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Latest revision as of 18:29, 27 March 2022

Something To Tell Barbara
Date of Scene: 27 March 2022
Location: Dick Grayson's Townhouse
Synopsis: Dick and Stephanie tell Barbara their big news.
Cast of Characters: Stephanie Brown, Dick Grayson, Barbara Gordon

Stephanie Brown has posed:
It had been last night, while out on patrol, that Stephanie had invited Barbara over comms to come by Dick's brownstone tonight. Pizza, a few drinks. Stephanie said she and Dick would even watch one of those old people movies that Barbara had been telling her she needed to see.

Ok, that's what Stephanie calls those movies for fun, though there aren't all that many years difference!

The brownstone is just down the street from the University, a place that Dick and Stephanie moved into together where she'd be able to make it to and from class easily enough. Stephanie ordered Barbara's favorite toppings from a local Iranian guy who has a pizza place. It doesn't sound like the right pairing of nationality and food, but he does a really awesome job, in addition to a number of other dishes.

Stephanie's wearing a pair of jeans and a purple sweater, and is just in socks then. There's a fire going in the fireplace, the air outside still cool enough to allow that as she and Dick wait for Barbara to arrive. Stephanie will hop to the door quickly enough when Barbara arrives, to let her in.

Dick Grayson has posed:
    Dick is dressed in his everyday clothes, blue button down shirt and black slacks. He's also currently rocking the socks, no shoes needed in the house. He's got a few different things to drink, anywhere from bottled water, through sodas and ending on a couple different alcohols (which Steph is not allowed to have quite yet!).

    When Barbara arrives, he greets her with a smile and kiss on the cheek. "Thanks for coming over, figured we might get you out of that tower now and then. It's a little nicer than just talking to you over comms all the time. Pizza is on the way, would you like something to drink?"

Barbara Gordon has posed:
Barbara had used a motorcycle out of the Tower's garage to get here, and parked it in a reasonably secure place outside, though her computer systems were monitoring it with cameras... and more.

Dressed in black leather pants, with a black turtle neck sweater, that fits close to her form, Babs has her black denim jacket on over that, and is standing there when the door opens, her red hair tied up behind her head.

"Hey." She says softly with a faint smile to the two of them as she strides in, and returns close greetings. "You both know how much I am a shut in, and proud of it... But yes, I'm happy to actually get over here in person, rather than you know... flying drones by it to make sure you guys are okay." She states with another little smirk.

"A beer would be great, and pizza sounjds lovely." She adds as she casts her jade hued eyes about their place. "I dig it. Very... modern, but not... shitty modern Gotham."

Stephanie Brown has posed:
Stephanie Brown gives Barbara a tight hug of greeting as she comes in. "Yes, it's been such a good idea," she says of the brownstone, glancing around it. "The proximity to campus, and not having to listen to the music at all hours of the day through the walls at my apartment," she says.

Stephanie heads over to the drinks, a brief touch on Dick's shoulder to say she didn't forget the best part about living at the brownstone. She smiles at him and then checks to see what Barbara wants to drink and then gets it into a glass for her.

"Was great getting the Birds out together," she says. "Even if I'm still a little wary about a couple of them," she says. Though it seems just a comment and not meant to delve into the subject of those trying to turn over a new leaf.

The doorbell rings, and Stephanie goes over to answer it. She pays for the pizza, the little Iranian man greeting her by name, and waving to Dick where he sees him inside. He gets a healthy tip before he heads on his way and Stephanie closes the door and goes over to set the pizza on the table and get plates for it. "So, what movie did you want to see?" Stephanie asks. "Though, there's also something else to show you before we get to that, but can wait until we've got the food and settled in," she says.

Dick Grayson has posed:
    Dick goes and gets three plates out of the kitchen, putting them down beside the pizza boxes. No wasteful paper plates here, washing a few plates isn't that hard, even with his and Steph's nightly extracurricular activities. He snags a couple slices and heads over to the couch with his plate and a bottle of water.

    "Thanks, we tried to make it nicer than what you generally expect in Gotham. The city is depressing enough without coming home to that sort of thing as well." He gestures around the room, "This is our little island of warmth in a city that doesn't warm up for most people."

    He smiles as Steph as she passes, then adds "Our computer setup doesn't hold a candle to what you've got going, but we have a connection to the Bat network for when we need to check on things."

Barbara Gordon has posed:
Once Babs has that beer she asked for, she just holds the bottle and takes a swig from it. She has a light smile on her pale pink lips as her eyes go from one of them to the other. "Well, you two have done good for yourselves, in this city of ... agony and suffering, as the media likes to claim at least." She grimly says of her own city.

The delivery guy gets a wave from Barbara. "Thanks for bringing us food, sir." She dryly jokes with the man before she too moves toward the furniture to find a seat with her beer.

"I'm glad to get the Birds out of their cages too. They need it. Just as much as the unlikely ones we've brought on to the roster. I know Pam, for instance, ruffles feathers... but she needs to be properly rehabbed, and you do that by not treating them like shit, like Arkham treats people. Look at Harley, she's doing much better... now that she's out of that cycle of being sent back to that hell hole."

Babs shakes her head then, letting it go. "Yeah. Who knew that being a computer nerd would be a valuable thing someday.... Oh right, I did." She raises her free hand playfully before dropping it in her lap once more.

Stephanie Brown has posed:
Stephanie gets settled with her slice of pizza and a soda, setting them on the coffee table in front of her. "I just am wary about them knowing our identities," she says, but then realizes she doesn't want to delve into that conversational topic any deeper, so lets it drop there.

