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Latest revision as of 06:20, 13 March 2022

Post-Date Girl Talk
Date of Scene: 03 March 2022
Location: Greenwich St Loft Penthouse
Synopsis: Just your typical girl-talk after two roomies went on dates with their new guys!
Cast of Characters: Hella Rokkurdisardottir, Stella Roundtree

Hella Rokkurdisardottir has posed:
    Hella is home before Stella. This much is not unusual for the pair of them. Hella was kissed goodnight and sent on her way by a gentlemanly Oliver, her doggy bag of cheesecake-to-go still clutched in her hand as she enters the apartment. Brimstone is waiting for her, glaring in a suspicious fashion. It's a look that says, 'Who's /this/ chump, then?' Well, the look says that to Hella, who can understand Brimstone in ways others couldn't hope to; it's preternatural.

    "Ohhh, don't lecture, please. I know you had bad meeting with Booster, but he is harmless. This man...his name is Oliver Queen, and he is very nice. He took me out to dinner, we beat up some Bratva.... Was a very good time," she says with a dreamy smile. "Anyway, don't think I don't know about all those girls you visit when you're out and about, Mr. Casanova," she says, pointing a finger as she heads into her bedroom to change out of her bullet hole-ridden top and trousers. She sighs, 'cause that was a really nice outfit. Oh, well.

    She comes out in some comfortable sleep wear, over-sized t-shirt, soft sleep shorts, hair now in a high ponytail. She sits on the couch and turns the TV on, waiting for Stella to come home. She puts it on a random episode of Adventure Time and gives Brimstone the good scratchies he likes.

Stella Roundtree has posed:
     Stella rolls in at her own pace. She's definitely in need of a change of clothes, big ass boots in hand as she enters. She's quiet, then hears the television on.

     "You still awake?" she asks, creeping. "And are you alooooone? Because I am. Not sneaking any boys into my room," she says, coming up on the couch, sliding off her jacket. "I'm gonna take a quick shower, then girl time?" she asks.

     Assuming the answer is yes, she scoots off for a very quick shower and returns in pajamas. Black pajama pants and a top with a coffee mug and skull motif that says, "DEATH BEFORE DECAF." And then she's ready climb up on the couch, phone in hand. CLEAN.

     "So wait... last message I got for you was about the Russian Mafia?"

Hella Rokkurdisardottir has posed:
    Hella grins and nods, watching Stella disappear down the hallway. She continues petting and scritching Brimmy, who is thoroughly enjoying himself, sprawled out on the couch beside her, his great head in her lap.

    "Yep!" she nods with a laugh. "Big douchebag comes in, wants steak, but restaurant is open past closing, so they tell him no. He screams, 'Do you know who I am, you little cocksucker?!' In Russian. So, I had to do something about situation. Oliver was making sure staff stayed away while I dismantle car and swat Bratva like flies," she smiles happily. "How was ghost hunting? You saw Slimer?!"

Stella Roundtree has posed:
     "Oh, I bet you took care of it right quick," Stella says, finding a spot so as not to disturb the big hound. "Bet they didn't expect that, rolling on in like they own everything, so entitled. Is the restaurant still standing? Or did you throw them right through the wall while Oliver watched?" she asks, fluffing her hair in a towel as she settles in. She does seem comfortable here with the tv light on, the rumble of the dog on the couch.

     "Ghost hunting was fun! He didn't expect it," she says. "I thought I might've lost him when I gave him coordinates to meet me at a spooky sanitarium. But I knew there was a cool room in it..."

     She holds up her phone showing photos of the interior of the place, a few with gleaming animal eyes staring back. One with a bathtub with two creepy dolls in it, and a stack of crucifixes, and then a stone tower room with a starry night mural painted on it. And the last one of the two of them smiling at the camera in said room, lit by the glow of a lantern- but one made of a water bottle and flashlight.
     "Sadly, we just saw some green thing that he said was a phone error of some sort, but I like to think it was Slimer," she says.

