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Fights at the Museum
Date of Scene: 28 March 2022
Location: American Museum of Natural History
Synopsis: Cheetah robs the American Museum of Natural History and engages in a bloody brawl with Misfit and Knockout in the process. Warning, log contains heavy gore.
Cast of Characters: Barbara-Ann Minerva, Charlotte Gage-Radcliffe, Heather Danielson

Barbara-Ann Minerva has posed:
There's some items on loan from the Themysciran Embassy at the Museum of Natural History. Including one from Gotham that was prevented from being looted such an ever short time ago by a relatively unknown supervillain. Restored, put out on display with some other items. A long spear with some recreations of other items from Themyscira put up. It's late night now, and the museum is closed with maintenance staff going about late night checkins on things.

Charlotte Gage-Radcliffe has posed:
    Charlie was there earlier in the day. Cause well. Wonder-Woman STUFF.

    I mean sure, there is more to Themyscira than just Wonder Woman. Rich Culture. Thousands of years. Gods. That junk. Which to Charlie pales in comparision to the big W W.

    She is sitting on a park bench near the central park entrance eating a hot dog and sipping a soda after the busy day being enriched in the museum. Comfy jeans, stompy boots, and a Wonder Woman Hoodie.

    Course she has her earpiece in and goggles in her hoodie pocket. Which means the Oracle Array is humming along monitoring everything it can in a several square block radius and prioritizing trouble for the young chaos muppet of a hero.

Heather Danielson has posed:
    Wonder Woman stuff. Yeah, Heather isn't in on anything Amazon related. She would love to, but she is so busy these days, what with her work with the Titans, her charity work, -and- her modeling career. But she does get to the museum now and then. She finished a photo-shoot down the street, and decided to take a few minutes to peruse the place.

    Well, after stopping out front to grab a hot dog from a street vendor.

Barbara-Ann Minerva has posed:
Ther'es a flicker of power over the Museum of Natural History right as every single light over in the building goes off. There's a kick-in over of what would normally be the emergency generators going, right before those kick out toow tih a spark. The building is as dark as the Egyptian tomb contained within. Even blocks away the stound of thsoe inside stumbling around wildly can be made out.

Charlotte Gage-Radcliffe has posed:
    Charlie's head jerks up at the sudden lack of light from the museum. Mouth full of hot dog. She chews. Swallows. "Crackers..." when the sound of stumbling reaches her. She gives it another moment and then when no backup kicks in she stuffs the rest of her hot dog in her mouth and pulls a pair of orange goggles out of her pocket sliding them on.

    "Hey Oracle. Uh... Museum of Natural History. New York. Power outage. Any alarms?" which is plenty for the AI to work with back in the Clocktower.

    The response isn't really reassuring either, the Museum has been knocked off the grid. Which does trigger some alarms, the whole sort that pulse checks for liveness in alarm systems. But dead museum.

    "Okay checking it out." she steps towards the museum and vanishes in a slash of pinkish purple smoke. By checking it out she takes a brief detour to her room in Gotham snagging her gloves and slipping the weighted yellow fabric onto her fists, able to hide them in her hoodie sleeves. The yellow utility belt gets slapped on too.

    All said maybe twenty seconds pass before she is stepping through a nother port to the museum. Geared up but not having time to get fully armored up.

    The second teleport though takes her into the lobby. Goggles adjusting to the dark and lighting it up as well as Batmans cowl does for him really.

    She listens to try to pinpoint the disturbance she swore she heard outside.

Heather Danielson has posed:
    A flicker of power. Heather was just chewing and swallowing her last bite of the hot dog when the power fluctuates. "What the actual hell?" she asks. "I mean... it's New York, right?" she asks. And then it goes out and she shakes her head. "Shit." She mutters as she just walks fearlessly up the stairs towards the front door. She opens the front door manually, and holds it as she says, "Come on out folks! Safety this way!" she adds, lifting her phone and turning on the flashlight function to shine around and get attention.

Barbara-Ann Minerva has posed:
The teleport that takes Misfit inside finds one of those late night security guards on patrol. Or rather what's left of him. Namely that he's been clawed right down the middle vertically, slashed through like a piece of meat. To the side, a dropped styrofoam thermos of wahtever he was drinking that was crushed under.. Foot. With a slice down the middle. Not foot..
    There's a trail of blood and clawprints, large toed ones heading deeper into the museum. -Fresh- blood. The museum still dark. Generators not kicking in. Not even the emergency lights which were supposed to go on. Noise of other people yelling about and moving along could be heard as the late night shift tried to find their way around in total darkness.

