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Latest revision as of 00:16, 22 February 2022

Report on the Death of Agent Jonathan Sims
Date of Scene: 20 February 2022
Location: Carter-Sousa Home - Long Island
Synopsis: Cael visits Peggy at her home, to report on the death of Agent Jonathan Sims - and ends up the recepient of some unexpected mothering.
Cast of Characters: Peggy Carter, Cael Becker

Peggy Carter has posed:
Sunday afternoon and, while Peggy technically doesn't work the weekends, as Chief of SHIELD, she really does work whenever she is needed. And the call from Cael means this is the time she's needed. She's invited the woman out to Long Island to save either of them from having to hike all the way into Westchester on a weekend. The house is the picture perfect little family house of the 1950s that Daniel and Peggy have had since then, down to all the furniture and the kitchen appliances.

Peggy's in a comfortable winter dress today, black, red and gray well matched plain that hugs her form close enough that the faint swell of her stomach is starting to show. She's got a pot of tea on and waiting already, as well as some light afternoon snacks on the coffee table. She smiles as she opens the door to seeing Cael, "Agent Becker... come in. Please. Have you eaten yet today?"

Cael Becker has posed:
    "...no," Cael admits after a moment's thought, as she steps in from the cold. She arrived without the sound of any vehicle, and none is sitting on the drive, dressed in jeans, a sweater, and her usual leather jacket over the top. An amulet in blue-ish silvere metal rests at her throat, with a deep blue stone set into it. Her hands are shoved into her pockets, and heavy bags under her eyes and an exhausted slump to her shoulders hints at the fact that she hasn't slept properly - if at all - either. Her mussed blonde hair shows hints of the bright colors dyed into the lower layers of it - golden yellow, blue, and teal.
    She steps inside as Peggy leads the way, offering a quiet, "I'm sorry to disturb you on a Sunday, ma'am."

Peggy Carter has posed:
"No, it's quite alright. You are never bothering me and I'm *glad* you came. It means I can properly feed you and maybe even encourage you to nap upstairs a little while. The guest room is quite comfortable, I promise. That being said... Food first. Sit... sit. There is already tea out, but I can make some coffee if you prefer. Daniel's stash and press are here." Peggy is as much Chief to SHIELD as she is mother, and that's never more evident than now as she gently tries to fuss over Cael.

She motions the young agent into the comfortable couch in front of the already laid out snacks -- tea sandwiches, scones, some fruit, and the tea tray. She then moves into the kitchen, grabbing something out of the fridge that is closer to a more proper meal. It just needs heated.

Cael Becker has posed:
    "I, uh... I have a preference for coffee, but I'm used to Martin - uh, Agent Blackwood - foisting tea off on me, by now," Cael admits, as she sits on the couch, finally pulling her hands out of her pockets. They're red, as if sunburned, as she skin heals with the amulet's help from the burns she'd received the night before.
    "I wouldn't want to put you to too much trouble, ma'am," she adds a bit uncomfortably.
    Though Peggy has an advantage that the others who've been trying to get Cael to take care of herself don't have. Peggy's her //boss//.

Peggy Carter has posed:
"Yes, well, sitting here and worrying about how much you've eaten or slept will actively be more trouble to me than just ensuring you eat and sleep. So, this is no trouble at all. Besides, the Beef and Guiness stew Daniel and I made earlier this week always makes too much and will go bad before we can eat it. So... you will have food. And I'll start more water for coffee." As soon as the stew is heating up, Peggy does go to the kettle and put on another round of hot water so she can start a press for coffee.

"If you want to start talking about what is on your mind, make a plate and come in here to the kitchen. Otherwise, I'll be back out in just a few minutes." Peggy is also not giving Cael any options about being taken care of, it seems.