Hella Rokkurdisardottir has posed:
    Hella nods her head, shaking it at the audacity of the mobsters. "They crash car through front door! Then, pile out and shoot guns everywhere. Assholes!" she says, frowning. "Is such a nice restaurant. Is still standing, thankfully. Oliver heard me and saw me. I get very loud when I do battle with evil jerks, so!" she says with a little laugh. "I made sure main douchebag promise to pay for damages and also donate large sum of money for hungry people. I will find him and spank him with seatbelt, like /I/ promise, if he doesn't keep his promise." She means it.

    Hella's eyes go wide as Stella mentions a spooky, abandoned sanitarium! "Sounds just like opening to good horror movie," she says with a big grin. She looks through the photos with an increasing level of excitement. "Man, this looks so cool! I would've had fun with this kind of adventure," she grins. "Perfect idea for date. Even if Slimer was phone error."

Stella Roundtree has posed:
     "Hah! I know you get loud and fierce when you have business to take care of!" the brunette says. "So you still have to find the guy and make sure he paid? Is that gonna be your next date? Seems you two are also an adventurous type," she says. "Can't let up on them, or they'll slack! And they should be afraid of you so they won't do it again," she decided.

     "It was! He kept kidding that I might steal his kidney and then leave him, but I think it was only mostly a joke," she says. "But it was fun, and he was a proper gentleman. And we relaxed for a while. I... really like him, I think. I haven't told him I'm a mutant yet, so I guess that'll come up soon," she sighs.

Hella Rokkurdisardottir has posed:
    Hella nods her head solemnly. "I already have plans to chase down Big Boy and make him suffer if he doesn't follow through on promise. Because I always fulfill my promises. I set good example for others, especially bad guys who need to learn manners," she says with conviction.

    "As for next date...he ask me to Mardi Gras Ball," she says with a big smile, tugging at a lock of her own hair. "Is big, fancy party, I hear. He bought me dress to go with him. He took me on huge shopping trip, so he can learn my tastes, which was lots of fun. You know how much I love shopping," she sighs wistfully. The girl /does/ love to shop, almost always online because that's what she tends to have time for, but in-store, too!

    "HAhahaha," Hella laughs, shaking her head. "He sounds funny. I hope to meet Hal! If he passes your checklist, he must be good guy. Especially now that you have probably worst example to compare new men to, mmh?" she says, mentioning Ted if not by name. "I don't think he will have problem with you being mutant. You are beautiful, funny, kind... If he has problem, is HIS problem and HIS loss. But, I bet he will be a-okay!" She sounds very confident and assured of her words.

Stella Roundtree has posed:
     "Well, it would also be fun to see what happens if that big boy, as you say, does not follow through. I can just picture you tossing him around like a rag doll. But the Mardi Gras ball sounds like a hoot, especially if you get to wear something fun. That's the point, right? To be seen more than anything else." She snuggles a bit deeper into the couch, comfortable in her jammies. "I'm not a huge fan of the age gap, but... if he's really done with his wild ways, better you met him now."

     "As for Hal, he's definitely a change, but a good one, I think," Stella says. "I'm not a damsel or a princess, and I was hopin' that by taking him to a place that was definitely evidence that I'm not, it'd set the tone. Playful exploration, just enjoyin' each other on equal ground. There's so many cool things in there, and we only saw some! And some rats. And some raccoons. So we'll see if he's okay with me bein' a mutant. I plan to bring it up before we get into anything physical," she finishes.

Hella Rokkurdisardottir has posed:
    Hella laughs and pauses in her idle scritching of Brimstone who lies sprawled on his back beside her. "I told him I would spank him with seatbelt until he cry for his mama," she says conspiratorially. "And, believe me, I will do it. He act like big baby, he get punished like big baby. Not that I support spanking children, but if they grow up to be evildoers, spankings ahoy!" she says, possibly mixing some metaphors in that charming way of hers.

    "I don't know what Ollie thinks about, how he feels. He keeps his thoughts to himself, and that's okay. He has treated me with a lot of respect. Tonight? Our first kiss, when he dropped me off downstairs. It was nice. I feel like he holds back. I want that passion. But, it was nice," she says with a little sigh. Hella's talked openly, before, about how she'd like to be handled by a man, but it seems she's had no luck with that, thus far.