Charlotte Gage-Radcliffe has posed:
    Which likely means Heather finds Charlie, just a kid in a hoodie wearing goggles, staring at the gory remains of what was probably a security guard. "Holy carp..." she mutters and then glances at the flash of light from the front doors.

    "Oh hey... not safe in here!" she calls to the light and what she assumes wrongly is a regular ol new yorker. "Someone killed the security guard.. and I mean killed messy ... dangerous. Call the cops."

    The last part isn't really needed but she finds it gives civies something to do, the Array already called the cops and checked to see if any Birds are in the area to backup Charlie. There aren't any.

    The teenager starts to follow the clawprints, more carefully than usual. The heat of the blood making a great trail though. She mutters "uh.. time to get full suit or.... no guards are in trouble."

Heather Danielson has posed:
    Baby blue eyes going wide, Heather shakes her head, "Oh shit!" she states as she starts moving inside. She was dressed in casual clothing, not her superhero uniform really. So yeah, passer by seems right. But a fearless one. She's not walking... she's jogging.

    "Do we have any idea who or what killed the guard?" A pause, "Oh, I'm Knockout of the Titans." she adds.

Barbara-Ann Minerva has posed:
There's the sounds ahead of some more -hsst's-. A slash. Silence. Another -hsst-. On one hand, like a snarl. On the other.. Something cleanly -carving- through something soft. Easily going through and out the other end without so much as a stop. Where the claws had gone in those fading bits of blood from the floor. Then the sound of a very quiet thump. Then after that just silence beyond the muffled sounds of everyone inside trying to find their way around and yelling. Profanity in the air from people only able to tell where they were going by the lights from their smartphones.
    A door a bit further in if one poked their head along where the sound had come from that had had the solid wall panel lock torn out of it.

Charlotte Gage-Radcliffe has posed:
    Charlie is alarmed when Heather just jogs right towards Danger. Then well the codename and Titans registers and she is relieved. "No idea what we are dealing with. Uh.. names Misfit, out of Gotham." which well, no real sign of her geer other than those orange goggles yet. Maybe Outsiders. Maybe Bats. Maybe solo.

    She points towards the door with the lock panel torn out.

    She slides around the edge of the door, hand dipping into her utility belt and fishes out some small spheres and throws them into the room. Usually the Bats like absolute darkness like this, but to be honest Heather is using her phone flashlight.

    Those little spears are going to flare and provide a good amount of normal light, like cracking a whole bunch of small sphere glowsticks to light up a room.

Heather Danielson has posed:
    And yeah... as Misfit stops to throw toys into the room, being cautious, Heather just bursts through the door like a football running back blasting through the offensive line. She doesn't really do... caution. It's just not her thing.

    Blonde hair trailing back from her head, she whips her head about once she is in the room... searching for a target. She is kinda a new Titan as it is, and has just assumed that.. the bad guy will be right here.

Barbara-Ann Minerva has posed:
Inside the door is some of the things put out on exhibit. A series of things that would be rotated in and out over the enxt few days and put on display. A collection of artifacts, cultural material, representations of artifacts an dpictures..
    The two girls entering over to poke their heads in along with the light ahead of them would hear something. As the two would go forwards, there would be a -shlicht- sound, like something messily unfolding, peeling off.. The wall.
    A sound like chopping meat, if either had ever been to a butcher shop seeing an animal prepared. Blood.

Charlotte Gage-Radcliffe has posed:
    There is a slight shudder at the sound of butcher shopping. And despite all the blood and noise Heather seems intent to charge ahead towards the sound of danger. "Oof."

    She jogs after though not wanting Knockout to deal with whatever this is alone. Glancing to the sides though as they head towards the noise.

    When they get even closer, Charlie throws a couple more of the spheres at the noise to light up the scene.

Heather Danielson has posed:
    And the sound just makes Heather more determined to find the culprit. "Stop that!" She calls out as she turns and begins sprinting towards the sound. The worse it is, the harder she runs.