Cael Becker has posed:
    "...yes, ma'am," Cael answers the woman. What else could she possibly say in the face of such stolidly British determination. She shifts a bit uneasily, undecided on what was more uncomfortable - sitting on the couch waiting for her boss to serve her, or following her to the kitchen. In the end, she opts for picking up one of the tea sandwiches, which she nibbles at as she enters the kitchen, finding herself somewhere out of the way to lean up against.
    "I'm a little unsure how much Agent Sims told you - about the 'game' Uriel, and Gaea, and Michael have been playing, in order to- well, to fix reality. And... and where we need to go to ensure that everything does get fixed."

Peggy Carter has posed:
As Cael comes into the homey, old fashioned little kitchen, Peggy motions towards the little breakfast nook table on the other side of the room. "Sit and get comfortable. Better than hovering around on edge like I'm going to lecture you any second. I'll sit with you as soon as everything is warm, I promise."

Peggy ducks into the other room just a moment, grabbing a full little plate and putting two more sandwiches and some fruit on it. She brings those back to put in front of Cael while everything else is heating up. "Game? Assume I know very little. Fill me in."

Cael Becker has posed:
    "That's what they call it," Cael answers - unable to keep the bitterness from her voice, as she moves towards the table and takes a seat. "A game for the fate of reality. Apparently, Michael's restarted reality before, because he can't figure out what's wrong with things. But this time, Uriel and Gaea managed to convince him to give mortals a chance to best things. They came up with some sort of rules, limiting Michael's power to give us a chance because- ...because, believe me, ma'am, when I say that at his full strength, none of us stand a real chance of besting Michael. We're less than fleas to his power. To make things even more fun, none of them have come out and simply //told// us the rules. I guess that would be against the rules." She runs a frustrated hand through her hair, revealing more of the blue, teal, and gold dye.
    "Jo- Agent Sims was made Gaea's champion in this 'game.' Caitlin Fairchild was Michael's. Though apparently he was only setting her up to be a 'False Prophet,' to fulfill some sort of Biblical prophesy and- bring around the end times, or some such- ...nonsense." It was clear enough 'nonsense' was not her first choice of words.
    She picks idly at the sandwich in front of her, tearing up the bread, and nibbling only a little of it.
    "Sims figured out that what's wrong with reality, the reason our reality isn't 'stable,' the reasonn it keeps leaching energy and souls from other realities, is because there's something wrong with the cycle of death, and souls. The Old Ones, I think he called them, have been syphoning off souls. Keeping them, consuming them, destroying them- I'm not entirely clear. But Michael has seen it, because he's too blind and focused on other things, and he's too proud and powerful, and laser focused to listen when we try to tell him. So... we need to go down into the underworld to fix it. So. ...Uriel set Sims up to die. We've- ...we've known this for a while. That is was coming. But we couldn't seem to find a way around it..."
    Cael's gaze is fixed on the table top, her voice quiet, pain and frustration etched into her features.

Peggy Carter has posed:
"Bullshit. You can say bullshit in front of me, Becker. I'm a hundred years old. I've been in the military most of my life. I've heard cursing before, I promise. And this baby isn't going to be repeating words for several years, so I think you have some time before worrying about that." Peggy states with a grin, trying to lighten things just a bit even though she can feel the exhaustion and dread around the other woman.

The kettle goes off and she pours it all into the french press before securing the lid and starting to let that brew. A moment later, a steaming bowl of beef and guiness stew is set in front of Becker as Peggy falls into listening quietly again.

"Ah... yes. Jonathan did mention to me he would... need to die. That was always in the plans. Though he never called it a game in front of me, I... did know that was a part of it all." Peggy goes silent a few heartbeats as she reads that pain across Cael's face. "...he's dead, isn't he?"

Cael Becker has posed:
    "Yes," Cael confirms quietly. "There- there isn't even a body." She can't keep the grief from her voice, as it cracks under the weight of that simple sentence, a tear sneaking out of her eyes. "Michael was going after Fairchild - beating her, berating her. He swung his sword at her, and Jon intervened. He had a shield, but... Michael knocked it aside, and drove his sword through his chest, and- and when he died, his body just vanished, leaving his clothes behind. He's gone."

