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Latest revision as of 16:57, 27 February 2022

Business business business business
Date of Scene: 26 February 2022
Location: Ferris Enterprise Offices
Synopsis: Carol hires Heather for a modeling gig. Or...twenty.
Cast of Characters: Carol Ferris, Heather Danielson

Carol Ferris has posed:
It's a nice enough day for February. Not that the weather matters much, as Carol is sitting inside her office, working on some paperwork when her computer dings. She looks up, curses, and then rushes out of the room to catch the elevator down to where the meeting she is now late for is taking place. She KNOWS she's late because her secretary buzzed her a few minutes ago about it, but this latest calendar notification seems to be what got through to her.

When she arrives on the correct floor, she straightens her hair, and adjusts her outfit a little, before she walks over to the conference room and opens the door with a smile, "Good afternoon, sorry I'm running late..." she says.

Heather Danielson has posed:
    Dressed in business casual attire, which amounts to a simple white polo shirt with a blue icon for said Polo brand on the left breast, Heather is also wearing a simple pair of gray slacks. She has that unique ability to make something semi-casual look like it was put together to send a message. When really it was the first things she was able to grab from her closet on her way out the door.

    Heather had to take the hyperlink, and then an Uber to make it here on time, and she just barely squeaked in with any time left. She was in such a rush that she had to stop out front and grab a hot dog from a street vendor on her way inside. What? She needs calories, lots of calories. That's in her bio at least.

    There are days when having a Public ID as a Titan helps. But for now, she is chewing the last bite of her hot dog, cheeks looking like a swollen chipmunk face right as Carol enters. Her blue eyes go wide and she chews with a fervor before swallowing semi-painfully as she turns away for just a moment before taking a swig from a water bottle and turning back to face her hostess. "Fine. It's fine!" she adds as she offers an awkward smile. "I was just taking the opportunity to down a few calories."

Carol Ferris has posed:
The hot dog swallowing is mostly missed as Carol moves into the room, shutting the door behind her, and walks to the head of the table. "Oh, don't worry about that, we all have to sneak a snack here or there. Your secret is safe with me," she says with a wink to Heather, before she sets down the folder she's brought with her, and pulls out and sinks into her chair.

"Right. So, Ms. Danielson, correct?" Carol asks, looking up to make sure she's looking at a model and not, somehow, like a municipal public works director or something. "We need a model for our next ad campaign, and I am leaning towards choosing you. What experience do you have with print and television campaigns?" she asks, apparently not one for too much small talk.

Heather Danielson has posed:
    Well, in this day of social media... and online presence, Heather's work history is out in public for all to see. But this is an interview, and is as much to get to know the person you are hiring as it is to learn about their qualifications.

    So Heather takes a breath and begins speaking as she sits down herself. "Well, my portfolio has a lot of examples of my work of late. I admit, I have not been on the runway as much as in past years, but that is as much due to my involvement with the Titans as it is to my focus on charity work and such."

    She crosses her legs and begins to grew more comfortable. She smiles that trademark model smile and continues, "I have however, still managed to do work for several television commercials for products such as Estee Lauder scents, and a few designers' products. I mean blue jeans might seem minor, but I do love wearing them." she adds as her smile turns to an almost urchin's grin.

    "I have been doing PR work for the Titans too, and my uniform or costume has become an almost ubiquitous thing in recent times."

Carol Ferris has posed:
Carol Ferris grins just a little bit, "Yes, I have seen your work." She flips open the folder and tosses out a few of her most recent jobs, mostly of her in her Titan's uniform. "Is that the direction you want to go? Being associated with the Titans in your work...away from the super hero world?" As she asks this, she leans back in her chair and crosses her arms, watching the woman as she answers.

Heather Danielson has posed:
    "Why not try to do both?" asks Heather with a shrug. "I mean, why can't I do my work as Knockout -and- benefit in my other career from it too, right?" she asks with a smile."