    However, the only experience Heather has ever had with those sounds and smells are really her -own- flesh and blood. "Whomever that is, you are in big trouble mister!" she adds at a yell. Yeah, her plan is... in video game terms.. to draw all the aggro.

Barbara-Ann Minerva has posed:
The two would look ahead and finally see what the source of hte sound was. In this case, it was a very large sword.. One that had been out on display that had been shoved over into the wall, skewering some unfortunate person on the other end that was now being slowly pulled down it, sword hooking it's way through them. Turning to face the two over would be a feral looking feline, blood dripping down her claws and her fangs.
    "Why hello little chickadees. I could hear you across the museum. Do you like my work?"

Charlotte Gage-Radcliffe has posed:
    Okay Heather trying to draw Aggro like that makes Misfit wince deep in her BatNinja trained soul Still Knock is a Titan and ostensiably knows what she is doing. Also Charlie figures that much noise can give her a great distraction right.

    Which is pretty much spoiled entirely wne nthe Feline Lady with bloody fur and claws basically says she could hear them all the way across the museum. Damn animal enhanced hearing. "Shoot." is all she says to that.

    Something about this is familiar, was there an incident report about someone like this. Regardless Charlie seems content to let Knockout take the lead as she fishes under her Wonder Woman hoodie to her utility belt fishing out a couple bat-a-rangs and sending one flying once she thinks Heather may have the Cat distracted. "Could be better. Bansky it isn't." she quips.

Heather Danielson has posed:
    Cringing, Heather shakes her head, "Wow, what a sick evil fuck you are!" She calls out, "What I wouldn't give for a giant laser pointer. Hey, Misfit, you have a laser weapon in that bag-o-tricks?" she asks as she starts stalking towards Cheetah.

    Again, she is either an idiot, or more powerful than she lets on. She's not really behaving as if this is a threat to her own safety. "Bad kitty!" She adds, "Damn. Water bottle might be good too... firehose?" She asks as she tilts her head to the right.

Barbara-Ann Minerva has posed:
There's a sneer from Cheetah, "Well, little Chickadees.. I've already gotten what I'm after but no one's saying I can't have a bit of fun." Going to casually yank the sword out of the wall and from the person she had skewered on it, twisting it around and then going to face the two. "And to make it sporting I won't even bother with this." She would twirl the heavy blade in between thumb and forefinger with the sort of way a child playing with a thumbtack would.
    Then as Charlie would speak she would grin, "Everyone's a critic." Then she's going to charge Heather! Trying to then punch the girl with a fist that if it did strike full on would slam her almost through the wall if she did manage a clean hit!

Charlotte Gage-Radcliffe has posed:
    There is a low whistle under Charlie's breath as she watches how fast Cheetah moves.

    She purposefully hasn't ported yet. Keeping that Ace tucked away for the moment.

    With Heather drawing Aggro the ChaosBat cocks her head a bit and then lets one then two of the bat-a-rangs fly trying to intercept the charge. One going for the felines face. The other going for her leg.

    Both toys are shockwings, packing a pretty fierce taser. Nonlethal though.

    She is already moving after letting it fly circling to try to get a bead on the felines back as HEather.. uh tanks?

Heather Danielson has posed:
    And here comes the boom. The speed of the Cheetah is something that could catch folks off guard. Heather was already moving before she finished talking, and her whole plan is to stupidly 'suck it up to pull the enemy off balance'... and how does she do this you ask? I am glad you asked!

    She was twisting her torso just a bit. So the punch from Cheetah strikes her a bit off center. It crushes four ribs and damages her arm. But she also planted her feet and pushed forward just as she was hit. So she doesn't go flying.

    Instead, she lifts her hands to grab onto Cheetah's wrist and hand... trying to twist to break fingers. She's not super fast however, but it might just catch the cat thing off guard that she leaned -into- it and doesn't seem to be any more durable than a normal human.

    The big difference is, by the time she's tried her grab, her ribs are mostly healed already.

