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Latest revision as of 16:29, 25 February 2022

What's that, girl
Date of Scene: 25 February 2022
Location: A mountain pass outside of the city
Synopsis: Hella finds Booster trapped under a collapsed cave after helping civilians escape, and brings him to a hospital to recover.
Cast of Characters: Booster Gold, Hella Rokkurdisardottir

Booster Gold has posed:
It's been a week more or less, since Booster has been seen or heard from. Which is pretty odd, even for Booster. He is usually slightly more responsible than that. At least, that's what Ted tried to assure Hella of. "Nothing to worry about," Ted said. "Booster is being Booster."

Thus it may have been unexpected when Skeets flutters into Hella's penthouse all by himself, squawking like a broken speaker. It has a dent on the front, and it's flight pattern is erratic, to say the least. The sounds it emits are almost unintelligible, but they come out something like "Mshela, mshela, mshela" repeated over and over again.

Hella Rokkurdisardottir has posed:
    Hella is in her bedroom and hears the sound of...something?...on her terrace, again. The door is open, for the breeze, and in comes Skeets! Her brow furrows in concern as Skeets squawks a repeated message over and over, again. Something she doesn't understand.

    She stands up from her desk where she'd been working on homework on her laptop. "Skeets, what's wrong?" she asks, moving toward the little robot-friend. "Where is Booster?"

Booster Gold has posed:
Skeets floats in and then upon seeing Hella drops like a rock with a loud clanging as it hits the floor. "Bshtr hrf, bshtr hrf, bshtr hrf."

Hella Rokkurdisardottir has posed:
    Hella has a special gift that comes as part of her birthright. Allspeak. It's a spell that exists on all children of her ancestors' homeland. As a result, she can speak and understand any known language. However, this is...garbled nonsense? She narrows her eyes and focuses, trying to use Allspeak to communicate with the frazzled Skeets, Skeets, where is Booster? What is wrong? If this doesn't work, she isn't sure what will. It may be time to call Ted.

Booster Gold has posed:
It becomes immediately clear that Skeets is attempting to communicate in English. But poorly. He keeps squawking, and it would seem that whatever dented him likely impacted his abilities - he remains inert on the ground, repeating his messages. "drr rx. drr rx. drr rx. kev. kev. kev."

Hella Rokkurdisardottir has posed:
    Hella sighs and puts her hands on her hips. She should be able to understand him. The fact that she can't is irritating. And, his very damaged condition is cause for great concern. She picks up her visor and says, "Kordi, call Ted. This is an emergency."

Booster Gold has posed:
Skeets squawks a bit louder, as if being louder makes it more intelligible. "UDR. RKS. UDR. RKS. NEED. HLP. NEED. HLP." Skeets tries to move a bit, and there is a quiet whirring sound. There appears to be some kind of flash of light from beneath him as he tries to move.

Hella Rokkurdisardottir has posed:
    Hella nods her head, "Yes, I know Booster needs help. I just don't know how to find him." She sounds frustrated. Why isn't Ted picking up?! Hella looks at Skeets, picking him up from the ground. "Skeets, can you drop a pin where Booster is? To my phone?" she asks.

Booster Gold has posed:
As soon as Hella picks Skeets up, she will see a projection on the ground. It's a map. And there is a gold dot blinking on the map. It appears to be a small set of mountains not far outside of NYC. "KEV N. KEV N. KEV N." repeats Skeets.

Hella Rokkurdisardottir has posed:
    "Kevin?" Hella repeats, frustrated, confused. Scared. "Who is Kevin?!" she asks. But, the thing is? Hella isn't waiting. She's got Skeets in one arm and she's already flying out of her open window-door and making a bee-line for the blinking gold dot on the map on her visor's heads-up display. So what if she's wearing pajamas? It doesn't matter!

    She flies up high, to avoid being a problem for flight paths and whatnot, going at a break-neck speed of 200 miles per hour. As long as Booster isn't more than two hours away at that sustained speed, Hella will reach him before having to take a break. She tries one more time to send Ted both a 911 text and urgent voicemail, sounding rather put-out. If Ted ever calls back, she'll let him know what's going on.

Booster Gold has posed:
As Hella rounds on the spot, she finds herself in what are really kind of small, rolling hills, on the other side of the Hudson River. A wooded area dotted with small mountains. Where the dot indicates that appears to be what looks like a fresh pile of rubble. As part of the mountain has come down recently, within the past few days. No signs of any people around.

Hella Rokkurdisardottir has posed:
    Hella slows as she nears the dot, to make sure she doesn't zip past it and miss on the first pass. She lowers herself in the air, closer to the ground, so she can see the surroundings more clearly. She frowns as she takes in the sight of the partially crumbled mountain, immediately touching down on the ground in front of it. She's not about to add her weight onto what could be pinning Booster beneath.

    "Booster!" she calls out, her voice strained, high. "BOOSTER!" she yells, again. She places Skeets carefully on the ground in the grass and begins lifting huge chunks of rocks and heaving them away from the pile. It's fairly easy work, and her adrenaline is coursing in worry, anyway. She's making a real dent in the rubble, now. "Booster, call out to me!" She has rescued many people from similar circumstances, and she's always kept her calm. At least, on the outside. Her voice doesn't sound panicked. But, she's feeling a little on edge. At least...Booster's power suit? Can protect him? She hopes, and continues to eat away at the rock pile, making another pile elsewhere as she tosses rubble aside.