Peggy Carter has posed:
There is silence from Peggy for a long few moments, accepting all of this. Drinking it in. She gives a slow nod and finally carries the coffee over, sitting it down with a mug before folding her own gently curving frame down into the chair. She wraps her fingertips around her own mug of tea, looking for Cael's eyes. "This was... always the plan. YOu knew that It doesn't mean you are grieving any less... You should grieve. But this is a part of it."

Cael Becker has posed:
    "It's a stupid fucking plan," Cael responds without looking up, though she does fold both of her red, angry looking hands around the mug of coffee, flame-like tattoos on the back of each hand clearly visible.
    She takes a deep breath in, letting it out slowly before she adds, "I was... supposed to let him go, but I clung too tight. I kept trying to get to him, and Uriel blocked me. He kept me engaged so I couldn't interfere, and I failed to notice that- that Lady Death was in trouble. I think she was killed, because I wasn't paying attention. Because I didn't back her up when it was needed. And she- ...she was part of the plan to get Jon- to get Sims back."

Peggy Carter has posed:
"Oh." The information about Lady Death surprises Peggy, her brows knitting very slightly as she considers that wrench in the plans. She stretches her fingertips over, resting across the back of Cael's palms even as the woman tightens her grasp on that coffee. She's trying to be as gentle as possible, but also give the woman a place to lean and rest. To let out these troubles. "Well, if... death is brokwn, somehow, maybe... Maybe we can get both of them back? How much of the plan to revive him did you know?"

Cael Becker has posed:
    "The plan is in Lydia Dietrich's hands - though I've tried to understand it as much as I can," Cael admits. "I, umm... the plan was for us to journey into Duat, the afterlife of the Egyptian people. There was going to be come sort of ceremony to get us there, to help us cross over while still alive, involving... eating a scarab beetle, though I was never told the specifics beyond that. The death of the beetle is supposed to help give us access - there has to be a death for us to cross over. And we were going to have to pass through a number of gates, of challenges, in order to reach Ammit where the heart is weighed, where we're supposed to meet Jon and- fix whatever's wrong."
    Cael continues to stare down at the coffee in her hands, without drinking any of it as she talks. "Lydia and Phoebe Beacon we're coming with us. Lydia because she walks the line between life and death. Phoebe because her magic can 'light the way' in the dark. We needed the three Champions of this stupid game. Sims, Fairchild, and Lady Death. And I'm there as- ...as Jon's anchor. To remind him of who he is, and help bring him back. I don't really understand what role Lady Death was supposed to play, or how badly her absence will screw things up. Maybe we can still bring Jon back, but fail to fix what's wrong. I just don't know."

Peggy Carter has posed:
"Well, there is still a plan. Most of it is in tact. No plan ever suvives contact with the enemy, Cael, and we still generally get through them successfully. If you have most of the pieces, it sounds like going forward is the best course of action. It's not over until it's fully over, Cael. Have... have some hope." Peggy squeezes the back of her hand noe last time and then gently lets go, a reassuring smile still painted over her own slightly tired features.

"But, being ready for the worst and ready for crisis to change things on the ground? It also means taking care of yourself in the now. If you are exhausted and half starved, your mind isn't going to move near so fast as it needs to when shit is hitting the fan, you know?"

Cael Becker has posed:
    Intellectually, Cael knows Peggy is right. There's still a plan. They're still moving forward with it. They're still doing everything they can to try to get the outcome they want - reality safe, and Jon alive and well once more, and she //won't// be as useful and effective if she doesn't take care of herself. "You're right, of course," she agrees, finally lifting the coffee to her lips for a small sip, before she turns her attention towards eating the stew. She stirs it with her spoon, before forcing herself to take a small bite with a bit of beef, and a carrot.
    It was ridiculous, she knew, but somehow it //hurt// to go on eating, and living, when she knew Jon was dead.
    "Anyways. That's... that's what happened. Lady Death is gone, Agent Sims is dead. Uriel is... a fucking prick. And- and somehow, just after Michael killed Sims, there was this- voice. I don't, it wasn't really a voice? It was everywhere. Everything. It said that it had allowed things to go on too long, and that- well. It called all the angels back, and then they were simply... gone. And it was over."
    She forces herself to take a second bite, her gaze still locked on the table, and on her food.

