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Latest revision as of 15:08, 7 March 2022

Spy Games
Date of Scene: 06 March 2022
Location: GIRL HQ
Synopsis: Natasha catches up with Nadia and talks of a new Hulk.
Cast of Characters: Natasha Romanoff, Nadia Pym-van Dyne

Natasha Romanoff has posed:
Natasha Romanoff is going to check in on her protege after what even the redhead has to admit is a period of inattentiveness. So she comes bearing a small gift depending on how one might define it. A small briefcase vacuum sealed slung underneath an arm. Natasha sweeping each meter of the facilities as she would enter, despite all their familiarity.

Escape position. Routing of traffic. Items that could be used as cover or improvised weapons. Personnel and civilians.

Each and everything in her steps being analysed, categorized, and filed away. The process long gone from training to instinctive to.. Automatic.

Nadia Pym-van Dyne has posed:
Nadia is not in her office. G.I.R.L.'s head researcher in truth typically spends as little time in her office as possible. That is because, as she would tell you without reservation, it is a vile den of evil wherein lurks her greatest nemesis 'Paperwork'. Instead Nadia often just takes over the second floor main meeting room and command center when she has things to do. Which is indeed where she now sits, a nice cup of tea next to her as she makes use of the various holographic displays that hover above the central round table, analyzing data and pinpointing likely Wonderland incursions. Who knew storybooks could be so dangerous?

She is dressed in a very typical hybrid of street clothes and lab wear: A 'Just A GIRL Who Loves Wasps' T-Shirt, red and black plaid skirt, and black leather stompy boots, over all of which has been draped a white lab coat, worn open like some manner of cape, with a nametag reading 'Pym-van Dyne' on the lapel.

Natasha Romanoff has posed:
Natasha is present in normal jumpsuit and equipment. Without the full weapons loadout - at least openly displayed. Her Widow's Bites have been retracted into her jumpsuit, there's no signs of her having a pistol and her batons are on her hips. Here is somewhere she considers safe and secure.

As much as anywhere could be.

It's simple enough to locate Nadia and to make her way along. Natasha simply arrives up at the meeting room, waiting a moment in a show of politeness to 'announce' her arrival, and then entering in.

Nadia Pym-van Dyne has posed:
Nadia continues working for a few moments longer, just finishing up one last data triangulation. She knows Natasha is there. But then there are few facilities in existence that can boast GIRL's level of security and as the head of security Natasha herself saw to that when the place was designed, that no one, not even someone like her, -especially someone like her- could get anywhere in this building completely unnoticed.

The young science ace spins around in her chair to face Natasha, because of course they are swivel chairs. "Hi Nat, what's up?"

Natasha Romanoff has posed:
Natasha Romanoff would approach after her acknowledgement. "Quite a fair bit. SHIELD's operational pace has risen back to normal." She would give a small smile to Nadia and move to take one of those swivel chairs for herself. "As is Avengers business. Sometimes the two have a degree of overlap." Those are where the roughest bruises come from after all.

She would go to take out the briefcase and put it over on the table but not push it towards Nadia. Social discourse first. "I feel useful."

Nadia Pym-van Dyne has posed:
"Never a dull moment." Nadia smiles, before reaching behind her and hitting a few keystrokes without looking. The holo displays floating above the table wink out of existence as whatever she was working on is archived for later, giving Natasha her full attention.

"World isn't going to save itself after all." Says the girl involved in no less than three Hero teams, who also leads her own super science think tank and somehow still finds time to consult for SHIELD on the side, while still being shy of her 18th birthday. Some girls get into makeup and kiss boys behind the bleachers. Nadia makes discoveries in Quantum Physics, stops alien invasions, dimensional incursions, and makes first contact with other planets.

"Soooo, what's in the box?" She asks peering curiously at the briefcase.

Natasha Romanoff has posed:
Natasha Romanoff would settle back, "Some droplets of blood from a new Hulk being that had been hitting shipments of Gamma related science equipment. Barton and I were in a group that laid an ambush." Which went about as well as any unexpected run-in with a Hulk went. "That's the remainder of the biomass that SHIELD and the Avengers didn't take. I thought you might find something useful from it." She would give another small smile.