"We really have done well," Stephanie agrees, smiling over at Dick beside her. "Really well," she says, the girl's blue eyes flashing and her smile growing even brighter.

She looks back over to Barbara. There's a necklace around Stephanie's neck, an amethyst hanging from a diamond on a silver chain. Barbara might have noticed it before now, as she wears it a lot, though the first it was seen was after her birthday. "So, ah, speaking of how well we're doing," Stephanie says.

She fidgets a little bit, one hand rubbing at the other, before moving away. Not just fidgeting. Stephanie was adjusting a ring. A ring with a circular amethyst, and two smaller ones flanking it on either side. And then the ring itself cunningly runs to either side of the amethysts, curling in around them, with a line of at least a dozen small diamonds set on each half of the ring.

It looks more like an engagement ring than a normal ring. And Stephanie was twisting it about. And has that great big grin on her face for Barbara.

Dick Grayson has posed:
    Smiling over at Steph as she does everything but actually hold up the ring for Barbara to see, Dick shakes his head a little and then looks over to Barbara. "Just in case you missed the ring, for some reason Stephanie said yes when I asked her to marry me."

    "We don't have a date yet, we're still working on telling friends and family about it. For some reason, all the people we're close to keep really irregular schedules, if you can believe that." He shrugs and takes a drink of his water, then a bite of pizza.

Barbara Gordon has posed:
Barb's green eyed gaze goes to the ring, a little grin showing upon her face as she sits forward in her chair then and sets her beer bottle down on the table. As Dick starts to explain, she opens up her front left denim jacket pocket where she reaches inside it with a dip of her finger tips. She draws out some black glossy cardstock photos that she offers over to them both. "Yeah, I know." She says in her calmly amused voice.

"Here." She states then. The cards are photos. "I tracked the origins of the gemstones. The mines that the diamonds came from, the photos show the men who mined them. Then you'll see the ring being produced by the company that Dick purchased it from."

She reaches for her drink again then. "If she'd said no, I don't think I'd be here right now." She says to Dick with a continued sly grin, her drink going back up to her lips for another sip.

When she lowers the bottle though, she exhales, then remember. "Oh, congrats! I'm excited for you both." She tells them, smiling to Steph.

Stephanie Brown has posed:
Stephanie Brown is all smiles as Dick makes sure Barbara knows what Stephanie is about. Then surprised as the photos come out, and finally laughing about it. "Thank you," she says as Barbara congratulates them. Stephanie reaches over to rest her hand on Dick's and squeeze softly.

"I wasn't expecting it at all. And Cass unknowingly ran interference for him on it. She sent a package to our table, with a card saying it was from Dick. But, in her handwriting. And spelling his name in a creative way," Stephanie says, grinning. "It had the necklace, which as it turns out, matches the ring beautifully."

Stephanie glances around the brownstone. "Bruce wants us to use the lake house on the manor grounds, gave it to us as a gift. I was worried about being able to make it easily to classes, but he's helping with that as well. So we'll probably be moving in there soon. It's just beautiful. I can't wait to see what it looks like when everything's blooming from spring."

Dick Grayson has posed:
    "The lakehouse will make our Bat related activities easier too. The one problem with this place is that due to poor planning, it was not built over a large cavern that we can use to store vehicles and equipment."

    He continues "We have a very secure room upstairs with equipment, but we have to sneak out the upstairs windows to get out of here without letting the neighbors know Nightwing and Batgirl live next door. Once that gets out, you tend to have villains trying to blow the house up, which is just bad for property values and nosy neighbors."

Barbara Gordon has posed:
Barbara just looks from one of them to the other, smiling warmly and nodding her head a couple small times. "Well it really is great. And that is very nice of Bruce, but I'm not surprised either. I think he'd prefer it if we all lived on his property, and created a sort of... Branch Dividian style compound." She smirks before taking another sip of her drink.

She glances upward at the talk of what systems they have here at this location before she looks once more to them.

"Well. It seems you both have gotten things under control here, and when you move out, maybe leave a few things to make people /wonder/ if a Bat lived here before they moved in. Like a Batarang or two." She says in jest, of course.

"So when is the wedding bells?"

Stephanie Brown has posed:
Stephanie Brown draws in a breath and lets it out at the comment about the difficulties of getting in and out. "In some ways it is even worse than my apartment was. I did pick an apartment with a good building I could grapple up to easily enough. But getting out my balcony and up on the roof without being scene there was always a bit of a task. Here, when the weather's nice you never know who else is going to be out enjoying it on their own rooftop," she agrees.

A soft chuckle is given about a Bat commune, and leaving something behind. "Well, we're going to hold onto it. It is convenient having it right near campus for just popping over for food or something," she says. "Though I imagine we probably won't stay here too many nights once we get moved in up there."

Dick Grayson has posed:
    Dick nods in agreement with Steph, adding "It's convenient having a place in town we can fall back on if needed, either for lunch breaks or Bat related stuff. And it's not like we can't afford to keep the place." He glances over to Steph with a smile and teases, "I'm sorry, but we won't have to do the newlywed finances thing. We're pretty well covered on that front." Looking over to Barbara he adds, "She hasn't quite gotten used to having just stupid amounts of money yet, but I'll spoil her as we go along."

    He stands and pads over to the pizza to snag another slice, asking, "Anyone else need more while I'm up?"