Peggy Carter has posed:
There's a quiet, encouraging smile from Peggy as she sees the woman finally starting the soup, even if it's only with a small bite. It's a step in the right direction and Peggy won't downplay her approval of that. Sometimes, people just needed to know they were doing the right thing. Doing a GOOD thing. The stew is warm and filling, made excellently with salt and rich spices, the gravy almost as heavy as the beef.

"That's... odd, about the voice. Good, maybe? But also odd. Maybe it's a step in the right direction. But it sounds like we need to go on with the plan for trying to get our people back from the underworld Jon, namely. But if Lady Death can be retrieved as well, all the better." Peggy takes a long sip of her tea after that, considering everything that Cael has told her.

Finally, she offers, "Is there... anything else I can do to support?"

Cael Becker has posed:
    Cael is silent for a while, stirring the stew again, and taking another bite before she offers any answer to the question. "If there's anything you can do for Martin- for Agent Blackwood and Agnes, then... that would be good. Sims would want that, and I'm sure they're stuggling with all of this, too." She takes another bite, then offers a helpless shrug of her shoulders before adding, "I'm not really sure what else- I mean. I just thought you should know about what happened. Sims is one of your agents, and... and of course the outcome of all of this is... important."

Peggy Carter has posed:
Another gentle nod comes from Peggy at the commentary about Blackwood and Agnes. "Of course. I'll come into the city to check on Blackwood tomorrow. Maybe see if he wants to come out here a few days, take time off. Whatever he eeds. I'll get in touch with him. But... the plan is still in place. Take some heart in that, Cael. This is a part of things and it's going a step at a time. It's a hard, awful part of things... but still a part of it." Peggy reassures her softly, trying to keep her encouraging smile in place. These aren't just platitudes, either. The older Chief genuinely seems to believe they have a handle on this. That the plan will work as it's supposed to. "I'm not going to set... a funeral time or wake for Sims until this is all over. I have confidence we are going to get him back. I do.

Cael Becker has posed:
    Cael offers a not of agreement. Honestly, she hadn't even //considered// the possibility of setting up a funeral or memorial - not until they knew for certain. "Of course. He wouldn't want you to. There's, umm, there's no need to upset Agnes like that. Not until we know for certain... how things have turned out." She prods at the stew again before she adds, "I'm still going to do my damnedest to bring him back. Whatever it takes. After all he's been through, he deserves to see that it was worth it. That we've succeeded." There's a momentary pause before she adds, "Besides, we made plans to learn how to ski, together. That's as good as a promise, you know?"
    Her next bite of the stew is a bit larger, and after she swallows she admits in a wry tone, "This is actually pretty good," lifting tear-filled eyes towards Peggy for a moment, a tight smile on her lips.

Peggy Carter has posed:
A nod comes immediately about not upsetting Agnes. That makes sense to Peggy, though her expression darkens a bit, "So...the child doesn't even know he's gone yet? She... she likely has his gift already. I suspect someone should tell her, even if we say it is likely we will get him back. It's better she hears it from people she trusts than reading it in some noteor notice that happened to fall into her lap." Peggy is always one for honesty, even if it's the hard honestly. "I'll talk to Martin about the matter and he can make the final decision, but I will check on them."

Then her smile just warms, seeing Cael finally diving proper into the soup. There is a brush of quiet pride behind Peggy's eyes. "That's one of the only meals I know how to make properly without burning down the kitchen or making a right mess of it. I'm glad you like it. Daniel normally does the cooking, but it was his birthday so... I've tried to spoil him a bit more this week. Still. It's good to see you eating. If you collapse, it's not going to help anything."