Barbara-Ann Minerva has posed:
Heather goes to lash out and grab at Cheetah midway-through, twisting her around. Cheetah instead goes to roll with it. Her watching over, taking in the otehr woman seemingly regenerating from damagew ithin seconds. Going to even as thse two 'rangs were thrown at her moving to hit the wall and rebound off it, arcing through the air in a casual sommersault over them! Now going to land right over by Misfit! Moving at speeds akin to that a mid tier speedster might, faster than msot eyes could track or follow, she would go to lance in on the attack! This time not bothering with using a fist. Just going to try and slash a claw in a move that would if it hit gut Charle from stem to stern. "All right little Chickadees, looks like I'm going to get some extra fun! How many parts of that one do I have to tear off before they stop coming back?" Blood dripping down her face in manic glee!

Charlotte Gage-Radcliffe has posed:
    "Woah!" is what Charlie exclaims when Cheetah lands near her and claws outwards at her

    Cheetah's claws come away with some blood, the front of Charlie's hoodie in the form of a tattered Wonder Woman symbol, and no Charlie though.

    As the claws struck there was a slash of pinkish purple smoke and the girl was gone. Did she pop like some sort of video game character. No answers forthcoming as Charlie regroups taking a breath behind an exhibity out of sight.

    This time she is going to wait until right as Heather Engages again.

    When Heather does, she is going to port behind Cheetah and throw a couple of sticky batbombs.

    Yes these are only supposed to be used for forcing entry to buildings. No she isn't going to tell Batman about the misuse.

    He probably isn't watching.

Heather Danielson has posed:
    And yeah, Heather is already turning. She's healed now, and her legs pump. She doesn't have superspeed. What she does have is very strong legs capable of pushing her faster than the norm. It's a shoulder ram aimed at Cheetah. Not hard to avoid of course. It's an attack, with -some- skill. But not enough really. To Cheetah, she may as well be moving in slow motion.

    But she's actually planning to miss, hoping that she might follow up with a secondary attack. A quick kick at the level of the knee and shin.

Barbara-Ann Minerva has posed:
Heather goes to launch herself over at Cheetah. This time, Cheetah is ready for her. She's moving to go to then with one clawed hand out catch Heather around the ankle while it would swing up in a quick kick.. Then she's snapping Heather around to intercept the sticky bombs, letting them hopefully get on the girl and boom all over her right as in one smooth motion she's going to flip Heather through the air to release the girl with the small explosives on her!
    Then she's charging once more over towards Misfit, claws up and out. "Hey chicken wings!" She's grinning madly, claws arcing through the air even as she had caught and thrown Heather in one smooth motion! To her this was all a -game-. And one she was playing for fun.

Charlotte Gage-Radcliffe has posed:
    Charlie winces "My bad!" is called out as the Wily Feline uses Heather to catch the sticky bombs and then hurls her and the bombs away like that. It is a heartfelt appology really.

    She vanishes in another slash of smoke as Cheetah charges at her, though she waits until it is almost too late.

    Yes this is probably antagonizing the feline insincts with a game of Cat and Bird.

    Where she was about to be slashed a very different small silver sphere bounces once off the museum floor then explodes. This one though is the very WayneTech equivilant of a grease bomb, frictionless liquid sprays everywhere and hopeefully catches Cheetah.

    Speedsters. This and other scenarios have been drilled into the teen redhead.

Heather Danielson has posed:
    Okay, the bombs do some serious damage. Sticky bombs even moreso. Explosives -attached- to her suck. Okay, they blow, not suck. Chunks of flesh are blown out of her body, and Heather is launched off to one side where she slumps to the ground, blood pouring out of multiple points where she was damaged. Bones blasted apart and everything. She lies there... visibly healing already.

    "Ow." comes from her as she pushes up from the ground with one hand.

Barbara-Ann Minerva has posed:
Well that's interesting. How much can she regrow? Cheetah is watching Heather out of the corner of an eye even while going to chase after Misfit. A claw arching through teha ir misses the girl as she teleports. Cheetah's attention snapping over right to where Charlie would appear and move to immediately reorient in her direction. This does however give Heather a few precious seconds to heal and possibly get back up on her feet within them!
    The thrown grease bombs around the area have Cheetah flailing! As soon as she realizes she's sliding she goes to snap out her foot claws, which dig hard into the ground, anchoring her in place. "Nice trick."
    Then she would use those solid toe-hooks to launch herself up in the air, doing that hyper-fast, hyper-acrobatic style to try and move faster than Misfit could respond to to try and tackle her from midair, if possible before she could port! But she also might not be that fast, or that time while she had spent anchoring herself to stabilize could let the girl get ready for a followup combat maneuver..