    She leans back in her seat and laces her fingers across her stomach. "I will say, I had to turn down Sports Illustrated this year because I was unable to commit a couple months of my time to them. But I could see my status as a Titan making some of my other work -more- in demand. It really depends on the fickle tastes of people."

Carol Ferris has posed:
"You don't find some people see it as..." And here Carol pauses as she thinks of the word, hand twirling as she does, "too much? Don't get me wrong, I don't mind. I am of half a mind to have you model for us in your uniform. It looks great and...well...people enjoy it. But, I am also concerned that there is too much of a good thing, and that putting you out there in the Titan's uniform -- again -- would draw some negative responses. The market, as it were, could be saturated."

Heather Danielson has posed:
    "Oh sure. There are saturation levels when it comes to that. But I make more -news- in my uniform. I also raise awareness for charity functions in uniform. But I really haven't -done- runway modeling in my Titans uniform. I don't just.. strut in it. But there is plenty of PR involving the uniform."

    Heather pauses and inclines her head, "I did bring it with me today. It pays to be prepared, in case some idiot with a laser cannon decided to attack Ferris Air or some such." she adds in a tone that implies she has -no- belief that anything like that would happen.

Carol Ferris has posed:
Carol Ferris purses her lips a little bit, probably trying to contain a smile. "Perhaps after the interview and during the swimsuit portion of our contest," she replies with a wink. She hmms, "Fair enough. I think ultimately we'd be using you in a large ad roll out starting sometime in the summer. So, we will have to get going with paperwork soon."

She pulls out a thick pile of papers from her folder, and slides them across the table to Heather, "I'd pass these along to your lawyers to look at. It seems fairly standard, but...lawyers like to know what their clients are signing so..." she shrugs a little helplessly.

Heather Danielson has posed:
    Nodding her head, Heather reaches to accept the stack of dead trees... er paper. She sets it aside to give to her attorney. "So, what is your plan for your campaign? Are you looking to have someone in a bathing suit posing on aircraft like it was some sexy car show?" she asks half-jesting.

    "Or would you prefer to have me simply talking to the public and extoling the virtues of your products? Or.. somewhere in between?"

Carol Ferris has posed:
"I mean, there is some appeal in the idea of you in a bikini washing a plane...from..a surprisingly large number of people in my organization." Carol says, frowning just a bit. "But, no. More...'We Can Do It' vibe. You're a feminist symbol in a lot of ways, and well..that sells right now. Especially to people who might have a dim view of fighter jets and the like. You'll be in overalls or something of the like. A little blurb in the print ads about how we're American made and all that. In the TV ads you'll mostly be turning that wrench and wiping away sweat, and..well...looking amazing while doing it."

Heather Danielson has posed:
    "Oh, like the world war two Rosie thing, with the arm flexed in a muscle with a wrench. Something akin to that?" asks Heather. "Heck, I'd love to try to do something as an homage to that. Paying respect to the women who came before and all. Without like.. just trying to copy it."

    She shakes her head, "A lot of people think outright copying something -is- an homage. I'd rather make something that seems similar without being a xerox, you know?" she asks. And then she tilts her head, "I guess being a Midwestern girl's gotta pay off when it comes to Patriotism, huh?" she adds. "But yeah, that sounds nice."

Carol Ferris has posed:
"That is exactly what I am thinking. I don't want to do a one to one reshoot of that, but something that clearly references it and points back to the workers that came before. Something vaguely patriotic without being smarmy. It's hard to do, I've had the nerds in marketing working on it for a few months. It's partly why I chose you, because there's already a subtext of selflessness built in that we can tap into," Carol says, starting to stand up. "Are there any other questions you have for me?" she asks, as she starts to round the table. If Heather has any, they're going to be answered pretty close range.