Cael Becker has posed:
    "No, no," Cael says hastily. "She knows. Umm... the 'gift,' though - Sims put plans in place. Phoebe used magic to redirect the Archive to another receptacle, temporarily. Red Robin carries it, at the moment, and- ...and when Sims comes back, it'll be returned to him. But Agnes knows that Jon... died last night, and that I mean to get him back." She prods a bit uneasily at the stew as she adds, "I think Agnes is honestly a little worried about //me//. She, uh... She keeps texting me."
    She clears her throat, and then digs back into the stew, adding after another bite, "All I know how to make is coffee. And Jon and Martin keep telling me everything I do wrong whenever I try to make tea. I mean- well, if Martin's around, then I'm never the one to make it, to be honest."

Peggy Carter has posed:
"Oh! Good. Thank goodness. Yes. As long as she knows, there is no reason to make a big show of it when we are all agreed we are going to get the man home. This is a temporary condition." Peggy states with firm belief behind her voice. Others might doubt, but she needed to hold the course steady and be there to cheer them on, even if she wasn't often going into the field about it.

A smirk crosses her lips about the coffee, "Well, they can be particular about their tea, but that is fine. Let them make it. And... I can see why the girl is worried. You look half a ghost yourself, especially when you first showed up here. Hell, *I* would feel a lot better if you took at least a few hours to nap upstairs. Then we can get some proper dinner into you as well before sending you back into the city. I don't think you all are taking steps on this plan exactly TODAY, so taking a few more hours to help your body recover would be...Wise."

Cael Becker has posed:
    "...I'm not exactly a restful sleeper, ma'am," Cael says warningly - though she imagines Peggy isn't at all unfamiliar with the affects PTSD can have on people's sleep. "And I think, especially after what happened last night, I uhhh... I expect there'll be some disturbances."
    She takes a few more bites of the stew, the bowl now noticeably less full than when she started. Some crusty bread to dip into it would be nice - but this was hardly a restaurant, where she was allowed to have such expectations. It was her //boss's house//. On a Sunday.

Peggy Carter has posed:
A bittersweet, immediately understanding expression crosses Peggy's features. "I feel like Daniel and I take turns at least once a week, who wakes up the other screaming. It's... a hard life. And none of us is good about getting the mental health assistance we... probably need." Peggy makes a face as she says that. It's the stubborn face that old soldiers get when they know it would probably help but she's too old and isn't quite certain she believes in it. Even the Chief isn't perfect.

"Needless to say, disturbances are fine. All I ask is that you tell me how best I can help you when you wake up. If you need to be alone, need to talk through it... Need physical contact. Just tell me how you cope and I'll be there."

Then Peggy sees how low Cael is getting in the bowl, mostly gravy left behind, and she blinks, "Oh! The bread. Daniel did made bread! I almost forgot." It's the same sour dough she used for the tea sandwiches, just with the heavy crust on. She stands and scampers over to the counter, pulling out two pieces from the bread box and setting them next to the plate.

Cael Becker has posed:
    "Oh, God, touching me would be the //worst// thing," Cael admits. She shifts a bit uneasily as she adds, "I usually sleep with Bear, now, and that helps but, uhh... I left him back at the Triskelion." She stirs the stew, adding a bit wryly, "Probably best just to leave me to it if I... wake suddenly. It's a pretty short list, those who can help me with something like that." And her first choice is currently //dead//.
    She lets out a humorless laugh as she adds, "I'd imagine that Agent Caldwell'll keep me in his office most of the day tomorrow, making sure I'm alright after all this. It's- she's been helpful, don't get me wrong, but I don't exactly enjoy... therapy."
    As the bread is mentioned and delivered, Cael's expression actually brightens for a moment as she adds, "Thank you, ma'am," and immediate starts tearing some of it off, to dip into her stew.