    "Be careful with raccoons. They are crazy fuckers who will do things you don't expect. I think they might be more intimidating than ghosts!" she laughs. Brimstone uses a paw to drag her hand back down to rubbing his tummy and chest. She resumes without even thinking about it or missing a beat in her conversation. "But, seriously, I am so happy for you, as long as you are happy. I hope Hal will like me, too, 'cause it'd be fun for you and me to have some double dates! What you think?" she smiles brightly.

Stella Roundtree has posed:
     "Some men are just overgrown children. Gotta speak to them in the only language they'll understand," Stella agrees. "And the more they fear you, they'll tell their little buddies," she says. "Criminals chit chat constantly, so if he doesn't want to tangle with you, he'll tell others the same. Well, or they try to figure out how to eliminate you. So... if these are just human guys, probably the former," she decides.

     "How did the kiss work out? Did you get all... toasty? Like too hot to touch, or was it okay?" Stella asks. "I imagine it's hard to want to touch people and be afraid that you might accidentally hurt them," she says.

     "As for the raccoons- well, we didn't get bit, so that's a start. I did get my tetanus shot, so I'm less worried about rabies, but they're still fierce little things," she says as she watches the dog enjoying himself. "It'd be nice to do some double dates as well. Just to be social and all that. Besides, Ollie has that spooky ass house. That's gotta have some ghosts in it worth hunting," she teases.

Hella Rokkurdisardottir has posed:
    Hella grins at the reply. "Yes. Some men are just big babies. Need to grow up. I can help them. Pain is very good teacher," she nods agreeably. "I hope he talk me up to his friends and colleagues. I hope they try to take me out. I will take /them/ out when their bullets flatten on impact with my body. I will twist their guns into little pretzels and...maybe stick it where sun don't shine!" she says, grinning broadly. She gives Brimmy some solid, affectionate thumps on his side to let him know she's done pampering him for the nonce. He rolls over lazily and heaves a deep sigh that rumbles unnaturally, sounding something like the raspy singing of a thousand blades coming out of their scabbards. He often makes spooky noises like that. Must be something to do with being a Muspelhund.

    Hella contemplates the question with a sigh of her own. "Kiss was nice! Nice. I want to say very nice, but..." she lifts a shoulder and drops it glumly. "No heat, no spark. No excitement coursing through my veins. I think he is trying to be careful with me. I understand he respects me and doesn't want to push me too far, but... Maybe feels a little too platonic?" she chews on her lower lip. "But! You know, is only first kiss. Maybe he was nervous?" she asks with a half grin, knowing she's probably wrong on that. Oliver Queen? Nervous to kiss a woman? Ridiculous.

    When Stella levels a look at Brimmy, he heaves himself to his feet and trots over to where /she/ is sitting and flumphs his weight against her, a great, heavy lump of very warm coal, obviously looking for more pampering. He snuffles at her hand and drops his heavy head on her forearm, nudging and rubbing against her to clearly telegraph his goals. "I would totally love to do some fun stuff together," Hella says with a big grin. "Ollie's house is so boring, I swear. I told him, is like museum. How can he feel at home there? Seems like place where you can't touch anything or things lose value or something. I told him he should get little place for himself, where he can decorate how he likes. He seemed surprised, never thought of something like that."

Stella Roundtree has posed:
     "See? You've got it handled," Stella says. And she does believe this, what with seeing Hella at even partial power. Much better for someone with that degree of firepower go up against humans than someone who can just pull a few tricks. Though the sounds the dog makes are a little alarming.

     "Yeah, well you're a lot more intimidating than most women. You're definitely not someone he can toss around or throw away without consequence, and that sort of thing tends to make men a little more careful with their actions. Not getting off scott-free. I thought he did get you super excited, and that's why you were lookin' forward to spending time with him?"

     Stella must be very used to dogs (the photos on her dresser would indicate the big fluffy maremmas that patrol her father's hobby farm, and their spazzy little spaniel), so she automatically starts giving scritches to the big beast. "Oh yeah, I got a bunch of dead batteries for you in my backpack, cleaned out a whole bunch of stuff at a job the other day," she chuckles as she rubs his temples and behind his ears.