Heather Danielson has posed:
    Inclining her head, Heather asks, "So, are these ads going to be for civilian aircraft, or armed military things?" ... she pauses a moment before adding, "I'll have to think about it if it's military. I have no issue with patriotism, and I understand that the United States -needs- a strong military. But I really don't want to be labelled as taking sides in this whole nation of us vs us."

    Then she sighs and shrugs, "I just know that in the Midwest, you're as likely to bump into a gun waving conservative voter, as you are a liberal voter, and I really wish I could just get everyone to meet in the middle."

Carol Ferris has posed:
"Both! I mean, who's to say what that engine part you're working on will go into. We try not to be overly explicit in most of our mainstream advertising. And, military advertising is a whole other beast. We wouldn't be using you for that unless you want to sit in a cockpit and pretend you're a test pilot or something." Carol replies, before she holds out a hand to shake Heather's, adding, "Not everyhing has been ironed out yet, but rest assured you won't be put in any politically...difficult ads. At least not intentionally. It's tough to tell who is going to take what which way these days."

Heather Danielson has posed:
    "That is all I ask, that we at least make the attempt to avoid polarizing situations. After all, as a Titan I need to -not- be shown as picking a side in some of the nation's stupidity." says Heather as she reaches to accept the hand, "So, assuming the paperwork passes muster, which I assume it will, where do we go from here?"

Carol Ferris has posed:
"Of course. I understand that completely." Carol replies, and then gives Heather's hand a squeeze, "We will be in touch once we've gotten all our ducks in a row. We have some legal work to get done still, and marketing wants to test a couple more ideas, but I would suspect within the next couple of weeks we will start shooting. TV and stills looking to get produced and sent by mid May so they start hitting the air and news stands by June." She then leans in to whisper something to Heather for a moment, before she pulls away and adds, "But, purely as a professional of course."

Heather Danielson has posed:
    Smirking, Heather shrugs her shoulders. She wears the costume under her normal clothing, as is the trend these days. "I mean, it wouldn't be difficult. If you don't mind.. it is quite comfortable, if not exactly practical for things like pockets and the like."

    She stands up and reaches to pull the hem of her polo shirt out of her waistline. The metallic blue of her uniform shows there rather than any skin. She lifts the shirt up and off to reveal that her top is semi-folded down. She then pulls the front part up and about her neck to fasten it there. "What do you think?" she asks. (Pic -is- in +finger if that helps)

Carol Ferris has posed:
Well...that's something. Carol takes her time drinking in the blonde Titan in her outfit, and then grins just a little devilishly as she makes a spinning motion with her hand. If Heather complies, she enjoys that view as well. "I can say I really, really enjoy your outfit. Really. It's...very complimentary. You wear it extremely well." She keeps her comments to that, though, Heather can probably see some gears turning in her eyes as she returns the girl's gaze. "You'd boost morale here by quite a bit if you left the building dressed like that, but, I can't ask you to do that. If you want, sure, but otherwise I'll let you change back to street clothes in privacy, and...I will see you again soon?" she asks. Surely, for professional reasons.

Heather Danielson has posed:
    Of course, Heather is only half into her uniform. She has yet remove the gray slacks she wears over the uniform's bottom half (and boots of course). She does the model turn, giving enough time to look at various angles, "I mean, it's not like I worry about giving out my ID or whatnot." she adds with a shrug, "I mean I would hate to avoid raising... morale as you said?"

Carol Ferris has posed:
"I would get in....a lot of trouble if I said anything else." Carol replies, the cat who caught the canary sort of grin on her face. And, yes, she does seem to enjoy all the angles she gets to see of the uniform. "Perhaps someday we can compare tight leotards," she adds with a wink.

Heather Danielson has posed:
    It should be noted that the press on Heather is that she flies straight as an arrow, and she does enjoy showing off though. I mean a girl can't be a model and be shy. It just doesn't work out like that.

    She drapes her polo shirt over one arm and shrugs as she turns towards the exit. "I think I need another hot dog." she remarks as she reaches the door. "Thanks for the meeting!" she calls out on her way out.