Charlotte Gage-Radcliffe has posed:
    Porque no los dos?

    Charlie was not really expecting the toe claws to be able to dig in and provide purchase that well. She was using the precious moments to smack her fists together three times and say something under her breath as she perches atop one of the displays out of the oil slick she created for Cheetah to flail around in.

    She looks up right in time to see the Feline launching herself through the air to snatch her and tackle her. "Ohcrap" is said as the arms snap around her. One of her gloved hands and arms is cocked back and she slams a punch right into Cheetahs snoot.

    Red Sigils and Mystical Writing flare to life all along the batgirl yellow weighted for snoot punching gloves and when the teen makes contact there is an explosion of red light and mystic energy. "Dark Vengence!! HSSS"

Hopefully Heather is up enough to maybe grab a cat by a tail, or the shock is enough to prevent Cheetah from trying to just rip her in half in one go.

Heather Danielson has posed:
    It's less -grabbing- the tiger... er... Cheetah by the tail. It's her grabbing a hunk of the wall that was blown loose by the bombs... turning to launch it as hard as she can at Cheetah even as she gets up to her knees. And then she surges to her feet, still badly wounded. Anyone else would be dead. Her? She's got ugly wounds in her torso, just under the bustline... and another wound mostly healed on the side of her neck. That, and a hunk of her thigh healing back from where it was blown off. Blood flows like a geyser.

    And then she launches herself forward in a half-staggering lurch. Yeah... she'll go to grab something on Cheetah if she can. If she can get her hands on the speedy cat, she might do okay. But without that, she's just a self-healing punching bag.

Barbara-Ann Minerva has posed:
The sudden glow of eldritch power goes to catch Cheetah by surprise, the blow managing to fend her off and send her slamming away over as Heather is able to get her hands around to establish as emi-solid hold on Cheetah. She would hiss. "Fine. Scratching time it is." She goes to try and slash an arm behind her, going to try and hook it up and over to go through Heather's throat! Toe claw going up to try and snap up to lash out at her thigh to try and hit a femoral artery if she could. Other leg kicking back to try and hook behind the knee of Heather, intent on if she could trying to twist and pop it around 180 degrees! the thing with fast healing was the bones had to be in the right place and angle to be able to heal. At least, without outside assistance. That admittedly required Cheetah to be able to get the numerous hits in as well as she wanted them to. And if she didn't.. Well.. Heather would heal up -very- quickly and she would be in point blank smashy range for her. And for Charlie as well to throw some nastier things. But if Cheetah's attempts did work..
    Then time to carve up the lamb for slaughter.

Charlotte Gage-Radcliffe has posed:
    Charlie saw her very short life flash before her eyes there, but thank crap it worked as she watyches Cheetah get knocked back with the snoot punch. The glyphs fading back to nothing on her gloves. Not gone. They only flare when she lands a hit right now.

    "Oh... that... urk." that ... yeah that is so much violence and blood.

    She digs in her utility belt, not porting right away. Seconds matter. So she ignores the blood dripping where those claws started digging in. She ... ah got it.

    And so she waits until Heather is tossed or clawed clear of the mess and then teleports leaving a smear of blood there and then getting dangerously close to the flail of claws and points the odd device at Cheetah and pulls the trigger.

    Industrial Bat-Bear-Mace. Solomon Grundy Rated.


Heather Danielson has posed:
    The irony is.. pain doesn't have the same effect on Heather as it does on most other people. Even super tough people. Pain is such a normal and constant companion to her that it doesn't really debilitate her. In fact, it reminds her that she is still alive and as such, she doesn't grow weak from it. She doesn't flinch and quit due to it.

    When Cheetah starts lashing out at her... she reacts with a grunting headbutt aimed at the back of Cheetah's head to try to stun her. Claws lash at her, and she leans into it again... before grunting and charging towards a wall with the intent of trying to crush Cheetah into it.

    Then her knee is pulverized, and she grimaces a little bit. She pushes with her other leg, the good one... trying to slam Cheetah and stun her long enough for her to heal a little bit.