     "Yeah, when I went to check him out and evaluate him- couldn't help myself- that place was... yeah. Stale, but big. It even had *tapestries*, " she groans. "It's a home in need of an update or a hundred," she says. "If it's his house, I'm sure he can store all the old crap and just do things as he likes."

Hella Rokkurdisardottir has posed:
    Hella grins and nods, feeling confident that she does, indeed, have it handled. She will hound Ollie for the name of that man and his location until he relents and gives the information to her! Unlike Hella, who is still becoming established as an up-and-coming hero, Ollie is well-connected and has his own information system that he uses to do his good deeds and track the bad guys. Normally, Hella wouldn't bother him over it, but she's certain he can find Big Boy -- whatever his actual name is -- and that will allow her to keep her promise to the oversized Russian mobster.

    Hella sighs, then, nodding her head. "Is really a turn-off, Stella, seeing men be so intimidated by me. I know other women, strong women, struggle with this, too. But, like... I /am/ a woman, and I like feeling like one. I can be very dangerous, yes. But, I don't want men to automatically assume I will snap them like twigs and treat me like... I dunno. Dangerous zoo animal or something. Makes me feel like all these men are weak in character," she shakes her head, rubbing her face.

    Regarding Ollie being exciting, she throws her hands up in the air, nodding, her voice sounding like a mixture of frustration and incredulity. "I know! He /was/ exciting! He /did/ get my blood pumping! But, that was before. Before he saw me with javelins. Before he saw me with Bratva at restaurant. He doesn't lack confidence in himself, but...is like his opinion of me changed and he acts less...flirty? I dunno! Maybe is just my imagination. I could be paranoid!"

    To the mention of dead batteries, she nods. "Oh, sure. Whatever you need. I'm happy to help," she smiles. Then, a breath before she agrees, "He said something about his sister, Thea, loving the house that way. And, is how he made memories. So, I guess he keeps the same decoration for that reason. I told him, 'Let Thea live in house, you buy a space somewhere else and do what you want there.' But, we will see what happens. Maybe," she says, exhaling another sigh. "Don't even know what to do about Booster. Everything so complicated, right now."

Stella Roundtree has posed:
"Oh, the batteries are for Brimstone," Stella grins. "You mentioned he likes them, so I brought them home. Seemed better than recycling, depending on what they end up coming out as," she laughs.

     "I mean... if Ollie can't handle you, you don't have to stop at him. There's definitely enough superpowered dudes in town if you want one that's on par with you. Forget the super hero summoning app, maybe there should be a dating one," Stella giggles.

     "But he could get his own place, sure. It might be hard to let go of a family home, but with that kinda cash? Yeah, really, just make another one," she shrugs. She keeps massaging down Brimstone's head, behind his little ears.

     "I dunno. I haven't seen Booster in a while, last time was in the hospital, so... I mean, Ted's definitely not gonna call me, and I don't know what's up with the team they were planning on getting together. Unlike a lot of you guys, I'm not compelled as much to actually go out and fight crime."

Hella Rokkurdisardottir has posed:
    Hella laughs! "Oh, silly me. Of course, they are for Brimmy. Derp! Well, I can still charge them with your help, if you want. He does prefer spiciness of fully charged, or even overcharged, batteries. Like those lithium ion batteries that get too full in laptops and swell up? He goes nuts for those," she smiles affectionately at the great beast at Stella's side, thoroughly enjoying the scritching with his eyes rolled back in his head.

    Hella nods her head, though, looking thoughtful. "Maybe you're right. For now, can't hurt to see where things go. If things get more exciting or not. I want to give him fair shake, you know? As for Booster..." She sighs and shakes her head. "We'll see what happens with him, too. Skeets is still in my bedroom, broken down. If nothing else, he needs to collect him and get him repaired, poor little robot-friend." She takes another breath and stands up. "Okay. Bedtime for me. I had a lot of fun talking with you about our dates, tonight. I hope we can go on a double-date really soon! G'night, Stella," she smiles and whistles briefly for Brimmy to follow her. Which, of course, he does, leaving Stella with a warm spot where he once laid.