Booster Gold has posed:
Eventually, as enough rocks are moved, there is a glimmer of gold beneath them. As Hella frantically moves the rest of the rocks, it reveals Booster lying facing down, a pile of rocks upon him. The force field does not appear to be active, but there is no pool of blood under him, which is a good sign.

"Hld fr scape. Hld fr scape. Piple gt ow. Pipl gt ow. Pipl gt. ow."

The crashing of the rocks has attracted some attention - a park ranger rolls up in his jeep. He hops out as he sees the tall woman tossing boulders. "Hey hey!" he yells, waving his hands at her. "This is an unsteady formation - we had it come crashing down a week ago on some hikers that went into the cave. Not supposed to in there." He starts walking over towards her. "They were lucky to get out, but they were in shock. Said some golden man from the stars came and held up the rockslide so they could get out." The range pauses as he looks at the rock pile, a look of shock on his face as he seems a body there. "Oh my god..."

Hella Rokkurdisardottir has posed:
    Hella's hair is loose about her face, blowing in the slight breeze and shifting with each movement she makes. She'd once had it in a messy bun, but flying at speeds exceeding 150 miles per hour, well. She's also dressed in her pajamas. A loose-fitting sports jersey and a pair of bubblegum pink plaid pajama bottoms. She's barefoot. And, when she hears a person calling out to her, she straightens and regards them sternly.

    "Do not worry about me. I will be fine. However, I have to get HIM out of here. You. Get in vehicle and go take care of people he saved. His name is Booster Gold, and he is Icon of Millions. Go, now!" she says gruffly, moving the last bit of rubble so she can get Booster free without damaging him any further. She lifts him carefully, not letting his neck or back jostle, and moves him away from the rubble.

    Hella finds a safe place to pause for a moment and check with Booster. She pulls his visor off, not caring how he might feel about it. She pulls his eyelids open, checking for his pupils' dilation state. She gently pats his face, "Booster, Booster, can you hear me? I need you to let me know you can hear me. Blink your eyes for me. C'mon, Boostie." Her voice is firm, but calm. The kind of voice that first responders use to get obedience from victims in times of extreme fear and stress.

    Sadly, for the moment, Skeets is left in the patch of grass where she placed him down, away from the rockslide. "Skeets, buddy, I'll come get you in moment. Need to see if I can get through to Booster. I need to know if his back is broken," she exhales a sound of frustration. "I didn't bring medkit with me, dammit. Will have to make sure I do, next time." She looks back down at Booster, "Can you feel your legs? Your feet? Can you sit up? C'mon, Booster, talk to me."

Booster Gold has posed:
Slowly, Booster opens his eyes to look up at Hella. He seems mostly intact, although his face is a bit bruised and his lip is bloody. "They got out?" he croaks a bit. His lips are dry, and his voice sounds parched.

"Uh, ma'am, we got them to the hospital, a week ago." The ranger walks up to look at Booster. "They said someone yelled at them to get out, and held the cave open until they could, but then it fell around him. Musta been this guy." The ranger leans in to peer at Booster. "We should get him some water, he looks dehydrated. He's been stuck in that cave for a week or so. I'll be right back." He trots back over to his jeep.

Booster tries to focus his eyes on Hella, but is having little luck "Thirsty," he murmurs. He wiggles his hands and his feet. "Not hurt bad..."

Hella Rokkurdisardottir has posed:
    Hella's brow furrows deeply as she comes to realize what's going on. Booster has been here for...for days. On end. Trapped. It's not like the rockslide just happened. She looks at the ranger, "Water, yes. Do you have some? Bring water, quickly."

    Hella turns her attention back to Booster and smiles a little as his eyes blink, slightly unfocused. She shakes her head as he tries to talk, "No, don't worry. That's all I need to know, for now." She accepts the water bottle from the ranger and, preparing it for Booster, she tilts the pop-top toward his mouth. "Your instinct will be to try to guzzle. Don't. Will make you sicker. Drink slowly, sip. I will carry you home," she says, trying to sound calming.

    To the ranger, she says, "Thank you very much for assistance. I, Discord -- though I am in pajamas -- will take care of him, now. Just...hold water bottle and make sure he sips only, while I get robot-friend," she says. She doesn't wait for a reply, just heads over to the place she left Skeets. She picks him up and walks back over to Booster and the ranger. Without saying anything, she grips her sleep shirt and rips it, tearing the lower half off in a long strip. She begins working with it to fashion a kind of carrying contraption for Skeets. She secures the robot-friend inside it, tying it tightly and leaving herself an easy handle that can wrap around her hand. She seems unaware or, at the very least, unconcerned that her well-muscled midsection is almost completely exposed.

    Smiling to the ranger, she says, "I apologize my super suit isn't ready, yet. Working on that. Please forgive pajamas. I will take him to safety, now. Thank you for help," she says. To Booster, she says, "Let me know if you are uncomfortable. I will fly as fast as I can that is comfortable for you. Do you want to go to hospital, first?"

    She's already lifting him easily in her arms, rising up off the ground. "Thank you, again, ranger, sir," she says and surges off toward the city proper, Booster in her arms, Skeets dangling from his make-shift carrier.

Booster Gold has posed:
Booster appears to be drifting in and out of awareness, although he does manage to successfully sip the water instead of guzzling it. Skeets makes a few pleased sounds as he is attended to, but then stops making those failed attempts at communication. "Hella?" comes some words, croaking again as he is able to focus his eyes well enough to identify her. "Sorry..." he murmurs. "Buffet..."

Skeets makes some chirping noises from his carrying cloth.

Booster tries to say something again, but it just comes out like a long croak.