Barbara-Ann Minerva has posed:
The blow from Heather goes to catch her a bit off-guard. Normally someone when they're gutted right where they bleed the most out is falling unconscious. Somethign which is instincts working over effectiveness. So when Heather keeps on bleeding more blood than a human body should have, Cheetah realizes a moment too late that with someone wwho has a healing factor as well as Heather's shown is probably -not- going to go that route. It's a half second too late as Heather goes to SLAM over into her hard and sending staggering!
     Disoriented, even as a claw goes to hook around to try and handle the thing a bit more directly! Namely to find the hook of the neck and just dig claw in and yank HARD and upwards! But she's held still in front of Heather and is stunned so the blow is going slower than it should. But with Heather fighting to hold her in place it might not need to be super faster with the two struggling..

Charlotte Gage-Radcliffe has posed:
    Charlie holds back, the strange device in hand. Then she shifts it to the other hand. If Heather can hold on maybe they can last until someone gets there like ... what a justice league member.

    Also Charlie is going to need to have a long talk with Babs about the level of gore on this mission. Poor teenager.

    Still... Heather seems to have a good grip.

    Charlie risks it and ports in close to the flailing figures and tries to... well basically she tries to donkey punch Cheetah, and if she makes contact the runes will flare up once more. "Boomshalaka!"

    If Cheetah manages to twist around and try to bite Charlie she is going to shove the dispenser end into Cheetahs mouth and pull the trigger on the Bat-Bear-Mace <TM>

Heather Danielson has posed:
    Twisting and grunting and working hard, Heather gets clawed more. She leans her head away from the claw as it comes back, and then adjusts her grip a bit... forearm under the chin, and her other arm trying to restrain that grasping, clawed hand and arm that was reaching back for her. She is trying to pin that arm to Cheetah's side to get at least a safe half of the body to work with.

    Blood pours down her body to the floor, and onto Cheetah. The slash to her throat is making her hoarse, but it's healing again. She gets ahold of the arm just as one claw punctures her throat... and she gurgles even as she tries to pry that arm down while it's trying to lift up. "It's Boom-Shakka-Lakka." she mutters in her Kurgan-deep voice.... just before slamming her forehead into the back of Cheetah's head once more. This time... she saw Misfit coming, and she timed this slam in hopes of forcing Cheetah's face into said Ass strike... er donkey punch.

Barbara-Ann Minerva has posed:
Cheetah has better positioning than Heather. In a game of equal strength, it's about leverage adn who can put more force into things. Her claws have dug into the ground to anchor her and she's twisting around, trying to get her arms up and over to an angle where she can snap them up and over to the throat of her adversary with intent on just cleanly slashing her head off! This does however give all of her attention on Heather while she would struggle.
    Heather is able to time the arrival of Charlie just right by slamming into Cheetah, whog oes to lash about with a foot claw to try and disembowel Charlie.. Right as -whatever- that concoction is is slammed into her. "AUGH!" HEr scream of pure rage and suffering from -whatever- it is fills the air. She's able to throw off Heather in a near feral state, throwing her away and then going to retreat t superspeed! Leaping out one o the windows.. Right as the emergency lights would flicker on as backup generators would kick in. Along with that sword she had been -so- focused on getting that the Gothamites had stopped her from last time. Important enough to her she had come to try and steal it again and had gotten away with it this time. And she would have gotten away with more if not for those two meddling kids..

Charlotte Gage-Radcliffe has posed:
    That backfoot disembowl move does connect, though not perfectly and doesn't disembowl poor Charlie.

    She gets off the Bat-Bear-Mace <TM> to the face of Cheetah and then goes flying backwards through a couple of glass displays with shattering boom noises as she learns an important lesson about physics and superstrength "GACK" is the best approximation of the noise she made as the air was knocked clean out of her.

    Well. The plan worked. Cheetah left.

    Charlie wheezes in a bunch of glass bleeding. Her Wonder Woman Hoodie shredded to hell and back.

    Did they win?

tAfter about a minute of wheeze, she teleports from one spot on the floor to another still laying there ungracefully, but healed a half measure up and wheezing a lot less. The broken ribs fixed.

Heather Danielson has posed:
    After everything, Heather just lies on the floor.. bleeding. Though less and less. She breathes heavy as she heals, "I need a burger." She mutters, her voice repaired as her throat is healed.

    She turns her head towards Misfit, notices the hoodie.. and then says, "I'll buy you a new hoodie. Thanks for the backup."