Peggy Carter has posed:
An understanding nod comes. Peggy really has dealt with PTSD since long before it was called PTSD. She fully understands and that is likely why she asked the woman's best ways to procede. She knows it'd different for everyone. "Alright then. I'll let you be. But a few hours sleep, even if it's interrupted, will be better than anything. Besides, it's quite a drive back to the Triskelion and with a full stomach, finally, it might be hard to stay awake."

Peggy looks pleased about the bread but doesn't mention anything more there. She does add softly, "If you need anything else, food wise, just ask. I can't promise it's here but, if it is, our home is yours." There is an understanding wrinkle to her nose about the therapy comment, head dipping gently, "I...understand. I know it's supposed to help, also, so it's... worth doing. Enjoyable or not."

Cael Becker has posed:
    "It's worth doing," Cael confirms. "It does help, really, it just... //sucks// is all," Cael says a bit wryly.
    As for driving, she actually lifts her left hand, tapping the pendant she wears at her throat, while also giving a clear view of the leather cuff she wears on her wrist, with the cut out shape of teal, blue, and gold butterflies on it. "I actually flew in. I've got this amulet, for the moment, which gives me armor, and wings, and an axe, as well as knowledge of melee fighting. It also increases my strength and the speed my body heals, but... I intend to return it when this nonsense with the angels is well and over."

Peggy Carter has posed:
"Oh! That would explain the lack of a car in the driveway and the lack of Bear. I was wondering, but did not want to intrude. Well, all the more would I prefer you to have SOME rest in you before taking back to the air. But hell, that sounds nice. If we could fly from the office to here, Daniel and I might not be looking for a house in Westchester instead of keeping this place as a full time home."

The commentary about therapy gets a slight look from Peggy. It's an odd mix of pride that the other woman is doing the work, but avoidane herself. Peggy might be a little too old fashioned minded when it comes to therapy. She does finally offer, however, "I'm glad you're doing it and you... you see that it's worth it. I'm glad it's helping, no matter how hard it is." Peggy is very careful to pick her words about therapy.

Cael Becker has posed:
    "It's worth the work," Cael confirms quietly. "Without Caldwell, without the work Sims did with me before... I wouldn't be much use to anyone." She drops in another piece of bread - dunks it with her spoon, and then scoops it up as she adds, "Well, Bear's helped too. He's- it's very reassuring having him around. I don't often go places without him, anymore." That said, she finishes off a few more bites before setting the spoon back down inside her bowl.
    "I should probably get out of your hair, though, and stop monopolizing your time on your //weekend,// ma'am. I just- I wanted you to know about Sims."

Peggy Carter has posed:
"You're not monopolizing me at all. You're one of my people and... a friend, even if we don't get much time. This *is* my life. Daniel knows that too. SHIELD doesn't stop Fridays at five. But, a full stomach and a few hours sleep would do quite well for you. So, leave the bowl, I'll clean up here. Come on. Let me show you to the guest room." Peggy is very careful about not saying anything more about therapy. It's not something she ever loudly encourages or interacts much with, but she's polite enough not to speak ill of it to others. Especially when it's seemingly helpful.

She puts Cael's bowl in the sink and then leads the way to the stairs, bringing her up to the first guest room on the right. It's done in pale lavendars and creams with a full bed, several bookshelves, and many photos up of a woman who looks very strangely like Melinda May. "Do you need anything else?"

Cael Becker has posed:
    Friends? With the Chief? Cael looks more than a little uncertain at that notion, but she allows herself to be gently herded up the stairs, and into the guest room. She's even polite enough to show only the briefest flicker of amusement at the //lavendar// color scheme. It looks look a little girl's room. Her puzzlement at the images of the woman who isn't-quite-May seems more open, however.
    "No, ma'am. I'm good. Thanks for, um... well. Thanks," she says simply, offering a brief, tight smile before she'll politely and gently close the door - and fall into the bed, trying not to feel too anxious about the concept of sleep.
    She knows she needs it, even if she dreads it, at the moment.