"And to ask for a possible favor on the matter if you have the time." That bit being purely optional rather than a necessity.

Nadia Pym-van Dyne has posed:
That certainly gets Nadia's attention, causing her to sit up straight and turn her full attention to the matter at hand rather than the twelve different possible side projects she was likely pondering in the back of her mind.

"New Hulk? Do Dr. Banner and Jen know about this?" Her first thoughts naturally going to the two Hulks she knows, one of whom just happens to be one of her SCIENCE! heroes. "I can study it, and I've read all of his research, but there's probably no one who can tell you more about this than Dr. Banner." Her expression is clearly troubled though, because as far as she was aware there weren't supposed to be other Hulks.

The troubled expression is shaken off when Natasha mentions a favor though. "Favor? What do you need Nat? You know I'll always make time for you."

Natasha Romanoff has posed:
Natasha Romanoff would sit back on her seat, folding her arms on the table. "I presume they do. Even if they weren't aware of it beforehand I posted a full report on the matter to SHIELD and the Avengers that they would have access to." Her tone thoughtful.

"I presume that researching in parallel makes for a wider array of options. The Avengers and SHIELD are both putting resources into the matter.."

She would let out a sigh, "Nothing in my standard arsenal can do more at best circumstance than slow one of them for a second or two and bulkier, specialized equipment that can take on such things requires a greater level of foreknowledge than we have in field operations. I need something that can at least slow them down for a moment if I run into another one." Not just a Hulk, but any particularly super-heavy hitter.

Nadia Pym-van Dyne has posed:
Nadia nods and considers for a few moments before reaching into her ...pocket? From her pocket she pulls a small pod-like storage container. Pushing a button on its surface it opens with a hiss and suddenly on the table before the is what appears to be a very large and incredibly advanced firearm of some sort. "Would a plasma rifle from the future work? Or at least the technology was supposed to be from several centuries in the future. We're still not exactly sure, but I took it from one of NOWHERE's cyborgs. It's output is pretty intense, so be careful. But it might hurt a Hulk!" One can never be too sure with a Hulk, but she's at least moderately confident of this.

"Anyway, I've already finished studying it," She says replacing the storage pod in her pocket again. "So you can have it if you want." One can only imagine what else this girl might have in her pockets. "I'll take a look at that sample and see what I can figure out about this new Hulk. Gwen can probably give me a hand, genetics are her specialty after all and Kaida might have some insight, too." Really GIRL has no shortage of talented geneticists and biologists.

Natasha Romanoff has posed:
Natasha Romanoff would consider for a moment, "How portable is it? And what level of signature would it have?" She would consider for the moment and go through her thoughts. Twisting them around.. "It's shielded enough to not have potential issues with any sort of temporal signature or high yield energy weapon to get external attention?" Her musings continuing over.

"That would be useful if it would be managable. Just so long as I don't have a half dozen time travelers jump out of wormholes the first time I shoot it." Her fully smiling. "And I'm glad that you've made yourself a full team of freinds, Nadia. Your talents enhance one another's even more."

Nadia Pym-van Dyne has posed:
Nadia makes a face. "It's not actually from the future. I'm almost positive they assemble their tech here using future knowledge. I've never been jumped by any time travellers..." She pauses as if checking her memory to make sure. "That I remember anyway. But you should be fine, they're very well made and don't leak. But I'd hope so, since they claim to be several centuries ahead of the present. Especially since I'm planning to use it to make improvements to my own designs." If anyone is going to get written up by the Time Cops, it's probably Nadia.

Natasha Romanoff has posed:
Natasha Romanoff would just smile at Nadia, "Thank you, I appreciate it." Use of the weapon is definitely on the table! "Be productive and prosperous." Natasha would go to collect the sample and put it in the briefcase, moving to stand up. Giving a low bow an dthen going to leave the building.