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Latest revision as of 14:29, 5 April 2022

Cheetah and Dog Days
Date of Scene: 04 April 2022
Location: Central Park
Synopsis: It's a Cheetah Meet Logan Night at the Zoo!
Cast of Characters: Barbara-Ann Minerva, Logan Howlett

Barbara-Ann Minerva has posed:
It's about three or four am in the morning. Across from the Central Park Zoo, the lions are not sleeping tonight. In the distance, their roars are being heard as if some sort of late night salute. Or warning. Whatever it is, they're reverberating throughout the park. The lions not agitated, but the zookeepers in the distance clearly confused as to what is going on. This has made the park a bit quieter; a lot of the normal late night 'fun' has decided to book it given something strange.

Logan Howlett has posed:
Emit Logan is out in the park taking a walk he can hear the lions going about something. His senses are also telling him something is off. He continues his walk but his senses are on high alert. Whatever it is it would be unwise of it to attack Logan. But thats never stopped anyone before.

Barbara-Ann Minerva has posed:
It's strange. Whatever has the lions not sleeping tonight. There's a bit of a shuffle along the bush. Then quiet.. Then someone seemingly appearing out of nowhere about four or five meters away from Logan. "You. You stink." Someone feral..

Logan Howlett has posed:
Logan's eyes widedn for a second as he's surprised. But doesnt sell it beyond that. HE sniffs the air. "speak for yourself, you stink like a wild animal"

Barbara-Ann Minerva has posed:
Cheetah would grin, "Funny, you didn't smell me at all." SHe would go to flash her claws. "I'm bored, little man. And you're dumb enough to stay here. That makes you this evening's funtime."

Logan Howlett has posed:
"cute" Logan says. Snnikt! "But mine are bigger and sharper than yours." Logan isn't backing down from a fight.
"I'm not backing down cat girl. So if you're feeling fiesty I guess we're gonna have at it bub."

Barbara-Ann Minerva has posed:
Cheetah would grin, "Well, then let's just carve off chunks off you and then we'll see how well they work!" Then she would charge at him! At Pietro levels of speed.. Just trying to slash her claws into his chest and then dart away!

Logan Howlett has posed:
Logan winces and notes her speed. His shirt is ripped up and there are gashes on his chest but they are rapidly healing and closing back up. "You're fast. Thats interesting. Take another shot I dare yah"

Barbara-Ann Minerva has posed:
There would be a hiss of glee, "Sure." Then she's going to launch herself from behind Logan, trying to slash him in passing with a long claw! Then zig-zagging to try and slash him again from the opposite end!

Logan Howlett has posed:
Logan was waiting for it this time. he whips around to grab the hand that slashes him and counter with a stab of his claws. Logan knows he's not going to outspeed this person, creature? But if she has to get close to strike he can trap her and get a shot in.

Barbara-Ann Minerva has posed:
She's furry, taller than he is, but less bulky. She would be caught by him and slashed.. But the hit isn't clean. She's goign to just try and lift Logan up -hard- to throw him! Presuming Cheetah could, she would show off she was really strong too..

Logan Howlett has posed:
Logan is much heavier than he looks thanks to his adamantium skeleton but he's thrown all the same. he hits a tree and crashes to the ground. Logan starts to get up. Injuries heal fast and Logan is used to pushing past pain. "I've fought bigger and stronger than you, bub. This is aint impressing me much."

Barbara-Ann Minerva has posed:
Cheetah would grin, "Oooh, like a renewable scratching post. Then let's see how many things I can take off of you. Or.. I know, let's see how well you fly." She's moving to yank to Logan by the scruff of the neck, "Heave.. HO!" A nd she would hurl Logan through the air!

Logan Howlett has posed:
Logan is sent hurdling through the air and takes a nasty bump on the landing but he just gets back up. "yeah Yeah I can do this all night long eventually you'll screw up and I'll pop you good."

Barbara-Ann Minerva has posed:
Cheetah would just pff, "You hear yourself talk? Really, that's what makes this fun! Come on, catch!" She goes to pick up a large tree trunk, yanks it up.. And then goes to hurl it through him in the air! "Got wood?"

Logan Howlett has posed:
Logan rolls to the side to get away from the tree trunk. Logan starts darting from cover to cover. Using his ninja skills. The Cheetah is too confident, and Logan too experienced. Logan need only to close the distance. up close Cheetah's speed is not as much of a factor. Logan tries to move silently and quickly dodging whatever Cheetah might decide to throw.

Barbara-Ann Minerva has posed:
Cheetah goes to as Logan advances on her seems to vanish herself into the forest. At least, what passed for it in Central Park. There's a hiss of glee and then silence as she would move along. Someone was getting into a game of.. Cat and mouse.

Logan Howlett has posed:
"I've got your scent now. kitty cat, and you're the one who wants the fight. so you come to me or I'll Just go on about my walk." Logan says sensing intently and moving to walk away. Claws ready and waiting he knows cats love to attck from behind

Barbara-Ann Minerva has posed:
It's enough to get her pissed. And Cheetah is going to charge over at Logan for a speed blitz from behind! She's going well over five hundred miles an hour, her claws up, intent on cutting him fro stem to stern!

Logan Howlett has posed:
Nothing moving that fast is moving quietlyLogan spins back around as fast as his can claws out like 12 inch adamantium spikes. "Gotcha bub"

Barbara-Ann Minerva has posed:
She's fast, but not fast enough as Logan goes to stab his claws into her! She would shriek, adamantium going to slash through her gut! In return Cheetah would yank up a hand to try and throw him away, then retreat at high speed to vanish!

Logan Howlett has posed:
Logan is thrown back but he's happy he got his shot in. He considers tracking her by the trail of blood but he's made his point. Logan gets up and makes his way back home.