelashes, he meets her joust head on by saying, "So tell me how you would wish to be entertained?"

Satana Hellstrom has posed:
     "I just... want it. My magical doodad, as you say. I set my sights on it. I HAD IT." She holds out her hands like greedy claws. "And then gone, in the most disgusting of ways. I really did lose my temper, so now I need another one. Bigger. Prettier. Eggier," she says. "And nice way to talk about my living room, sheesh," she laughs, watching his expression. One can definitely imagine her with ram's horns, as she sometimes likes to sport.
     She certainly doesn't seem afraid of him. "The duration and type of entertainment depends on how hydrated you are," she says. "Honestly I normally would have just eaten you by now if you were a regular food."

Alexander Aaron has posed:
    "Souls are friends, not food." He says with a slight smirk, as if for some reason that should be funny. To him if naught else. But he chews the inside of his cheek thoughtfully while he walks, eyes distanced for a time as his sneakers occasionally kick up a little bit of old snow as they move down the sidewalk.
    "You sure this isn't just some trick to track me down and them tempt me into giving you a nibble of Olympian soul?" He asks with some aplomb, looking at her curiously. "Though, I know that would mean the world revolves around me, which is a state of affairs I prefer."
    He then leans over and rests a hand on her shoulder to give a companionable squeeze. Very brief, without agenda, save perhaps to offer some hint that there's an individual in the world who doesn't entirely hate her. "I'm sort of a little down of late about relationships. Girls." Though he crinkles his nose, likely figuring that as an entity. Satana doesn't care. Still interesting for him to give those words a voice.

Satana Hellstrom has posed:
     "I could just take a little bite, you'd hardly miss it," the succubus says. "They almost always grow back!" she sounds very confident in this for someone who has their appetite on the line. "But now I know that I can track you, so maybe I'm secretly brilliant! Maybe I intended for this all along, and here you are, walking right onto my dinner plate, an Olympic feast."
     She looks a bit confused as he tries to comfort her. "Why would you think I'd want a relationship? You do realize most of my food comes to me. I don't exactly see the best of humanity when I'm out and about. And shouldn't you be out charming gods, not just... girls? Isn't half of mythology about supreme beings laying down with mortals, and oh the trauma it brings!" She herself being one such example.

Alexander Aaron has posed:
    "I was comforting you because of your loss of your... egg thing." He offers then he makes a face as he looks down the way, footsteps pausing for a moment. Eyes drifting away as if taken by a distant thought. Then he turns to look at her. Pale eyes hold hers as he tilts and he straightens up. "To be fair, I have been curious. About how you draw on another for your power."
    A small touch of intrigue lights his features, but then he waves a hand to the side as if brushing past those words offered. The corner of his mouth twists up. "Well, I was going to wander home. Study. And grumble a bit about my lot in life."
    His eyes narrow a touch, expression curious. Edged. Then he says with that calm tone of his, "We can either wander off, maybe have an adventure, search more for your egg thing. I'll help you with that, so long as it doesn't interfere with other oaths or obligations."
    The young Olympian's eyes hold hers as he adds, "Or you can have one taste. One kiss or bite or however you do it. And then we go our own ways."

Satana Hellstrom has posed:
     What a temptation. And she does love those.
     But she has to ask, "Why would you be grumbling about your lot in life? Aren't you hot and in school and also a god? That doesn't sound too bad. But if it is, it would be cruel-er than usual if you had a gimpy, recovering soul for a while," says the fiery redhead. Perhaps company is more appealing than a meal on this chilly evening.
     "I think I'd rather have the adventure," she decides. "But I calibrated this thing wrong!" she says, holding out the device. "It likes you, but it's certainly not filling up my mystical egg carton."

Alexander Aaron has posed:
    "Ah, just a touch of mild self-pity of late." Alexander says as he turns and starts walking again. Yet what's worse? He offers no explanation as to the why whatsoever! The jerk. Though he does accept her decision, giving a nod as he strolls. "Well, what do you need for a recalibration?"
    She holds out the device and peers at it with a look of interest, then looks back to the demonic eyes of the young woman before him. "If it's sensing me perhaps your egg has some Greek background? Or we share a..."
    Those eyes lower back to the device as he walks backward a little, then turns. "Wavelength or something? But fine, c'mon. Adventure it is. You pay for all the supplies we use though." Important to establish ground rules after all.

Satana Hellstrom has posed:
     "Maybe. It had many names, but roughly translated to "small soul puragtory house," which I think was because it was, please do not laugh, just a great place for me to keep snacks," she says. She seems in a decent mood at getting help, though! "Let's maybe go on the wavelength theory for the moment. And I have more things back at my place, if you dare enter!" she says, running her fingers up his arm. "And if we need anything else, we can go shopping. See, your night is looking up already," she says, distracted from sorrow at the potential of a task to be done.